
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                                   1-2



1.1       Background                                                                                                                  3

1.2       Report Structure                                                                                                           3



2.1       Site Description                                                                                                            4

2.2       Project Organization                                                                                                     4

2.3       Construction Programme                                                                                              4


3.         ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND LICENSES                                               5



4.1       Air Quality                                                                                                                    5-7

4.2       Noise                                                                                                                          7-9

4.3       Water Quality                                                                                                               9

4.4       Event and Action Plan                                                                                       12

4.5       Schedule for the Generation of Waste                                                               12



            MITIGATION MEASURES                                                                                    12



6.1       Completed Monitoring Works                                                                          13

6.2       Air Quality Monitoring                                                                                      13

6.3       Noise Monitoring                                                                                                          14

6.4       Water Quality Monitoring                                                                                             14


7.         AUDIT REPORT                                                                                         

7.1       Air Quality Monitoring                                                                                      15

7.2       Noise Monitoring                                                                                                          15

7.3       Water Quality Monitoring                                                                                             15

7.4       Site Inspections                                                                                                            15


8.         WASTE MANAGEMENT                                                                                       16



SUCCESSFUL PROSECUTIONS                                                                           16


10.       FUTURE KEY ISSUES                                                                                             17


11.       CONCLUSION                                                                                                          17




2.1       The site layout plan

4.1       Air Monitoring Station 

4.2              Noise Monitoring Station




4.3              Water Monitoring Stations

6.1       Graphical Plot for 24-hour TSP Levels 

6.2       Graphical Plot for 1-hour TSP Levels

6.3              Graphical Plot for Noise Levels

6.4              Graphical Plot for Temperature

6.5              Graphical Plot for Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)

6.6              Graphical Plot for Dissolved Oxygen (%)

6.7              Graphical Plot for pH

6.8              Graphical Plot for Turbidity

6.9              Graphical Plot for Suspended Solids

6.10          Graphical Plot for Ammoniacal Nitrogen          




Table 2.1 – Summary of Construction Activities

Table 3.1 – Summary of the Environmental Permits and Licenses

Table 4.1 – Co-ordinates of AM1

Table 4.2 – Air Quality Monitoring Frequency

Table 4.3 - Action and Limit Levels for the project

Table 4.4 – Co-ordinates of NM1(A)

Table 4.5 - Noise Monitoring Frequency

Table 4.6 - Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Table 4.7 – Water Quality Monitoring Frequency

Table 4.8 – Action and Limit Level for Water Quality

Table 6.1 – Completed Monitoring Works for January 2003

Table 6.2 - Results of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Data

Table 6.3 – Results of 1-hour TSP Monitoring Data

Table 6.4 - Day Time Noise Levels for NM1(A)

Table 6.5 – Summary of Water Quality Monitoring Data

Table 7.1 – Summary of findings, actions and outcomes of site inspection (ET)

Table 7.2 – Summary of findings, actions and outcomes of site inspection (IEC)

Table 10.1 - Works programme for February 2003




I       Organization Chart

II      Calibration Certificates of the Monitoring Equipment

III     Event and Action Plans

IV     Implementation Status of Mitigation measures

V      Noise Monitoring Results

VI     Water Quality Monitoring Results

VII   Air Quality Monitoring Results

VIII  Site Inspection Reports

IX     Complaint Log

X      Cumulative statistics on complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions

XI     Monitoring Schedule for February 2003.

XII   Overall Construction Programme



This is the 1st monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) report for Contract No. DC/2001/19 – San Tin Eastern Main Drainage Channel and it covers the monitoring works conducted during January 2003.


Construction Activities for the Reported Period.  


-                     Removal of riverbed sediment.

-                     General site clearance.


Air Quality Monitoring.


The monitoring location originally designated in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA), Main Drainage Channels and Poldered Village Protection Scheme for San Tin, NWNT: Environmental Impact Assessment Study and Environmental Monitoring And Audit Manual, was the Lok Ma Chau Control Point. However, as this area is undergoing construction for an Expansion of kiosks and other facilities at Lok Ma Chau boundary crossing. Given that a new Control Point Building is nearing completion to the south of the original designated station, then the monitoring station was located within the site office area of the project between the new Control Point building and the works area for the project. Therefore, the site office (AM1) has been identified as an alternative location for the monitoring of 24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) and 1-hour TSP. Monitoring of 24-hour TSP was carried out on three occasions at Site Office (AM1). There were no exceedances to the set Action and Limit levels for this parameter during the reported period.  Monitoring of 1-Hour TSP was carried out on nine occasions at AM1. There were no exceedances to the set Action and Limit levels for this parameter during the reported period.


Noise Monitoring.


Monitoring of construction noise was carried out on three occasions at Tung Chan Wai NM1(A) for daytime working hours. There were no exceeedances to the Limit level for noise during the reported period.  No works were carried out in evening times or on General holidays for this reported period.  


Water Quality Monitoring.


Water quality in terms of pH, dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, temperature, turbidity and ammoniacal nitrogen, was carried out on six occasions at WM1 (Upstream station) and WM2 (Downstream station). There were no exceedances to the set Action Level and Limit Level recorded.


Waste Management.


650 tonnes excavated materials were generated in this month and disposed at WENT and NENT Landfill.


Complaints and Notifications of Summon and Successful Prosecutions.


No complaints or notification of summonses received this reported period.

Site Inspections.


Three Site Inspections were conducted by the Environmental Team (ET) in this reported period. The major observations by the ET, actions by the Contractor and outcome are summarized in the following table.


   Observations by ET

Actions by the Contractor


Stockpiles were not entirely covered.

The contractor covered or removed the stockpiles.

The situation improved.

Accumulation of stagnant noted near site office

The contractor pumped out the stagnant water.

The situation rectified.


An Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) audit was conducted on 27th January, 2003. The major observations were summarised in the following table.


   Observations by IEC

Actions by the Contractor


Stockpiles were not entirely covered.

The contractor covered or removed the stockpiles.

The situation improved.

The unpaved haul road was dry

The contractor arranged the manual water spraying.

The fugitive dust generation was significantly reduced.

No wheel wash facilities provided at one of the exit

The contractor arranged the manual wheel wash.

The wheel wash facilities provided.


Future Key Issues.


The tentative works activities, predicted impacts and areas of environmental concern for the following month are summarized in the following table.


Works Activities

Predicted Impacts

Proposed Mitigation Measures

General Site Clearance

·Generation of


·Noise impact

·Dust impact

·Waste Generation


· The wastewater produced shall be collected

  and treated before discharge.

· Plant that may be in intermittent use will be

  shut down between work periods or shall be

  throttled down to a minimum.

· Dampen the excavation area.

· The stockpiles shall be covered or removed in

  a regular basis.


1.         INTRODUCTION.


1.1       Background.


Stanger Asia has been commissioned by the Hsin Chong Construction Co., Ltd. to provide an Environmental Team (ET) to monitor air, noise, water quality and waste management. The team is to take a pro-active role in all issues, which may be of environmental concern during the construction of the San Tin Eastern Main Channel.


The Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) appointed for this project is the Hyder Consulting Limited.


In this report, the air, noise, water quality and waste management monitoring works conducted for January 2003 will be detailed and reviewed. All monitoring works were carried in accordance to the Main Drainage Channels and Poldered Village Protection Scheme for San Tin, NWNT: Environmental Impact Assessment Study, Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual.


1.2       Report Structure.


The purpose of this report is to detail and review the air, noise and water quality monitoring works undertaken for January 2003. The impact forecast for the next reporting month and the schedules of monitoring works for the following month is also given.


            The report follows the format given below:


    Section 1:         Introduction and background information to the content of this report.

    Section 2:         This section gives the information of the project.

    Section 3:         This section summarizes all the environmental permits and licenses.

    Section 4:         Summary of the EM&A requirements is presented.

    Section 5:         This section details the implemented mitigation measures.

    Section 6:         Details monitoring results.

    Section 7:         Audit the monitoring results.

    Section 8:         The status for solid and liquid waste management for the site is overviewed.      

    Section 9:         Complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions are summarized.

    Section 10:       This section gives the predicted impacts of the construction activities.

Section 11:       This section gives a conclusion in relation to all monitoring activities.



2.1              Site Description.


The works mainly comprise the removal and disposal of any contaminated material, construction of reinforced concrete channel, footpaths, drainage works, roadworks, water and landscape works from the Castle Peak Road at San Tin to the Shenzen River some 2.5km downstream.


The site layout plan is shown in Figure 2.1.


2.2              Project Organization.


Mr. John K.S. Kwong / Mr. Gary K.C. Yip (Tel: 25747400, Fax: 28278700) are the Engineers’ Representative for Drainage Services Department, Government of the HKSAR.


The Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) for this project is headed by

Ms. Jacquelyn Anderson of Hyder Consulting Limited. (Tel: 2911 2233,

Fax: 2805 5028).


Mr Elvis M. Kong is the Site Agent for Hsin Chong Construction Co., Ltd.

(Tel: 2482 9587, Fax: 2482 9113). 


The Environmental Team (ET)for the project is Stanger Asia Ltd. The team is headed by Mr Chris Shenfield – Senior Environmental Scientist.

(Tel: 26821203, Fax: 26820046).


The Organization Chart with the key personnel contacts names and telephone numbers is given in Appendix I.


2.3       Construction Programme.


The overall construction programme is given in Appendix XII. Details of the construction activities are summarized in the following table.


                          Table 2.1 – Summary of Construction Activities


Construction Activities

· Existing fish ponds

· Removal of riverbed sediment.

· General Site Clearance.

-Site formation of vertical drain.


Construction of temporary cross border road and stone column work.











The summary of the status of all environmental permits, licenses and notification for this project as at January 2003 is summarized in the following table.


Table 3.1 – Summary of the Environmental Permits and Licenses


Licence/Permit No.

Issued Date

Expiry Date


Environmental Permit





Registration of Chemical Waste Producer





Notification of Works Under APCO




Under Application

Effluent Discharge Licence




Under Application

Construction Noise Permit









4.1              Air Quality.


Monitoring Location


The project has one Air Sensitive Receiver (ASR), Site Office. This monitoring location was coded as AM1 and the coordinates of it are listed in the following table. The air monitoring location is shown in Figure 4.1.


Table 4.1 – Coordinates of AM1


HK Metric Grid – Easting

HK Metric Grid - Northing







The measurement of 24-hour and 1-hour TSP levels were carried out in accordance to high volume sampling method set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50). When positioning the high volume samplers, the following points have been considered:


-         a horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the high volume sampler against gusty wind, should be provided;

-         horizontal distance between the high volume samplers and an obstacle, such as buildings, must be at least twice the height of the obstacle protruding above the high volume samplers;

-         a minimum separation of 2 m should be provided from walls, parapets, and penthouses for rooftop high volume samplers;

-         a minimum separation of 2 m should be provided from any supporting structure measured horizontally;

-         there should not be any furnace or incinerator flues nearby;

-         there should be unrestricted airflow around the high volume samplers;

-         a minimum separation of 20 m should be provided from the dripline;

-         any wire fence and gate employed to protect the high volume samplers should not cause any obstruction during monitoring.


All relevant data including elapsed time, meter reading for the start and finish of the sampler, identification and weight of the filter paper, and other special phenomena were recorded.


Monitoring Equipment and Calibration Details


Andersen GMW Model GS2310 high volume samplers were used to carry out the monitoring of 24-hour and 1-hour TSP. The high volume samplers are in compliance with the specifications listed in the Environmental Schedules as follows:


-         0.6 – 1.7 m3/min (20-60 SCFM) adjustable flow range;

-         equipped with a timing / control device with 5 minutes accuracy over 24 hours operations;

-         installed with elapsed-time meter with 2 minutes accuracy over 24 hours operations;

-         capable of providing a minimum exposed area of 406 cm2 (63 in2);

-         flow control accuracy: 2.5% deviation over 24-hr sampling period;

-         equipped with shelter to protect the filter and sampler;

-         incorporated with an electronic mass flow rate controller or other equivalent devices;

-         equipped with a flow recorder for continuous monitoring;

-         provided with peaked roof inlet, incorporated with manometer;

-         able to hold and seal the filter paper to the sampler housing at horizontal position;

-         easy to change filter; and

-         capable of operating continuously for 24-hr period.


The high volume samplers were calibrated at bi-monthly intervals. The calibration kit (Andersen Model G2535) comprising pressure plates and a transfer standard is traceable to the internationally recognized standard. Calibration records for the high volume samplers are given in Appendix II of this report.


Laboratory Measurement


The laboratory measurements were carried out in Stanger Asia Limited, a HOKLAS accredited laboratory with constant temperature and humidity control, and equipped with necessary measuring and conditioning instruments.


Clean filter papers of size 8” x 10” with no pin holes were labeled before sampling. They were conditioned in a dessicator with less than 50% relative humidity for over 24-hr and pre-weighted before use for sampling.


After sampling, the filter papers loaded with dust were kept in a clean and tightly sealed plastic bag. The filter papers were then returned to the laboratory for reconditioning in the dessicator with less than 50% relative humidity followed by accurate weighing by an electronic balance regularly calibrated against a traceable standard with a read out down to 0.1 mg.


Stanger Asia Limited has comprehensive quality assurance and quality control programmes. For QA/AC procedures, all filters were equilibrated and weighted repeatedly until the difference of two consecutive results is less than 0.5 mg.


Monitoring Parameters Frequency


Table 4.2 – Air Quality Monitoring Frequency

Monitoring Location




24-hr TSP

Once in every six days

1-hr TSP

Three times in every six days


Action and Limit Levels


The Action and Limit levels for air quality monitoring were established from the baseline monitoring data prior to the commencement of the construction of the project and summarized in the following table.


Table 4.3 - Action and Limit Levels for the project



Action Level


Limit Level


1-hour TSP



24-hour TSP




4.2              Noise.


                        Monitoring Location


The project has two Noise Monitoring Stations, Tung Chan Wai (NM1) and the pumping station (NM2). Noise monitoring for the pumping station (NM2) shall only be carried out on two occasions, day 1 and day 60 of the commissioning stage. For NM1, however, due to distance from the works area to the village, and the expanse of container activities in between, a small residential dwelling at Yan Shau Wai slightly to the north of the Tung Chan Wai has been identified as being more a representative monitoring location. This monitoring location was coded as NM1(A) and  construction phase noise impact monitoring will be conducted at this station. The coordinates of it are listed in the following table. The noise monitoring location is shown in Figure 4.2.




Table 4.4 – Coordinates of NM1(A)


HK Metric Grid – Easting

HK Metric Grid - Northing







Monitoring was carried out in accordance to procedures recommended in the Environmental Schedule for the monitoring of construction noise as follows:


-                     measurements shall be recorded to the nearest 0.1dB.

-           Weather conditions, including a measurement of wind speed, should be recorded for the measurement. Where the steady wind speed exceeds 5 m/s, or gusts are above 10 m/s, or in the presence of fog or rain, measurements should be treated as invalid, and repeated in more appropriate conditions.


This noise meter was programmed to measure A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level at six 5-minute intervals. Acoustic information measured by the noise meter over the 30 minutes period was recorded and stored with a record number assigned to each measurement. Additional supplementary acoustical data in terms of L10 and L90 were also recorded for reference and auditing.


Due to the fact that dBs are logarithmic values, they cannot just be simply added together and then averaged. Therefore, the individual dB values are converted to linear values. After calculation, the values are converted back to dB by taking logarithm and the product by ten. The equation is expressed as follows:


Average Noise Level, L eq(30 min)dB(A)


= 10 log10[{10 (L eq(5 min)i/10) + 10 (L eq(5 min)i/10) + ……..}/n] 


while n is the number of the data.

          i is the ith data.


            Monitoring Equipment and Calibration Details


The noise level at NM1(A)was determined using a Brüel & Kjaer Modular precision sound level meter type 2231. The meter complies with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publication (IEC) 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1) specifications. As referred to in the Technical Memorandum issued under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO). A Brüel & Kjaer Sound level calibrator type 4231 was used for the on-site calibration of the meter. This calibrator complies with the IEC Publication 942 (1988) Class1 and ANSI S1.40 – 1984. Noise measurements were only accepted to be valid if the calibration levels from before and after the measurement agree to within 1.0dB. The sound level meter and calibrator are calibrated annually by the manufacturer.


Wind speeds were measured by a portable anemometer, TSI model 8330 VelociCheck, with direction being determined with a compass.


The calibration certificate of the sound level meter and sound level calibrator are given in Appendix II.

            Monitoring Parameters and Frequency


                                            Table 4.5 -  Noise Monitoring Frequency

Monitoring location

Monitoring period



NM1 (A)

Between 0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays.

LAeq(30 min), L90 & L10

Once a week.


Between 1900-2300 hours.

LAeq(5 min), L90 & L10

Between 2300-0700 hours of the next day.

Between 0700-1900 hours on holidays.


Action and Limit Levels


                         Table 4.6 - Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Time Period

Action Level

Limit Level

Daytime (0700-1900 hrs) on normal weekdays, e.g. Monday through to Saturday excluding Public Holidays.

When one complaint is received within 2 weeks on the same location.





Daytime on holidays: and 1900 to 2300 hours an all other days.

LAeq(5min) 70dB(A)

All night time periods (2300 to 0700 hours)

LAeq(5min) 55dB(A)


4.3       Water Quality.


            Monitoring Locations


The EM&A Manual for this project has proposed one upstream station (WM1), one down stream station (WM2) within the San Tin Drainage Channel and, one upstream station (WM3) and one downstream station (WM4) at the discharge point for the San Tin Drainage Channel, once completed, within the Shenzhen River to be monitored. However, there will be no direct discharge from site into the Shenzhen River within the first 8 months of the contract until a temporary channel diversion scheme has been completed by the Contractor within this area.


Therefore the initial baseline monitoring be conducted at WM1 and WM2 to assist in the commencement of the project, and that baseline monitoring for WM3 and WM4 be commenced at least 1 month prior to any construction activities adjacent to the Shenzhen River or, any direct discharge from the site being made. This will allow for access to WM3 and WM4, behind the border security fence, to be arranged and will ensure that the baseline monitoring data at these locations is obtained within six weeks of commencement of any works in that area. Designated monitoring stations are shown in Figure 4.3.




Surface water quality shall be monitored for the following parameters: Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L and % saturation), Temperature (oC), pH value, Turbidity (NTU), Water Dept (m), Suspended Solids (mg/L) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen (mg/L).  As the depth of the designated monitoring locations is less than 1.5m, only one sample was taken from the middle of the water column. For in situ parameters, three measurements of each station shall be taken. Suspended solids and ammoniacal nitrogen shall be determined in the laboratory. All the measurements were taken during the mid-ebb tide.


During monitoring works the following shall also be recorded:


-                     monitoring location;

-                     depth of water;

-                     time;

-                     weather conditions including ambient temperature;

-                     water temperature;

-                     any special phenomena or activities at the construction site.


            Monitoring Equipment


(a)        Suspended Solids and Ammoniacal Nitrogen.


As the depth of water being sampled was generally less than 50cm, the  “grab sampling” technique was employed for the taking of water samples for the determination of suspended solids and ammoniacal nitrogen at all designated monitoring locations. 


Samples were kept in high density polythene bottles, packed in ice and cooled to 4oC without being frozen for delivery to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection.


(b)        Thermometer.


A standard certified laboratory mercury thermometer with an accuracy of at least 0.5oC Celsius was employed, calibrated against a certified thermometer of 0.1 degree Celsius scale. This thermometer was employed for measuring both ambient and water temperatures.


(c)       Depth Detector.


As the depth of water being sampled was generally less than 50cm, a  clearly marked depth gauge was employed to determine water depth at all designated monitoring locations. 


(d)        Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Measuring Equipment.


A YSI model 58 meter, YSI 5739 probe, YSI 5795A submersible stirrer with reel and cable with employed.


This meter measures oxygen in the ranges of 0-200% saturation and 0-20mg/L O2 and has automatic temperature and salinity correction facility. It operates from a DC power source and measures temperature in the range of 0-45oC.


(e)        Turbidity Meter.


A Hach model 2100P shall be employed.


The meter measures turbidity in the range of 0-1000NTU. It operates from a DC power source.


The calibration certificates for the monitoring equipment are attached in Appendix II.                 


Laboratory Analysis


Samples were returned to Stanger Asia Limited, a HOKLAS accredited laboratory, for the determination of suspended solids and ammoniacal nitrogen. Suspended solids content was determined employing Method 2540D (APHA 20th Edition) and Ammoniacal Nitrogen in accordance with APHA Method No. 4500-NH3 B & D, 18th Edition.   Methods are referenced from the “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater” (APHA, AWWA, WEF). The laboratory operates a QA/QC scheme for these analysis inclusive of duplicate and spike recovery analysis.


Monitoring Parameters and Frequency


             Table 4.7 – Water Quality Monitoring Frequency

Monitoring Locations



WM1 and WM2

Dissloved Oxygen (mg/L and % saturation), Total Suspended Solids, pH, Turbidity, Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Water Temperature and water depth

Twice per week


Action and Limit Levels


Since baseline dissolved oxygen, suspended solids and the ammoniacal nitrogen have exceeded the criteria stated in Table 4.7a of the EM&A Manual, another set of Action and Limit level are derived according to the “EM&A Guidelines for Development Projects in Hong Kong” published in February 1998 issued by EPD.





Table 4.8 –  Action and Limit Level for Water Quality


Action Level

Limit Level

Dissolved Oxygen in (mg/L)

0.59 mg/L (5%-ile of baseline data)

0.55 (1%-ile of baseline data)

Suspended Solids

(mg/L), Turbidity (NTU), Ammoniacal Nitrogen (mg/L)

120% of  upstream control station at the same tide of same day

130% of upstream control station at the same tide of same day





4.4       Event and Action Plans.


The Event and Action Plans for air, noise and water are attached in Appendix III of this report. Since the Discharge Standards for Water Quality were not applicable as mentioned above, another Event and Action Plan for Water Quality was derived according to the “EM&A Guidelines for Development Projects in Hong Kong” published in February 1998 issued by EPD as a substitute to Table 4.7b of the EM&A Manual.


4.5       Schedule for the Generation of Waste


During the construction of the San Tin Eastern Main Drainage Channel, different types of waste will be generated as followed:


Generation Period

Waste Generated

Site clearance.

Topsoil, subsoil, concrete, brick, aggregates, tiles, paving and vegetable matter.


Rock, hardcore and rubble.

During construction.

Steel and other metals, recyclable or reusable waste, chemical waste and general refuse.

Earthwork for drainage channel.

Contaminated soil.

Excavation for drainage channel and outfall at border road.

Excessive filling materials.

Construction of Pumping Station





The contractor implemented various environmental mitigation measures as recommended in the EIA report and Environmental Permit. The implementation status is attached in Appendix IV and summarized as follows:


-                     Vehicle washing facilities were provided at the exit point of the site.

-                     Excavation was undertaken during periods of low flow.

-                     Open material storage stockpiles were covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric to prevent material washing away.

-                     Debris and rubbish on site was collected, handled and disposed properly.

-                     Waste storage areas were maintained and cleaned in a regular basis.

-                     Pump out the stagnant water.

-                     Clean the wheelwash bay from time to time.



6.1       Completed Monitoring Works.


Table 6.1 gives the completed monitoring works for the reported period.


                           Table 6.1 – Completed Monitoring Works for January 2003











January 1




























































24-hr TSP

Water (12:26)

1-hr TSP








Site Inspection

Water (13:42)

1-hr TSP










1-hr TSP






24-hr TSP

Water (16:31)

1-hr TSP








1-hr TSP

Water (18:11)




Site Inspection

1-hr TSP










Water (9:13)




24-hr TSP

1-hr TSP





1-hr TSP



Water (12:46)

1-hr TSP

Site Inspection







            Notes:      1. Noise: daytime noise monitoring (once a week) conducted at Tung Chan Wai (6 x 5 minutes)

2. Water: water quality monitoring (twice per week) at stations WM1 (upstream) and WM2 (downstream).

3. 24-hr TSP (once in every 6 days) conducted at Site Office.

4.  1-hr TSP (three times in every 6 days) conducted at Site Office.

                                5. Site inspection: once a week


6.2      Air Quality Monitoring.


Impact monitoring of 24-Hour TSP was conducted on three occasions, with the monitoring of 1-Hour TSP being conducted on nine occasions at monitoring location AM1.


The monitoring records for 24-hour and 1-hour TSP are given in the following table. All detailed monitoring results are given in Appendix VII. The results are presented graphically in Figures 6.1 and 6.2.


                         Table 6.2 - Results of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Data


AM1, µg/m3

Exceedance (Y/N)










Action Level

225 µg/m3

Limit Level

260 µg/m3








                    Table 6.3 – Results of 1-hour TSP Monitoring Data


AM1, µg/m3

Exceedance (Y/N)




























Action Level

390 µg/m3

Limit Level

500 µg/m3


6.3       Noise Monitoring.


Monitoring of daytime construction noise, 0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays, was carried out on a total of three occasions, at designated station, NM1(A). There were no works conducted during the evening or on General holidays.


The noise levels for the designated monitoring station and periods are summarized in the table below. All detailed monitoring results are given in Appendix V.  The results are also presented graphically in Figure 6.3.


                                                          Table 6.4 - Day Time Noise Levels for NM1(A)


Measurement Time

NM1 (A), dB(A)

Exceedance (Y/N)

Type of measurement
















Limit Level

75 dB(A)


6.4       Water Quality Monitoring.


Water quality in terms of pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, ammoniacal nitrogen, suspended solids and temperature, was carried out on eight occasions at WM1 and WM2.


The summary of results for water quality monitoring is summarized in the following tables. Detailed monitoring results with daily Action/Limit levels are presented in Appendix VI. Graphical presentation of the results are shown in Figure 6.4 – Figure 6.10.















       Table 6.5 – Summary of Water Quality Monitoring Data




Exceedance (Y/N) and Date of Exceedance





Temperature, °C












Dissolved Oxygen, %






Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L






Turbidity, NTU






Suspended Solids, mg/L






Ammoniacal Nitrogen, mg/L








7.         AUDIT REPORT.


7.1       Air Quality Monitoring.


No exceedance to set Action and Limit levels for either 24 or 1-Hour TSP monitoring was recorded in this month.


No significant trend was observed for this month’s monitoring data.


7.2       Noise Monitoring.


No exceedance to Limit Level was recorded in this month.


7.3       Water Quality Monitoring.


There were no exceedances to Action Level and Limit Level for all parameters in this reported period.


7.4       Site Inspections. 


Three site inspections were carried out by the ET this reported period. Observations by the ET, actions by the Contractor and outcome are summarised below. Site inspection reports are given in Appendix VII of this report.










            Table 7.1 – Summary of findings, actions and outcomes of site inspection (ET)

   Observations by ET

Actions by the Contractor


Stockpiles were not entirely covered. (25,30/1)

The contractor covered or removed the stockpiles.

The situation improved.

Accumulation of stagnant noted near site office. (18,25,30/1)

The contractor pumped out the stagnant water.

The situation rectified.

Accumulation of general site clearance waste. (18,25/1)

The contractor removed the waste.

The situation rectified.

Fugitive dust generated by site traffic. (18,25/1)

The contractor arranged the manual water spraying.

The fugitive dust generation was significantly reduced.


An Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) audit was conducted on 27th January, 2003. The major observations were summarised in the following table.


Table 7.2 – Summary of findings, actions and outcomes of site inspection (IEC)

   Observations by IEC

Actions by the Contractor


Stockpiles were not entirely covered.

The contractor covered or removed the stockpiles.

The situation improved.

The unpaved haul road was dry

The contractor arranged the manual water spraying.

The fugitive dust generation was significantly reduced.

No wheel wash facilities provided at one of the exit

The contractor arranged the manual wheel wash.

The wheel wash facilities provided.





650 tonnes non-inert C&D waste was generated from site clearance works in this month and disposed at NENT Landfill. No disposal of contaminated soil was carried out in this reporting period.





No complaints received this month. Complaint Log is attached in Appendix IX. Cumulative statistics on complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions are attached in Appendix X.








The following are the scheduled construction activities for the next reported period.Scheduled monitoring activities for the following month is given in Appendix XI.


           Table 10.1 - Works programme for February 2003


Works Activities

Predicted Impacts

Proposed Mitigation Measures

General Site Clearance

·Generation of


·Noise impact

·Dust impact

·Waste Generation


· The wastewater produced shall be 

  collected and treated before discharge.

· Plant that may be in intermittent use will

  be shut down between work periods or

  shall be throttled down to a minimum.

· Dampen the excavation area.

· The stockpiles shall be covered or

  removed in a regular basis.



11.       CONCLUSION.


All results for the air quality monitoring conducted this month were acceptable with no exceedance to the set Action or Limit level for either 24 or 1-Hour TSP level at Site Office. No untoward results or trends in results were noted.  All impact noise monitoring gave results that complied with the proposed Limit exceedance levels NM1(A). Water quality was acceptable this month.