Appendix A3

Implementation Schedule for Recommended Mitigation Measures for Likely Designated Project – Drainage Works

EIA Ref.

EM&A Log Ref.

Environmental Protection Measures

Location / Duration of Measure / Timing of Completion of Measures

Implementation Agent

Implementation Stage

Relevant Legislation & Guidelines









NOISE (Construction Phase)


Use of Quiet Plant




The use of quiet plant (also referred as silenced equipment) can provide significant reduction in noise level. Quiet plant is defined as PME whose actual sound power level is less than the value specified in TM on Noise from Construction Work other than Percussive Piling for the same piece of equipment. To allow the Contractor some flexibility to select equipment to suit his needs, it is considered too restrictive to specify which specific items of silenced equipment to be used for the construction operations. It should be noted that various types of silenced equipment can be found in Hong Kong and are readily available on the market. BS 5228 also provide examples of quiet construction plant and their sound power level.

Site formation works for Lok Wo Sha near NSR C3 – Li Po Chun United World College; Construction of Road D1 (including the two slip roads to Road T7) and local roads near NSRs C1(To Tau), C2(Wu Kai Sha), C3(Li Po Chun United World College) & C7(future Wu Kai Sha Station developmet); building construction works near NSR C6(Monte Vista) / During the whole construction period / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor






Use of Movable (Mobile) Barriers




Movable (mobile) barriers can be used to screen NSRs from particular items of plant or noisy operations. Movable barriers of 3 to 5 m height with a small cantilevered upper portion and skid footing can be located within a few metres of stationary plant (e.g. generator, compressor) and within about 5 m or more of a mobile equipment (e.g. excavator, mobile crane), such that the line of sight to the NSR is blocked by the barriers. It would be possible for the Contractor to provide purpose-built noise barriers or screens constructed of appropriate material with a minimum superficial density of 15 kg/m2 located close to operating equipment. Certain types of stationary equipment, such as generators and compressors, can be completely screened by portable barriers giving a total noise reduction of 10 dB(A) or more.

Construction of Road D1 (including the two slip roads to Road T7) and local roads near NSRs C1 & C3 / During the whole construction period / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor






Use of Temporary Noise Screening Structures or Purpose-built Temporary Noise Barriers




Since some of the NSRs close to the Project area are typically low-rise village houses, it would be effective to have noise screening structures or temporary noise barriers purposely-built along the site boundary to provide additional protection to NSRs close to the construction site. This could be in the form of purposely-built site hoarding constructed from appropriate materials with a minimum superficial density of 15 kg/m2. Merely using plywood would not be effective. The noise barrier should have a vertical height of 3.5 m or above, have no gaps or opening at joints. The Contractor should regularly inspect and maintain the noise barrier to ensure its effectiveness.

Construction of Road D1 (including the two slip roads to Road T7) and local roads near NSRs C1 & C3 / During the whole construction period / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor






Good Site Practices




(a) Noisy equipment and activities should be sited by the Contractor as far from close-proximity sensitive receivers as practical. Prolonged operation of noisy equipment close to dwellings should be avoided.

All construction site / During the whole construction period / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor






(b) The Contractor should minimise construction noise exposure to the schools (especially during examination periods) as much as possible. The Contractor should liaise with the school and the Examination Authority to ascertain the exact dates and times of all examination periods during the course of the contract and to avoid noisy activities during these periods.


(c) Noisy plant or processes should be replaced by quieter alternatives where possible. Silenced diesel and gasoline generators and power units, as well as silenced and super-silenced air compressors, can be readily obtained.


(d) Noisy activities should be scheduled to minimise exposure of nearby sensitive receivers to high levels of construction noise. For example, noisy activities can be scheduled for midday, or at times coinciding with periods of high background noise (such as during peak traffic hours).


(e) Idle equipment should be turned off or throttled down. Noisy equipment should be properly maintained and used no more often than is necessary.


(f) The power units of non-electric stationary plant and earth-moving plant should be quietened by vibration isolation and partial or full acoustic enclosures for individual noise-generating components.


(g) Construction activities should be planned so that parallel operation of several sets of equipment close to a given receiver is avoided, thus reducing the cumulative impacts between operations. The numbers of operating items of powered mechanical equipment should be minimised. Noise can be reduced by increasing the distance between the operating equipment and the NSRs or by reducing the number of items of equipment and / or construction activity in the area at any one time.


(h) Construction plant should be properly maintained (well-greased, damage and worn parts promptly replaced) and operated. Construction equipment often has silencing measures built in or added on, e.g. bulldozer silencers, compressor panels, and mufflers. Silencing measures should be properly maintained and utilised. Where possible, rubber or damping materials should be introduced between metal panels to avoid rattle and reverberation of noise.


(i) Equipment known to emit sound strongly in one direction, should where possible, be oriented so that the noise is directed away from nearby NSRs.


(j) Material stockpiles and other structures (such as site offices) should be effectively utilised to shield construction noise. Noise can also be reduced by construction of temporary noise barriers which screen the lower floors from viewing the sites. Temporary noise barriers should be installed at active parts of construction areas where construction equipment is being operated in close proximity to NSRs.


(k) The Contractor should devise, arrange methods of working and carry out the works in such manner as to minimise noise impacts on the surrounding environment, and should provide experienced personnel with suitable training to ensure that these measures are implemented properly.




AIR QUALITY (Construction Phase)




Dust Mitigation Measures

(i) The Contractor shall observe and comply with the Air Pollution Control Ordinance and its subsidiary regulations, particularly the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation.

(ii) The Contractor shall undertake at all times to prevent dust nuisance as a result of his activities. Effective dust suppression measures should be employed to ensure that the air quality, at the boundary of his site and at any ASRs, complies with the Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives.

Whole construction sites / Whole construction periods / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




Air Pollution Control Ordinance, Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation


(iii) The Contractor shall ensure that there will be adequate water supply / storage for dust suppression purposes.


(iv) The Contractor shall frequently clean and water the site to minimize fugitive dust emissions.


(v) Effective water sprays shall be used during the delivery and handling of aggregate, and other similar materials, when dust is likely to be created and to dampen all stored materials during dry and windy weather.


(vi) Watering of exposed surfaces shall be exercised as often as possible depending on the circumstance.


(vii) Areas within the site where there is a regular movement of vehicles must be regularly watered.


(viii) Where dusty materials are being discharged to vehicle from a conveying system at a fixed transfer point, a three-sided roofed enclosure with a flexible curtain across the entry shall be provided. Exhausted fans shall be provided for this enclosure and vented to a suitable fabric filter system.


(ix) The Contractor shall restricted all motorized vehicles within the site, excluding those on public roads, to a maximum speed of 15 km per hour and confine haulage and delivery vehicles to designated roadways inside the site.


(x) Wheel washing facilities shall be installed and used by all vehicles leaving the site. No earth, mud, debris, dust and the like shall be deposited on public roads. Water in wheel cleaning facility shall be changed at frequent intervals and sediments shall be removed regularly. The Contractor shall submit detailed proposals for the wheel cleaning facilities to the Engineer prior to construction of the facility. Such wheel washing facilities shall be usable prior to any earthworks excavating activity on the site. The Contractor shall also provide a hard-surfaced road between any washing facility and the public road.


(xi) The Contractor shall devise, arrange methods of working and carrying out the works in such a manner so as to minimize dust impacts on the surrounding environment, and shall provide experienced personnel with suitable training to ensure that these methods are implemented.


(xii) All site vehicles’ exhausts should be directed vertically upwards or directed away from the ground.


(xiii) All stockpile of dusty material shall be either: (a) covered entirely by impervious sheeting; (b) placed in area sheltered on the top and the three sides; or (c) sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical so as to maintain the entire surface wet.




WATER QUALITY (Construction Phase)




Suspended solids in runoff should be reduced by the provision of a good surface drainage system with suitably designed catchpits to retain sediment. Silt removal devices should be well-maintained. For areas where no drainage is present or prior to drainage being constructed, sediment should be collected by excavating a pit into which surface runoff is directed and where settlement and/or infiltration can occur. A mobile sedimentation tank should also be provided to reduce the SS level of the wastewater.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters



It should be noted that Starfish Bay is a water and ecological sensitive receiver. Any construction activities close to it should be regarded as of particular concern. Silt traps should be installed and well-maintained to prevent any silty runoff from entering Starfish Bay. All wastewater generated during construction must be monitored and treated as necessary prior to discharging into the north and west shore of Whitehead.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters



Stockpiles should be covered during wet season to avoid generating silty runoff. A surrounding drainage system and the use of flat and exposed permeable area should be provided to facilitate control and infiltration of site runoff.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters



Site cleanliness and immediate cleanup/remedial action in case of chemical spill (such as fuel) are the most effective mitigation measures to minimize water quality impacts from general site run-off and should be adhered to in all construction sites. In addition, adequate sanitary facilities for workers on site should be provided and grease trap facilities should be installed for any canteen facilities.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters



Concrete washings will increase pH in receiving waterbodies. Close monitoring of pH should be conducted to avoid damage to the marine ecology. Buffer agents should be added where necessary to neutralise concrete wastewaters before its discharge to stormdrains or watercourses. A particular location within the site away from any water receiver should be selected for washing the concrete mixer. Infiltration/sedimentation pits should be used to settle out washings before discharge/treatment. Bored-pile suspension should also be settled in infiltration/sedimentation pits.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters



Oil interceptors should be installed for maintenance workshop and storage areas. These should be emptied regularly and should have a by-pass to prevent flushing during periods of heavy rain.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters



A section of road between the wheel washing bay and the public road should be paved, with backfall, to prevent wash water or other site runoff from entering public road drains. Sand and grit from wheel washing bays should be settled out and removed before the water is discharged into storm drains. The wheel washing bay should be designed to reuse settled wheel washing water.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters



For general construction works, mitigation measures and site practice for construction site drainage as stated in ProPECC PN 1/94 should be followed.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor




WPCO / TM on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters




ECOLOGY (Construction Phase)




Impacts to woodland and plantation on site has been partially avoided by preserving a total of 7.05 ha of plantation in 5 patches of "preserved plantation" and 1.98 ha of woodland in 4 patches of "preserved woodland". These include the 2 headlands where natural understorey of plantation is gradually established and the secondary woodland along the west coast and at the knoll.

The preserved plantation and preserved woodland as shown in the preliminary Preferred Development Option / During detailed design, construction and operation

PlanD / LandsD / Construction Contractor / TDD / Developer /




PELB Technical Circular 1/97, WBTC 4/97 / TMEIA



Loss of woodland and plantation lying on the fringe of the preserved woodland area where no earthwork is required should also be minimised as possible.

Woodland and plantation lying on the fringe of the preserved woodland area / Whole construction phase / Before construction phase

TDD / Developer / Detailed Design Engineer / Construction Contractor




PELB Technical Circular 1/97, WBTC 4/97 / TMEIA



Mature native trees which are commercially unavailable or difficult to establish should be transplanted, where feasible. A tree survey should be performed at the detailed design stage to assess in details the overall suitability of a tree (based on conservation status, size, health, form, landscaping value, etc.) for transplantation.

The proposed development / During detailed design and construction phase / During detailed design and construction phase

TDD / Developer / Detailed Design Engineer / Construction Contractor




PELB Technical Circular 1/97, WBTC 4/97 / TMEIA



Loss of woodland/plantation can be mitigated by extending the existing secondary woodlands. A total size of 1.87 ha comprising several areas at the east and west of the proposed development will be available for this purpose ("Extension Area of Secondary Woodland" in Figure 6.5). Native tree and shrub species should be planted in order to ensure like-to-like mitigation for the function of the woodland.

The proposed development / During detailed design and construction phase / During detailed design and construction phase

Developer / Detailed Design Engineer / Construction Contractor




PELB Technical Circular 1/97, WBTC 4/97 / TMEIA



The two compensatory planting areas of 1.07 ha in total on government land at the southeast end of the Study Area and the proposed Botanical Garden of about 4.12 ha in size at the northern end of the development area would potentially provide space for transplanted trees. They can also provide opportunities for compensatory planting for the loss of woodland/plantation, though plantation is not a natural habitat type. Other landscape planting in Whitehead Site 1 and roadside planting within the study area could also compensate part of the plantation loss.

The proposed development / During detailed design, construction and operation phase / During detailed design and construction phase

TDD / Detailed Design Engineer / Construction Contractor / AFCD to carry out maintenance of compensatory planting at the 1.07 ha land for ecological mitigation purpose / LCSD to maintain the Botanical Garden and public roadside planting




PELB Technical Circular 1/97, WBTC 4/97 / TMEIA




Site runoff should be desilted and re-used on-site where possible. Runoff should not be discharged into the embayed sandflat area. These measures will reduce the potential for suspended sediments, organics and other contaminants to enter the local marine environment.

Whole construction site / Duration construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor







Coffer dam silt curtain should be deployed during subtidal construction works if necessary. Given the scale of works involved, this mitigation measure should be able to prevent sedimentation during constructions.

Where construction works are undertaken close to the coast / Duration construction phase / Before start of construction works

Construction Contractor







CULTURAL HERITAGE (Construction Phase)


Archaeological Resources


7.8.9, 7.10.1 & Table 7.8.3

  • In accordance with the Guidance Notes: Assessment of impact on sites of Cultural Heritage in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (notes 19 – 21), the historical archaeological site of Wu Kai Sha, once clearly defined through field testing, and the prehistoric site south of To Tau Tsuen should be avoided fully or integrated intact into the project design as open spaces;
  • Temporary shoring should be provided when necessary to keep the prehistoric site undisturbed during the construction of the proposed Road D1(N) or any works associated with this project. Fencing should be provided along the section of Road D1(N) abutting the sand bar of the prehistoric archaeological site

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase

PlanD / LandsD / Detailed Design Engineer / TDD / Developer / Construction Contractor




Guidance Notes: Assessment of impact on sites of Cultural Heritage in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (notes 19 – 21) / TMEIA

  • If concrete at To Tau Tsuen is to be broken or any structures razed it is recommended that the opportunity be taken to test any exposed areas of the sand bar below; the AMO should be notified of any such scheduled works, license should be obtained from AMO before undertaking any fieldwork;
  • The central area presently covered in fill will require archaeological field evaluation at a later date and before the commencement of any building works or earthworks when access is available. It should be noted that the inability to carry out evaluation during this stage means that the normal EIA requirements have not been fulfilled. Postponement of evaluation to a later stage carries with it the risk that a major archaeological site may be confirmed which would have serious implications for future development of the site. Requirements in Annexes 10 and 19 of EIA TM should be strictly followed which includes the requirements for the mitigation measures for cultural relics identified by the survey;
  • Any archeological survey in To Tau Tsuen and in the area currently under restricted access which will be undertaken before implementation of the development, should be laid down as a condition in the OZP or Environmental Permit whichever is appropriate to alert the future developer or project proponent to include such survey in the development or project process. Requirements in Annexes 10 and 19 of EIA TM should be strictly followed which includes the requirements for the mitigation measures for cultural relics identified by the survey;
  • Methodology (based on Annexes 10 and 19 of EIA TM) and programme should be agreed in advance with the AMO for the above-mentioned additional field investigations. The AMO should also be notified at least two weeks before the commencement of the investigation for their necessary site monitoring on the survey;
  • The archaeologist responsible for any archaeological investigation should obtain a license from the Authority under the provision of the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) before undertaking any fieldwork.
  • For the reasons of Unit 2 was untested under the archaeological field evaluation at this stage and cultural relics dated to Late Neolithic period, Song and Qing dynasties were discovered at Units 6 and 7 of Figure 7.9 and a piece of land as shown by Figure 7.46 presently covered by fill, it is recommended that further archaeological field evaluation will be required within the project limit of the proposed new roads of D1(E), D1(W) and D1(N) as shown by Figure 7.46, the further archaeological field evaluation shall be conducted before the commencement of the roads project. The purpose of the further archaeological field evaluation is to ensure that no cultural relic will be affected by the roads project during the construction stage. Requirements in Annexes 10 and 19 of EIA TM should be strictly followed which includes the requirements for mitigation measures for cultural relics identified by the survey.
  • Methodology (based on Annexes 10 and 19 of EIA TM) and programme should be agreed in advance with the AMO for the above mentioned additional field investigation. The AMO should also be notified at least two weeks before the commencement of the investigation for their necessary site monitoring on the survey; the archaeologist responsible for any archaeological investigation should obtain a license from the Authority under the provision of the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap.53) before undertaking any fieldworks.

Built Heritage


7.10.2, Tables 7.9.3 & 7.9.4

  • The land bordering the proposed cycle path along the western side of the fung shui hill should remain wooded.
  • The alignment of proposed Road D1(W) should be designed to allow preservation in-situ of permanent grave feature a.
  • Preservation in-situ with complementary landscaping should be provided to the Wu Kai Sha Village well.
  • Mitigation measures in the form of erection of protective fencing around the surface features of the Wu Kai Sha Village well during the construction phase should be implemented.

Whole construction site / Whole construction phase

PlanD / TDD / Detailed Design Engineer / Construction Contractor




Guidance Notes: Assessment of impact on sites of Cultural Heritage in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (notes 19 – 21) / TMEIA

  • Mitigation measures in the form of erection of protective fencing around the surface features of the permanent grave features a and c during the construction phase should be implemented.




(Construction Phase)


8.6.29 - 8.6.30, Table 8.6.3 & Figure 8.21

Table 5.1

  • Retention and protection of existing Starfish Bay and Wu Kai Sha Beaches. Physical measures implemented to prevent access. Regular checks should be carried out to ensure that the work site boundaries are not exceeded, hoarding is properly maintained and that no damage is being caused to the these areas.
  • Retention and protection of existing Natural Coastal topography and rock formations. Physical measures implemented to prevent access. Regular checks to be carried out to ensure that the work site boundaries are not exceeded, hoarding is properly maintained and that no damage is being caused to the these areas.

Whole construction stage / Whole construction periods

Detailed Design Engineer / TDD / Developer / Construction Contractor





  • Retention and protection of existing Pine Woodland (7.05ha). Physical measures implemented to prevent access. Regular checks to be carried out to ensure that the work site boundaries are not exceeded, hoarding is properly maintained and that no damage is being caused to the these areas.
  • Minimisation the extent cutting into the areas of secondary woodland. 1.98ha of them is to be preserved. Extent of clearance to be agreed and marked on site. Regular checks to be carried out to ensure that the work site boundaries are not exceeded, hoarding is properly maintained and that no damage is being caused.
  • Decorative hoarding along southern boundary of the site, beaches at Starfish Bay and Wu Kai Sha and around To Tau and Wu Kai Sha Village areas.
  • Transplanting of trees that need to be removed and that stand a high chance of successfully re-establishing where feasible.
  • Topsoil stripped and stored for re-use in the construction of the soft landscape works.
  • The potential for soil erosion should be reduced by minimising the extent of vegetation disturbance on site and by providing a protective cover (e.g. plastic sheeting or a grass cover established by hydroseeding) over any exposed ground.
  • Control of night-time lighting.
  • Grass hydroseeding of slopes and development platforms as soon as they are completed.





NOISE (Operational Phase)


Traffic Noise




Train Noise (MOS Rail)




Fixed Noise






AIR QUALITY (Operational Phase)








WATER QUALITY (Operational Phase)






Stormwater Runoff




All stormwater runoff generated north of the Study Area should be collected and discharged at the outfalls at the northern and western coast of Whitehead. No stormwater runoff due to the development to the north of Sai Sha Road should be discharged to Starfish Bay.

The proposed development / During operation stage of the development / Drainage system in place before operation

TDD to provide drainage network for the proposed development / DSD to provide maintenance during operation




WPCO / Technical Memorandum on Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters




(Operational Phase)


Archeological Resources


7.8.9, 7.10.1 & Table 7.8.3


Fencing should be provided along the section of Road D1(N) abutting the sand bar of the prehistoric archaeological site to prevent disturbances during the operational stage phase.

The section of Road D1(N) abutting the sand bar of the prehistoric archaeological site / Operation stage / Operation stage

Detailed Design Engineer / TDD / Construction Contractor / HyD to provide maintenance




Guidance Notes: Assessment of impact on sites of Cultural Heritage in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies (notes 19 – 21) / TMEIA


Built Heritage







(Operational Phase)


8.7.21 – 8.7.22, Table 8.7.3 & Figure 8.22

Table 5.2

  • Layout of the proposed development to avoid disturbance of existing Pine Coastal Woodland. 7.05ha of plantation preserved
  • Layout of the proposed development to minimise disturbance of existing Secondary Woodland. 1.98ha of secondary woodland preserved.
  • Layout of the proposed development to avoid disturbance of existing knolls and grave sites within the site

Whole Site / Whole operational phase

TDD / Developer / LCSD / HyD/ Detailed Design Engineer





  • Woodland tree and shrub planting should be undertaken to screen existing village settlement areas of To Tau and Wu Kai Sha.


AFCD : Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department NSR C1 : Construction Noise Sensitive Receivers at To Tau

ArchSD : Architectural Services Department NSR C2 : Construction Noise Sensitive Receivers at Wu Kai Sha

DSD : Drainage Services Department NSR C3 : Construction Noise Sensitive Receivers at Li Po Chun United World College

FEHD : Food and Environmental Hygiene Department NSR C4 : Construction Noise Sensitive Receivers at Symphony Bay

LandsD : Lands Department NSR C5 : Construction Noise Sensitive Receivers at Cheung Muk Tau

LCSD : Leisure and Cultural Services Department NSR C6 : Construction Noise Sensitive Receivers at Monte Vista

PlanD : Planning Department NSR C7 : Construction Noise Sensitive Receivers at future Wu Kai Sha Station Development

TDD : Territory Development Department

WSD : Water Supplies Department

Des : Detailed Design Stage

C : Construction Stage

O : Operational Stage

APCO : Air Pollution Control Ordinance

NCO : Noise Control Ordinance

WPCO : Water Pollution Control Ordinance

TM : Technical Memorandum

TMEIA : Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process

WBTC : Works Branch Technical Circular

N/A : Not Applicable

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