3.1                        Requirements under Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance


3.1.1                  The construction and operation of the secondary drainage channel KT13 in the vicinity of Ho Pui and Ma On Kong constitutes a Designated Project as defined under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance pursuant to Item I.1(b)(vii) of Schedule 2 Part I of the EIA Ordinance. It also constituted a Designated Project by virtue of Item Q.1 of Schedule 2 Part I of the EIA Ordinance.


Category under Schedule 2 Part I of the EIA Ordinance


Item I.1 (b)(vii)

The channel discharges into an area which is less than 300m from the nearest boundary of an existing conservation area.

Item Q.1

A section of the channel (bypass culvert) encroaches an existing conservation area.


3.1.2                  An Environmental Permit (EP) is required for the construction and operation of this secondary drainage channel, KT13. In applying for the Environmental Permit, the Project Proponent is required to submit an EIA Report to the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) for consideration, in accordance with the statutory approval process stipulated in the Ordinance. The EIA Study Brief (ESB 006-1998) was issued by the EPD for this DP. A copy of the EIA Study Brief is enclosed in Appendix A.


3.2                        Purpose of the EIA Study


3.2.1                  As described in the EIA Study Brief issued by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) (ESB-006/1998), the purpose of the EIA is to provide information on the nature and extent of environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of the proposed designated project and related activities taking place concurrently. This information will contribute to decisions by EPD on:


(i)                  the overall acceptability of any adverse environmental consequences that are likely to arise as a result of the proposed project;


(ii)                the conditions and requirements for the detailed design, construction and operation of the proposed project to mitigate against adverse environmental consequences wherever practicable; and


(iii)               the acceptability of residual impacts after the proposed mitigation measures are implemented.


3.3                        Approach of the EIA Study


3.3.1                  The EIA has been conducted in full accordance with the EIA Study Brief, the Technical Memorandum on EIA Process under the EIA Ordinance, and the Brief by the Employer, for complying with all statutory and contractual requirements.


3.3.2                  The approach to the EIA encompasses compilation of existing data, field work for collecting new data and samples, analyses of samples and data, interpretation of data, description of baseline conditions, prediction of potential impacts, comparison of predicted potential impacts to acceptance criteria, assessment and specification of mitigation measures, specification on environmental monitoring and audit requirements, and establishing conclusions of the assessment.


3.3.3                  The EIA report addresses all issues identified in the Study Brief as described in Table 3.1.


Table 3.1

Environmental Issues Addressed in this EIA Report


Environmental Issue [EIA Study Brief reference]



(iv), (v) & (vi)

Collates all updated ecological information within the Study Area and presents details of ecological characteristics of each habitat and associated species.  Identifies and quantifies potential impacts from the proposed scheme, with particular reference to vegetation removal and possible hydraulic and water supply issues in relation to the egrets and natural stream course habitats. Cumulative impacts are also addressed.  For all identified impacts, mitigation measures are proposed, covering both construction phase and long-term operational impacts, and a description of the feasibility, likely effectiveness, means of implementation and management, and residual impacts is provided.

Air quality


Identifies sensitive receivers along the alignment of proposed works that may be affected by dust impacts during construction and the possible address odor issues during maintenance of channel.  Presents mitigation measures and a monitoring and audit programme to control potential impacts.



Identifies sensitive receivers during the construction phase of KT13.  Describes potential impacts from key construction activities along the alignment and details mitigation measures to be implemented to minimize impacts. As there will not be any planned operation of electrical and mechanical equipment under this Project during operation phase, the operation phase of this DP is unlikely to create any potential operation noise impact.

Water quality


Describes existing sensitive receivers and potential impacts to them during construction of the project.  Present mitigation measures to be implemented to minimize impacts to receiving waterbodies. Water quality impacts are not expected from the operation of this drainage channel.



Describes and quantifies types of waste generated during construction of KT13 and the timing and duration of the waste generation and likely routes for disposal.  Identifies means of reducing waste generation and draws up a waste management plan for handling, transport and disposal of wastes generated.

Cultural Heritage


Updates previous records of sites of cultural importance within the Study Area, including historical buildings and archaeological remains. Monitoring during construction phase to confirm ground conditions of historical buildings in study area is recommended

Visual and Landscape


Identifies sensitive receivers and assesses the potential visual impacts on them and on surrounding landscape as a result of KT13 construction and operation. Impacts due to tree felling are identified and mitigation measures presented. Appropriate mitigation measures are designed to mitigate impacts.