最新消息 - 資料庫

二零零七年十二月December 2007
立法會事務 Legislative Council Matters
352DS -「淨化海港計劃」第二期甲 - 在昂船洲污水處理廠建造前期消毒設施
352DS - Harbour Area Treatment Scheme, stage 2 - construction of advance disinfection facilities at Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works
環保署於二零零七年十一月二十六日向立法會環境事務委員會諮詢關於支持即將提交申請撥款1億 1,000萬元,用作提前興建「淨化海港計劃」第二期甲的前期消毒設施。這個項目,目的是將西部海域及荃灣區的泳灘的細菌含量降低及進一步改善水質。現時,這些水域正受到昂船洲污水處理廠所收集「淨化海港計劃」第一期及其排出的未經消毒廢水的不良影響。預計前期消毒設施可於二零零九年完成。
EPD consulted the Panel on Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council on 26 November 2007 for support for the forthcoming funding application of $110 million for advancing part of the construction of the disinfection facilities under HATS Stage 2A. The purpose is to reduce the bacteria level and hence further improve the water quality of the western waters as well as the Tsuen Wan beaches that are presently adversely affected by the undisinfected effluent discharged from the existing Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works collecting the HATS Stage 1 flows. The advance disinfection facilities are expected to be completed by 2009.