Water Quality

Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A)

Water quality monitoring will be undertaken during the foundation pit drainage and cofferdam demolition work period of the Project. Water quality monitoring will be undertaken at the following locations when construction works are in progress:

During foundation pit drainage and cofferdam demolition at Work Area I and Work Area II

500 m upstream of Work Area I; and

1,000 m downstream of Work Area II.

During foundation pit drainage and cofferdam demolition at Work Area III and Work Area IV

500 m upstream of Work Area III; and

1,000 m downstream of Work Area IV.

Monitoring will be conducted for three times per week during the construction period. During each sampling survey, water samples for laboratory analysis and in situ measurements will be taken at all monitoring stations for the following water quality parameters:

Dissolved Oxygen (mg L-1) (in situ);

pH (in situ);

Turbidity (NTU) (in situ); and

Suspended Solids (mg L-1) (laboratory analysis).