Environmental Permit No. EP-477/2013/A

環境許可證編號  EP-477/2013/A









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A (許可證主要部分)


Pursuant to section 10 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the Director of Environmental Protection (the Director) granted the Environmental Permit (No. EP-477/2013) to Civil Engineering and Development Department (hereinafter referred to as the "Permit Holder") on 22 November 2013. Pursuant to Section 13 of the EIAO, the Director amends the Environmental Permit (No. EP-477/2013) based on the Application No. VEP-595/2021. The amendments, described below, are incorporated into this Environmental Permit (No. EP-477/2013/A). This Environmental Permit as amended is for the construction and operation of the designated project described in Part B subject to the conditions specified in Part C.  The issue of this Environmental Permit is based on the documents, approvals or permissions described below :


根據環境影響評估條例(環評條例)10條的規定,環境保護署署長(署長)20131122日將環境許可證(編號:EP-477/2013)批予土木工程拓展署 (下稱許可證持有人”) 。根據環評條例第13條的規定,署長因應更改環境許可證的申請編號VEP-595/2021修訂環境許可證(編號:EP-477/2013)以下修訂已包含在本環境許可證內 (編號:EP-477/2013/A)。本經修訂的環境許可證作為建造及營辦B所說明的指定工程項目,但須遵守C所列明的條件。環境許可證的發出,乃以下表所列的文件、批准或許可作為根據:


Application No.




Document in the Register :



1.     Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop (Register No. AEIAR-176/2013):

-   Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report  [Hereinafter referred to as the “EIA Report”]

-   Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual  [Hereinafter referred to as the “EM&A Manual”]

-   Executive Summary

落馬洲河套地區發展 (登記冊編號:AEIAR-176/2013):

- 環境影響評估報告 [下稱「環評報告」

- 環境監察及審核計劃 [下稱「環監手冊」]

- 環評行政摘要


2.     The Director’s letter of approval of the EIA Report dated 25 October 2013 referenced (85) in EP2/G/S3/152 Pt.3.

署長於20131025日發出批准環評報告的信件,檔案編號 (85) in EP2/G/S3/152 Pt.3


3.     Application for Environmental Permit and attachments submitted on 29 October 2013 (Application No. AEP-477/2013).

20131029日提交的環境許可證申請和附件 (申請書編號: AEP-477/2013) 


4.     Environmental Permit issued on 22 November 2013 (Permit No. EP-477/2013).

201311 22日簽發的環境許可證 (許可證編號: EP- 477/2013)


5.     Application for Variation of an Environmental Permit and attachments submitted on 16 July 2021 (Application No. VEP- 595/2021).

2021716日提交的更改環境許可證的申請和附件 (申請書編號: VEP-595/2021)


Application No.



Date of Application


List of Amendments Incorporated into this Environmental Permit


Date of Amendments



16 Jul 2021


1.     Vary Conditions 2.13, 2.22 and 2.24 in Part C of the Environmental Permit (No. EP-477/2013)

更改環境許可證(編號  EP-477/2013)C2.132.222.24條件


2.     Delete Table 3 in Part C of the Environmental Permit (No. EP-477/2013)

刪除環境許可證(編號  EP-477/2013)C3


3.     Delete Figure 6a, 6b, 6c and 7 in Part C of the Environmental Permit (No. EP-477/2013).

刪除環境許可證(編號  EP-477/2013)C6a6b 6c7

12 Aug 2021






 12 August 2021











(Stanley C. F. LAU)

Acting Principal Environmental Protection Officer

for Director of Environmental Protection


(署理首席環境保護主任 劉志輝 代行)






B (指定工程項目的說明)


Hereunder is the description of the designated project mentioned in Part A of this Environmental Permit (hereinafter referred to as the “Permit”):





Title of Designated Project



(i)     Ecological Area (referred to as “DP1” in the EIA Report) ;

(ii)   Western Connection Road (including Lok Ma Chau (LMC) Road Connection to Fanling / San Tin Highway) (referred to as “DP2” in the EIA Report);

(iii)  Direct Link to MTR LMC Station (referred to as “DP3” in the EIA Report);

(iv)  Drainage System under Internal Transport Networks (referred to as “DP4” in the EIA Report);

(v)    Sewage Treatment Works (STW) (referred to as “DP5” in the EIA Report); and

(vi)  Flushing Water Service Reservoir (referred to as “DP7” in the EIA Report),

in the Development of LMC Loop.

(These designated project elements are collectively hereafter referred to as “the Project”.)


Remarks: This Permit does not cover the Eastern Connection Road referred to as “DP6” in the EIA Report.



(i)       生態區(環評報告中所指的「DP1) ;

(ii)     西面連接路(包括落馬洲路連接至粉嶺/新田公路段)(環評報告中所指的「DP2)

(iii)   連接港鐵落馬洲站的直接通道(環評報告中所指的「DP3)

(iv)    區内交通網下的排水管網 (環評報告中所指的「DP4);

(v)     污水處理廠(環評報告中所指的「DP5)以及

(vi)    沖厠用水配水庫(環評報告中所指的「DP7)



: 本許可證不包括東面連接路,環評報告中所指的「DP6」。


Nature of Designated Project



(i)     a flood storage pond more than 10 ha in size;

(ii)   a road partly in a conservation area;

(iii)  a road bridge more than 100m in length between abutments and partly in a conservation area;

(iv)  a drainage channel system which discharges into an area which is less than 300m from the nearest boundary of a conservation area;

(v)    a sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 5,000 m3 per day, and a boundary of which is less than 200 m from the nearest boundary of a planned educational institution involves an activity for the reuse of treated sewage effluent from a treatment plant; and

(vi)  an activity for the reuse of treated sewage effluent from a treatment plant and partly in a conservation area.


(i)     面積超過10公頃的蓄洪池;

(ii)   部分位於自然保育區的路段;

(iii)  橋台之間長度超過100米,部分路段位於自然保育區的道路橋;

(iv)    排水出口距離自然保育區最近界線少於300米的排水管道系統;

(v)     設計處理能力多於每日5,000立方米,距離一所規劃中的教育機構最近界線少於200米,並包括有循環再用經處理污水設備的污水處理廠;以及

(vi)    循環再用來自一所處理廠的經處理污水,部分工程項目位於自然保育區內


Location of Designated Project




Lok Ma Chau Loop and nearby areas.

The location of the Project is shown in Figure 1 of this Permit.





Scale and Scope of Designated Project


The scope of the Project includes:

(i)         about 12.78 ha of Ecological Area for reed marsh compensation and a secondary function as a flood storage pond;

(ii)       a 2-lane single carriageway road, about 1.3 km (main road) and 480 m (slip roads) in length, from LMC Loop to external road and highway network at San Tin Highway/Castle Peak Road mainly formed by widening of the existing Ha Wan Tsuen Road and Lok Ma Chau Road (at-grade) plus a new slip road to San Tin Interchange; other components include construction haul roads, utilities (e.g. water mains, drainage, electric cables, etc), noise barriers and cycle tracks;

(iii)     a viaduct, as a linkage between the LMC Loop and the proposed elevated public transport interchange (PTI) at MTR LMC Station, about 770 m in length, other components include construction haul roads, utilities (e.g. water mains, drainage, electric cables, etc), and noise barriers/parapets;

(iv)      a drainage channel system mainly under the internal transport network including Main Road M1, Road L1 and Road L2 within the LMC Loop, and the associated utilities;

(v)       a sewage treatment works, with tertiary treatment level, site footprint of about 2.1 ha, an average dry weather flow of 18,000 m3/day, other components include the facilities for treated sewage effluent (TSE) reuse, reclaimed water surge vessel compound, reclaimed water booster pump compound, and reclaimed water chlorine contact tank;

(vi)      a water service reservoir for the reuse of TSE from a sewage treatment plant with a site footprint of about 1,350 m2, capacity size of about 3,375 m3, a 200 m access road and the associated designated pipelines for treated sewage effluent reuse;

(vii)    site formation works; and

(viii)  other associated works.



(i)         面積約為12.78公頃的生態區,作為蘆葦濕地補償區,次要作用為蓄洪池;

(ii)       一條長約1.3公里(主要道路)480(連接路)的雙線不分隔車路,接連落馬洲河套地區及外圍道路和位於新田公路/青山公路的公路網,方法主要為擴闊現有下灣村路及落馬洲路(地面)及興建一條前往新田交匯處的新連接路;其他組成部分包括: 建築用運料路、公用設施(例如: 水管、排水渠及電纜等)、隔音屏和單車徑;

(iii)     一條長約770米的高架橋,用以接駁落馬洲河套地區及位於港鐵落馬洲站的擬議高架公共交通交匯處。其他組成部分包括: 建築用運料路、公用設施(例如: 水管、排水渠及電纜等)及隔音屏/護欄;

(iv)      主要為落馬洲河套地區區內交通網主要道M1、道L1和道L2下的排水管道系統,以及相關公用設施;

(v)       一所達三級處理水平,面積約為2.1公頃,在旱季時平均流量為每日18,000立方米的污水處理廠;其他組成部分包括用以循環再用經處理污水的設施、再造水調壓缸房、再造水增壓泵房和再造水氯接觸池;

(vi)      用以循環再用來自一所污水處理廠的經處理污水的配水庫,面積約為1,350平方米,容量約3,375立方米,同時包括200米長的通路及供循環再用經處理污水用的相關指定水管;

(vii)    地盤平整工程;以及

(viii)  其他相關工程。


C (許可證條件)


1.        General Conditions


1.1           The Permit Holder and any person working on the Project shall comply with all conditions set out in this Permit. Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap.499) and may become the subject of appropriate action being taken under the Ordinance.

 許可證持有人及任何從事工程項目的人士必須完全符合本許可證載列的全部條件。任何人士如有不符合本許可證的情況,可能違反《環境影響評估條例》(下稱 「環評條例)(第499章)的規定,而當局可根據環評條例採取適當行動。


1.2           The Permit Holder shall ensure full compliance with all legislation from time to time in force including, without limitation to, the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311), Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400), Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358), and Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap. 354). This Permit does not of itself constitute any ground of defense against any proceedings instituted under any legislation or imply any approval under any legislation.



1.3           The Permit Holder shall make copies of this Permit together with all documents referred to in this Permit and the documents referred to in Part A of this Permit readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorized officers at all sites/offices covered by this Permit. Any reference to the Permit shall include all documents referred to in the Permit and also the relevant documents in the Register.

許可證持有人須印製本許可證的複本,連同本許可證所述的所有文件及本許可證A所述文件,以供署長或獲授權人員任何時間內在本許可證所涵蓋的所有工地 / 辦事處查閱。凡提述本許可證,須包括本許可證所述的所有文件及登記冊內的相關文件。


1.4           The Permit Holder shall give a copy of this Permit to the person(s) in charge of the site(s) and ensure that such person(s) fully understands all conditions and all requirements incorporated by the Permit. The site(s) refers to site(s) of construction and operation of the Project and shall mean the same hereafter.



1.5           The Permit Holder shall display conspicuously a copy of this Permit on the construction site(s) at all vehicular site entrances/exits or at a convenient location for public’s information at all times. The Permit Holder shall ensure that the most updated information about the Permit, including any amended Permit, is displayed at such locations. If the Permit Holder surrenders a part or the whole of this Permit, the notice he sends to the Director shall also be displayed at the same locations as the original Permit. The suspended, varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the construction site(s).



1.6           The Permit Holder shall construct and operate the Project in accordance with the project description in Part B of this Permit.



1.7           The Permit Holder shall ensure that the Project is designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the information and recommendations described in the approved EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-176/2013); the Director’s letter of approval of the EIA Report dated 25 October 2013; the application documents for Environmental Permits (Application No. AEP-477/2013 and VEP-595/2021) and other relevant documents in the Register, the information and mitigation measures described in this Permit, mitigation measures to be recommended in submissions that shall be deposited with or approved by the Director as a result of permit conditions contained in this Permit, and mitigation measures to be recommended under on-going surveillance and monitoring activities during all stages of the Project. Where recommendations referred to in the documents of the Register are not expressly referred to in this Permit, such recommendations are nevertheless to be implemented unless expressly excluded or impliedly amended in this Permit.

許可證持有人,須確保工程項目的設計、建造及營辦,按照獲批准的環評報告(登記冊編號:AEIAR-176/2013資料及建議、署長於20131025日發出該環評報告的批准信、提交的環境許可證申請書(申請書編號: AEP-477/2013VEP-595/2021)以及登記冊內的其他相關文件;本許可證所說明的資料及緩解措施;根據本許可證內載的條件須向署長存放或獲署長批准的提交文件所建議的緩解措施;以及在工程項目各階段進行的持續監察及監測工作所建議的緩解措施。登記冊文件所述建議如沒有在本許可證明確表示,則仍須實施這些建議,除非獲本許可證明確豁除或已修訂。


1.8           All deposited submissions, as required under this Permit, shall be rectified and resubmitted in accordance with the comments, if any, made by the Director within one month of the receipt of the Director’s comments or otherwise specified by the Director.




1.9           All submissions approved by the Director, all submissions deposited without comments by the Director, or all submissions rectified in accordance with comments by the Director under this Permit shall be construed as part of the permit conditions described in Part C of this Permit. Any variation of the submissions shall be approved by the Director in writing or as prescribed in the relevant permit conditions. Any non-compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap.499). All submissions or any variation of the submissions shall be certified by the Environmental Team (ET) Leader and verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) referred to in Conditions 2.1 and 2.2 below before submitting to the Director under this Permit.

署長批准的所有提交文件、署長沒有給予意見的所有存放文件及根據本許可證規定由署長給予意見修正的所有提交文件,均須詮釋為本許可證C說明的許可證條件的一部分。提交文件如有任何修訂,均須獲署長的書面批准,或符合有關許可證條件訂明的規定。如有不符合提交文件的情況,則可能違反環境影響評估條例 (499) 的規定。所有提交文件或提交文件的任何修訂本,均須按下文條件第2.12.2項所述由環境小組組長核證及獨立環境查核人核實,然後才按本許可證規定向署長提交。


1.10        The Permit Holder shall release all finalized submissions, as required under this Permit, to the public by depositing copies in the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office, or in any other places, or any internet websites as specified by the Director, or by any other means as specified by the Director for public inspection. For this purpose, the Permit Holder shall provide sufficient copies of the submissions.



1.11        All submissions to the Director required under this Permit shall be delivered either in person or by registered mail to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Register Office (currently at 27/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong). Electronic copies of all finalized submissions required under this Permit shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 4.0 or later) and/or in Portable Document Format (PDF version 4.0 or later), unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hard copies.

本許可證規定向署長提交的所有文件,須親身送交或以掛號方式郵寄至環境影響評估條例登記冊辦事處 (現址為:香港灣仔軒尼詩道130號修頓中心27)。所有按本許可證規定提交的文件定稿的電子版本,均須以超文本標示語言 (HTML) (4.0或較後版本) /或便攜式文件格式 (PDF) (4.0或較後版本) 製作,除非另獲署長同意,並須與硬複本同時提交。


1.12        The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of construction of the Project no later than one month prior to the commencement of construction of the Project. The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the construction.



1.13        For the purpose of this Permit, “commencement of construction” does not include works related to site clearance and preparation or other works as agreed by the Director.



1.14        The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing the commencement date of operation of the Project no later than one month prior to the commencement of operation of the Project. The Permit Holder shall notify the Director in writing immediately if there is any change of the commencement date of the operation.




2               Specific Conditions



Submissions or Measures to be implemented before Construction of the Project



Employment of Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Personnel



2.1           An Environmental Team (ET) shall be established by the Permit Holder no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project. The ET shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) for the Project. The ET shall be headed by an ET Leader. The ET Leader shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in environmental monitoring and auditing (EM&A) or environmental management. The ET and the ET Leader shall be responsible for the implementation of the EM&A programme in accordance with the EM&A requirements as contained in the EM&A Manual of the Project. The ET Leader shall keep a contemporaneous log-book of each and every instance or circumstance or change of circumstances, which may affect the compliance with the recommendations of the approved EIA Report and this Permit. The ET Leader shall notify the IEC within one working day of the occurrence of any such instance or circumstance or change of circumstances. The ET Leader’s log-book shall be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the approved EIA Report and this Permit or by the Director or his authorized officers. Failure to maintain records in the log-book, failure to discharge the duties of the ET Leader as defined in the EM&A Manual of the Project or failure to comply with this Condition would entitle the Director to require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the ET Leader. Failure by the Permit Holder to make replacement, or further failure to keep contemporaneous records in the log-book despite the employment of a new ET Leader may render this Permit liable to suspension, cancellation or variation.

在工程項目的建造工程展開前,許可證持有人須至少提早1個月成立一個環境小組。環境小組不得與工程項目的承辦商或獨立環境查核人有任何聯繫。環境小組須由一名環境小組組長帶領。環境小組組長須在環境監察及審核 (「環監」) 或環境管理方面至少有7年經驗。環境小組及環境小組組長須按工程項目的環監手冊內載的環監規定,執行環監計劃。環境小組組長須保存一本記錄冊,同時記載可能會影響獲批准的環評報告的建議及本許可證的符合情況的每宗事件、每種情況或每次情況變化。環境小組組長須在發生任何類似事件、情況或情況變化後1個工作天內通知獨立環境查核人。存放環境小組組長的記錄冊的地方,須可供協助督導執行獲批准的環評報告的建議及本許可證的所有人士、署長或獲授權人員隨時查閱。環境小組組長如未能在記錄冊保存記錄、未能執行環監手冊所列明的環境小組組長職務或未能符合本條件的規定,署長有權以書面要求許可證持有人撤換環境小組組長。許可證持有人如未能安排人選替補,或在聘用新環境小組組長後仍未能在記錄冊保存同期的記錄,或會導致許可證遭暫時吊銷、取消或更改。


2.2           An IEC shall be employed by the Permit Holder no later than one month before commencement of construction of the Project. The IEC shall not be in any way an associated body of the Contractor or the ET for the Project. The IEC shall be a person who has at least 7 years of experience in EM&A or environmental management. The IEC shall be responsible for duties defined in the EM&A Manual and shall audit the overall EM&A performance, including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures, submissions required in the EM&A Manual, and any other submissions required under this Permit. In addition, the IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and temporary works, relevant design plans and submissions under this Permit. The IEC shall verify the log-book(s) mentioned in Condition 2.1 of this Permit. The IEC shall notify the Director by fax, within one working day of receipt of notification from the ET Leader of each and every occurrence, change of circumstances or non-compliance with the approved EIA Report and this Permit, which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse environmental impacts from the Project. In the case where the IEC fails to so notify the Director of the same, fails to discharge the duties of the IEC as defined in the EM&A Manual or fails to comply with this Condition, the Director may require the Permit Holder by notice in writing to replace the IEC. Failure to replace the IEC as directed or further failure to so notify the Director despite employment of a new IEC may render this Permit liable to suspension, cancellation or variation. Notification by the Permit Holder is the same as notification by the IEC for the purpose of this Condition.



            Management Organization of Main Construction Companies



2.3           The Permit Holder shall, no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the Project covered by this Permit, inform the Director in writing the management organization of the main construction companies and/or any form of joint ventures associated with the construction of the Project. The submitted information shall include at least an organization chart, names of responsible persons and their contact details.

許可證持有人在工程項目的建造工程展開前,須至少提早1個月把主要建造公司及  或以任何形式與建造工程相關的合營企業的管理架構,以書面通知署長。提交的資料須至少包括一份組織圖、負責人的姓名及聯絡資料。


Pedestrian Walkway Reserve in the Direct Link to MTR LMC Station



2.4           The Permit Holder shall incorporate in the detailed design a pedestrian walkway reserve in the Direct Link between the MTR LMC Station and the LMC Loop.  The design provision is required for planning purpose in the event that there are changes in the existing security restriction allowing possible pedestrian access between the LMC Station and the LMC Loop in future in order to reduce road traffic and also the associated environmental impacts. Three hard copies and two electronic copies of the detailed design plan and explanatory statement for the Direct Link with the pedestrian walkway reserve shall be, at least one month before the commencement of construction of the Direct Link, deposited with the Director. When the security restriction is changed allowing pedestrian access between the LMC Station and the LMC Loop in future, the pedestrian walkway reserve shall form part of the Direct Link and shall be implemented in accordance with the finalised detailed design plan.



Submission of Works Schedule and Location Plans



2.5           The Permit Holder shall deposit a detailed works schedule of the Project with the Director at least one month before the commencement of the works of the Project.  The schedule shall include an updated works programme indicating dates of commencement of construction activities. This schedule to be submitted shall govern the various milestones and anticipated schedule of submissions as reflected in the Conditions of this Permit, such as Conditions 2.3 to 2.8, 2.11, 2.15, 2.18, 3.3, 3.4 and 4.2 of this Permit.

許可證持有人須在工程項目的工程展開前,至少提早1個月向署長存放工程項目的詳細施工時間表。時間表須包括最新的工程計劃,顯示各項建造活動的開始施工日期。此份提交的時間表須統轄各項工作里程及按本許可證條件(如條件第2.32.8, 2.11, 2.15, 2.18, 3.3, 3.44.2項)所示預計提交各項文件的日期。


2.6           The Permit Holder shall deposit with the Director location and layout plans of the Project in the scale of 1:1,000 or other appropriate scale at least two weeks before the commencement of the works of the Project.  The plans shall be submitted with an explanatory statement detailing the works boundaries, the works areas, vertical and horizontal alignments of the proposed roads, and any other major facilities; and the locations of key environmental mitigation measures, including Ecological Area, temporary and permanent, on-site and off-site ecologically compensatory wetland areas and noise barriers in various stages of the Project, such as those mentioned in Conditions 2.9 and 2.22 of this Permit.



Submission and Measures to Mitigate Ecological Impact



2.7           To reduce the ecological impact during construction and operation stages of the Project, a series of ecological mitigation measures shall be implemented as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations, including those described in Section 12.7 (Ecological Mitigation Measures), contained in the EIA Report. The key ecological mitigation measures shall include:



(a)            conducting pre-construction search for any otter holts/dens and herpetofaunal species of conservation concern in construction sites, with remedial measures, such as setting of no works area around otter holts/dens and translocation of important species identified, if any;



(b)           creating and establishing an Ecological Area, approximately 12.78 ha in size, containing reed marsh and marsh habitat prior to total clearance of reed marsh in the LMC Loop, including a low-rise building buffer zone of 50m width from the Ecological Area, with appropriate screen-planting;



(c)            stabilising the bank of the old Shenzhen River meander of the LMC Loop, approximately 3.5 km long, including re-vegetation upon completion of the works and various ecological designs, such as practicability of installation of otter holts and provision of potential feeding area and spraint locations for otters in the stabilised bank;



(d)           creating a 23 m minimum width vegetated setback at the edges of the LMC Loop along the south-western and north-eastern sections of the meander;



(e)            installing 3m high olive green fence around construction areas to allow or deter different animal passages where appropriate;



(f)            providing (i) permanent compensatory off-site wetland areas and (ii) construction stage temporary compensatory off-site wetland areas during various construction stages of the Project, in advance of any corresponding wetland loss;

在損失任何相關的濕地前,須提供(i) 永久補償性工地外濕地,以及(ii) 工程項目不同建造階段提供臨時補償性工地外濕地;


(g)           providing at least 0.4 ha woodland compensation area by planting trees and shrubs near Horn Hill, to compensate for the loss of woodland affected by the Western Connection Road (WCR) and other works of the Project;



(h)           carrying out outside dry-season (from November to February next year), the construction works associated with the site formation in the Ecological Area, stabilization of the bank of the old Shenzhen River meander, Western Connection Road along Ha Wan Tsuen Road, to minimise disturbances to migratory birds/water birds;



(i)             using powered mechanical equipment for construction works only during the period 9am to 5pm at and near the old Shenzhen River meander and other identified important ecologically sensitive areas, if any;



(j)             prohibiting use of direct lighting on the old Shenzhen River meander and controlling night-time lighting to reduce potential ecological impact;



(k)           implementing measures to minimise magnitude of construction runoff and to avoid/minimise the potential impact of spillage events, if any; and



(l)             using opaque noise barriers along the proposed roads and using appropriate glass and façade treatment for buildings in the LMC Loop to minimise the mortality of fast-moving wildlife (e.g. birds).



Four hard copies and two electronic copies of an Ecological Mitigation/Habitat Creation and Management Plan shall be, at least one month before the commencement of corresponding parts of the works of the Project, deposited with the Director.  The Plan(s) shall show the design details, locations, implementation programme, maintenance and management schedules, and drawings in the scale of 1:1,000 or other appropriate scale of the ecological mitigation measures of the Project. Before submission to the Director, the Plan(s) shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report. All measures recommended in the finalised submission(s) under this Condition shall be fully and properly implemented.



Submission and Measures to Mitigate Landscape and Visual Impact



2.8           To reduce the landscape and visual impact during construction and operation stages of the Project, a series of landscape and visual mitigation measures shall be implemented as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations, including those described in Sections 11.5.3 and 11.6.4 (Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures), contained in the EIA Report. The key landscape and visual mitigation measures shall include: preservation/transplantation of existing trees, compensatory tree planting and road side and amenity planting.  Four hard copies and two electronic copies of a Landscape Plan shall be, at least one month before the commencement of corresponding parts of the works of the Project, deposited with the Director.  The Plan(s) shall show the design details, locations, implementation programme, maintenance and management schedules, and drawings in the scale of 1:1,000 or other appropriate scale of the landscape and visual mitigation measures of the Project. Before submission to the Director, the Plan(s) shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report. All measures recommended in the finalised submission(s) under this Condition shall be fully and properly implemented.

為減少工程項目在建造及營辦階段產生的景觀及視覺影響,許可證持有人須實施一系列的景觀及視覺影響緩解措施,以符合相關資料和建議,包括環評報告第11.5.3及第11.6.4節(景觀及視覺影響緩解措施)所述的相關資料和建議。主要景觀及視覺影響緩解措施須包括: 保存/移植現有樹木、補償樹木種植、路旁植樹及美化植樹。許可證持有人須在工程項目的相關部分展開前,至少提早1個月向署長存放景觀美化計劃的4份硬複本及2份電子版本。計劃須顯示設計詳情、地點、實施計劃、保養及管理時間表,以及以1:1,000或其他合適比例繪製,展示工程項目景觀及視覺影響緩解措施的圖則。有關計劃在提交署長前,須由環境小組組長核證及獨立環境查核人核實,證明其符合環評報告的相關資料及建議。按本條件提交的文件定稿所建議的各項措施均須徹底並妥善執行。


Submissions or Measures to be implemented for Construction of the Project



Measures to Mitigate Construction Stage Noise Impact



2.9           To mitigate construction stage noise impact, the following noise mitigation measures shall be implemented during the construction stage of the Project:



(a)            temporary noise barriers shall be installed along the construction access roads to screen the construction traffic noise and noisy construction activities and equipments during different construction stages of the Project as described in Table 1 and Figures 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b of this Permit;



(b)           use of movable noise barriers, noise enclosures and quiet powered mechanical equipment for the noisy construction activities and equipments as described in Table 1 and with reference to the typical designs as shown in Figure 4 of this Permit;



(c)            concrete lorry mixer(s) shall be operated at least 25 m away from the noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) No. HWTR-6 and HWTR-11 at the Western Connection Road as shown in Figures 2b and 3b and described in Table 1 of this Permit to avoid exceedance due to cumulative construction noise; and

如本許可證2b3b所示及1所述,混凝土攪拌車須在距離西面連接路噪音感應強的地方編號: HWTR-6HWTR-11最少25米的地方操作,以免因累積建築噪音引致超標的情況;以及


(d)           no percussive piling nor blasting by explosive shall be implemented in the Project.



Submission and Measures to Mitigate Construction Stage Fisheries Impact and to Handle Spillage of Chemicals or Contaminated Soil



2.10        For some fish ponds which will be partly affected by construction works, to mitigate construction stage fisheries impacts, a layer of sheet pile/barrier wall shall be erected to separate the works area from the remaining areas of the affected fish ponds before the commencement of other construction works, e.g. excavation or filling within the works area. The sheet pile/barrier wall shall be constructed by non-percussive piling method (e.g. Press-in method) to reduce the fisheries impact. In addition, the sheet pile/barrier wall shall have impermeable lining to minimise water loss from the fish pond to the works area.



2.11        Due to the presence of many fish ponds at/near the Project area and access roads, in order to handle the potential spillage of chemicals or contaminated soil, if any, affecting the fish ponds, four hard copies and two electronic copies of an Emergency Contingency Plan shall be, at least one month before the commencement of the concerned works of the Project, deposited with the Director.  The Plan shall include the following:



(a)      Potential emergency situations;



(b)     Chemicals or hazardous materials used on-site (and their location);



(c)      Emergency response team;



(d)     Emergency response procedures;



(e)      List of emergency telephone hotlines;



(f)      Locations and types of emergency response equipment; and



(g)     Training plan and testing for effectiveness.



Before submission to the Director, the Plan shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report. All measures recommended in the finalised submission under this Condition shall be fully and properly implemented.



Measures to Mitigate Construction Stage Water Quality Impact



2.12        To reduce sediment transport arising from the stabilisation works at the bank of the old Shenzhen River meander of the LMC Loop, cofferdam/diaphragm wall and/or silt curtain system shall be deployed to surround the works area, from water surface down to the bottom of the meander, in order to minimise the sediment loss to the water body outside the works areas.



2.13        When odour mitigation works at the Shenzhen River are recommended in the Odour Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Plan (OMMMP) deposited under Condition 2.24 of this Permit, the OMMMP shall include the details of location, scale, scope, working arrangements, water quality mitigation measures and water quality monitoring and audit requirements of carrying out the odour mitigation works at the Shenzhen River.



Measures to Minimise the Disturbance to the Reedbed System of MTR LMC Spurline



2.14        For the construction of the Direct Link, the existing reeds in the reedbed system of the MTR LMC Spurline shall not be removed by the construction works of the Project, except for the 2 areas with a total area of approximately 320 m2 in size within the Reedbed No. 3 as shown in Figure 5 of this Permit. Upon the completion of works at the reedbed system, the affected reedbed system shall be reinstated.



Submissions and Measures to Mitigate Land Contamination Implication



2.15        To address any potential contamination activities due to land use changes, if any, in the works area of the Project after the land contamination assessment study of the EIA Report and before the commencement of construction of the Project, re-appraisal on (i) the LMC Loop and (ii) the other contamination assessment area for the associated infrastructure outside the Loop, shall be conducted. Four hard copies and two electronic copies of a re-appraisal report shall be, at least one month before the commencement of corresponding parts of the works of the Project, deposited with the Director. Before submission to the Director, the report shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report. The report shall recommend any part(s) of the works areas of the Project require re-assessment on land contamination, e.g. due to land use changes with potential contamination activities.



2.16        If re-assessment on land contamination is not required for the LMC Loop area as recommended in the finalised re-appraisal report, all remedial measures described in the “Contamination Assessment Report & Remediation Action Plan for LMC Loop and Supplementary Contamination Assessment Report & Remediation Action Plan for LMC Loop” in Appendix 8-2 of the EIA Report shall be fully and properly implemented. Four hard copies and two electronic copies of Remediation Report (RR) shall be submitted, no later than one month after the completion of the remediation works, to the Director for approval.  The RR shall provide details on the remediation works carried out, types and volume of contaminated soil, standards and levels of treatment, and locations of all disposal sites (including record of disposal). All properly treated contaminated soil shall be backfilled within the LMC Loop. Except for land remediation works, no construction works at the identified contaminated areas shall be carried out prior to the approval of the said RR by the Director. All of the submissions to the Director shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report.



2.17        If re-assessment on land contamination is required for any part(s) of the Project area as recommended in the finalised re-appraisal report, to ascertain the extent and level of land contamination and formulate necessary remedial measures,



(a)            Updated Contamination Assessment Plan (CAP) for the concerned potentially contaminated area(s), shall be submitted to the Director for approval and the relevant Supplementary Site Investigation (SI) shall be carried out;



(b)           no later than two months after the completion of the Supplementary SI as mentioned in (a) above, submit to the Director for approval four hard copies and two electronic copies of Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) to document the findings of the supplementary land contamination investigation works and assessment on the nature and extent of land contamination;



(c)            if land contamination is confirmed, submit to the Director for approval four hard copies and two electronic copies of Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to formulate necessary remedial measures. All remedial measures described in the approved RAP shall be fully and properly implemented; and



(d)           if remediation is required, four hard copies and two electronic copies of Remediation Report (RR) shall be submitted to the Director for approval, no later than one month after the completion of the remediation works. The RR shall provide details on the remediation works carried out, types and volume of contaminated soil, standards and levels of treatment, and locations of all disposal sites (including record of disposal). All properly treated contaminated soil shall be backfilled within the Project area. Except for land remediation works, no construction works at the identified contaminated areas shall be carried out prior to the approval of the said RR by the Director.



Before submission to the Director, the CAR, RAP and RR shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report.



      Submissions or Measures to be implemented for Operation of the Project



Submission and Measures to Mitigate Operation Stage Water Quality Impact



2.18        To reduce the storm water pollution impact during operation stage of the Project, a series of water quality mitigation measures, including installation of silt traps and oil interceptors, shall be implemented as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations, including those described in Section 5.7 (Water Quality Mitigation Measures), contained in the EIA Report in order to reduce the water quality impact, particularly on the old Shenzhen River meander and natural stream courses. Four hard copies and two electronic copies of an Updated Storm Water Pollution Control Plan for operation stage of the Project shall be, at least one month before the commencement of operation of the Project, deposited with the Director. The Plan shall make reference to the Storm Water Pollution Control Plan as presented in Appendix 5-1 of the EIA Report, and the updated information including the site conditions, operation mode, project programme/progress, etc. The Plan shall include the design details, locations, implementation programme, maintenance and management schedules, and drawings in the scale of 1:1,000 or other appropriate scale of the operation stage storm water pollution mitigation measures of the Project. Before submission to the Director, the Plan shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report. All measures recommended in the finalised submission under this Condition shall be fully and properly implemented.



2.19        To minimize the possibility of emergency discharge from the on-site sewage treatment works (STW), the following precautionary measures shall be included in the design of the STW:



(a)            standby unit shall be provided to facilitate repair and maintenance of equipment;



(b)           dual power supply, or back-up power, shall be provided, in the format of ring main or automatic-operated emergency generator with sufficient capacity to cope with the demand loading of the essential plant equipment;



(c)            telemetry system shall be provided to the closest manned plant for unmanned facilities, such that rectification actions could be taken quickly in case of malfunction of unmanned facilities; and



(d)           manual cleansing shall be allowed at all screens and overflow bypass to prevent the discharge of floating solids.



In case of emergency discharge, the discharge shall not be discharged to the old Shenzhen River meander to avoid water quality and ecological impacts on the meander.



2.20        For the reuse of treated sewage effluent (TSE) from sewage treatment works, the reclaimed water quality shall meet the standards set out in Table 2 of this Permit.  The following precautionary measures shall be adopted for TSE reuse:



(a)            To avoid cross connection and hence contamination, all pipes and fittings used for the TSE water supply and distribution system shall be in special colour code, e.g. in purple, for distinguishing them from the pipes and fittings used for the potable/fresh water supply and distribution systems.



(b)           Regular checking/inspections of the TSE supply and distribution systems for possible cross connection to the potable/fresh water supply and distribution system shall be carried out. The use of non-toxic dye may be adopted in the checking/inspections.



(c)            Warning signs shall be permanently displayed where public access to TSE is possible (except for toilets) in order to notify the employees, visitors and the public at large that treated effluent is being used and is not suitable for drinking.



2.21        For the Flushing Water Service Reservoir, the wastewater generated from the regular cleansing of the Reservoir shall be delivered back to the on-site sewage treatment works in the LMC or other sewage treatment plant, for proper wastewater treatment to avoid direct discharging the wastewater into the nearby stream course without proper treatment.



Measures to Mitigate Operation Stage Noise Impact



2.22        To mitigate operation stage noise impact, the following noise mitigation measures shall be implemented during the operation stage of the Project:



(a)            traffic noise mitigation measures including noise barriers and low noise road surfacing at the connecting roads including Ha Wan Tsuen Road, Lok Ma Chau Road and Direct Link for the Project shall be implemented. The Permit Holder shall, no later than one month before the commencement of construction of the traffic noise mitigation measures for the Project, deposit with the Director three hard copies and one electronic copy of a Traffic Noise Mitigation Plan (TNMP). The TNMP shall include design details of the traffic noise mitigation measures, locations of noise barriers and low noise road surfacing, dimensions of noise barriers, traffic noise mitigation performance and aesthetic design of noise barriers. The TNMP shall demonstrate that the traffic noise performance requirements set out in the approved EIA report (Register No.: AEIAR-176/2013) will not be exceeded or violated with the mitigation measures in place. Before submission to the Director, the TNMP shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report and application document for variation of an environmental permit (Application No. VEP-595/2021). All measures as recommended in the TNMP under this condition shall be fully and properly implemented and maintained; and

須採取交通噪音緩解措施,包括在下灣村路、落馬洲路和落馬洲鐵路站接通道等道路設置隔音屏障和鋪設低噪音面。許可證持有人須在工程項目的交通噪音緩解措施工程展開前至少提早1個月,向署長存放交通噪音緩解計劃的3份硬複本及1份電子版本。交通噪音緩解計劃須包括交通噪音緩解措施的詳細設計、隔音屏障和低噪音路面的位置、隔音屏障的尺寸、交通噪音緩解表現和隔音屏障的美觀設計。交通噪音緩解計劃須證明在採取緩解措施後交通噪音不會超出或違反已批准的環評報告(登記冊編號:AEIAR-176/2013)所載的交通噪音要求。向署長提交交通噪音緩解計劃之前,該計劃須由環境小組組長核證及獨立環境查核人核實,證明其符合環評報告及更改環境許可證的申請文件(申請書編號: VEP-595/2021)所載的相關資料及建議。根據本條件提交的交通噪音緩解計劃中建議的所有措施,均須徹底及妥善執行和維;和


(b)           the total sound power level of the fixed plant noise generated from the on-site Sewage Treatment Works shall not be more than 75dB(A).



Measures to Mitigate Operational Air Quality Impact



2.23        To reduce operational odour impact, all major odour emitting sources in the on-site Sewage Treatment Works (STW) in the LMC Loop shall be an enclosed design and treated by odour treatment facility with at least 95% odour removal efficiency.



2.24        To manage and mitigate the potential odour impact at the LMC Loop, the Permit Holder shall, no later than six months before the commencement of operation of the Project to intake population, deposit with the Director three hard copies and one electronic copy of an Odour Mitigation Measures and Monitoring Plan (OMMMP). The OMMMP shall include:

為管理和緩解落馬洲河套地區潛在的氣味影響,許可證持有人須在營辦工程項目入伙前至少提早六個月,向署長存放氣味緩解措施和監察計劃的3份硬複本和 1份電子版本。 該氣味緩解措施和監察計劃應包括:


(a)               a detailed proposal of odour monitoring to detect and manage any potential odour impact at the air sensitive receivers in the Project; and



(b)               a detailed proposal of mitigation measures for the identified odour emission sources and operational arrangements at the affected air sensitive receivers to minimize the odour impact.



Before submission to the Director, the OMMMP shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report and application document for variation of an environmental permit (Application No. VEP-595/2021). All measures as recommended in the OMMMP under this condition shall be fully and properly implemented.

署長提交氣味緩解措施和監察計劃前,計劃須由環境小組組長核證及獨立環境查核人核實,證明其符合環評報告及更改環境許可證的申請文件(申請書編號: VEP-595/2021)所載的相關資料及建議。根據本條件提交的氣味緩解措施和監察計劃中建議的所有措施,均須予以徹底及妥善執行。




Measures to Mitigate Operation Stage Waste Management Implication



2.25        For disposal of sewage sludge generated from the on-site sewage treatment works (STW), the sewage sludge shall be delivered to the appropriate government disposal facilities for proper treatment/disposal.  The sewage sludge shall be transported in fully enclosed water tight containers or skips.  The unloading process inside the STW shall be operated in the designated room which shall be enclosed and served by negative pressure by extracting odorous gas to deodorizing facilities.




3               Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements



3.1           The EM&A programme shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant procedures and requirements as set out in the EM&A Manual of the Project.  Any major changes to the programme shall be justified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the information and requirements contained in the EM&A Manual before submission to the Director for approval.  The EM&A programme shall include, among other items, the ecology, noise, water and air quality monitoring and audit details.



3.2           Samples, measurements and necessary remedial actions shall be taken in accordance with the requirements of the EM&A Manual by:



(a)            conducting baseline environmental monitoring;



(b)           conducting impact environmental monitoring;



(c)            carrying out remedial actions described in Event/Action Plans of the EM&A Manual in accordance with the time frames set out in Event/Action Plans, or as agreed by the Director, in case where specified criteria in the EM&A Manual are exceeded; and



(d)           logging and keeping records of details of (a) to (c) above for all parameters within 3 working days of collection of data or completion of remedial action(s), for the purpose of preparing and submitting the monthly EM&A Reports and to make available for inspection on site.



3.3           Four hard copies and two electronic copies of the Baseline Monitoring Report shall be submitted to the Director at least one month before commencement of construction of the Project. The submission shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC. Additional copies of the submission shall be made available to the Director upon his request.



3.4           Four hard copies and two electronic copies of monthly EM&A Report shall be submitted to the Director within 10 working days after the end of each reporting month. The EM&A Reports shall include a summary of all non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit Levels). The submissions shall be verified by the IEC. Additional copies of the submission shall be provided to the Director upon request by the Director. All environmental monitoring and audit data submitted under this Permit shall be true, valid and correct.




4               Electronic Reporting of EM&A Information



4.1           To facilitate public inspection of the Baseline Monitoring Report and regular EM&A Reports via the EIAO Internet Website and at the EIAO Register Office, electronic copies of these Reports shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 4.0 or later) and/or in Portable Document Format (PDF version 4.0 or later), unless otherwise agreed by the Director and shall be submitted at the same time as the hardcopies as described in Conditions 3.3 and 3.4 of this Permit. For the HTML version, a content page capable of providing hyperlink to each section and sub-section of these Reports shall be included in the beginning of the document. Hyperlinks to all figures, drawings and tables in these Reports shall be provided in the main text from where the respective references are made. All graphics in these Reports shall be in interlaced GIF/JPEG format unless otherwise agreed by the Director. The content of the electronic copies of these Reports must be the same as the hardcopies.



4.2           The Permit Holder shall, set up a dedicated web site and notify the Director in writing the Internet address where the environmental monitoring and project data is to be placed, within six weeks after the commencement of construction of the Project. All released environmental monitoring results described in Condition 4.1 above and all finalized submission required under this Permit shall be made available to the public via a dedicated web site to be set up by the Permit Holder in the shortest practicable time and in no event later than two weeks after the relevant environmental monitoring data are collected or become available, unless otherwise agreed with the Director. The Permit Holder shall maintain the dedicated website for public access of the environmental monitoring data and reports throughout the entire construction period and until at least one year after the completion of the EM&A programme as required in the EM&A Manual of the Project, or otherwise as agreed by the Director.



4.3           The Internet website as described in Condition 4.2 above shall enable user-friendly public access to the monitoring and project data including the approved EIA Report and the Environmental Permit(s) of the Project. The Internet website shall have features capable of:



(a)            providing access to all environmental monitoring data collected since the commencement of works;



(b)           searching by date;



(c)            searching by types of monitoring data, including ecology, noise, air and water quality, etc.; and



(d)           hyperlinks to relevant monitoring data after searching;



or otherwise as agreed by the Director.



Notes :



1.              This Permit consists of three parts, namely, PART A (Main Permit), PART B (Description of Designated Projects) and PART C (Permit Conditions).  Any person relying on this permit should obtain independent legal advice on the legal implications under the Ordinance, and the following notes are for general information only.
本許可證共有3部,即A (許可證主要部分)B (指定工程項目的說明) C (許可證條件)。任何援引本許可證的人士須就條例的法律含意徵詢獨立法律意見,下述註解只供一般參考用。


2.              If there is a breach of any conditions of this Permit, the Director or his authorized officer may, with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment, order the cessation of associated work until the remedial action is taken in respect of the resultant environmental damage, and in that case the Permit Holder shall not carry out any associated works without the permission of the Director or his authorized officer.


3.              The Permit Holder may apply under section 13 of the Ordinance to the Director for a variation of the conditions of this Permit.  The Permit Holder shall replace the original permit displayed on the construction site by the amended permit.


4.              A person who assumes the responsibility for the whole or a part of the designated project(s) may, before he assumes responsibility of the designated project(s), apply under section 12 of the Ordinance to the Director for a further environmental permit.


5.              Under section 14 of the Ordinance, the Director may with the consent of the Secretary for the Environment, suspend, vary or cancel this Permit.  The suspended, varied or cancelled Permit shall be removed from display at the construction site.


6.              If this Permit is cancelled or surrendered during construction or operation of the Project, another environmental permit must be obtained under the Ordinance before the Project could be continued.  It is an offence under section 26(1) of the Ordinance to construct or operate a designated project listed in Part I of schedule 2 of the Ordinance without a valid environmental permit.
如果本許可證在工程項目建造或營辦期間取消或交回,則在繼續營辦工程項目之前,必須先根據條例規定取得另一份環境許可證。根據條例第26(1)條的規定,任何人在沒有有效環境許可證的情況下建造或營辦條例附表2I 部所列的指定工程項目,即屬犯罪。


7.              Any person who constructs or operates the Project contrary to the conditions or operation in the Permit, and is convicted of an offence under the Ordinance, is liable:-



(a)      on a first conviction on indictment to a fine of $ 2 million and to imprisonment for 6 months;



(b)     on a second or subsequent conviction on indictment to a fine of $ 5 million and to imprisonment for 2 years;



(c)      on a first summary conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months;



(d)     on a second or subsequent summary conviction to a fine of $1 million and to imprisonment for 1 year; and



(e)      in any case where the offence is of a continuing nature, the court or magistrate may impose a fine of $ 10,000 for each day on which he is satisfied the offence continued.



8.              The Permit Holder may appeal against any condition of this Permit under section 17 of the Ordinance within 30 days of receipt of this Permit.


9.              The Notes are for general reference only and that the Permit Holder should refer to the EIA Ordinance for details and seek independent legal advice.


Environmental Permit No. EP-477/2013/A

環境許可證編號  EP-477/2013/A


 1  2a |  2b |  3a |3b |  4 5|

[     ] / [      ]


Table 1: Summary of noise mitigation measures during construction phase

(referred in Condition 2.9 of this Permit)




Mitigation Measures


For the Ecological Area (DP1):



·  Use of site hoarding (as temporary noise barriers), movable noise barriers, noise enclosures and quiet powered mechanical equipment:

-       A movable noise barrier shall be a barrier with a small-cantilevered upper portion of superficial density not less than 14 kg/m² on a skid footing with 25 mm thick internal sound absorptive lining.

(See Figure 4 of this Permit for the typical design of movable noise barrier and noise enclosure for reference.)

·  使用工地圍板(作臨時隔音屏)、活動隔音屏、隔音罩及低噪音機動設備:

-       活動隔音屏須是附有最小表面密度為每平方米14千克的小型懸臂式頂部,以及內置25毫米厚吸音襯層的滑動底腳的屏障



For the Western Connection Road (DP2):



·  Use of site hoarding (as temporary noise barriers), movable noise barriers, noise enclosures and quiet powered mechanical equipment:

-         A movable noise barrier shall be a barrier with a small-cantilevered upper portion of superficial density not less than 14 kg/m² on a skid footing with 25 mm thick internal sound absorptive lining.

(See Figure 4 of this Permit for the typical design of movable noise barrier and noise enclosure for reference.)

·  使用工地圍板(作臨時隔音屏)、活動隔音屏、隔音罩及低噪音機動設備:

-         活動隔音屏須是附有最小表面密度為每平方米14千克的小型懸臂式頂部,以及內置25毫米厚吸音襯層的滑動底腳的屏障



·  Operation of concrete lorry mixer(s) at least 25 m away from the noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) No. HWTR-6 and HWTR-11 as shown in Figures 2b and 3b of this Permit at the Western Connection Road.

·  混凝土攪拌車運作時,須距離西面連接路噪音感應強的地方HWTR-6 HWTR-11(如本許可證2b3b所示)至少25米。


·  Provision of temporary noise barrier (TNB) along construction access through the Western Connection Road (WCR) before the commencement of road widening works of the Western Connection at the existing Lok Ma Chau Road:

-         TNB 1: Approx. 46m long, 0.8m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 2: Approx. 8m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 3: Approx. 5m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 4: Approx. 9m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 5: Approx. 16m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 6: Approx. 15m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 7: Approx. 12m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 8: Approx. 28m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 9: Approx. 22m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 10: Approx. 17m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 11: Approx. 23m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 12: Approx. 18m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 13: Approx. 28m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 14: Approx. 27m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 15: Approx. 47m long, 0.8m high noise barrier; and

-         TNB 16: Approx. 2m long, 3m high noise barrier.

The locations of the TNBs are shown in Figures 2a and 2b of this Permit.

·  位於現有落馬洲路,在西面連接路的道路擴闊工程開展前,須沿西部連接路相關路段的施工通路設置臨時隔音屏(TNB)

-         TNB 1: 46米長、0.8米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 2: 8米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 3: 5米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 4: 9米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 5: 16米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 6: 15米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 7: 12米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 8: 28米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 9: 22米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 10: 17米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 11: 23米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 12: 18米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 13: 28米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 14: 27米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 15: 47米長、0.8米高的隔音屏;及

-         TNB 16: 2米長、3米高的隔音屏。



·  Provision of temporary noise barrier along construction access through WCR after the commencement of road widening works of the Western Connection at the existing Lok Ma Chau Road:

-         TNB 1: Approx. 46m long, 0.8m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 2: Approx. 8m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 3: Approx. 5m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 4: Approx. 9m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 5: Approx. 16m long, 5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 6: Approx. 15m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 7: Approx. 13m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 8: Approx. 24m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 9: Approx. 20m long, 0.8m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 10: Approx. 11m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 11: Approx. 42m long, 1.5m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 12: Approx. 19m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 13: Approx. 28m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 14: Approx. 27m long, 3m high noise barrier;

-         TNB 15: Approx. 47m long, 0.8m high noise barrier; and

-         TNB 17: Approx. 37m long, 1m high noise barrier.

The locations of the TNBs are shown in Figures 3a and 3b of this Permit.

·  位於現有落馬洲路,在西面連接路的道路擴闊工程開展後,須沿西部連接路相關路段的施工通路設置臨時隔音屏(TNB)

-         TNB 1: 46米長、0.8米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 2: 8米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 3: 5米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 4: 9米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 5: 16米長、5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 6: 15米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 7: 13米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 8: 24米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 9: 20米長、0.8米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 10: 11米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 11: 42米長、1.5米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 12: 19米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 13: 28米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 14: 27米長、3米高的隔音屏;

-         TNB 15: 47米長、0.8米高的隔音屏;及

-         TNB 17: 37米長、1米高的隔音屏。



For the Direct Link (DP3):



·  Use of site hoarding (as temporary noise barriers), movable noise barriers, noise enclosures and quiet powered mechanical equipment:

-       A movable noise barrier shall be a barrier with a small-cantilevered upper portion of superficial density not less than 14 kg/m² on a skid footing with 25 mm thick internal sound absorptive lining.

(See Figure 4 of this Permit for the typical design of movable noise barrier and noise enclosure for reference.)

·  使用工地圍板(作臨時隔音屏)、活動隔音屏、隔音罩及低噪音機動設備:

-   活動隔音屏須是附有最小表面密度為每平方米14千克的小型懸臂式頂部,以及內置25毫米厚吸音襯層的滑動底腳的屏障



For the Drainage System under Internal Transport Networks (DP4):



·  Use of site hoarding (as temporary noise barriers), movable noise barriers, noise enclosures and quiet powered mechanical equipment:

-       A movable noise barrier shall be a barrier with a small-cantilevered upper portion of superficial density not less than 14 kg/m² on a skid footing with 25 mm thick internal sound absorptive lining.

(See Figure 4 of this Permit for the typical design of movable noise barrier and noise enclosure for reference.)

·  使用工地圍板(作臨時隔音屏)、活動隔音屏、隔音罩及低噪音機動設備:

-   活動隔音屏須是附有最小表面密度為每平方米14千克的小型懸臂式頂部,以及內置25毫米厚吸音襯層的滑動底腳的屏障



For the on-site Sewage Treatment Works (DP5):



·  Use of site hoarding (as temporary noise barriers), movable noise barriers, noise enclosures and quiet powered mechanical equipment:

-       A movable noise barrier shall be a barrier with a small-cantilevered upper portion of superficial density not less than 14 kg/m² on a skid footing with 25 mm thick internal sound absorptive lining.

(See Figure 4 of this Permit for the typical design of movable noise barrier and noise enclosure for reference.)

·  使用工地圍板(作臨時隔音屏)、活動隔音屏、隔音罩及低噪音機動設備:

-   活動隔音屏須是附有最小表面密度為每平方米14千克的小型懸臂式頂部,以及內置25毫米厚吸音襯層的滑動底腳的屏障



For the Flushing Water Service Reservoir (DP7):



·  Use of site hoarding (as temporary noise barriers), movable noise barriers, noise enclosures and quiet powered mechanical equipment:

-       A movable noise barrier shall be a barrier with a small-cantilevered upper portion of superficial density not less than 14 kg/m² on a skid footing with 25 mm thick internal sound absorptive lining.

(See Figure 4 of this Permit for the typical design of movable noise barrier and noise enclosure for reference.)

·  使用工地圍板(作臨時隔音屏)、活動隔音屏、隔音罩及低噪音機動設備:

-   活動隔音屏須是附有最小表面密度為每平方米14千克的小型懸臂式頂部,以及內置25毫米厚吸音襯層的滑動底腳的屏障






[1]    “TNB” means “Temporary Noise Barrier”. All the proposed noise barriers are reflective in terms of acoustic characteristic.



[2]    The above Table is to be read in conjunction with Figures 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b and 4 of this Permit where appropriate.



[3]    The above Table is prepared based on Section 4.8, Table 4.31 and Appendix 17-1 of the EIA Report.



Table 2:  The water quality standards of reuse of Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE)

(referred in Condition 2.20 of this Permit)




Water Quality Parameter




Recommended Standards for Flushing, Landscape Irrigation and District Cooling System (DCS) Make-up



E. coli





Not detectable


Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)





>1 (out of treatment system)

>0.2 (at point-of-use)

>1 (處理系統以外)

>0.2 (在用水點)


Dissolved Oxygen (DO)





Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

















Threshold Odour Number (TON)









Ammonia Nitrogen





Synthetic Detergents









[1]    Apart from TRC which has been specified, the water quality standards for all parameters shall be applied at the point-of-use of the system. “HU” means “Hazen Unit”. “NTU” means “Nephelometric Turbidity Unit”.



[2]    The above Table is prepared based on Table 6.11 of the EIA Report.
