Annex A


Measures to Mitigate Air Quality Impacts during Operation


To mitigate the environmental impact from air quality, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented:


(a)         To avoid odour problems on site, regular collection from the refuse collection point shall be carried out with high standards of general house-keeping within the market;


(b)         Cleansing of the market should be implemented by the traders under supervision, on a daily basis;


(c)         Sufficient ventilation should be allowed inside the Pond Fish Wholesale Market to ensure dilution of odour and prevent the accumulation of vehicle exhaust fumes from the nearby road;


(d)         Delivery vehicles should turn off their engines when loading or unloading or if queuing for access to loading/unloading bays; and


(e)         Air intake points for air-conditioning systems shall be carefully located to avoid taking in excessive fumes from vehicular exhaust.