Water Quality

Mitigation Measures

With the implementation of adequate construction site drainage and provision of sediment removal facilities it is anticipated that no unacceptable water quality impacts would arise on the identified WSRs. All effluent discharge from the works will be subject to control under the WPCO.

Site runoff will be controlled by construction of perimeter cut-off drains to direct off-site water around the site and implementation of internal drainage works and erosion and sedimentation control facilities. Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers will be provided on site to direct potential contaminated runoff to the on-site slit trap before discharged to the stormwater drains. The design of any slit removal facilities will be based on the guidelines in Appendix A1 of ProPECC PN 1/94. Other measures to control site runoff include:

- regular inspection of drainage and sediment control facilities
- measures to prevent ingress of storm water into excavated areas
- excavations during the wet season will be in short sections
- water from excavated trenches will be discharged in to storm drains via silt removal facilities
- covering of excavated or demolition material with tarpaulin or similar fabric
- measures to prevent chemicals or residues washing into the drainage
- sealing of manholes to prevent entry of silt, construction material into the drainage system
- take necessary precaution, when rainstorms are forecast,  as summarized  in Appendix A2 of ProPECC PN 1/94

Vehicle and plant servicing areas, vehicle washing bays, and lubricating bays will be located within roofed areas, drainage from these areas will be connected to the foul sewer through a petrol interceptors

All spillages will be cleaned up immediately

Fuel and chemical storages will be on paved areas, surrounded by a bund of capacity 110%

Water from bunded areas will pass through oil/grease traps prior to discharge

Existing washroom facilities will be used by the construction workforce. The sewage will be discharged into existing public sewers

As no adverse water quality impacts are identified during the operation of the CPSC, no mitigation measures will be required.