Environmental impact assessment has been carried out for the proposed SENT Landfill Extension, a Designated Project defined under the EIAO. This EIA Study provides information on the nature and extent of the environmental impacts arising from the Extension during the construction, operation, restoration and aftercare phases of the Extension with consideration to the following aspects:
Air Quality
Water Quality
Waste Management Assessment
Landfill Gas Hazard
Landscape and Visual Impacts

The environmental impact assessment has concluded that no unacceptable environmental impacts are envisaged as a result of the construction, operation, restoration and aftercare of the Extension, provided that the recommended mitigation measures are implemented.  It is predicted that there will be a residual odour impact on air sensitive receivers in the immediate vicinity of the Extension Site boundary.  Taking account of the nature of the developments affected, the number of people impacted, the transient nature, low frequency and magnitude of the exceedances, the residual impacts are considered acceptable.