Implementation Schedule


EM&A Log


Location/Duration of measures/Timing of


Implementation Stages

Relevant Legislation



Environmental Protection Measures

completion of Measures





and Guidelines

Air Quality Mitigation - Construction

Sect. 4.9.1

Sect. 2.1.2

A watering program with a frequency of four times daily shall be provided to give a full coverage of the frequently trafficked areas.

At entrance, exit and access road throughout the construction phase

New World First Bus Services Ltd. (NWFB) & its construction contractor




Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

Sect. 4.9.1

Sect. 2.1.2

Good Site Practice - Stockpiles of dusty materials shall be adequately enclosed and be stored as far as practicable away from sensitive receptors. The load carried by vehicle shall be covered by impervious sheeting to ensure no leakage of dusty materials from the vehicles. Enclosed chutes or hoists shall be used to lower debris from upper floors.

For the whole site and throughout the construction phase

NWFB & its construction contractor




Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

Sect. 4.10.2

Sect. 2.1.3

Continuous surveillance of the implementation of dust mitigation measures as mentioned above shall be carried out on a weekly basis to ensure effective control of dust emissions.

For the whole site and throughout the construction phase

NWFB & its construction contractor





Noise Mitigation - Construction

Sect. 5.10.1 – 5.10.2

Sect. 3.2.15 – 3.2.16

The following mitigation measures are recommended to reduce further the potential construction noise impact:-

  • Scheduling of work - The Contractor has to make the choice of the number and types of construction equipment taking into account the use of quiet plant while devising a feasible work programme.

Throughout construction phase.

NWFB & its construction contractor





  • Siting of facilities - This includes minimizing noisy operations during examination periods; avoiding simultaneous operation of noisy equipment; retaining existing features that can act as a noise barrier until the last phase; and erecting, as early as possible, any new structures, such as site offices and stores, which will have the effect of screening noise sources. Noisy equipment, such as emergency generators and water pumps, shall always be sited as far as possible from noise sensitive receivers.

Throughout construction phase.

NWFB & its construction contractor





  • Use of Quiet Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) - The contractor shall be requested, as far as possible, to use quiet PME, whose actual SWL is less than the value specified in GW-TM.

Throughout construction phase.

NWFB & its construction contractor





  • The following good site practice and noise management shall be followed:-
  • only well-maintained plant shall be operated on-site and plant shall be serviced regularly during the construction programme;

Throughout construction phase.

NWFB & its construction contractor





  • machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use shall be shut down between work periods or shall be throttled down to a minimum;
  • plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction, shall, where possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from nearby NSRs;
  • silencers or mufflers on construction equipment shall be utilised and shall be properly maintained during the construction period;
  • mobile plant shall be sited as far away from NSRs as possible; and
  • material stockpiles and other structures shall be effectively utilised, where practicable, to screen noise from on-site construction activities.

Sect. 5.11.2

Sect. 3.2.1 – 3.2.13

A limited amount of day-time noise monitoring for 30 active minutes on a bi-weekly basis shall be carried out.

The preferred locations for noise monitoring will be at the HK Technical College (Chai Wan) and Staff Quarters, Heng Fa Chuen and Tsui Wan Estate and, throughout construction phase.

NWFB & its construction contractor





Noise Mitigation – Operation

Sect. 5.10.3

Sect. 3.3.2

The following mitigation measures to avoid adverse noise impact on the NSRs shall be adopted:-


  • buses run through the nearby roads shall be adhered to the suggested routeing prepared by the Traffic Consultant (MVA(HK) Ltd);
  • bus routeing at nearby roads and throughout operation phase;






  • buses are not allowed to pass the section of Shing Tai Road facing Heng Fa Chuen (HFC) during mid-night return and early morning leaving;
  • the section of Shing Tai Road facing HFC and throughout operation phase





  • Monitoring of operational plant to ensure the source terms derived for the operational noise assessment are achieved both in terms of the vendor’s sound power specifications and the operational and maintenance assumptions.
  • Throughout operation phase





Waste Management

Sect. 6.7.3 – 6.7.6

Sect. 4.1.4 – 4.1.7

Different types of wastes shall be segregated and stored in different containers, skips or stockpiles. An on-site temporary storage area shall also be provided.

Throughout construction and operational phase

NWFB & its contractor





Sect. 6.7.4

Sect. 4.1.5

Construction & Demolition (C&D) materials should be segregated onsite into public fill (inert) and C&D waste for the disposal of at public filling areas and landfill, respectively. A trip-ticket system for the disposal of waste shall be included in the tender document and implemented by the Environmental Team. The Independent Checker (IC) (Environment) shall be responsible for auditing the result of the system.

Throughout construction phase

NWFB & its contractor





Sect. 6.7.5

Sect. 4.1.6

Chemical wastes, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, shall be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical.

Throughout operational phase




Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation

Sect. 6.7.10 – 6.7.11

Sect. 4.1.10

Soil and waste drainage system and rain water drainage system, including peripheral channel around the site, will be provided for collection of wastewater from the site. Adequately designed pretreatment facilities (e.g. oil interceptor, silt trap, etc) will be provided.

During design, construction & operation phases

NWFB & its contractor




Waste Disposal Ordinance & Water Pollution Control Ordinance

Sect. 6.7.12

Sect. 4.1.11

A recording system for the amount of wastes generated, recycled and disposed (including the disposal sites) shall be implemented.

Throughout construction & operation phases

NWFB & its contractor





Sect. 6.7.13

Sect. 4.1.12

Training shall be provided to workers about the concepts of site cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedure. Encourage all site persannel to reduce, reuse and recycle wastes.

Throughout construction & operational phases

NWFB & its contractor





Sect. 6.8.1

Sect. 4.1.13

Auditing of each waste stream shall be carried out annually by an IC (Environmental) to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with approved procedures and the site waste management plan.

Throughout operational phase

NWFB & its contractor




Contamination Avoidance

Sect. 7.5.3

Sect. 5.1.2

Tank Construction - It is proposed that diesel fuel will be stored in a below ground double skinned tanks situated within a concrete pit. It is proposed that leak detection equipment to monitor the interstitial space in the double skinned tank will be provided.

During design stage





Sect. 7.5.5 & 7.5.9

Sect. 5.1.4

Daily inspections shall be carried out on:-

  • diesel fuel storage tank to verify valve positions and security, and tank level checks (fuel used and left in the tanks); and
  • oil/petrol interceptors to remove oily waste or sludge.

Throughout operational phase





Sect. 7.5.7

Sect. 5.1.6

Annual testing on tank integrity by an independent qualified surveyor or structural engineer to ensure that the diesel fuel tanks are in good order.

Throughout operational phase





Sect. 7.5.8

Sect. 5.1.7

Filling will be undertaken by experienced staff of the fuel company under supervision of the operator.

Throughout operational phase





Sect. 7.5.10

Sect. 5.1.9

Training will be given to relevant staff so that they can respond effectively to the emergency situation to prevent land contamination.

Throughout operational phase





Sect. 7.5.18

Sect. 5.1.10 – 5.1.11

For chemicals which are classified as dangerous goods under the "Dangerous Goods Ordinance", all segregation, storage and handling will comply with the requirements of the "Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labeling and Storage of Chemical Waste".

Throughout operational phase




Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation

Sect. 7.5.24

Sect. 5.1.12

A detailed incident report will be compiled by the engineer-in-charge as soon as possible after any incident.

Throughout operational phase





Sect. 7.6.1

Sect. 5.1.14

Auditing shall be carried out by an IC (Environmental) annually to determine if procedures and instructions in the contamination avoidance plan have been followed.

Throughout operational phase






Table 8.8a

Sect. 6.1.1

The following recommendations regarding the building design and layout shall be adopted to minimise the potential hazard impact:-

  • Openings on the side of the building facing the CRC oil terminal shall be minimised;
  • The materials used for the construction of the exterior of the building on the side facing the CRC oil terminal should be non-combustible;
  • Refueling area shall be segregated by drencher system, which can be activated by the operation of any heat detector along the drencher line of the associated protected compartment plus manual control;
  • For vehicle entry points, it shall be located on the sides of the building facing away from the oil terminal; and
  • Offices shall be located away from the oil terminal and re-fueling area.

During design stage





Table 8.8a

Sect. 6.1.1

Flammable materials shall be kept away from the refueling area.

Throughout operational phase





Table 8.8a

Sect. 6.1.1

Road tankers shall keep at low speeds in area around the Bus Depot to avoid collisions with other vehicles, tankers or objects.

Throughout operational phase

Tanker driver





Sect. 6.1.1

An Emergency Plan shall be developed.

Throughout operational phase






Sect. 6.1.1

Training shall be provided for key personnel involved in implementation of the emergency plan. Exercises, including fire drills, should be regularly undertaken (at least once every 3 months).

Throughout operational phase






Des – Design stage

C – Construction phase

O – Operation phase