During the construction phase, with the implementation of the recommended dust control measures and good construction site practices, no adverse dust and air quality impacts are anticipated.
The modelling prediction shows that throughout the operation, restoration and aftercare phases, the predicted cumulative impacts of NO2, CO, SO2, benzene and vinyl chloride at the identified representative ASRs due to the operations of the landfill gas treatment facility, leachate treatment works and landfill gas generator will be well within relevant Air Quality Objectives, international chronic/acute reference and health risk guidelines.
It is not envisaged that the operation of the Extension will cause adverse air quality impact to the identified representative ASRs in terms of VOC emissions from the landfill.
With the implementation of recommended odour management and control measures, the predicted maximum 5-second odour concentrations at all identified representative ASRs (except those ASRs in the immediate vicinity of the Extension site boundary) comply with the odour criterion. Residual impacts were predicted in parts of TKO Area 137 and TVB City which are immediately adjacent to the Extension site boundary. The frequency of the exceedances at TVB City will be reduced through the adoption of rephrasing of waste tipping activity (ie no waste tipping activity at the northern sector of the Extension between July and November). Over the six year operation period, the number of exceedances at these two ASRs will be diminished to zero as the separation distances and heights between the active tipping face and the ASR increases. It should be noted that the assessment has adopted conservative assumptions and hence, it is anticipated that the actual odour level and number of exceedances will be less than the predicted in this assessment. Taking account of the nature of the developments affected (industrial and commercial premises), the number of people impacted, the transient nature, low frequency and magnitude of the exceedances, the residual impacts are considered acceptable. No odour impact is anticipated during the aftercare phase.
EM&A will be carried out throughout the Project to ensure the proposed mitigation measures are implemented and compliance with the air quality objectives and standards.