
1                      INTRODUCTION                                                                          

1.1                   Background                                                                           

1.2                   Project Description                                                          

1.3                   Purpose of the EM&A Manual                                        

1.4                   Organisation of the EM&A Process                           

1.5                   Structure of the EM&A Manual                                    

2                      EM&A General Requirements                                         

2.1                   Introduction                                                                          

3                      Ecology                                                                                    

3.1                   Introduction                                                                          

3.2                   Upon Completion of the Project                                

4                      Hazard to Life                                                                        

4.1                   Introduction                                                                          

4.2                   Mitigation Measures                                                           

5                      Environmental Site Inspection                                     

5.1                   Site Inspections                                                                    

5.2                   Compliance with Legal & Contractual Requirements   

5.3                   Environmental Complaints                                            

5.4                   Log-Book                                                                                  

6                      Reporting                                                                                

6.1                   General                                                                                    

6.2                   EM&A Report Contents                                                     


ANNEX A ¡V Implementation Schedule

ANNEX B ¡V Complaint Log


1                                            INTRODUCTION

1.1                                      Background

ERM-Hong Kong Ltd (ERM) has been commissioned by Dragages Hong Kong Limited (DHK) to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study and report for the continued operation of the existing Tai Lam Explosives Magazine (Tai Shu Ha, Yuen Long District, New Territories, Land Allocation GLA-TYL 1288, forthwith known as ¡¥TLEM¡¦) at Tai Shu Ha, Yuen Long for the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point (BCP) project (hereafter ¡¥HKLTH¡¦) tunnel construction works (the Project).  This Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual (hereafter referred to as the Manual) is a supplementary document to the EIA Report.

The Manual has been prepared in accordance with the EIA Study Brief (No. EIA Brief ESB-280/2014) and the Technical Memorandum of the Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM).  This Manual contains the following information:

¡P            Responsibilities of the Contractor(s), Environmental Team (ET), and the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) with respect to the EM&A requirements during the implementation of the Project;

¡P            Project organisation;

¡P            Requirements with respect to the operational programme schedule and the necessary EM&A programme to track the varying environmental impact;

¡P            Requirements for reviewing pollution sources and working procedures required in the event of exceedances of applicable environmental criteria and/or receipt of complaints;

¡P            Requirements for presentation of EM&A findings and appropriate reporting procedures; and

¡P            Requirements for review of EIA predictions and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures and the EM&A programme.

An ET shall be appointed to conduct the monitoring works and to provide specialist advice on the undertaking and implementation of environmental responsibilities.   The ET will be led and managed by the ET Leader.  The ET Leader will have relevant education, training, knowledge, experience and professional qualifications and the appointment will be subject to the approval of the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP).   Suitably qualified staff will be included in the ET, and ET should not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor(s).   For the purpose of this manual, the ET Leader, who will be responsible for, and in charge of, the ET, is referred to as the person delegated the role of executing the EM&A requirements for the Project.

To maintain strict control of the EM&A process, an IEC will be engaged to verify and validate/ audit the environmental performance of the Contractor(s).   Sufficient and suitably qualified professional and technical staff will be employed by the IEC, as required under the EM&A programme for the duration of the Project.

This EM&A Manual is a live document that should be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary during the Project.

1.2                                      Project Description

1.2.1                                  Project Scope

The existing TLEM has been licensed and is currently in use by the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRC) for the construction of the Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) until end 2015, under Environmental Permit No. EP-349/2009/L, being used by the MTR XRL 824 Contractor. 

This Project and associated works covers:

¡P      the use of the existing TLEM from late 2015 or early 2016 (expected January 2016) to December 2017 with the same operation as current users; and

¡P      Explosives transport from the existing TLEM to the three worksites by DHK, using trucks approved by Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)¡¦s Mines Division (Mines).

The Project is located at the existing TLEM in Tai Shu Ha, Yuen Long District, New Territories.  Figure 1.1       shows the location and site plan of the Project and Figure 1.2 details the Project Boundary.  The existing TLEM is composed of the following components as illustrated in Figure 1.3:

(i)   Two stores each with a capacity of 400 kg explosives;

(ii) Secure fence;

(iii)  CCTV system;

(iv)  Guard house; and

(v)   Street fire hydrant water tank (245 m3) and 2 pumps.

For the explosives transport, three possible transport routes that do not pass through tunnels have been identified for this Project, the proposed explosive transport route options R1, R2 and R3, from the magazine site to the three worksites (i.e. Mid-Ventilation Adit, North Portal and South Portal).  Figure 1.4, Figure 1.5 and Figure 1.6 show plans of the proposed explosive transport route options R1, R2 and R3 respectively and more details of these routes from Tai Lam Explosives Magazine to the three worksites are provided in Annex 8A, Table 2.9 of the EIA Report. 

The key activities of the decommissioning works include:

¡P      Dismantle and remove E&M, fire services, CCTV and lighting installed for the two explosive stores;

¡P      Demolish the earth bunds and the two explosive stores;

¡P      Frame cut the re-bar and remove the concrete debris;

¡P      Remove all fire service facilities and all ground services including guard house, road furniture and lighting;

¡P      Remove fire hydrant water tank (245m3);

¡P      Remove the container guard house and any temporary steel works; and

¡P      Demolish the paved road for reinstatement of planting.

1.2.2                                Project Schedule

For operation, the TLEM will be available for use from late 2015 or early 2016 (expected January 2016) to December 2017 with delivery of explosives to the TLEM expected to start in January 2016 and go through to December 2017.

The magazine operation will remain the same as under the current MTR XRL 824 Contractor and the Mines Division of the CEDD (Mines) will deliver a maximum of 800 kg explosives daily to the TLEM along with initiation devices (detonators).  The transportation of explosives by Mines either to the Magazine or directly to sites is under Mines¡¦ responsibility and falls outside the scope of this EIA study.  Only the amount of explosives required for blasting work will be delivered to TLEM by CEDD Mines Division.  Explosives will then be withdrawn by DHK as required and delivered using trucks approved by Mines, to three HKLTH worksites located at:

¡P         Sha Tau Kok Road ¡V Wo Hang Section (North Portal);

¡P         Po Kat Tsai Road (Mid Ventilation Portal); and

¡P         Tong Hang Tung Chuen (South Portal)


For this Project, explosives transport will be scheduled with less than 200 kg of explosives per truck and a total of two to eight (2 ¡V 8) deliveries per day will be carried out to the worksites (explosives are required at two to three [2 ¡V 3] worksites per day) and maximum seven (7) days per week.  Only the amount of explosives required for blasting work will be delivered to TLEM by CEDD Mines Division.  Before the commencement of decommissioning works, no surplus explosives will be stored at the explosives magazine.   The decommissioning of the TLEM will be conducted after the operation and will expect to be completed in one month.

1.3                                      Purpose of the EM&A Manual

The purpose of the Manual is to provide information, guidance and instruction to personnel charged with environmental duties and those responsible for undertaking Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) work during operation of the Project (no construction activity will be carried out).  It provides systematic procedures for monitoring and auditing the environmental performance of the Project.  It has been prepared to:

¡P         Monitor the effectiveness of the control measures employed during the operation of the Project ;

¡P         Verify that the Project does not result in any adverse impacts and that appropriate action is undertaken in the event that impacts are identified to sensitive receivers and are found to be associated with the Project; and

¡P         Ensure landscape re-instatement planting that is due to be carried out under Environmental Permit No. EP-349/2009/L for construction of the Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) is carried out.

1.4                                      Organisation of the EM&A Process

1.4.1                                Project Organization

The roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in the EM&A process and the organisational structure of the organisations responsible for implementing the EM&A programme are outlined below.  The proposed project organization and lines of communication with respect to environmental protection works are shown in Figure 1.7. 

Engineer or Engineer¡¦s Representative (ER)

The Engineer is responsible for ensuring that the works are undertaken by the Contractor in accordance with the specification and contractual requirements. The duties and responsibilities of the Engineer with respect to EM&A may include:

¡P         Supervise the Contractor¡¦s activities and ensure that the requirements in the EM&A Manual are fully complied with;

¡P         Inform the Contractor when action is required to reduce impacts in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

¡P         Participate in site inspections undertaken by the ET; and

¡P         Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigations.

The Contractor

The Contractor should report to the Engineer.  The duties and responsibilities of the Contractor are:

¡P         Implement the recommendations made in the EIA;

¡P         Provide assistance to ET in carrying out monitoring;

¡P         Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action and Limit levels, in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

¡P         Implement measures to reduce impact where Action and Limit levels are exceeded; and

¡P         Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigation as required in the EM&A Manual.

Environmental Team (ET)

The ET should conduct the EM&A programme and ensure the Contractor¡¦s compliance with the project¡¦s environmental performance requirements during construction.  The ET should be an independent party from the Contractor. 

The ET should be led and managed by the ET leader.  The ET leader should possess at least 7 years of experience in EM&A.  The ET team should monitor the mitigation measures implemented by the Contractor on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the intended aims of the measures. The duties and responsibilities of the ET are:

¡P         Monitor the various environmental parameters as required in the EM&A Manual;

¡P         Carry out site inspection to investigate and audit the Contractor¡¦s site practice, equipment and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation, and anticipate environmental issues for proactive action before problems arise;

¡P         Analyse the EM&A data, review the success of EM&A programme to confirm the adequacy of mitigation measures implemented and the validity of the EIA predictions, and to identify any adverse environmental impacts arising and report EM&A results to the IEC, contractor, and ER;

¡P         Prepare reports on the environmental monitoring data and the site environmental conditions; and

¡P         Review mitigation measure proposals from the Contractor in the case of exceedance of action and Limit levels, in accordance with the Event and Action Plans.

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

The IEC should advise the ER on environmental issues related to the project. The IEC should possess at least 7 years of experience in EM&A.  The duties and responsibilities of the IEC are:

¡P         Review and audit in an independent, objective and professional manner all aspects of the EM&A programme;

¡P         Validate and confirm the accuracy of monitoring results, monitoring equipment, monitoring locations, monitoring procedures and locations of sensitive receivers;

¡P         Carry out random sample check and audit on monitoring data and sampling procedures, etc.;

¡P         Conduct random site inspection;

¡P         Audit the EIA recommendation and requirement against the status of implementation of environmental protection measures on site;

¡P         Review the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures and project environmental performance;

¡P         On a need basis, verify and certify the environmental acceptability of the permit holder¡¦s construction methodology (both temporary and permanent works), relevant design plans and submissions under the environmental permit;

¡P         Verify the investigation results of complaint cases and the effectiveness of corrective measures;

¡P         Verify EM&A report that has been certified by the ET leader; and

¡P         Feedback audit results to ET/permit holder according to Event/Action Plan in the EM&A manual.

The IEC should not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or ET.

1.5                                      Structure of the EM&A Manual

The remainder of the Manual is set out as follows:

¡P            Section 2 sets out the EM&A general requirements;

¡P            Section 3 sets out the EM&A requirements for ecology;

¡P            Section 4 details auditing requirements for hazard to life;

¡P            Section 5 describes the scope and frequency of site environmental inspection; and

¡P            Section 6 details the reporting requirements for the EM&A programme.

2                                            EM&A General Requirements

2.1                                    Introduction

In this section, the general requirements of the EM&A programme for the Project are presented.  The scope of the programme is developed with reference to the findings and recommendations of the EIA study. 

2.1.1                              Operation EM&A

During the operation of the Project, audit of implementation of recommended mitigation measures for ecology and hazard to life as well as general good site practice including for disposal of waste, as determined in the EIA.  However, should other operational licenses that require specific monitoring or audit conditions or practices be required, plans under the respective ordinances/ guidelines will need to be put in place.

2.1.2                              Decommissioning EM&A

During the decomissioing phase of the Project, audit of implementation of general good site practice including for disposal of waste, control of water quality and noise, as determined in the EIA.  However, should other licenses that require specific monitoring or audit conditions or practices be required, plans under the respective ordinances/ guidelines will need to be put in place.

2.1.3                              EM&A Upon Completion

Once the use of the TLEM has ceased for the Project and the TLEM has been removed, audit of implementation of recommended mitigation measures for ecology (and landscape) will be undertaken as determined in the EIA and to meet the re-instatement planting requirements for this site in XRLs EP-349/2009/L as fully detailed in Section 3.2. 

2.1.4                              Environmental Monitoring

The environmental monitoring work throughout the Project period will be carried out in accordance with this EM&A and reported by the ET.  Monitoring works will cover ecology and hazard to life as well as general good site practice including for disposal of waste, control of water quality and control of noise. 

2.1.5                              Site Inspections & Audits

In addition to ecology, as a means of assessing the ongoing performance of the Contractor(s), the ET will undertake site inspections of on-site practices and procedures each month.  The primary objective of the inspection programme will be to assess the effectiveness of the environmental controls established by the Contractor(s) and the implementation of the environmental mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report.  The IEC will undertake monthly site audits to assess the performance of the Contractor(s) and the effectiveness of the ET.

Whilst the inspection and audit programme will complement the monitoring activity, the criteria against which the inspection/ audits will be undertaken will be derived from the Clauses within the Contract Documents which seek to enforce the recommendations of the EIA Report and the Manual.

The findings of site inspections and audits will be made known to the Contractor(s) at the time of the inspection to enable the rapid resolution of identified non-conformities.  Non-conformities, and the corrective actions undertaken, will also be reported in the monthly EM&A Reports.

Section 5 of the Manual presents details of the scope and frequency of on-site inspections and defines the range of issues that the audit protocols will be designed to address.

2.1.6                              Enquiries, Complaint and Requests for Information

Enquiries, complaints and requests for information concerning the environmental effects of the Project, irrespective of how they are received, will be reported to the DHK and directed to the ET which will set up procedures for the handling, investigation and storage of such information.  The following steps will then be followed:

1)      The ET Leader will notify DHK of the nature of the enquiry.

2)      An investigation will be initiated to determine the validity of the complaint and to identify the source(s) of the issue.

3)      The Contractor(s) will undertake the following steps, as necessary:

¡P            investigate and identify source(s) of the issue;

¡P            if considered necessary by DHK following consultation with the IEC, undertake additional monitoring to verify the existence and severity of the alleged complaint;

¡P            liaise with EPD to identify remedial measures;

¡P            liaise with the IEC to identify remedial measures;

¡P            implement the agreed mitigation measures;

¡P            repeat the monitoring to verify effectiveness of mitigation measures; and

¡P            repeat review procedures to identify further practical areas of improvement if the repeat monitoring results continue to substantiate the complaint.

4)      The outcome of the investigation and the action taken will be documented on a complaint log (see Annex C).  A formal response to each complaint received will be prepared by the Contractor(s) within five working days and submitted to DHK, in order to notify the concerned person(s) that action(s) has been taken.

5)      Enquires which trigger this process will be reported in the monthly EM&A Reports which will include results of inspections undertaken by the Contractor(s), and details of the measures taken, and additional monitoring results (if deemed necessary).  It should be noted that the receipt of complaint or enquiry will not be, in itself, a sufficient reason to introduce additional mitigation measures.

The complainant will be notified of the findings, and audit procedures will be put in place to verify that the issue does not recur.

2.1.7                              Reporting

Monthly EM&A Reports and Final EM&A Review Reports will be prepared by the ET on behalf of DHK and certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC.  The reports will be submitted to the Contractor(s), DHK and EPD.  The monthly EM&A Reports will be prepared and submitted within two weeks of the end of each calendar month.

2.1.8                              Cessation of EM&A

The cessation of EM&A programme is subject to the satisfactory completion of the Final EM&A Report, agreement with the IEC and approval from EPD.


3                                            Ecology

3.1                                      Introduction

The EIA has not recommended any mitigation measures during the operation or decommissioning phases but only upon completion of the Project as detailed below. 

3.2                                      Upon Completion of the Project

Under the latest XRL EP-349/2009/L, Vegetation Survey Report for Tai Shu Ha Road West and a Tree Planting and Landscape Plan. TLP-10: Works in Yuen Long District (Tai Shu Ha) were compiled, to meet condition 2.12 (iii) of the EP under which there is a requirement for ¡¥A Vegetation Survey Report conducted for the magazine site at Tai Shu Ha Road West for formulating effective mitigatory planting proposal in the site¡¦. 

These reports under the XRL project are publically available at the following sites and

Under the present Project¡¦s EIA, for ecology (and also relevant to landscape), it was found that reinstatement planting to meet the condition of the XRL EP, would be postponed due to the Project.  It has therefore been recommended that as a mitigation measure under the current Project, and to ensure the condition of the XRL EP is met, reinstatement planting should be carried out at the site according to the XRL EIA Vegetation Survey Report for Tai Shu Ha Road West (hereafter Vegetation Survey Report) and the Tree Planting and Landscape Plan TLP-10: Works in Yuen Long District (Tai Shu Ha) (hereafter TLP) once the current Project is complete and the TLEM site removed.    

Annex A provides the Implementation Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures.

4                                            Hazard to Life

4.1                                      Introduction

Blasting related activities regarding storage and transport of explosives should be supervised and audited by competent site staff to ensure strict compliance with the blasting permit conditions.

4.2                                      Mitigation Measures

The recommended mitigation measures outlined in the Project¡¦s Implementation Schedule (Annex A) should be implemented to meet the EIAO-TM requirements.

5                                            Environmental Site Inspection

5.1                                    Site Inspections

For waste management, comprehensive planning and good site management practice will be adopted by the contractors of the Project during operation and decommissioning, and waste on-site will be properly segregated to increase the potential for reuse and recycling.  Chemical waste generated from equipment operation and decommissioning will be properly stored in accordance with Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Waste published by the EPD before collection for disposal by a licensed Chemical Waste Collector.  The quantity of general refuse generated on-site will be minimal owing to the nature of the operation and decommissioning activities and provided general refuse is removed from the Project Site regularly (e.g. once per day), no adverse environmental impact related to handling and disposal of general refuse is expected. 

Adverse water quality impact is not expected during decommissioning, considering the small scale and short duration of works activities and the implementation of proper site runoff control measures.  Water quality impact on other fresh water courses from the works is also unlikely and any discharge from the site expected to be in compliance with the requirements of the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.  However, as good practice, appropriate measures will be implemented in accordance with the guidelines stipulated in EPD¡¦s Practice Note for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN1/94) during the decommissioning works to properly control site run-off and drainage and to minimise potential water quality impacts.  Equally for good practice, general noise control measures, as listed in Recommended Clauses for Construction Contracts ¡V Section 3 - Noise Control will be adopted.

The Hazard To Life assessment has recommended various measure to ensure that societal risks remain as low as is reasonably practicable (ALARP) according to the Hong Kong Government Risk Guidelines (HKRG), EIAO-TM Annex 4.  These include measures to be implemented around the TLEM site such as regularly checking for water seepage through the roof, walls or floor of the magazine building, as well as measures for the transport route such as regular monthly vehicle inspections for fuel system, exhaust system, brakes, electrics, battery, cooling system and engine oil leaks.

The recommended mitigation measures for waste management, water quality, noise and hazard to life are outlined in the Project¡¦s Implementation Schedule (Annex A).  To ensure these general measures are complied with throughout operation and decommissioning, it is recommended that monthly during operation and weekly during decommissioning general inspections are carried out by the ET and competent site staff, and verified by an IEC.

Site inspections provide a direct means to assess and confirm that the Contractor(s)¡¦s environmental protection and pollution control measures are in compliance with the contract specifications.  The site inspection shall be undertaken routinely by the ET to verify that appropriate environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures are properly implemented in accordance with the EIA.  In addition, the ET shall be responsible for defining the scope of the inspections, detailing any deficiencies that are identified, and reporting any necessary action or additional mitigation measures that were implemented as a result of the inspection. 

Regular site inspections shall be carried out by the ET each month during operation and each week during decommissioning.  The IEC shall also undertake random site audit to assess the performance of the Contractor(s).  The areas of inspection shall not be limited to the site area and shall also include the environmental conditions outside the site which are likely to be affected, directly or indirectly, by the site activities.  The ET shall make reference to the following information while conducting the inspections:

¡P            the EIA and EM&A recommendations on environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures;

¡P            ongoing results of the EM&A programme;

¡P            work progress and programme;

¡P            individual works methodology proposals;

¡P            the contract specifications on environmental protection;

¡P            the relevant environmental protection and pollution control laws; and

¡P            previous site inspection results.

The Contractor(s) shall update the ET with relevant information on the construction works prior to carrying out the site inspections.  The site inspection results shall be submitted to the IEC, DHK, and the Contractor(s) within 24 hours.  Should actions be necessary, the ET shall follow up with recommendations on improvements to the environmental protection and pollution control works and shall submit these recommendations in a timely manner to the IEC, DHK and the Contractor(s).  They shall also be presented, along with the remedial actions taken, in the monthly EM&A Reports.  An action reporting system shall be formulated and implemented to report on any remedial measures implemented subsequent to the site inspections.

Ad hoc site inspections shall also be carried out by the ET and site audits by the IEC if significant environmental issues are identified.  Inspections and audits may also be required subsequent to receipt of an environmental complaint or as part of the investigation work as specified in the EM&A programme.

5.2                                    Compliance with Legal & Contractual Requirements

There are contractual environmental protection and pollution control requirements as well as environmental protection and pollution control laws in Hong Kong with which the Project activities will comply.

In order that the works are in compliance with the contractual requirements, the works method statements submitted by the Contractor(s) to DHK for approval will be sent to the ET for review.

The ET shall also review the progress and programme of the works to check the regulatory compliance.

The Contractor(s) shall regularly copy relevant documents to the ET so that the checking and auditing work can be carried out.  The relevant documents are expected to include at a minimum the application letters for different licence/ permits under the environmental protection laws and all valid licences/ permits.  The site diary shall also be available for the ET inspection upon request.

After reviewing document(s), the ET shall advise the IEC, DHK and the Contractor(s) of any non-compliance from the contractual and legislative requirements on environmental protection and pollution control for follow-up actions.  The ET shall also advise the IEC, the Contractor(s), DHK on the current status on licence/permit applications and any environmental protection and pollution control preparation works that may not be suitable for the works programme or may result in potential nonconformity of environmental protection and pollution control requirements.

Upon receipt of the advice, the Contractor(s) shall undertake immediate action to remedy the situation.  The ET, IEC, DHK shall follow up to confirm that appropriate action(s) shall be taken by the Contractor(s) in order that the environmental protection and pollution control requirements are fulfilled.

5.3                                    Environmental Complaints

The ET shall undertake the following procedures upon receipt of a complaint:

(i)       log complaint and date of receipt into the complaint database and inform the IEC immediately;

(ii)       investigate the complaint and discuss with the Contractor(s) and DHK to determine its validity and to assess whether the source of the issue is due to works activities;

(iii)      if a complaint is considered valid due to the works , the ET will identify mitigation measures in consultation with the Contractor(s), the DHK and IEC;

(iv)     if mitigation measures are required, the ET shall advise the Contractor(s) accordingly;

(v)      review the Contractor(s)'s response on the identified mitigation measures and the updated situation;

(vi)     if the complaint is transferred from EPD, an interim report shall be submitted to EPD on the status of the complaint investigation and follow-up action within the time frame assigned by EPD;

(vii)     undertake additional monitoring and audit to verify the situation if necessary and confirm that any valid reason for complaint does not recur;

(viii)    report the investigation results and the subsequent actions on the source of the complaint for responding to complainant.  If the source of complaint is EPD, the results shall be reported within the time frame assigned by EPD; and

(ix)     record the complaint, investigation, the subsequent actions and the results in the monthly EM&A Reports.

During the complaint investigation work, the ET, Contractor(s) and DHK shall cooperate with the IEC in providing the necessary information and assistance for completion of the investigation.  If mitigation measures are identified in the investigation, the Contractor(s) shall promptly carry out the mitigation measures.  DHK will approve the proposed mitigation measures and the ET and IEC shall check that the measures have been carried out by the Contractor(s).

5.4                                    Log-Book

The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances which may affect the environmental impact assessment and every non-compliance from the recommendations of the EIA Report or the conditions of the EP.  The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstance.  The ET Leader¡¦s log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the EIA Report recommendations and the EPs or by EPD or the authorised officers.


6                                          Reporting

6.1                                    General

Reports can be provided in an electronic medium upon agreeing the format with the ER and EPD.  Types of reports that the ET Leader shall prepare and submit include Monthly EM&A Reports and Final EM&A Review Report.  A copy of the Monthly EM&A Report and Final EM&A Review Report shall be made available to the DEP.

6.2                                    EM&A Report Contents

The results and findings of all EM&A works required in this Manual should be recorded in the Monthly EM&A Reports prepared by the ET Leader and endorsed by IEC.  The EM&A report should be prepared and submitted within 10 working days of the end of each reporting month, with the first report due in the month after operation of the magazine site commences.

Copies of each monthly EM&A report should be submitted to each of the four parties: the Contractor, ER, IEC and EPD.

Before submission of the first EM&A report, the ET Leader should liaise with the parties on the exact number of copies and format of the monthly reports in both hard copy and electronic medium requirement.

The ET Leader should review the requirements of the EM&A programme every six months, or on as needed basis, in order to cater for any changes in the surrounding environment and the nature of works in progress.

The first monthly EM&A Report should include at least but not limited to the following:

(i)       Executive summary (1-2 pages):

(ii)       Basic project Information

(iii)      Environmental status

(iv)     Summary of EM&A requirements & Implementation Status

(v)      Monitoring results

(vi)     Any non-compliance, complaints, notifications and summons and status of prosecutions.

(vii)     Any future key issues, comments, recommendations and conclusions for the monitoring period.