
1          Introduction                                                                                                                1-1

1.1       Background                                                                                                                     1-1

1.2       The Study                                                                                                                        1-2

1.3       Description of Project                                                                                                      1-2

1.4       EIA Study Brief                                                                                                               1-3

1.5       Designated Projects                                                                                                         1-3

1.6       Non Designated Projects                                                                                                  1-8

1.7       Environmental Benefits of the Project                                                                              1-10

1.8       Concurrent Projects                                                                                                       1-24

1.9       Objectives of the EIA Study                                                                                           1-31

1.10     Structure of EIA Report                                                                                                 1-32

2          Consideration of Alternative Development Options                                         2-1

2.1       Formulation of RODP                                                                                                      2-1

2.2       Consideration of Public Comments                                                                                   2-1

2.3       Public Consultation                                                                                                           2-1

2.4       Consideration of Options in Landuse                                                                              2-33

2.5       Implementation Programme                                                                                            2-42

3          Project Description and Construction Methodologies                                     3-1

3.1       Need of the Project                                                                                                          3-1

3.2       Appreciation of Existing Environment                                                                                3-3

3.3       Consideration of Scenario Without the Proposed Development                                         3-6

3.4       Recommended Outline Development Plan                                                                         3-6

3.5       Proposed Construction Methodologies for Land Uses and Design                                   3-13

3.6       Consideration of Alternative Construction Methodologies                                                3-16

3.7       Construction Programme                                                                                                3-19


4          Air Quality Impact                                                                                                    4-1

4.1       Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                                               4-1

4.2       Baseline Conditions                                                                                                          4-3

4.3       Air Sensitive Receivers                                                                                                     4-8

4.4       Construction Dust Impact Assessment                                                                            4-25

4.5       Operational Air Quality Impact Assessment                                                                    4-62

4.6       Operational Odour Impact Assessment                                                                         4-105

4.7       Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                              4-116

4.8       References                                                                                                                   4-116


5          Noise Impact                                                                                                               5-1

5.1       Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                                               5-1

5.2       Description of the Environment                                                                                         5-5

5.3       Inventory of Noise Sources                                                                                              5-9

5.4       Noise Sensitive Receivers                                                                                               5-16

5.5       Construction Noise Impact Assessment                                                                          5-31

5.6       Road Traffic Noise Impact Assessment                                                                          5-41

5.7       Fixed Noise Sources Impact Assessment                                                                        5-84

5.8       Rail Noise Impact Assessment                                                                                        5-99

5.9       Conclusion                                                                                                                   5-102

5.10     References                                                                                                                   5-104


6          Water Quality Impact                                                                                               6-1

6.1       Introduction                                                                                                                     6-1

6.2       Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                         6-1

6.3       Sensitive Receivers                                                                                                         6-14

6.4       Baseline Conditions                                                                                                        6-18

6.5       Assessment Methodology                                                                                               6-24

6.6       Identification of Pollution Sources                                                                                   6-24

6.7       Prediction and Evaluation of Impacts                                                                              6-27

6.8       Mitigation Measures                                                                                                       6-37

6.9       Enhancement Measures                                                                                                  6-43

6.10     Residual Impacts                                                                                                            6-44

6.11     Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                                6-44

6.12     References                                                                                                                     6-46


7          Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications                                                  7-1

7.1       Introduction                                                                                                                     7-1

7.2       Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                                               7-1

7.3       Methodology and Design Criteria                                                                                     7-1

7.4       Existing and Planned Sewage Infrastructure                                                                       7-4

7.5       Estimation of Sewage Flows and Loads                                                                            7-6

7.6       Potential Impacts to Sewerage systems and Recommended Mitigation Measures               7-9

7.7       Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                                7-18


8          Ecological Impact                                                                                                     8-1

8.1       Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                                               8-1

8.2       Ecological Context                                                                                                           8-2

8.3       Field Survey and Assessment Methodology                                                                      8-3

8.4       Ecological Baseline Conditions                                                                                         8-7

8.5       Evaluation of Habitats and Species                                                                                 8-31

8.6       Prediction and Evaluation of Ecological Impacts                                                              8-64

8.7       Residual Impacts                                                                                                            8-94

8.8       Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme                                                             8-95

8.9       Conclusion                                                                                                                     8-96

8.10     References                                                                                                                     8-97



9          Fisheries Impact                                                                                                        9-1

9.1       Introduction                                                                                                                     9-1

9.2       Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                                               9-1

9.3       Methodology for Baseline Establishment                                                                           9-2

9.4       Description of Existing Fisheries Baseline Conditions                                                         9-3

9.5       Identification and Evaluation of Impacts                                                                            9-7

9.6       Mitigation Measures                                                                                                         9-9

9.7       Residual Impacts                                                                                                              9-9

9.8       Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme                                                               9-9

9.9       Conclusion                                                                                                                       9-9

9.10     References                                                                                                                     9-10


10        Landscape and Visual Impacts                                                                              10-1

10.1     Introduction                                                                                                                   10-1

10.2     Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                       10-2

10.3     Landscape Impact Assessment Methodology                                                                  10-3

10.4     Visual Impact Assessment Methodology                                                                         10-5

10.5     Identification of Potential Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures                              10-8

10.6     Residual Impact Assessment Methodology                                                                     10-8

10.7     Overall Result of the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment                                      10-9

10.8     Review of Planning and Development Control  Framework                                           10-10

10.9     Baseline Study                                                                                                             10-14

10.10   Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment before Mitigation Measures                          10-39

10.11   Minimisation of Landscape and Visual Impact                                                               10-85

10.12   Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures for Construction and Operation                  10-88

10.13   Residual Impacts upon Mitigation                                                                                 10-94

10.14   Cumulative Impact                                                                                                     10-123

10.15   Conclusions                                                                                                               10-124


11        Waste Management Implications                                                                        11-1

11.1     Introduction                                                                                                                   11-1

11.2     Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                       11-1

11.3     Assessment Methodology                                                                                               11-4

11.4     Identification and Evaluation of Waste Management Implications                                     11-5

11.5     Mitigation Measures                                                                                                     11-14

11.6     Residual Waste Management Implications                                                                     11-18

11.7     Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                              11-18

11.8     References                                                                                                                   11-19


12        Land Contamination Impact                                                                                 12-1

12.1     Introduction                                                                                                                   12-1

12.2     Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                       12-1

12.3     Assessment Methodology                                                                                               12-6

12.4     Description of the Environment                                                                                       12-8

12.5     Potentially Contaminated Sites                                                                                      12-15

12.6     Site Investigation Plan                                                                                                   12-17

12.7     Submission Requirements of CAR, RAP and RR                                                          12-18

12.8     Evaluation of Land Contamination Impacts                                                                    12-18

12.9     Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2 Designated Projects                                     12-19

12.9     Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                              12-19


13        Cultural Heritage Impact                                                                                      13-1

13.1     Introduction                                                                                                                   13-1

13.2     Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines                                                       13-1

13.3     Cultural Heritage Assessment Area                                                                                 13-4

13.4     Baseline Conditions                                                                                                        13-5

13.5     Assessment Methodology                                                                                             13-18

13.6     Impact Assessment                                                                                                      13-21

13.7     Mitigation Measures                                                                                                     13-25

13.8     Residual Impacts                                                                                                          13-27

13.9     Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                              13-28

13.10   References                                                                                                                   13-29


14        Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements                                     14-1

14.1     Introduction                                                                                                                   14-1

14.2     Project Organisation                                                                                                       14-1

14.3     EM&A Manual & Implementation Schedule                                                                   14-1

14.4     Amendments to EM&A Manual                                                                                     14-2

14.5     EM&A Programme                                                                                                        14-2

14.6     Environmental Management Plan                                                                                    14-3

14.7     Method Statements                                                                                                        14-3


15        Summary of Environmental Outcome                                                                15-1

15.1     General                                                                                                                          15-1

15.2     Environmentally Friendly Options Recommended to Avoid Environmental                       15-1


15.3     Environmental Designs Recommended to Minimise and Mitigate Environmental               15-3


15.4     Summary of Key Environmental Problems Avoided and Sensitive Areas                          15-8


15.5     Estimated Population Protected from Various Environmental Impacts                            15-10

15.6     Environmental Benefits of Environmental Protection Measures Recommended               15-10

15.7     Environmental Enhancements                                                                                        15-12

15.8     Compensation Areas                                                                                                    15-13


16        Conclusion                                                                                                                16-1

16.1     General                                                                                                                          16-1

16.2     Air Quality                                                                                                                     16-1

16.3     Noise                                                                                                                             16-2

16.4     Water Quality                                                                                                                16-3

16.5     Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications                                                                16-4

16.6     Ecology                                                                                                                         16-4

16.7     Fisheries                                                                                                                        16-5

16.8     Landscape and Visual                                                                                                    16-6

16.9     Waste Management Implications                                                                                    16-7

16.10   Land Contamination                                                                                                       16-7

16.11   Cultural Heritage                                                                                                            16-8