Source of Air Pollution during Construction Phase

Dust arising from blasting, excavation and filling, slope stabilisation, site formation, stone crushing and vehicle movements

Source of Air Pollution during Operation/ Restoration Phase

Gaseous emissions from the new Landfill gas treatment (LFG) facility (NO2, SO2, CO, vinyl chloride, benzene, non-methane organic carbons (NMOCs)))
Gaseous emissions from the thermal oxidizer of the leachate treatment plant (LTP) (NO2, SO2 CO, vinyl chloride, benzene, NMOCs)
Vehicular emissions from traffic associated with the Extension
Fugitive emissions from the active tipping face
Odour emissions from the active tipping face and operation of LTP

Source of Air Pollution during aftercare phase

Gaseous emissions from the LFG treatment facility
Gaseous emissions from the LTP