Proper management of wastewater from construction site

Proper management of wastewater from construction site


Discharge of untreated wastewater of construction sites contaminated with silt and mud will not only cause flooding resulting from blockage of drainage but also damage the ecosystem of the downstream water bodies.  According to the Water Pollution Control Ordinance, Environmental Protection Department (EPD) controls the discharge of wastewater from various industrial and commercial activities including construction activity by means of licensing system.


Wastewater from construction sites can be divided into the following types:

1.         Construction site surface runoff

2.         Wastewater from vehicle washing

3.         Wastewater from site toilet, canteen and plant maintenance facilities

4.         Wastewater from boring works


This video clip introduces EPD’s control mechanism on wastewater discharge and discusses the sources of different types of wastewater from construction site and their corresponding treatment strategies.