4.                  NOISE

4.1              Introduction

4.1.1        This section presents an assessment of the potential noise impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed Project.


4.1.2        In view of the project area of Siu Ho Wan WTW extension and Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station, no noise sensitive receivers identified within 300m of the study area, therefore, no assessment was carried out during construction phase and operation phase of the study area at Siu Ho Wan.  Regarding the study area at Pui O, uprating of Pui O No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) would involve the installation of the equipment within the station, as only two trimmer pumps will be installed in the reserved pumps bays of Pui O No. 2 RWPS, no adverse construction noise impact would be expected.  The potential noise impact arising from laying of raw water mains at Pui O, demolition and construction of Pui O RWPS was assessed.  The potential operational noise impacts from Pui O RWPS and Pui O No. 2 RWPS were also evaluated.  Appropriate mitigation measures would be recommended, where necessary, to mitigate the potential noise impacts to acceptable levels.


4.2              Environmental Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria

4.2.1        Noise impacts were assessed in accordance with the criteria and methodology given in the Technical Memoranda made under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO), and EIAO-TM.


4.2.2        The NCO provides the statutory framework for noise control.  This defines statutory limits applicable to equipment used during the construction and operation phases of the proposed works in the study area.  The NCO invokes four Technical Memoranda, which define the technical means for noise assessment:

·        Technical Memorandum on Noise from Places other than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites (IND-TM);

·        Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas (DA-TM);

·        Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work other than Percussive Piling (GW-TM); and

·        Technical Memorandum on Noise from Percussive Piling (PP-TM).

4.2.3        The NCO and the accompanying Technical Memoranda provide a mechanism for assessing noise levels and the statutory power to control noise.


4.2.4        With regard to the assessment of the operational noise impacts, the NCO designates acceptable noise levels for Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs) on the basis of an Area Sensitivity Rating (ASR), based on the characterisation of the area within which they are located such as rural, village, low-density residential, or urban.  Within these areas, the presence of "influencing factors" (such as the presence of industrial activities or major roads) can further affect the ASR and therefore the acceptable noise level (see Table 4.1).

Table 4.1         Area Sensitivity Ratings

Type of Area Containing NSR

Degree to which NSR is affected by Influencing Factor

Not Affected

Indirectly Affected

Directly Affected

Rural Area




Urban Area




Low density residential area consisting of low-rise or isolated high-rise developments




Area other than those above




Construction Activities

4.2.5        Under the GW-TM, noise from construction activity is not restricted during the period 0700 - 1900 hours on weekdays, except public holidays. However, the EIAO-TM identifies a daytime general construction noise limit of 75 dB(A) Leq (30 minutes) for domestic premises, 70 dB(A) Leq (30 minutes) for educational institutes and places where unaided voice communication is required and 65dB(A) Leq (30 minutes) is allowed for school during examination period. This standard was used as assessment criteria in the construction noise assessment.


4.2.6        Between 1900 and 0700 hours and all day on Sundays and public holidays, activities involving the use of powered mechanical equipment (PME) for construction work are prohibited unless a construction noise permit (CNP) has been obtained.  The Noise Control Authority would consider a well-justified CNP application, once filed, for construction works within restricted hours as guided by the relevant technical memorandum issued under the NCO.  The Noise Control Authority would take into account of contemporary conditions / situations of adjoining land uses and any previous complaints against construction activities at the site before making the decision to grant a CNP.  Nothing in this EIA Report shall bind the Noise Control Authority in making its decision.  If a CNP is to be issued, the Noise Control Authority shall include in the permit any condition he thinks fit.  Failure to comply with any such conditions would lead to cancellation of the CNP and prosecution action under the NCO.  A CNP could be granted provided that the Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) for the NSRs could be complied with.  ANLs are assigned depending upon the ASR.  The corresponding basic noise levels (BNLs) for evening and nighttime periods, together with a daytime standard, are given in Table 4.2.


Table 4.2          Construction Noise Criteria for Activity other than Percussive Piling

Time Period

Basic Noise Level (BNLs) (dB(A))




Evening (1900 to 2300 hours) (1)




Night (2300 to 0700 hours)




Notes:    (1)  includes Sundays and Public Holidays during daytime and evening


4.2.7        It is considered that the construction programme is practical and engineering feasible without works within the restricted hours.  Only the daytime (0700 to 1900) non-statutory criterion of 75 dB(A) for residential dwellings, 70 dB(A) for education institutes and 65 dB(A) during examination period would be applicable in the assessment.  Besides, statutory criteria in DA-TM are not applicable to this Project as well.  If percussive piling is required for the Project in future, the Contractor shall obtain a valid CNP before undertaking.


Operational Activities

4.2.8        Operational noise emitted from the Pui O RWPS and Pui O No. 2 RWPS is controlled under the IND-TM. 


4.2.9        The ANL is a function of the type of area within which the NSR is located, and the degree of the effect on the NSR of influencing factors such as major roads and industrial areas.  The ANLs for all ASRs are provided in Table 4.3.


Table 4.3         Acceptable Noise Levels (ANLs) (dB(A))

Time Period




Day (0700 to 1900 hours)




Evening (1900 to 2300 hours)

Night (2300 to 0700 hours)





4.2.10    The EIAO-TM states that all fixed noise sources should be so located and designed that when assessed in accordance with the IND-TM, the level of the intruding noise at the facade of the nearest sensitive building should be at least 5 dB(A) below the appropriate ANL shown in Table 2 of the IND-TM or, in the case of the background noise level being 5 dB(A) lower than the ANL, the predicted noise level should not exceed the background noise level.


4.2.11    The study area containing NSRs were regarded as rural in nature, and all potential NSRs would not be affected by “influencing factors”.  Therefore, the study area is defined as ASR “A”, i.e. its planning criteria for NSRs would be 55 dB(A) for daytime operations and 45 dB(A) for nighttime operations.  In any event, the ASR assumed in the EIA is for indicative assessment only.  It should be noted that fixed noise sources are controlled under section 13 of the NCO.  Nothing in this Report shall bind the Noise Control Authority in assessing noise from these sources upon the receipt of complaints.  The Authority shall assess the noise impacts based on the contemporary conditions / situations.


4.2.12    The operation noise impacts arising from the new proposed equipment were evaluated against the relevant noise criteria. As the Pui O RWPS will be demolished and re-constructed, the reprovisioned Pui O RWPS is considered as a new proposed station raw water pumping station.


4.2.13    On the other hand, uprating of Pui O No. 2 RWPS would involve the installation of the equipment within the station. There are four main pumps installed at the existing Pui O No.  2 RWPS and Ttwo trimmer pumps would be installed in the reserved pumps bays of Pui O No. 2 RWPS as standby pumps.  The capacity of two new standby trimmer pumps would be equal to one main pump and the sound power level of the two trimmer pumps would not be higher than that of the existing main pump, therefore, there will be no increase in operation noise generated from the existing Pui O No. 2 RWPS.  And, the number of the equipment to be used during the operation of the Pui O No. 2 RWPS would remain unchanged. Therefore, tThe noise impact arising from the four main pumps at the existing raw water pumping station, Pui O No. 2 Raw Water Ppumping Station, which would be the worst-case scenario, would only be assessed for the cumulative noise impact assessment.


4.2.14    A noise survey was undertaken at Pui O study area in February 2004 to determine the background noise levels. The measured noise levels are summarised in Table 4.4. Results indicated that the measured daytime and evening time noise level was in the range of 50 – 67 dB(A); and the measured night time noise level was in the range of 49 – 61 dB(A) at the selected stations as shown in Figure 4.1.


Table 4.4         Noise Criteria for Operation Noise Impact due to New Proposed Equipment


Location ID


Measured Noise Level(1)

Planning CriteriaANL-5dB(A) criterion

Recommended Noise Criteria


Village house along South Lantau Road

Daytime: 55-67

Night-time: 56-61






Village house next to Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station

Daytime: 50-532

Night-time: 49-50







Village house along South Lantau Road

Daytime: 53-64

Night-time: 51-60







Village house along South Lantau Road






Note: (1) Measured Noise Levels in Leq (30-mins) dB(A) according to the measurements conducted on 1 & 2 February 2004.


4.2.15    According to the noise survey result, the assessment criteria for NSR LWT2 are recommended to adopt the daytime & evening time ANL-5dB(A) criterion planning criteria, which are lower values.  The background noise levels for daytime & evening time at NSRs LWT3 and ALWT2 is lower than the planningANL-5dB(A) criteriaon.  Thus, the background noise levels measured of 50 dB(A) and 53 532 dB(A) are adopted for NSRs LWT3 and ALWT2 as daytime & evening time assessment criterion.  On the other hand, as the background noise level measured at night-time is higher than the planningANL-5dB(A) criteriaon, planning criteria of 45 dB(A) would be adopted as night-time criterion for all representative NSRs.  As NSR ALWT13 is located in the vicinity of the ALWT2 and would have noise environment similar to that of ALWT2, same noise criteria would be used for the fixed noise assessment.  The recommended assessment criteria for the NSRs are summarised in Table 4.4.


4.3              Description of the Environment

4.3.1        The existing Pui O RWPS and Pui O No. 2 RWPS are located along South Lantau Road at Pui O Lo Wai Tsuen.  The proposed raw water mains alignment would be across Lo Uk Tsuen, San Wai Tsuen, Lo Wai Tsuen.   The site is a rural area with agricultural land and low-density population residential area.  Most residential buildings are 2 or 3-storeys village houses.  Based on on-site observation, traffic noise from South Lantau Road is dominant noise source to the NSRs in the study area.


4.3.2        Baseline noise surveys were carried out at three selected locations (as shown in Figure 4.1) within the study area on 1 and 2 February 2004.  The selected locations are located near the raw water pumping stations, which are representative to reflect the background noise levels.  All the noise measurements were conducted in accordance with IND-TM.  The measured noise levels in terms of Leq (30-minutes) are shown in Table 4.4.  Detailed methodology and results were presented in Appendix 4.1.  The measured noise levels at the selected locations range from 49 to 67 dB(A). The major noise source was from dog barking, traffic noise from South Lantau Road and operation of existing raw water pumping stations.  The results indicated that the noise environment for the Project site was representative of quiet rural areas due to its remote locations and lack of large scale industrial and transport infrastructure developments.  Therefore, the site was sensitive to any increase in noise levels. 


4.4              Noise Sensitive Receivers

4.4.1        As no noise sensitive receiver (NSR) was located within 300m of the study area of the Project at Siu Ho Wan, no assessment would be taken at Siu Ho Wan study area.  Referring to the Siu Ho Wan Layout Plan – Lantau Island (Plan No.L/I-SHW/1), no planned NSRs would be developed within 300m from the Project boundary in future.


4.4.2        NSRs in the vicinity of the Pui O raw water pumping stations at Pui O were likely to be adversely affected during construction and operation phases. Most existing NSRs within 300m of the study area were low-rise (2 to 3-storey high) residential development. Among all the affected NSRs within the study area, Pui O Lo Wai Tsuen is the nearest, located at about 50m from the Pui O raw water pumping stations at Pui O. Other affected NSRs include Lo UK Tsuen, Pui O San Wai Tsuen, Pui O Au Lo Wai Tsuen and Bui O Public School.


4.4.3        NSRs were identified for this assessment, in accordance with the criteria stipulated in the EIAO-TM. Domestic premises, hotel, hostel, temporary housing accommodation, hospital, medical clinic, educational institution, place of public worship, library, court of law or performing arts centre shall be considered to be a NSR. The worst affected NSRs for this noise assessment are listed in Table 4.5 and its locations are shown in Figure 4.1. Distance between the NSRs, the Proposed Raw Water Mains and/or the Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station are also summarised in Table 4.5. 


4.4.4        According to the Outline Zoning Plan (Plan No. S/SLC/132 and L/I-SHW/1) issued in 2002 South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan No.S/SLC/13 gazetted on 26 Marchissued in 2004, the area in the close vicinity of the proposed facilities has been zoned for Green Belt (“GB”), Other Specified Use (“OU”), Coastal Protection Area (“CPA”), Country Park (“CP”) and Government (“G”). Thus, no planned noise sensitive uses receivers are identified within the study area.



            Table 4.5         Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers


mPD above ground

mPD (Floors)

Description (Uses) (Floors of Building)

Horizontal Distance from the Nearest Boundary



Proposed Raw Water Mains

Pui O Raw Water Pumping StationRWPS

Pui O No. 2 RWPS


+10 mPD (3F)

Lo Uk Tsuen (Residential) (3 Floors)





+6.5 mPD(2F)

Bui O Public School (Educational Institution) (2 Floors)





+7 mPD(3F)

Pui O Lo Wai Tsuen facing South Lantau Road (Residential) (3 Floors)





+8 mPD(3F)

Pui O Lo Wai Tsuen facing South Lantau Road (Residential) (3 Floors)





+14 (3F)mPD

Pui O Lo Wai Tsuen facing the Pumping Station (Residential) (3 Floors)





+32 mPD(3F)

Pui O Au Lo Wai Tsuen facing the Pumping Station (Residential) (3 Floors)





+26 mPD(3F)

Pui O Au Lo Wai Tsuen facing South Lantau Road (Residential) (3 Floors)





4.5              Assessment Methodology


4.1Assessment Methodology

Construction Phase


4.5.1        The assessment followed the procedures given in the GW-TM.  For the assessment of noise from PME, the distance attenuation was estimated using the standard formula:

Distance Attenuation in dB(A) = 20 log D + 8 [where D is the distance in metres]

4.5.2        Sound Power Levels of the equipment were taken from Table 3 of the GW-TM.  Where no SWL is supplied in the TM, reference was made to BS 5228, previous similar studies or information from the contractors.  Equipment likely to be employed for laying of raw water mains at Pui O, demolition of existing Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station and reconstruction of the station are presented in Appendix 4.2.  For each construction activity, PME was grouped according to likely concurrent usage.  It was considered that the plant inventory and on-time operation of the plant for the assessment was practical for the proposed works as confirmed by the Project Proponent.


4.5.3        Noise impact was assessed on the basis of the following assumptions:

·           All PME items required for a particular construction activity would be located at the notional source position, which was at a position mid-way between the appropriate geographical centre of the construction site and its boundary nearest to the NSR at ground floor.

·           A +3 dB(A) façade correction was added to the predicted noise levels to account for the façade effect at each NSR.

·           Noise impacts at the nearest sensitive façades of the residential buildings to the source positions were assessed.

4.5.4        Given the openness of the immediate locality of the construction site and the NSRs under consideration, correction for opposite façade reflection would not apply to the assessment.  The representative NSRs are all 2 – 3 storeys high buildings, the assessment points at ground floor, which are the shortest distance between the NSRs and the noise sources, were selected for assessment.


4.5.5        Within 300 m from the Pproject boundary, there were no construction activities of other projects undertaken concurrently with this Project during construction period.  Therefore, no cumulative construction noise impact from other projects was anticipated.


Operation Phase


4.5.6        The assessment followed the procedures given in the IND-TM.  For the assessment of noise from raw water pumping stations at Pui O, the distance attenuation was estimated using the standard formula as mentioned in Section 4.5.1.  The representative NSRs at ground floor, which are the shortest distance from the noise sources, were selected for assessment.


4.5.7        For this assessment, the sound power levels (SWLs) of the plant at the pumping stations would make reference to the noise data for the equipment being used in the concerned pumping stations or other pumping stations or published data for proposed equipment provided by WSD.  The plant inventories of the Pui O RWPS and Pui O No. 2 RWPS are presented in Appendix 4.3.


4.5.8        Noise impact was assessed on the basis of the following assumptions:

·           All items of operational plant required for operation of the pumping stations would be located at the actual source position. 

·           A +3 dB(A) façade correction was added to the predicted noise levels to account for the façade effect at each NSR.

·           Noise impacts at the nearest sensitive façades of the residential buildings to the source positions were assessed.


4.6              Identification of Environmental Impacts

Construction Phase


4.6.1        Major potential construction noise impacts arising from the Project would be:

·        Construction of the extension parts of the existing Siu Ho Wan WTW within its existing site;

·        Construction of the proposed Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station and the laying of the associated water mains;

·        Demolition and reprovisioning of the Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station; and

·        Laying of two sections, approximately 2km long, of 1200mm diameter raw water mains at Pui O.



4.6.2        No construction noise impact would be expected in the area of the Project at Siu Ho Wan as no NSR is identified in that area.


4.6.3        No cumulative construction noise impact would be expected within the study area at Pui O as there were no construction activities of other projects undertaken concurrently within 300m from the Project boundary.


Operation Phase


4.6.4        No operation noise impact would be expected in Siu Ho Wan WTW extension and Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station as no NSR was identified in that area.


4.6.5        Operation noise would be generated during the operation of the Pui O RWPS and Pui O No. 2 RWPS. The major fixed noise source would be the raw water pumps, transformers, the blowers and ventilation fans.  There is no generator would be installed for the reprovisioned Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station.  A standby generator is installed at Pui O No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station but it would only be used when there is no electricity supply.  Since the raw water pumps will be installed in the basement (underground) of the pumping stations, and the transformers and blowers would be enclosed by the pumping station building, no insurmountable operational noise impact is expected at the identified NSRs.  The layouts of Pui O raw water pumping stations are shown in Figure A4.1 of Appendix 4.3.


4.6.6        It is expected that no other fixed noise source would be identified within the study area except the operation of the Pui O raw water pumping stations at Pui O.


4.7              Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts

Construction Phase

4.7.1        All works would be carried out in the non-restricted hours.  No works was anticipated to occur at night and on Sundays and public holidays.  According to the tentative construction programme, each construction activity for laying raw water mains at Pui O would not be carried out concurrently within 300m as confirmed with the Project Proponent.  Construction tasks for Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station would also be undertaken separately.  However, cumulative construction noise impacts arising from the activities initiated by laying raw water mains and construction of pumping station would be considered in the assessment as a worst-case scenario.  Predicted construction noise levels at the representative NSRs were calculated and are presented in Tables 4.6.  A positive facade correction of 3 dB(A) was added to predicted noise levels.  Detail calculation is presented in Appendix 4.2.


Table 4.6         Predicted Construction Noise Levels– Unmitigated Scenario


Predicted Noise Levels, dB(A)

Laying of Raw Water Mains at Pui O

Demolition/Reprovision of Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station

Cumulative Noise Impact


80 – 89




75 – 84




81 – 90




73 – 81

80 / 69 – 80

80 – 83 / 74 – 83


51 – 59-

85 / 75 – 85

85 / 75 – 85-


67 – 75

80 / 69 – 80

80 – 81 / 71 – 81


73 – 81

77 / 66 – 77

78 – 83 / 74 – 83


1. The noise criterion is 75 dB(A) for all representative residential NSRs and 70 dB(A) for educational NSR BOS (65 dB(A) during examination periods)


4.7.2        As indicated in Table 4.6, the unmitigated noise levels at the representative residential NSRs would not comply with the daytime noise criterion of 75 dB(A) for domestic dwellings and 70 dB(A) for educational institutes.   Mitigation measures would be required to alleviate the impacts.


4.7.3        The results also indicated that the unmitigated noise levels at educational NSR BOS would not comply with the noise criteria of 70 dB(A) during normal teaching periods and 65 dB(A) during examination period. As more stringent criteria need to be complied at the educational NSR, the following arrangements would be adopted to minimize the construction noise impact at this educational NSR BOS (Appendix 4.2 refers) during examination period:


·        Excavation of Trench / Breaking up Pavement –mini-robot mounted breaker would not be operated during examination period;

·        Reinstating Road Surface during raw water mains Cconstruction  - 50 % On-time percentage would be used for lorry; and

·        Installation of Pipes and Bedding – One mobile crane would be used only.


4.7.4        As confirmed with the Project Proponent, the above arrangements are practicable and feasible in the context of construction programme and method.


4.7.5        With the adoption of the above arrangement, the noise levels at NSR BOS would still exceed the noise criteria. Mitigation measures would therefore be required to abate the construction noise impacts.


Operation Phase


4.7.6        Assessment was carried out based on the SWLs of new and replacement plant in Pui O RWPS likely to be installed under the works of the Project.  To represent the worst-case scenario, all items of equipment were assumed to operate concurrently 24 hours a day and the directivity was not included in the calculation.


4.7.7        The structure material of the existing Pui O No. 2 RWPS is 150 mm reinforced concrete.  As the acoustic louvers are provided at the Raw Water Pump Hall of Pui O No. 2 RWPS are provided with acoustic panels and the representative NSRs have no direct line of sight to the pump sets which are all located at the basement of the structure, noise attenuation of 20 dB(A) would be expected for the noise emitted from the pump sets.  The blowers would be fully enclosed within the blower room which is no any openings (the door should be closed during operation of the blower) and its building materials are 150mm reinforced concrete and 225mm brick walls, at least 30 dB(A) of noise attenuation was assumed in the assessment. 


4.7.8        The ventilation fans and roof extractor installed at Pui O No. 2 RWPS are all considered in the assessment.  The ventilation fans installed at the north side of the raw water pumping station have been provided with acoustic panellouvers and.  20 dB(A) of noise attenuation was assumed for the NSRs which have no direct line of sight to these ventilation fans. If the NSRs can view these ventilation fans, 10 dB(A) of noise reduction was assumed in the calculation.  The transformers at the pumping station are fully enclosed and insertion loss of 10 dB(A) was considered in the assessment. 


4.7.9        The reprovisioned Pui O RWPS would apply the existing structure material, i.e. 150 mm reinforced concrete.  As the four main pump sets would be located at the basement and the representative NSRs have no direct line of sight to the sources (pumps), 10 dB(A) of noise attenuation would be expected at the representative NSRs.  The building materials for blower room at reprovisioned Pui O RWPS would be 150mm reinforced concrete and 225mm brick walls.  As the blower would also be enclosed within the blower room without any openings (the door should be closed during operation of the blower), sound reduction of 30 dB(A) would be expected.  Ventilation fans would also be installed at the pumping station.  10 dB(A) of noise attenuation would be expected at the NSRs if they have no direct line of sight to these ventilation fans.


4.7.10    Due to the facade effect, a positive 3 dB(A) has been added to predict noise levels at the NSRs. 


4.7.11    For determining the distance correction factors, the distances between the probable source positions and the NSRs were considered.  Appendix 4.3 presents the results of the operational noise impacts from the Pui O raw water pumping stations at Pui O.  The predicted noise levels at the representative NSRs were presented in Table 4.7.


4.7.12    According to Table 4.7, the predicted cumulative noise levels at the representative NSRs would be in the range of 46 to 51 dB(A), which would not comply with their relevant recommended noise criteria stated in Table 4.4. Thus, mitigation measures would be required for the new equipment at reprovisioned Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station. 


Table 4.7         Predicted Unmitigated Operational Noise Levels from Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station & Pui O No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station


Predicted Noise Levels, dB(A)



(New Proposed Equipment)

Pui O No. 2 RWPS

(Existing Equipment)



















4.8              Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts

Construction Phase

4.8.1        To reduce construction noise impacts on the affected NSRs during construction, silenced PME, which were in accordance with BS 5228: Part 1, 1997, were recommended.  It was consideredThe Project Proponent confirmed that these quiet construction equipment were commercially available in the market and have been used in other similar projects before.


4.8.2        With the adoption of quiet plants, the predicted noise levels of the residential representative NSR LUT and LWT1, and educational NSR BOS would still not comply with the noise criteria.  Results indicated that the residential dwellings located less than 25 m away from the site for laying raw water mains would be affected even with adoption of quiet plant.  Further mitigation measures should be considered.


4.8.3        To further alleviate the construction noise impacts at the NSR BOS and the residential dwellings located less than 25m away from the work site for raw water mains construction, movable noise barriers, which were free from gaps or openings, would be provided for particular plants. As the residential dwellings are 2 –3 storeys village houses, according to GW-TM, movable noise barrier located as close to the noise generating part of the PME would reduce noise by 5 - 10 dB(A).  The material for the movable noise barriers should be at least 7 kgm-2.  The noise screening benefit for each plant considered in this assessment is listed as follows:

·        Stationary plant – assuming 10 dB(A) reduction: air compressor, concrete mixer, vibrator poker, compactor and generator during raw water mains construction at Pui O;.

·        Mobile plant – assuming 5 dB(A) reduction: mini excavator, wheeled excavator fitted with hydraulic rock breaker and mobile crane during raw water mains construction at Pui O.


4.8.4        With the use of movable noise barriers and silenced PME, the predicted construction noise levels at all representative NSRs for different construction tasks would then comply with the daytime noise criteria. 

·It is considered that in theExcavation of Trench / Breaking up Pavement – wheeled excavator/loader fitted with hydraulic breaker would not be operated during examination period;

·Reinstating Road Surface during raw water mains Construction  - Reduction of 50% operated On-time percentage of lorry;

·Installation of Pipes and Bedding – Reduction of number of operated mobile crane (i.e use one mobile crane only). 


4.8.5        The mitigated construction noise levels are shown in Table 4.8. Detail calculation is presented in Appendix 4.2. 



Table 4.8         Predicted Construction Noise Levels – Mitigated Scenario



Predicted Noise Levels, dB(A)

Laying of Raw Water Mains at Pui O

Demolition/Reprovision of Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station

Cumulative Noise Impact


70 – 74 (2)



BOS (1)

65 – 70 (2)(normal)

64 – 65(4) (examination)




71 – 75 (2)




67 – 73 (3)

69 / 57 – 68 (3)

71 – 74 / 67 – 74 (3)


4551 (3)-

75 / 62 – 74 (3)

75 / 63 – 74 (3)-


61 – 67 (3)

70 / 57 – 68 (3)

70 – 71 / 63 – 71 (3)


67 – 73 (3)

67 / 54 – 65 (3)

70 – 74 / 68 – 74 (3)


1.        The noise criterion is 75 dB(A) for all representative residential NSRs and 70 dB(A) for educational NSR BOS (65 dB(A) during examination periods).

2.        Adoption of quiet PME and movable noise barrier

3.        Adoption of quiet PME

Adoption of quiet PME, movable noise barriers and further mitigation measuresarrangementsassumptions as described in Section 4.78.3 4 for BOS during examination periodduring examination period


4.8.6        In addition to the use of movable noise barriers, silenced PME and scheduling of operation of some PMEs, good site practices listed below should be adopted to further abate any residual impacts during the construction phase of the Project and should be included in the contract document:

·          Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction programme.

·          Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be utilised and should be properly maintained during the construction programme.

·          Mobile plant, if any, should be sited as far away from NSRs as possible.

·          Machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum.

·          Plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction should, wherever possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from the nearby NSRs.

·          Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively utilised, wherever practicable, in screening noise from on-site construction activities.


Operation Phase

4.8.7        Since the predicted operation noise levels at all closest representative NSRs would not comply with the night time criteria, mitigation measures would be required.  It was recommended to install silencers acoustic louvers for the ventilation fans at Pui O RWPS, which would provide a minimum insertion loss of 2010dB(A).  Higher noise reduction (up to 20 dB(A)) would be expected at the NSRs who have no direct line of sight to these ventilation fans.  In addition, it was recommended to install acoustic louvres at the ventilation openings of the pump hall at reprovisioned Pui O RWPS.  As the main pump sets would be located at the basement, a minimum noise attenuation of 20 dB(A) would be expected. 


4.8.8        With the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, the predicted noise levels at representative NSRs would comply with daytime and night-time criteria.  The mitigated results are summarised in Table 4.9 and detail assessment results are presented in Appendix 4.3.


Table 4.9         Predicted Mitigated Operational Noise Levels from Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station & Pui O No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station


Predicted Noise Levels, dB(A)



(New Proposed Equipment)

Pui O No.2 RWPS

(Existing Equipment)



















4.9              Evaluation of Residual Impacts

4.9.1        No adverse construction noise impact from the Project would be expected with the implementation of proposed mitigation measures and good site practices.


4.9.2        With provision of appropriate noise control measures for reprovisioned Pui O RWPS, such as acoustic louvres at ventilation openings of pump hall and silencers at ventilation fans, the fixed noise sources from the operation of the Pui O Raw Water Pumping Station and Pui O No. 2 RWPS would not pose any unacceptable residual noise impact on nearby NSRs.     


4.10          Environmental Monitoring and Audit

4.10.1    An Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme was recommended to be established according to the predicted occurrence of noisy activities.  The recommended mitigation measures should be incorporated into the EM&A programme for implementation during construction.  No operational noise monitoring was recommended.  Details of the programme are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.