

The ecological resources recorded within the Study Area included eleven habitats of which only two were not found in the Project Site. The ecological values of these habitats are considered of low to moderate ecological value. 286 plant species were recorded in the Study Area, only one of which was a species of conservation interest. No plant species of conservation interest was recorded within the Project Site.

A total of 38 wildlife species of conservation interest were recorded within the Study Area during the surveys. Only 13 of these species were recorded in the Project Site during the surveys, 12 of them being highly mobile birds and the other being the Courtesan butterfly which despite not being as mobile, has an abundance of similar habitat in the immediate vicinity.

The Project Site is split into two components, the advanced works area and the river modification & associated works and will cause some permanent habitat loss. The Shenzhen River will be disturbed during construction but additional stream/river habitat (> 2ha) woodland habitat (~ 0.5ha) and riverbank landscaping areas (> 4ha) will be formed after river modification works. Given the relatively low value of the habitat and the low faunal abundance / diversity in the area, the impact of the Project is anticipated to be low. With the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures and good construction practice no unacceptable ecological impact is anticipated.

A bird monitoring programme will be undertaken to monitor the effectiveness of the reprovisioned/reinstated habitats during the operation of the Project.  Monitoring of bird abundance and occurrence will be undertaken for one year after the establishment of the landscape plantings of the Project.