Appendix 1A    Environmental Impact Assessment Study Brief NO. ESB–093/2001


Appendix 2A    Summary of Project Consultations

Appendix 2B    Life Cycle Analysis for Chlorination and UV Disinfection

Appendix 2C    Sewage Treatment Process

Appendix 2D    Further Evaluation of Treatment System


Appendix 3A    Calculation of TSP Emission Rate

Appendix 3B    Calculation of Odour Emission Rate

Appendix 3C    Typical TSP Modeling Output File

Appendix 3D    Typical TSP Modeling Output File


Appendix 4A    PME Inventory for the Construction of the STW and Outfalls (Unmitigated)

Appendix 4B    Construction Noise Prediction (Unmitigated)

Appendix 4C    Predicted Cumulative Construction Noise  (Unmitigated)

Appendix 4D    PME Inventory for the Construction of the STW and Outfalls (Mitigated with Silencing Equipment)

Appendix 4E    Construction Noise Prediction (Mitigated)

Appendix 4F     Predicted Cumulative Noise Impact (Mitigated)

Appendix 4G    Predicted Operational Noise Impact (Unmitigated and Mitigated)


Appendix 5A    Visjet Output Files of Planned Scenarios and Peak Scenarios

Appendix 5B    Visjet Output Files of Emergency Overflow

Appendix 5C    Estimated Far Field Travel Time, Distance and Effluent Dilution Factors


Appendix 8A    Photographs of Each Surveyed Marine Ecological Habitats for the Project

Appendix 8B    A List of Stony Hard Coral Species at Coral Surveyed Sites