Appendix N1-Summary of Previous Complaints Details
Case No Date of Received Date of Complaint Complainant's information Detail's of complaint Recommended Mitigation Measures Follow-up Action Status/Remarks
E2002-01 19-Aug-02 19-Aug-02 Complaint from ICC and subsequently referred by HyD on 19-Aug-02 Illegal Dumping (Soil and mud/C&D waste) on Lai Po Road; near the site entrance of KMB Depot on 19-Aug-02. Suspect not due to the Project's work. Clear up the illegal dumping on site. CHEC and RSS report that the illegal dumping were found within the site boundary in a.m. on 19-Aug-02. CHEC cleared up the soil and waste in p.m. on 19-Aug-02. Closed. Follow-up phone call to complainant on 20-Aug-02. The complainant was satisfied to our prompt action.
Investigations were undertaken by ET on 20 and 21 Aug 02. The waste was cleared up and no further illegal dumping was found at the same location.
EC2002-02 20-Sep-02 9-Sep-02 The Complaint was referred by EPD on 23-Sept-02. Noise and vibration at the complainant's office generated from the piling works at the site between Hing Wah Street West and Lai Po Road. Several vibration measures were implemented since 27 August 2002. The Contractor used a smaller power vibro hammer for casing installation, limit the casing installation operation to 7:00am-9:00am, 12:00-13:00pm and 17:00 -19:00pm, and carry out vibration monitoring to ensure the magnitude of vibration during casing installation is within the specified limit. Site investigation by ET Leader on 24 and 25 September 2002. Closed.                                          Site meeting with EPD on 25 September 2002 and they had no further comment for the carried out mitigation measures.                                                                     ET Leader send a comprehensive report to EPD on 30 September 2002.
No noise exceedance was recorded at the two designated location since the commencement of construction work.  
EC2002-03 15-Oct-02 15-Oct-02 Complaint from ICC and subsequently referred by HyD on 15-Oct-02. Stacking of grass stockpiled within the fenced area between the Lai Po Road northbound and MTRC boundary fence. The fenced area was a vacant Government Land maintained by District Land Officer (DLO), Kwai Tsing. The stack of grass was generated from grass cutting which was conducted by the sub-contractor of DLO on 12-Oct-02. Investigations were carried out by RSS on 15, 16 and 18 October 2002. After confirming with HyD, LCSD and DLO. DLO comfirmed that the grass was cut by his contractor and replied that the stack of grass would be removed from the area within a week. Follow-up phone call to complainant on 21-Oct-02. The complainant was satisfied with our prompt action.  Closed.                                                       A comprehensive letter has been send to the complainant on 22 October 2002.
A follow-up site meeting was held between DLO and RSS on 21-Oct-02.  The stacks of grass had been removed from site.
EC2002-04 13-Dec-02 10-Dec-02 Complaint from DLO and referred by HyD on 13-Dec-02. Refuse and overgrown weeds were found within the site GLA-TNK 1215 (P1-SA15). All refuse and overgrown grass should be cleared as soon as possible. Investigation was carried out by RSS on 16-Dec-02.  GLA-TNK 1215 was only part of complaint area.  The area was found free of refuse and the overgrown weeds were being cleared. Reply letter to HyD was sent on 19-Dec-02.
It was observed that most of the overgrown grass has been cleared on 18-Dec-02.
Overgrown grass within the complaint area allocated to HyD has been completely cleared on 20-Dec-02.
EC2003-01 9-Feb-03 9-Feb-03 Complaint was forwarded by CHEC on 9-Feb-03 Soil / debris was deposited on the public road between the site entrance area P1-SA15 and the roundabout. Clear up the soil/debris deposited on the concerned area and wheel washing facilities should be provided and used by all vehicles before leaving the site. The road was cleared by CHEC on 9-Feb-03. Since there is no water supply at P1-SA15, no wheel washing activities could be conducted by vehicles before leaving the site.  CHEC verbally agreed that cleaning of public road by water sprinkler/bowser at the mentioned location would be carried out every 2 hours from 0700-1900. Moreover, wheel washing facilities including water jet will be provided in mid March 2003. A follow-up phone call was made to the complainant on 12 February 2003.  The complainant was satisfied to our prompt action and emphasized that he did not expect any written reply relating to this issue.
EC2003-02 20-Feb-03 19-Feb-03 Complaint from ICC and subsequently referred by HyD on 20-Feb-03 A significant amount of debris / soil was deposited by vehicles leaving the site exits at P1-SA6 (next to Pier SB36) and P1-SA8 (next to Pier NB41) and causing a nuisance along Lai Po Road. Clear up the soil/debris deposited on the concerned area and wheel washing facilities should be provided and used by all vehicles before leaving the site. The 2 complaint site exits together with Lai Po Road were completely cleared up by CHEC in the afternoon on 20-Feb-03.  Furthermore, CHEC has allocated adequate site staff to monitor and to ensure all vehicles shall be washed before leaving the site. A follow-up phone call was made to the complainant on 21 February 2003.  The complainant was satisfied to our prompt action and emphasized that he did not expect any written reply relating to this issue.