Landscape and Visual

Assessment Result

Landscape Impact – Construction Phase

During construction and before mitigation, landscape impacts are:

Significant for LCA4 (Natural River and Flood plain Landscape), LR2 (Natural Watercourse) and LR8 (Shrubby Grassland on Lowland);

Moderate for LCA 1 (Settled Agricultural Lowland Landscape), LR4 (Woodland on Hillside), LR5 (Woodland on Lowland), LR9 (Active Farmland) and LR10 (Inactive Farmland);

Slight for LCA 3 (Channelized Watercourse Landscape), LR1 (Channelized Watercourse), LR12 (Village Area), LR16 (Rural Built/Open Storage Area) and LR18 (Roads); and

Insignificant for the remaining LCAs/LRs (LCA 2 Natural Vegetated Hillside Landscape; LR3 Pond; LR6 Fung Shui Forest; LR7 Shrubby Grassland on Hillside; LR11 Commercial Farm; LR13 Traditional Village Area; LR14 Abandoned Village Area; LR15 Temple; and LR17 Ongoing Development).

Upon mitigation, the significance of residual, adverse impact is: 

Moderate for LCA4 (Natural River and Flood plain Landscape), LR2 (Natural Watercourse) and LR8 (Shrubby Grassland on Lowland);

Slight for LCA 1 (Settled Agricultural Lowland Landscape), LCA 3 (Channelized Watercourse Landscape), LR1 (Channelized Watercourse), LR4 (Woodland on Hillside), LR5 (Woodland on Lowland), LR9 (Active Farmland), LR10 (Inactive Farmland), LR12 (Village Area), LR16 (Rural Built/Open Storage Area) and LR18 (Roads); and

Insignificant for the remaining LCAs/LRs (LCA 2 Natural Vegetated Hillside Landscape; LR3 Pond; LR6 Fung Shui Forest; LR7 Shrubby Grassland on Hillside; LR11 Commercial Farm; LR13 Traditional Village Area; LR14 Abandoned Village Area; LR15 Temple; and LR17 Ongoing Development).


Landscape Impact – Operation Phase
At day 1 of operation and before mitigation, landscape impacts remain the same as for construction before mitigation, with the exception of:

LCA 3 (Channelized Watercourse Landscape), LR1 (Channelized water course) and LR12 (Village area) where significance of impact is reduced from slight to insignificant; and

LR18 (Roads) where significance of impact is considered to change from slightly adverse to potentially be slightly beneficial even prior to mitigation.

Upon mitigation, the significance of residual, adverse impact at day 1 is: 

Moderate for LCA4 (Natural River and Floodplain Landscape), LR2 (Natural Watercourse) and LR8 (Shrubby Grassland on Lowland);

Slight for LCA 1 (Settled Agricultural Lowland Landscape), LR4 (Woodland on Hillside), LR5 (Woodland on Lowland), LR9 (Active Farmland) and LR10 (Inactive Farmland; and

Insignificant for LCA 2 (Natural Vegetated Hillside Landscape), LCA 3 (Channelized Watercourse Landscape), LR1 (Channelized Watercourse), LR3 (Pond), LR6 (Fung Shui Forest), LR7 (Shrubby Grassland on Hillside), LR11 (Commercial Farm), LR12 (Village Area), LR13 (Traditional Village Area), LR14 (Abandoned Village Area), LR15 (Temple), LR16 (Rural Built/Open Storage Area) and LR17 (Ongoing Development); and

Potentially slightly beneficial for LR18 (Roads).

By year 10 of operation, planting mitigation measures will have become more effective as plants mature, and the significance of residual, adverse impact will have reduced for any LCAs/LRs experiencing impacts at day 1. At year 10 significance of residual, adverse impact is:

Slight Moderate for LCA4 (Natural River and Floodplain Landscape), LR2 (Natural Watercourse) and LR8 (Shrubby Grassland on Lowland);

Insignificant for LCA1 (Settled Agricultural Lowland Landscape), LCA 2 (Natural Vegetated Hillside Landscape), LCA 3 (Channelised Watercourse Landscape), LR1 (Channelized Watercourse), LR3 (Pond), LR4 (Woodland on Hillside), LR5 (Woodland on Lowland), LR6 (Fung Shui Forest), LR7 (Shrubby Grassland on Hillside), LR11 (Commercial Farm), LR12 (Village Area), LR13 (Traditional Village Area), LR14 (Abandoned Village Area), LR15 (Temple), LR16 (Rural Built/Open Storage Area) and LR17 (Ongoing Development); and

Potentially slightly beneficial for LR18 (Roads).

The overall landscape impact is considered acceptable with mitigation measures.


Visual Impact – Construction Phase
At construction phase, the unmitigated impacts identified are:

Significant for three VSRs (Residents of TKL Village and Residents of Kaw Liu Village and Residents of the current Chuk Yuen Village);

Moderate for two VSRs (Travellers along Lin Ma Hang Road, and Residents of Tsung Yuen Ha); and

Slight for one VSR (future residents of the re-sited Chuk Yuen Village); and

Not applicable for one VSR (Travellers through the LT/HYW BCP).

Upon mitigation, the significance of residual, adverse impact is: 

Moderate for three VSRs (Residents of TKL Village, Residents of Kaw Liu Village and Residents of the Current Chuk Yuen Village); and

Slight for three VSRs (Travellers along Lin Ma Hang Road, Residents of Tsung Yuen Ha, and future Residents of re-sited Chuk Yuen Village).

Not applicable for one VSR (Travellers through the LT/HYW BCP).

The overall Visual impact is considered acceptable with mitigation measures.


Visual Impact – Operation Phase
At operation phase, the unmitigated impacts identified are:

Moderate for three VSRs (Residents of TKL Village, Residents of Kaw Liu Village and Residents of the current Chuk Yuen Village if this village is still in existence at this location); and

Slight for four VSRs (Travellers along Lin Ma Hang Road, Residents of Tsung Yuen Ha, future Residents of the re-sited Chuk Yuen Village and future Travellers through LT/HYW BCP).

(There are no significant impacts for the operation phase, even before mitigation)

Upon mitigation at Day 1, the residual impacts are:

Slight for four VSRs (Residents of TKL Village, Residents of Kaw Liu Village, Travellers along Lin Ma Hang Road and Residents of the current Chuk Yuen Village if the village is still in existence); and

Insignificant for two VSRs (Residents of Tsung Yuen Ha and future Residents of the re-sited Chuk Yuen Village)

Not applicable for one VSR (Village and future Travellers through LT/HYW BCP).

Upon mitigation at Year 10, all residual impacts are insignificant, including for Travellers through the LT/HYW BCP.

Please click to see photomontage of the existing and future views of the Project