Inspection Summary
Date: |
2 March 2006 |
Time: |
14:30 |
Site: |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 |
Inspection No.: |
23 |
Nil |
up Observations |
1. |
dust was observed during transferring and dumping of waste/materials. Haul
road appeared dry and fugitive dust was observed. The Contractor was reminded
to provide sufficient water spraying. |
2. |
Maintenance of equipment was not observed and
contaminated soil had been removed. |
3. |
Rubbish inside catchpits along haul
road in Area B2 had been cleared. |
4. |
As advised by the Contractor the
Water Discharge License had yet applied and the Contractor was reminded to
provide a drainage plan for the site as soon as possible. |
New Observation |
5. |
The Construction of chemical waste
store was in progress. The Contractor was also reminded to provide drip tray
to all chemical drums and buckets. |
Nullah inside the site was
filled with dumped construction waste. The nullah was not in use and had
already been blocked up by the adjacent CWSF. The Contractor agreed to clear
the construction waste as soon as possible and provide bunding along the site
boundary to prevent runoff during wet season. |
Inspection Summary
Date: |
6 March 2006 |
Time: |
15:00 |
Site: |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 |
Inspection No.: |
25 |
Nil |
up Observations |
1. |
road appeared sufficiently wet. However, fugitive dust was observed during
sorting of materials. The Contractor agreed to provide manual spraying during
sorting activities and increase the water spraying frequency along haul road. |
2. |
The chemical waste store was still under
construction. |
3. |
Nullah was filled with waste. The
Contractor agreed to remove all rubbish from the nullah by April 2006. |
4. |
As advised by the Contractor the
Water Discharge License had yet applied and the Contractor was reminded to
provide a drainage plan for the site as soon as possible. |
New Observation |
5. |
Small pieces of rubbish were
observed inside the catchpit at Area B2. The Contractor was reminded to clear
the rubbish. |
Nullah inside the site was
filled with dumped construction waste. The Contractor agreed to clear the
construction waste by April 2006. |
Inspection Summary
Date: |
16 March 2006 |
Time: |
14:15 |
Site: |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 |
Inspection No.: |
27 |
Nil |
up Observations |
1. |
dust was observed along haul road at area B2 and during sorting and dumping
activities. The Contractor agreed to provide water spraying and sprinklers at
tipping hall and increase the water spraying frequency along haul road. |
2. |
The chemical waste store was yet provided. The
Contractor agreed to provide by 24 March 2006. |
3. |
Nullah was filled with waste. The
Contractor agreed to remove all rubbish from the nullah or provide temporary
drainage diversion by April 2006. |
4. |
As advised by the Contractor the
Water Discharge License had yet applied and the drainage plan had yet
submitted. The Contractor agreed to provide the drainage plan by 20 March
2006. |
5. |
Clearing of rubbish and mud for the
catchpit at Area B2 was observed. |
Nil |
Inspection Summary
Date: |
23 March 2006 |
Time: |
14:30 |
Site: |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 |
Inspection No.: |
30 |
Nil |
up Observations |
1. |
road was sufficiently wet, but fugitive dust was observed during sorting and
dumping of waste. The Contractor was reminded to provide water spraying for
sorting and dumping activities as soon as possible. |
2. |
The chemical waste store was yet provided. The
Contractor was reminded to provide a chemical waste store as soon as
possible. |
3. |
Clearing of waste from the nullah
was in progress. The Contractor agreed to remove all rubbish from the nullah or
provide temporary drainage diversion by April 2006. |
4. |
As advised by the Contractor the
Water Discharge License had yet applied and the drainage plan had yet
submitted. The Contractor was reminded to provide the drainage plan for
review as soon as possible. |
New Observation |
5. |
Water ponding was found outside the
site office at Area B1. The Contractor was reminded to fill the area or
remove the water regularly. |
Nil |
Inspection Summary
Date: |
30 March 2006 |
Time: |
15:00 |
Site: |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 |
Inspection No.: |
32 |
Nil |
up Observations |
1. |
dust was observed during transferring and dumping of waste. The Contractor
was reminded to provide water spraying for sorting and dumping activities as
soon as possible. |
2. |
The construction of chemical waste store was in
progress. The Contractor was reminded to provide labels to the chemical waste
store and all chemical waste drums. |
3. |
Clearing of waste from the nullah
was in progress. The Contractor agreed to remove all rubbish from the nullah
by 7 April 2006. |
4. |
The drainage plan had been
submitted and is under review by the ET. The Contractor was advised to apply
for the Water Discharge License as soon as possible. |
5. |
Water ponding outside the site
office at Area B1 had been removed. |
New Observations |
6. |
Oily water was found accumulated
inside the drip tray next to the tipping hall at Area A and waste oil was
found in an open bucket. The Contractor was reminded to remove oily water in
drip tray and store all chemical waste in the chemical waste store. |
7. |
was found scattered around the container office in Area A. The Contractor was
reminded to improve housekeeping on site. |
8. |
Stagnant water was found inside the
nullah at Area A. The Contractor was
reminded to clear the stagnant water regularly to prevent mosquitoes
breeding. |
Nil |