Advisory Council on the Environment

Report of Environmental Impact Assessment Subcommittee

(ACE Paper 1/2003)
For advice


In mid December 2002, the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Subcommittee considered the following reports by circulation -

  1. Outlying Islands Sewerage, Stage I, Works Phase 1- Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage - Environmental Assessment Report for Tung Wan Option; and
  2. Outlying Islands Sewerage, Stage I, Works Phase 1- Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage - Final Risk Assessment Report.


2.Members are requested to advise whether the above two reports should be endorsed.


Outlying Islands Sewerage, Stage I, Works Phase 1- Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage - Environmental Assessment Report for Tung Wan Option and Final Assessment Report

3. At the meeting held on 21 October 2002, Members considered the EIA report on the Outlying Islands Sewerage, Stage I, Works Phase 1- Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works and Sewerage. Members endorsed the EIA report and considered both the Tai O and Tung Wan discharge options were acceptable with preference over the latter option subject to no adverse impacts on the water quality of beaches on Lantau South and the satisfactory result of the risk assessment of that option and the submission of the risk assessment report to the EIA Subcommittee at a later stage. Both the Environmental Assessment Report and the Final Assessment Report for Tung Wan Option were circulated to the EIA Subcommittee in mid December 2002.

4.The Environmental Assessment Report identifies potential environmental impacts of various nature including air quality, noise, water quality, waste management, landscape and visual, ecology and fisheries, and culture heritage. The results of the assessment indicate that there would not be any insurmountable environmental impacts as the alignment of the option will be mainly on the existing road with little disturbance on the surrounding habitats. The report also concludes that the discharge would not adversely affect the water quality and the areas with ecological importance in Tung Wan and the vicinity.

5.As regards risk assessment, the Final Risk Assessment Report indicates that risk is mitigated to tolerable levels by the combination of the measures proposed. Thus, adequate protection must be provided to the above ground sections of the pipelines to withstand a worst case landslide and that a system must be provided so that all leaks from normal wear and tear are contained by a robust collection and containment system, which will also largely protect against external effects and damage by others.

Views and recommendations of EIA Subcommittee

6.Having regard to the report findings, the EIA Subcommittee agreed that the two reports could be endorsed.

EIA Subcommittee Secretariat
December 2002


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