Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung

- Project Profile
- PP-229/2004 - Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung
- Study Brief Issued or DEP's decision on permission to apply directly for permit
- DIR-109/2004 - Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung
- EIA Report
- Current Environmental Permit Held
- FEP-03/428/2011/A - Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung
- FEP-02/428/2011/A - Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung
(Surrendered on 7 Jul 2022)
- FEP-01/428/2011/A - Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung
(Surrendered on 28 Nov 2012)
- EP-428/2011/A - Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung
(Surrendered on 16 May 2022)
- EP-428/2011 - Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung
- Link to Project Website and / or Environmental Monitoring & Audit (EM&A) Data
- EM&A Data- Drainage Diversion Works For the Comprehensive Residential Development At Various Lots In DD227 & DD229, Tai Po Tsai, Sai Kung