Clean Air and You

Second Series of “Clean Air and You”

Following the launch of the first video series of “Clean Air and You”, the Environmental Protection Department has produced the second video series focusing on topical issues, which address key air pollution and promote green living.  It has been uploaded to this webpage and YouTube

The second video series comprises five episodes.  After watching the videos, please complete the questionnaire in the following webpage to help us gauge the usefulness of the video clips for reference in preparing future videos.  All the information collected from the questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential and would only be used for our internal reference. 

Video Clips (Second series)

A7 - Wider Use of Electric Vehicles (3:32 minutes)


A8 - Regional Air Pollution (2:52 minutes)

Regional Air Pollution

A9 - Tropical Cyclone and Air Quality (3:53 minutes)

Tropical Cyclone and Air Quality

A10 - Photochemical Smog (3:21 minutes)

A10 - Photochemical Smog

A11 - Indoor Air Quality (3:30 minutes)

A11 - Indoor Air Quality


First Series of “Clean Air and You”

To help improve understanding on the health risk of air quality and the actions you can take to improve air quality, the Environmental Protection Department produced a video series entitled “Clean Air and You”, which is uploaded to this webpage and YouTube

The series comprises six episodes.  One episode will be released every Friday starting from 27 May 2016.

After watching the video series, please complete the questionnaire in the following webpage so that we can gauge the usefulness of the video clips for reference in preparing future videos.  All the information collected from the questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential and would only be used for our internal reference. 

Video Clips (First series)

A1 - Air Quality Health Index (3:46 minutes)

Air Quality Health Index

A2 - Air Quality and Health (4:05 minutes)

Air Quality and Health

A3 - Air Quality Monitoring (4:08 minutes)

Air Quality Monitoring

A4 - Emission Control Measures: Vehicles (4:31 minutes)

A4 - Emission Control Measures: Vehicles

A5 - Emission Control Measures: Vessels, Power Plants, Mobile Machinery and Volatile Organic Compounds (4:22 minutes)

A5 - Emission Control Measures: Vessels, Power Plants, Mobile Machinery and Volatile Organic Compounds

A6 - Green Lifestyle (3:57 minutes)

A6 - Green Lifestyle



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