6                    Ecological Impact



6.1              The ecological impact assessment in the EIA Report concluded that the identified ecological impacts resulting from the Project would be relatively minor, and no unacceptable residual ecological impact was expected. Nevertheless, the report recommends several measures that should be implemented to avoid, minimise and compensate for identified ecological impacts. Aside from auditing the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, no specific ecological EM&A programme would be required.

Ecological Mitigation Measures

6.2              Where the slip road runs adjacent to the San Tin EMDC wetlands, a roadside barrier wall (2m high) will be constructed to minimize operation phase noise disturbance to the wetlands. Furthermore, a 2m buffer strip will be planted with trees and other dense vegetation to provide a visual screen between the slip road and the wetlands.

6.3              Where practicable, potentially noisy construction phase activities should be scheduled to avoid the peak bird migratory period (November-March).

6.4              Landscaping works should maximize use of native plant species of high conservation value to birds and other wildlife. Examples of species of known conservation value are given in Table 6.1 below, although other suitable species could be considered for planting works subject to commercial availability.


Table 6.1 – Examples of Plant Species of Conservation Value to Wildlife for Landscaping Works.

Common Name                     

Species Name

Growth Form

Chinese Hackberry

Celtis sinensis


Camphor Tree

Cinnamomum camphora


Chinese Eurya

Eurya chinensis



Evodia lepta

Small Tree

Round-leaved Litsea

Litsea rotundifolia


Blood-red Melastoma

Melastoma sanguineum



Rhodomyrtus tomentosa


Mountain Tallow

Sapium discolor


Ivy Tree

Schefflera octophylla


Scarlet Sterculia

Sterculia lanceolata



6.5              Good site practice measures should be implemented through the construction phase. The measures should include:

·           Placement of equipment or stockpile in designated works areas and access routes selected on existing disturbed land to minimise disturbance to natural habitats.

·           Construction activities should be restricted to work areas that should be clearly demarcated.

·           The work areas should be reinstated immediately after completion of the works.

·           Waste skips should be provided to collect general refuse and construction wastes. The wastes should be disposed of timely and properly off-site.

·           Drainage arrangements should include sediment and oil traps to collect and control construction site run-off. Water quality mitigation measures recommended in Section 4 of the report should be implemented.

·           Open burning on works sites is illegal, and should be strictly prohibited.