12.                        CONCLUSION


12.1                    Background


12.1.1              The “Drainage Improvement in Northern New Territories – Package C” (the Project) is one of the works packages recommended by the Drainage Master Plan Study in the Northern New Territories (DMP Study). The DMP Study concluded that rapid developments in the study area have resulted in higher runoff and some existing drainage systems are inadequate in respect to flood protection capacities. Consequently, severe flooding occurs in these low-lying areas during heavy rainfall. The proposed drainage improvements to be carried out under the Project involve the construction of the secondary local drainage channels at Lin Ma Hang in the Ganges Basin and the secondary and local channels at Man Uk Pin in the Indus Basin. The purpose of the Project is to alleviate recurring flooding problems in Man Uk Pin and Lin Ma Hang areas by improving the secondary and local stormwater drainage systems in accordance with the recommendation of the DMP Study.


12.1.2              The proposed drainage improvement works are regarded as a Designated Project (DP) under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) and are assessed in this EIA Report. The major findings of the EIA are summarized below.


12.2                    Location and Description of the Project


12.2.1              The Project comprises the construction of drainage channels and associated works to improve the secondary and local drainage systems in the Man Uk Pin, Loi Tung (MUP03, MUP04A, MUP04B & MUP05) and Lin Ma Hang (LMH01) areas.  The scale of the Project is shown below.


Table 12.1

Scale of Proposed Drainage Works



Proposed Works

Extent of Works

Approximate Length

Approximate Width

Approximate Depth


U-channel (Diameter = 0.6m)




Drainage pipe (Diameter = 0.6m)




Box culvert connecting MUP05




Trapezoidal channel with gabion walls and mattress lining


Top = 2.4m – 2.7m
Base = 1.2m

1.2m – 1.5m

Re-provision of crossings

One footbridge


Trapezoidal channel with gabion walls and mattress lining


Top = 6.3m
Base = 4.5m


Drainage pipes (Diameter = 1.95m)




Re-provision of crossings

Two vehicular bridges


U-channel (Diameter = 0.9m)




Drainage pipes (Diameter = 1.35m)





Trapezoidal channel with gabion walls and mattress lining


2m – 3m

2m – 2.8m

Trapezoidal channel with gabion walls and mattress lining


Top = 15.4m
Base = 13m


Two-stage channel with existing natural river bed retained


Top = 15.4m
Base = 13m


Trapezoidal channel with gabion walls and mattress lining


Top = 20.3m
Base = 13.7m


Box culvert




Re-provision of crossings

Five footbridges, four vehicular bridges


Gabion channel and localised bank improvement




Re-provision of crossings

Three vehicular bridges



Other ancillary works include provision of inlet/outlet pipes, maintenance ramps & accesses and final landscaping works.



12.3                    Channel Design


12.3.1              The proposed alignment generally follows the alignment of existing watercourses which is in line with the DMP Study to minimize resumption of private land.


12.3.2              The concept of ‘avoidance’ has been incorporated into the design to protect ecologically important streams such as Lin Ma Hang and Loi Tung. Two-stage channel design with natural river banks and beds retained has been proposed for ecological significant sections of the watercourses. Other environmental friendly design includes the use of gabion banks and mattress lining which will encourage accumulation of sediments and eventually re-colonisation of the channel bed by benthic community.


12.4                    Justifications and Benefits of the Project


12.4.1              The DMP Study investigated the need to improve secondary and local drainage systems to alleviate flooding in the study area. The proposed Project is expected to contribute to the relief of the present drainage problems that have repeatedly led to severe flooding in the study area resulting in danger to life, economic loss and disruption to everyday life.


12.4.2              The current standard of protection of the watercourses is very low, with the majority having a standard of protection of 1 year or less. These watercourses were highlighted in the DMP Study as having insufficient channel capacity leading to localized flooding. Upon completion of the Project, the standard of protection will be increase to 1 in 10 years for village development.


12.4.3              The overall population directly benefited by the proposed drainage improvement will be about 780 located in the Man Uk Pin and Lin Ma Hang areas of Northern New Territories.


12.5                    Key Environmental Issues


12.5.1              Construction activities for the Project involve site clearance in the works areas; excavation to formation levels of the channel; construction of channel structures and linings; and restoration landscaping works. Small scale routine maintenance would be necessary during the operation of the proposed gabion channels to remove excessive silts, vegetation, debris and obstructions in order to maintain its hydraulic performance and structural integrity. These activities have the potential to impact on the existing environment.



12.5.2              The key environmental issues assessed in the EIA Report are:


·                 Air Quality;

·                 Construction Noise;

·                 Water Quality;

·                 Waste Management;

·                 Ecology;

·                 Landscape and Visual; and

·                 Cultural Heritage.


12.5.3              Mitigation measures have been recommended in the EIA Report to mitigate potential adverse impacts from the construction and operation of the Project. Based on these recommendations, Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) requirements have been established.


12.6                    Air Quality Impact


12.6.1              The construction dust impact assessment has identified Air Sensitive Receiver (ASR) within the Study Area. Potential works that may cause potential construction dust nuisance is also identified. Mitigation measures, as required by Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation, are also highlighted. Provided that the Contractor implements all the necessary mitigation, residual construction dust impact at nearby representative sensitive receivers is expected to comply with the Air Quality Objectives and EIAO-TM.


12.7                    Construction Noise Impact


12.7.1              The use of powered mechanical equipment during the construction phase of this drainage project is expected to create noise nuisance, due to the close proximity between the works areas and noise sensitive receivers. Assessment indicates that such noise impacts can be mitigated to acceptable levels by appropriate measures, including the use of quiet plant, temporary noise barriers, restricting concurrent usage of equipment and the implementation of good site practices. The Contractor will be required to implement these measures when powered mechanical equipment is used during the construction phase. With these measures in place, residual noise impact would not be expected from the construction works and will comply with the EIAO-TM daytime construction noise standard of 75 dB(A).


12.7.2             Noise monitoring is recommended at selected representative NSRs during the construction period to check for compliance with permissible noise levels and effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures.


12.7.3             The operation phase of the Project is not expected to pose any noise impact to the surrounding area.


12.8                    Water Quality Impact


12.8.1              The current condition of the water bodies in the Study Area is relatively poor in the lower stretches with many of the streams receiving a variety of polluting inputs including livestock waste, and domestic wastewater from local villages.


12.8.2              The construction of the channels could adversely impact the water bodies through silt-laden site runoff, disturbance of stream sediment during excavation, concreting works, runoff from workshops & depot and increased sewage and wastewater resulting from the additional workforce on site. These impacts can be readily mitigated through the construction of a suitable drainage system with silt traps, good site management practices, careful working practices during excavation of the stream and proper sewage collection and disposal system. With the implementation of these measures, no adverse residual water quality impact from construction work is expected.


12.8.3              The major operational impacts are a net increase in pollutant loadings to Inner Deep Bay due to the removal of vegetation from channel banks. This vegetation acts as a natural pollutant trap and filter and this naturally occurring process will be removed. The impacts can be mitigated through the incorporation of gabions, grasscrete or similar vegetated areas into the drainage channel design. These channels will require regular maintenance to ensure effective functioning and prevent the built-up of sediments. The routine maintenance of the channel may pose potential impacts if it is not properly executed. By following the recommended good practice guides during maintenance works, no adverse residual water quality impact during operation phase is expected.


12.8.4              Overall, the residual water quality impacts during construction and operation phases of the Project are considered acceptable with respect to the EIAO-TM and Water Pollution Control Ordinance.


12.9                    Waste Management


12.9.1             Construction and demolition materials will inevitably be produced during the construction phase of the Project. Waste generated during construction works includes site clearance / demolition materials, excavated materials, chemical waste and general works waste. Waste types, quantities and timing have been estimated as far as possible and mitigation measures have been proposed in terms of avoidance-minimisation-reuse-recycling-disposal hierarchy.


12.9.2             Potential for reuse of inert construction & demolition material (public fill) within the Project will be rigorously explored in an effort to minimise off-site disposal.


12.9.3             Provided that there is strict control of construction and demolition materials generated from construction works and that all arisings are stored, handled, transported and disposed of in accordance with the recommended mitigation measures, potential impact is not expected.


12.9.4             The recommended waste management measures can be enforced by incorporating them into an environmental management plan as part of the contract document. Environmental audit would be necessary to ensure the implementation of proper waste management practices during construction.


12.9.5             Waste generated during operational maintenance is expected to be minimal. Proper waste management practices similar to those for construction impacts have been recommended.


12.9.6              Overall, the residual waste impacts of the Project are considered acceptable with respect to the EIAO-TM and Waste Disposal Ordinance.


12.10                Ecological Impact


12.10.1          The proposed works at MUP03 and MUP04B would have no significant ecological impacts even in the absence of mitigation measures.


12.10.2          Proposed works at LMH01 were predicted to have minor construction phase impacts on fauna of conservation importance in the absence of mitigation. However, these can be fully mitigated by restricting works to the dry season and implementation of site management measures. With these measures in place potential impacts are considered to be very small and acceptable.


12.10.3          Proposed works at MUP04A were predicted to have low to moderate permanent adverse impacts on a stream and adjacent area of long-inactive agricultural land. However, all impacts will now be avoided by not channelising the upper section of this stream.


12.10.4          Proposed works at MUP05 were predicted to have moderate and adverse impacts on a natural streamcourse with natural bed, banks and riparian corridor. Substantial design changes in terms of ‘two-stage’ channel with natural stream banks and bed retained which are in accordance with the advice contained in ETWB & DSD Technical Circulars and DSD Practice Notes have been adopted.  These environmental friendly channel designs along with site management measures and tree planting will significantly reduce the predicted impacts to an acceptable level.


12.10.5          With these avoidance, minimization and mitigation measures in place, all adverse ecological impacts of the project on MUP05 would be eliminated or reduced to low and acceptable level. Low adverse impacts on riparian vegetation are unavoidable but would be fully mitigated in time as a result of planting and recolonisation by herbaceous vegetation, and are considered acceptable in the overall context of the project.


12.10.6          Overall, the residual ecological impacts of the Project are considered acceptable with respect to the EIAO-TM.


12.11                Landscape and Visual Impact


Landscape Impact


12.11.1          The landscape impacts on the landscape resources and character of MUP03, MUP04A, MUP04B and MUP05 are predicted to range from negligible to moderate to significant adverse, mainly due to the loss of the existing trees lining the road and channel sides. Trees have been preserved or transplanted as far as practicable. The retention of at least one natural riverbank side and the existing riverbed in MUP05 and minimizing the works at MUP04A have reduced the landscape impact largely. The incorporation of landscape mitigation measures through retention of natural riverbed and banks, tree planting alongside channels, the planting of embankment and toe zone plant mixes would lessen the landscape impacts to negligible to slight.


12.11.2          The landscape impacts on the landscape resources and character of LMH01 are predicted to range from slight to negligible adverse. The incorporation of landscape mitigation measures through planting of embankment plant mixes would lessen the landscape impact to negligible overall. Demolishing and reconstruction of vehicular crossing is expected to have a slight positive impact on Residential Rural Fringe through the improved access.


Visual Impact


12.11.3          The unmitigated visual impact of the Project on VSRs at MUP05 is predicted to be significant adverse, due to the loss of the roadside and drainage channel trees and surrounding vegetation and the partial widening of the existing channel, in close proximity to the residential amenities such as a recreational park. However, in the other areas of MUP05, MUP04A, MUP04B and MUP03 the unmitigated visual impacts are negligible or slight.


12.11.4          The unmitigated visual impact of the Project on VSRs at LMH01 is predicted to be negligible and slight adverse. The improvement of riverbanks might result in slight adverse impacts when unmitigated. The demolishing and reconstruction of vehicular crossings may have beneficial visual impacts as the newly constructed crossings are expected to be more visually acceptable.


12.11.5          It is predicted that, through the incorporation of the proposed mitigation measures, adverse visual impacts can be further reduced to negligible to slight in most cases. For MUP05, sufficient screen tree planting alongside the channel and embankment planting are expected to reduce the visual impacts after mitigation to slight adverse impacts.


12.11.6          Overall, the residual landscape and visual impacts of the Project are considered acceptable with respect to the EIAO-TM.


12.12                Cultural Heritage Impact


12.12.1          The proposed drainage works will have no adverse impact on archaeological resources in either the construction or operational phases.  The majority of built heritage features recorded in the survey will also not be adversely impacted. Potential impacts to a stone terrace wall were identified only for the construction phase of the project in the Lin Ma Hang Study Area and appropriate mitigation measures have been proposed to negate the identified impacts. No operational phase impact on the built heritage features is expected.


12.12.2          The residual cultural heritage impact is considered acceptable with respect to the EIAO-TM.


12.13                Environmental Monitoring and Audit


12.13.1          Mitigation measures have been recommended in the EIA Report to mitigate potential adverse impacts from the construction and operation of the Project. Based on these recommendations, EM&A requirements have been established.


12.13.2          An EM&A programme will be set up and implemented to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report, to assess the effectiveness of the recommended mitigation measures, and to identify any further need for additional mitigation measures or remedial measures.


12.13.3          To ensure that the environmental performance of the works meet all relevant legal and contractual requirements, the Contractor will be required to prepare and implement an Environmental Management Plan, which details the approach the Contractor is to adopt in managing and controlling potential environmental impact from construction activities for this Project.


12.14                Overall Conclusion


12.14.1          Based on the findings of the EIA Study, the Project would not cause any adverse environmental impacts to the concerned Conservation Area (for MUP03, MUP04A, MUP04B and MUP05) and the planned SSSI i.e. Lin Ma Hang stream (for LMH01). The residual construction phase and operational phase impacts are considered acceptable with respect to EIAO-TM and relevant ordinance requirements.


12.14.2          Overall this EIA concludes that there are no unacceptable environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed secondary channels (MUP03, MUP04A, MUP04B, MUP05 and LMH01) provided that all the legislation, guidelines and recommended mitigation measures are followed. The EIA has fully met the requirements of the Technical Memorandum on EIA Process and the EIA Study Brief.