Water Quality

Baseline Condition
Under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) in Hong Kong, Hong Kong waters are divided into 10 Water Control Zones (WCZ). Each WCZ has a designated set of statutory Water Control Objectives (WQOs) that set limits for different parameters within the WCZs. In accordance with the WPCO, the proposed Project is located within the Deep Bay WCZ.

Hydrodynamics and Hydrology
The section of Shenzhen River within the Project Site comprises a “fan-shaped” system which is short and steep with faster flow rate. Large flow from this section can converge into the downstream section within a short period of time.

Baseline Water Quality
River water quality at the upstream area is better than that at the downstream area of the Shenzhen River. Exceedances of the WQOs are observed for DO in the Study Area.

Direct discharge of domestic sewages from the households of Shenzhen is the main source of pollution to the river section of the Project Site. Twenty-one sewage outlets from Shenzhen are identified as the source of major pollutants for the Study Area.

Water Sensitive Receivers
Water Sensitive Receivers (WSRs) were identified according to guidance provided in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance – Technical Memorandum (EIAO-TM) and the Hong Kong Planning Standard and Guidelines (HKPSG). The WSRs in the Study Area are presented below, these includes:

Shenzhen River

Ping Yuen River

Kong Yiu Drainage Channel

Wetland Conservation Area at Shenzhen River estuary

Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site

Location of Water Quality Sensitve Receivers (WSRs)