10           CulturAL Heritage


10.1          Introduction


10.1.1     No known terrestrial archaeological sites or areas of archaeological potential were identified within 50m from the proposed developments and work areas.  For marine archaeology, a surface anomaly having archaeological potential was identified based on the baseline review and the marine geophysical survey results.  This surface anomaly is located close to one of the proposed piers of the CBL and could be directly impacted. 

10.1.2   No pre-war clan or notable feng shui features such as feng shui woods and ponds or historical trackway or other historic features were identified within the study area.  Fourteen notable buildings and structures were identified.  However, all of the identified notable buildings and structures were located more than 100m from the worksites, except Cha Kwo Ling Tin Hau Temple and Law Mansion.


10.2          Cultural Heritage Mitigation Measures


Marine Archaeology


10.2.1     To ascertain the archaeological potential of the identified surface anomaly Target 1 (Figure 10.1) and the areas to be reclaimed but not covered under the marine geophysical survey, a visual diver survey is recommended to be undertaken during the detailed design stage of the Project.  The diver survey should include:

·       A series of transect dives along the western shore, which was not covered by the marine geophysical survey.


·       Circular searches on the seabed surface anomaly.


Built Heritage


10.2.2     To prevent damage to the Cha Kwo Ling Tin Hau temple and Law Mansion during the construction phase, mitigation measures in the form of a temporarily fenced off buffer zone with allowance for public access (minimum 1 m) should be provided around the temple and the mansion.  In addition, monitoring of vibration impacts should be conducted when the construction works are less than 50m from the temple and the mansion.

10.2.3     The implementation schedule of the recommended mitigation measures is presented in Appendix C.


10.3          Construction Phase Monitoring and Audit


10.3.1     Monitoring of vibration impacts should be conducted during construction works to ensure no damage to the existing structures of Cha Kwo Ling Tin Hau Temple and Law Mansion.

10.3.2     All measures undertaken by the Contractor during the construction phase in the vicinity of the temple should be audited by the ET, on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the intended aims of the recommended mitigation measures.  Site inspections should be conducted at least once per month throughout the construction period when works are taking place adjacent to the temple and the mansion. To avoid possible damage, on-site liaison with Contractor and ER should take place before and during the works.