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Construction Phase

With the implementation of dust control measures recommended in the EIA Report and good construction site practices, adverse dust and air quality impacts are not anticipated.

Operation and Restoration Phase

The modelling results show that the air pollutant concentrations predicted at the representative ASRs are well within the relevant Air Quality Objectives (AQOs), international chronic / acute reference guidelines and health risk guidelines. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions from the Extension are predicted to be low at the site boundary. The operation of the Extension will not cause adverse air quality impacts to the identified ASRs.

The odour modelling predicted some residual impacts in a small area zoned for industrial development covering a part of TKO Area 137 and TVB City adjacent to the Extension boundary. The residual impacts will be infrequent and transient. The frequency of the exceedances at TVB City will be reduced through the adoption of rephasing of waste tipping activity. The design of the Extension has incorporated a stringent odour management and control system. In addition, good site practices and housekeeping would be stipulated in the operation contractor. Over the six-year operational period as the waste tipping face moves further away from the ASRs as the Extension is developed, the number of exceedances at ASRS (including the TVB City and TKO Area 137) are expected to reduce to zero. As the odour modelling has adopted conservative assumptions, the residual impact will be lower and the number of exceedance will be less than that predicted. Taking account of the nature of the developments affected (industrial and commercial premises), the small number of people impacted, the transient nature, low frequency and magnitude of the exceedances, the residual impacts are considered acceptable.

Aftercare Phase

During the aftercare phase, air emission sources are primarily associated with the landfill gas management facility. The impact from gaseous emissions from the landfill gas management facility is predicted to be within the AQO criteria, reference acute / chronic concentrations and health risk guidelines at any of the identified representative ASRs. No odour impact is predicted during aftercare phase. It is therefore concluded that the aftercare of the Extension will not cause adverse air quality impacts to the representative ASRs.