

10.1          Environmental monitoring works were performed in the reporting month and all monitoring results were checked and reviewed.


Construction Noise Monitoring 


10.2          All construction noise monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month. No Action/Limit Level exceedance was record.


Site Audit 


10.3          4 times of ET joint weekly environmental site inspections were conducted in the reporting month. As the construction site was closed in the last week of January 2020 to prevent the risk of spreading of the novel coronavirus according the Government’s appeal, the weekly site audit was suspended that week.


Complaint and Prosecution


10.4          No environmental complaint was received in this reporting month.


10.5          No environmental prosecution was received in the reporting month.



10.6          According to the environmental audit performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were made:


Air Quality

·                 Water spraying should be provided frequently to unpaved and exposed area, and haul roads for dust suppression.

·                 Proper tarpaulin coverage or water spraying should be implemented to all stockpiles in the Site to prevent dust generation.


Water Quality

·                 Nearby channels should be kept clean.

·                 Embankment or dikes should be established at the site boundary to direct any untreated wastewater from the Site to wastewater treatment facility during rain events to perform water treatment before discharge.

·                 Standing or ponding water within the Site should be cleared as far as practicable.


Waste/Chemical Management

·                 General refuse should be removed regularly to prevent accumulation on-site. Proper enclosed bin should be provided with maintenance for collection of general refuse from workforce.

·                 Drip tray should be provided to oil/chemical containers and generator to avoid oil leakage. Any oil stain observed on ground should be properly removed as chemical waste.


Landscape and Visual

·                 Adequate tree protection zones should be established to protect retained and existing trees. Conspicuous signs of status of trees should be clearly shown to avoid damage from PMEs or workers.



·                 Environmental licences should be properly displayed at every entrance.