5                   Water Quality

5.1              Introduction

5.1.1        This Section deals with the assessment of the impacts on water quality of the construction and operation of the Northshore Lantau Development.

5.1.2        The construction phase assessment has considered the following aspects.

·                      the potential impacts to marine water quality from the construction of the reclamations associated with the Northshore Lantau Development, which are those at Siu Ho Wan, Northshore, Fa Peng and Theme Park Extension; and


·                      the potential impacts to marine water quality from land based construction works associated with the development, including the Chok Ko Wan Link Road.


5.1.3        The operation phase assessment has considered the following aspects.

·                      the potential impacts to hydrodynamics from the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations;


·                      the potential impacts to marine water quality from changes in hydrodynamics and sewage effluent and stormwater discharges from the Northshore Lantau Development;


·                      the potential impacts to marine water quality from the operation of the Chok Ko Wan Link Road.


5.1.4        The overall aim of the above assessment work was to determine the acceptability of any predicted impacts to water quality from the construction and operation of the Northshore Lantau Development.  Predicted impacts have been assessed with reference to the relevant environmental legislation and standards, and suitable measures devised to mitigate any potential adverse impacts.  The need for construction and operation Environmental Monitoring and Audit has been assessed and recommendation made where necessary.

5.2              Relevant Legislation and Guidelines

5.2.1        The following relevant pieces of legislation and associated guidance are applicable to the evaluation of water quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Northshore Lantau Development.

·                      Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO);


·                      Technical Memorandum for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems Inland and Coastal Waters; and


·                      Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499. S.16), Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO TM), Annexes 6 and 14.


5.2.2        Apart from the above statutory requirements, the Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94), issued by ProPECC in 1994, also provides useful guidelines on the management of construction site drainage and prevention of water pollution associated with construction activities.


Water Pollution Control Ordinance

5.2.3        The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) is the legislation for the control of water pollution and water quality in Hong Kong.  Under the WPCO, Hong Kong waters are divided into 10 Water Control Zones (WCZs).  Each WCZ has a designated set of statutory Water Quality Objectives (WQOs).  The  WQOs set limits for different parameters that should be achieved in order to maintain the water quality within the WCZs.  Elements of the Northshore Lantau Development will be located within the Southern, Western Buffer and North Western WCZs.  The locations of the WCZs are shown on Figure 5.2a.

5.2.4        The WQOs for the Western Buffer, the Southern and the North Western WCZs, which are presented in Tables D1a, D1b and D1c respectively, are applicable as evaluation criteria for assessing compliance of any effects from the construction and operation of the Northshore Lantau Development.

Technical Memorandum for Effluent Discharges

5.2.5        All discharges during both the construction the operational phases of the Project are required to comply with the Technical Memorandum for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters (TM) issued under Section 21 of the WPCO.  The TM defines discharge limits to different types of receiving waters.  Under the TM, effluents discharged into the drainage and sewerage systems, inshore and coastal waters of the WCZs are subject to pollutant concentration standards for particular discharge volumes.  Any new discharges within a WCZ are subject to licence conditions and the TM acts as a guideline for setting discharge standards for the licence.


5.2.6        Annexes 6 and 14 of the EIAO TM provide general guidelines and criteria to be used in assessing water quality issues.

5.3              Existing Environment/Sensitive Receivers

5.3.1        Elements of the Northshore Lantau Development will be contained with the Southern (the Theme Park Extension), the Western Buffer (Fa Peng Reclamation) and the North Western (Northshore Lantau and Siu Ho Wan reclamations) WCZs.  Sewage effluent from the Northshore Lantau Development will be conveyed to the Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works for treatment and discharge via a submarine outfall.

Hydrodynamic Conditions

5.3.2        Kap Shui Mun, which is the channel between the northern tip of Lantau Island and Ma Wan Island, forms one of the main flow channel between the waters of the North West New Territories and the Western Harbour.  The other flow channel is on the northern side of Ma Wan Island, the Ma Wan Channel.  Tidal current speeds through Kap Shui Mun are generally high, greater then 1 ms-1 for the ebb phase of the tidal cycle for spring tides.  In the vicinity of the reclamation at Yam O Wan, tidal currents are lower due to the sheltering effect of the headlands to north east and south west.  Further offshore, currents are stronger, up to 0.6 ms-1, with the main flows from the Pearl Estuary converging in this area before bifurcating around Ma Wan Island. 

5.3.3        On the Penny's Bay side tidal currents are much lower, less than 0.3 ms-1.  This is because the main flows to and from Kap Shui Mun are along the East Lamma Channel and Victoria Harbour.

5.3.4        The areas potentially affected by the Project will exhibit seasonal differences in terms of salinity and temperature stratification.  To the west of Ma Wan in the wet season strong salinity and temperature stratification is to be found due to the outflow from the Pearl Estuary.  To the east of Ma Wan the stratification will be less strong due to the turbulence in the Ma Wan Channel and Kap Shui Mun causing a partial degradation in the stratification.  In the sheltered bay along the southern Lantau Island coastline, stratification may be present due to localised run-off and heating of the relatively stagnant surface waters.

Water Quality Conditions

5.3.5        The Project area is within three WCZ’s: the Southern WCZ, the Western Buffer and North Western WCZs.  There are three routine EPD water quality monitoring stations (one for each WCZ) located in the vicinity of the Project area; the locations of these stations are shown in Figure 5.2a.  A summary of water quality data for each of the stations is presented in Table 5.3a.  These data were measured in 1998, the most recently published data([1]).

Table 5.3a - EPD Routine Water Quality Monitoring Data in the Vicinity of the Project Area

WQ Parameter




Temperature (°C)


(16.7 - 27.7)


(16.3 - 27.2)


(18.2 - 26.8)

Salinity (ppt)


(25.9 - 33.6)


(26.9 - 33.4)


(21.9 - 32.5)

Dissolved Oxygen (mg L-1)


(2.9 - 8.1)


(3.2 - 7.2)


(3.2 - 8.4)

Dissolved Oxygen Bottom (mg L-1)


(2.2 - 8.1)


(3.9 - 7.2)


(2.7 - 8.3)

5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand

(mg L-1)


(0.2 - 1.5)


(0.1 - 1.8)


(0.2 - 2.0)

Suspended Solids (mg L-1)


(1.2 - 17.4)


(4.1 - 9.9)


(1.1 - 6.7)

Total Inorganic Nitrogen (mg L-1)


(0.17 - 0.42)


(0.14 - 0.43)


(0.24 - 0.66)

Unionised Ammonia (mg L-1)


(0.002 - 0.007)


(0.001 - 0.009)


(0.002 - 0.007)

E.coli (cfu 100mL-1)


(42 - 1,900)


(2 - 300)


(6 - 570)


1.     Data presented are depth averaged, except as specified.

2.     Data presented are annual arithmetic mean except for E. coli which are geometric means.

3.     Data enclosed in brackets indicate the ranges.

4.     Shaded cells indicate non-compliance with the WQOs.

5.3.6        The data indicates that there were non-compliances with the WQOs for depth averaged oxygen at all three stations, although compliance is achieved with the bottom dissolved oxygen WQO at the stations.  This is a deterioration from data collected in 1997, which showed compliance with both the depth averaged and bottom dissolved oxygen WQO ([2]).  A review of unpublished data for 1999 ([3]) determined that compliance with the depth averaged dissolved oxygen WQO was achieved.  It may therefore be concluded that it is premature to assess that the dissolved oxygen concentrations in the study area are deteriorating based on the 1998 data alone.

5.3.7        The total inorganic nitrogen WQO is exceeded at Station SM10.  The exceedance of the total inorganic nitrogen WQO at Station SM10 has been recorded for the last ten years.  It is worth noting that the WQO for total inorganic nitrogen is not exceeded at Station WM4, even though the average concentration is higher than that at Station SM10.  This is because of the different WQO for total inorganic nitrogen in the Western Buffer WCZ, which is higher compared with that of the Southern WCZ.

5.3.8        The WQO for E. coli at Station SM10, which is in a Secondary Contact Recreation Subzone, is achieved and the levels are low enough to satisfy the WQO for bathing beaches.  Stations WM4 and NM1 are somewhat influenced by sewage effluent discharges, as shown by the higher E. coli concentrations.  This is possibly because these stations are in one of the main flow paths between the waters of the North West New Territories and Victoria Harbour and will therefore receive dilute discharges of sewage from these areas. 

5.3.9        The data for temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen show a wide variation, which indicates seasonal changes.  These are most pronounced at Station NM1, which is the station most influenced by the discharges from the Pearl River estuary.

Identification of Sensitive Receivers

5.3.10    The construction and operation of the Northshore Lantau Development will have the potential to directly affect water quality in the waters along the southern and northern sides of Lantau Island.  The various reclamation will have the potential to change tidal current patterns around Ma Wan, which could in turn cause water quality effects in the East and West Lamma Channels, the Rambler Channel and in the western end of Victoria Harbour.  Sensitive receivers have been identified in these potentially affected areas under the broad designations of gazetted and non-gazetted bathing beaches, water intakes, fish culture zones, sites of ecological interest and recreational areas.  The identified sensitive receivers in each of these categories are as follows:

·                      Gazetted Bathing Beaches: Butterfly, Castle Peak, Kadoorie, Cafeteria Old, Cafeteria New, Golden, Gemini, Hoi Mei Wan, Casam, Lido, Ting Kau, Approach, Tung Wan (Ma Wan), Silvermine Bay, Tung Wan (Cheung Chau), Kwun Yam Wan, Hung Shing Yeh and Lo So Shing;


·                      Non-Gazetted Beaches:  Dragon and Discovery Bay;


·                      Water Intakes:  Castle Peak Power Station cooling water intake, Chek Lap Kok cooling water intake, Tsuen Wan Water Supplies Department (WSD) intake, Tsing Yi WSD intake, Cheung Sha Wan WSD intake, Yau Ma Tei WSD intake, Sheung Wan WSD intake, Kennedy Town WSD intake, Queen Mary Hospital/Sha Wan Drive intake and Wah Fu Estate intake ;


·                      Fish Culture Zones:  Ma Wan (South and North), Cheung Sha Wan, Lo Tik Wan and Sok Kwu Wan;


·                      Sites of Ecological Interest: Sha Chau, Tung Chung Bay, The Brothers, Yam O Wan, Kau Yi Chau, Green Island, Pak Kok, Shek Kok Tsui and Luk Chau; and


·                      Recreational Uses:  Discovery centre at Sze Pak Wan.


5.3.11    In addition to the identified sensitive receivers, there are a number of open water monitoring stations which have been considered in this study to assess water quality in the marine waters potentially affected by Project  construction and operational activities.  The locations of the above sensitive receivers and open water monitoring stations are shown in Figure 5.3a.

5.3.12    In addition to the above defined sensitive receivers there are three future planned WSD seawater intakes at Tai Ho, Sham Shui Kok and Fa Peng.  The locations of the intakes are shown on  Figure 5.3b .  The quality of the abstracted water will be required to comply with WSD standards, which are defined below.

5.3.13    It should be noted that the Anglers Beach, which is currently a gazetted bathing beach, is not included as a sensitive receiver.  This is because the beach will be lost when the construction of the proposed Sham Tseng Further Reclamation commences in 2004.

5.3.14    The WQOs presented in Annex D1 are considered to be suitable as assessment criteria at the identified sensitive receivers and monitoring stations.  A number of the sensitive receivers are Water Supplies Department (WSD) sea water intakes.  The WSD has a set of standards for the quality of abstracted water (see in Table 5.3b).  Water quality at the WSD sea water intakes has been assessed against these standards, in addition to the WQOs.

Table 5.3b - WSD Water Quality Criteria for Abstracted Seawater



Colour (HU)


Turbidity (NTU)


Threshold Odour No.


Ammoniacal Nitrogen (mg L-1)


Suspended Solids (mg L-1)


Dissolved Oxygen (mg L-1)


5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg L-1)


Synthetic Detergents (mg L-1)


E. coli (cfu 100mL-1)



5.4              Assessment Methodology - Construction

5.4.1        The assessment of impacts to water quality during the construction phase has been divided into two aspects, formation of the reclamations and land based construction activities, including those for the Chok Ko Wan Link Road.

Reclamation Formation

Description of Sediment Dispersion Model

5.4.2        The dispersion of fine sediment in suspension from the construction of the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations has been simulated using the Delft3D-PART particle tracking model.  The model simulates a dynamic concentration distribution of a substance by following the tracks of thousands of discrete particles.  The dominant transport process is advection by tidal currents, while turbulent diffusion is simulated using a random walk technique.  Hydrodynamic data for the model are provided by the delft3D-FLOW model.  At intervals the concentration of the substance being simulated is calculated by summing the number of particles in a pre-defined grid.  The size of the grid is independent of the grid used in the hydrodynamic model and is therefore capable of representing plumes narrow than the finest resolution in the flow model.

5.4.3        The Delft3D-PART is ideally suited to simulating narrow suspended sediment plumes generated by reclamation construction activities.  The model includes the processes of sediment settling through the water column and of sediment exchange between the water column and the sea bed.  Settling of sediment particles is described by settling velocity.  The exchange of sediment between the water column and the sea bed is governed by the processes of deposition and erosion, which are functions of bed shear stress.

Derivation of Scenarios 

5.4.4        The construction of the reclamations for the Northshore Lantau Development will involve dredging of the existing marine sediments along the line of the seawalls to provide suitable foundations and filling of the reclamations using sand and public fill.  The reclamations will be constructed using the drained method of construction, which means that the existing sea bed sediments under the reclamations will be left in place, except under the seawalls.  The seawall foundation trenches may be backfilled with either sand or rockfill.  The potential impacts to water quality from this operation are discussed qualitatively and measures devised to minimise the loss of fine sediment to suspension.

5.4.5        The programme for reclamation construction is shown in Figure 5.4a, which shows the timings and durations of dredging, filling and surcharging for the four reclamations (Northshore, Siu Ho Wan, Fa Peng and the Theme Park Extension).  A key feature of the programme is that filling will not commence until sections of seawall have been completed.  This means that any losses of fines to suspension during filling will be retained by the seawalls and not transported beyond the works areas.  It will therefore only be necessary to simulate the losses of fine sediment to suspension from dredging activities.  Examination of the reclamation programme shows that dredging for the Northshore and Siu Ho Wan reclamations will be carried out concurrently.  The dredging for the Fa Peng and Theme Park Extension reclamations will occur later and will not occur concurrently with the dredging for any other reclamations.  There are therefore three scenarios to be simulated for the construction of the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations as follows.

·                      Scenario 1 - concurrent dredging for the Siu Ho Wan and Northshore Reclamations;

·                      Scenario 2 - dredging for the Fa Peng reclamation; and

·                      Scenario 3 - dredging for the Theme Park Extension reclamation.

5.4.6        According to the proposed construction programme the dredging for the seawalls will be undertaken using varying numbers of grab dredgers, each with a rate of dredging of 2,000 m3 day-1.  It should be noted that this is a slow rate of dredging and is able to be accommodated due to the long construction periods for each of the reclamations.  For studies assessing the impacts for dredging areas of Kellett Bank to provide depths suitable for mooring buoys, reviews of available international data were made to determine the loss rates of sediment to suspension from grab dredging ([4]) ([5]) .  For these two previous studies, estimates of loss rate from grab dredging were made based on an extensive review of world wide data on loss rates from dredging operations.  The review concluded that for 8 m3 grab dredgers working in areas with significant amounts of debris on the sea bed (such as in the vicinity of existing mooring buoys) that the loss rate would be 25 kg m3 dredged, while the loss rate in areas where debris is less likely to hinder the operations would be 17 kg m3 dredged.  For this Study it is proposed that the loss rate of 17 kg m3 dredged be used, as there are unlikely to be significant quantities of debris on the seabed in the vicinity of the dredging works due to the fact that there are no existing mooring buoys or port facilities.  The loss rate of sediment to suspension for each grab dredger will therefore be 34,000 kg day-1, or 0.39 kg s-1 assuming continuous (ie 24 hour) working.

5.4.7        The number of grab dredgers working on each of the four reclamation areas and the resultant total loss rates of sediment to suspension are summarised in Table 5.4a.

Table 5.4a - Summary of Dredging for the Four Reclamation Areas and the Rates of Loss of Sediment to Suspension



No of Grab Dredgers

Total Loss Rate (kg s-1)



Siu Ho Wan






Fa Peng




Theme Park Extension




5.4.8        Representative locations along the lengths of the seawalls were chosen for each of the grab dredgers.  Each location was taken to represent a single grab dredger.  At each point the sediment lost to suspension was entered into the model as a line source over the whole water depth to represent the manner in which sediment is lost to suspension during grab dredging.  The locations of each of the points are shown in Figures 5.4b, 5.4c and 5.4d.

5.4.9        The model simulates the loss of sediment to suspension by introducing discrete particles into the model domain, each particle representing a finite mass of sediment.  For each simulation a total of 1,000,000 model particles were introduced into the model area.

5.4.10    Sediment settling was simulated by dividing the sediment in suspension into a coarse fraction and a fine fraction.  A grading curve for the fine fraction of sediment (ie less than 63 mm) for samples collected from Penny’s Bay was obtained from the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering Department.  The grading curve is shown on Figure 5.4e and has been produced as an average of a number of samples.  The division into coarse and fine fractions was based on the D50 grain size, (ie into the finest 50% and the coarsest 50%).  The D50 gain size is shown on the graph to be 0.003 mm, which is taken to be the size at which the sediment is divided into coarse and fine fractions.  In order to calculate the settling velocities of the coarse and fine fractions it is necessary to determine representative grain sizes for each of these fractions.  The representative grain size for the coarse fraction was taken to be the D75 of the whole curve, which is shown to be 0.012 mm.  The settling velocity was then determined using Stoke’s Law and was found to be 0.128 mm s-1.  The representative grain size for the fine fraction would be represented by the D25, which by extrapolation would be approximately 0.0004.  The settling velocity for such a grain size would be extremely small and would be offset by localised turbulence, which means that the fine fraction would effectively have zero settling velocity.  The total suspended sediment concentration at any location was calculated as the sum of the coarse and fine fractions. 

5.4.11    Impacts to water quality during the construction of a reclamation at Penny’s Bay and around the Fa Peng headland were assessed as part of the studies for Container Terminals 10 and 11 ([6]).  In this study computer modelling of the dispersion of fine sediment in suspension from dredging and filling works was carried out.  The modelling studies determined that the worst case impacts to sensitive receivers were caused by wet and dry season spring tides.  Therefore, for this Study the sediment plume modelling for Scenarios 2 and 3 was undertaken for wet and dry season spring tides to determine the worst case impacts.  There are, however, no previous computer modelling studies for either the Northshore or Siu Ho Wan reclamation.  Therefore, Scenario 1 was simulated for all four representative tide types (ie wet and dry season spring and neap tides), as there is no means of identifying the worst case tide types.

5.4.12    Hydrodynamic data for input into the sediment plume model have been provided by the Delft3D hydrodynamic model, which has been used to simulate the situation in 2012 immediately prior to the start of construction of the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations, which included the reclamations for the proposed Theme Park in Penny’s Bay and Yam O.  A detailed description of the hydrodynamic modelling is contained in Section 5.8.1.

5.4.13    The results of the sediment plume modelling have been processed to determine maximum elevations of suspended sediment concentrations at the identified sensitive receivers and in the receiving waters.  The results have also been analysed to show rates of sediment deposition on the sea bed from the dredging works.

Impacts to Water Quality

5.4.14    The loss of fine sediment to suspension during the dredging works would have the potential to cause impacts to dissolved oxygen and nutrient levels within the receiving waters.  If there are any contaminants (such as heavy metals, PAHs, PCBs etc) within the sediment to be dredged then they could be released to the water column by disassociating from the sediments.  The potential impacts to water quality have been assessed by calculation based on the results of the sediment plume modelling for suspended sediment concentrations and the quality of the sediments to be dredged.

Cumulative Impacts

5.4.15    The first phase of the construction of the reclamations for the Northshore Lantau Development, which is the Northshore reclamation, is currently proposed to commence in early 2012 and the completion of all four reclamations is programmed for mid 2028 (see Figure 5.4a).  There are a number of projects planned for the vicinity of the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations, such as the Tung Chung and Tai Ho Further Development, Sham Tseng Reclamation, Tang Lung Chau Dangerous Goods Anchorage, Contaminated Mud Disposal at East Sha Chau, Backfilling of North Lantau and South Tsing Yi Marine Borrow Areas.  However, these projects will have all been completed prior to 2012.  There are no other confirmed projects beyond 2012 in the vicinity of the Northshore Lantau Developments and as such there are not anticipated to be any cumulative impacts.  If, however, information to contradict this assessment is available at the time of further detailed studies of the Northshore Lantau Developments then it will be necessary to review the necessity of carrying out cumulative impact assessments.  

Uncertainties in Assessment Methodology

5.4.16    Quantitative uncertainties in the sediment plume modelling should be considered when making an evaluation of the modelling predictions.  Worst case conditions were adopted as model input in order to provide a conservative prediction of environmental impacts.  It is therefore possible that the input parameters may cause an overestimation of the environmental impacts.  Some examples of the conservative nature of the input parameters are given below.

·                      The flow model simulations used for generating the flow data for the sediment dispersion modelling represent the case prior to the construction of any of the seawalls for the reclamations and would therefore result in greater dispersion of the sediment than would occur when seawalls had been at least partially constructed;


·                      The assessment is based on the peak dredging rates, which will only occur for under optimum conditions; and


·                      The calculations of loss rates of sediment to suspension are based on conservative estimates for the types of plant and methods of working.


Land Based Construction Activities

5.4.17    The assessment of the potential impact of land based construction activities on water quality has been undertaken in a qualitative manner.  Consideration has been given to controlling potentially harmful impacts from site works and to the use of ‘best’ practice measures to minimise the potential for discharges of pollutants to the marine waters in the vicinity of the Project sites.  The land based construction activities which have been considered include those for the developments on the reclaimed land and those for the Chok Ko Wan Link Road.

5.5              Identification of Environmental Impacts - Construction

5.5.1        The identification of potential water quality impacts during the construction phase has been divided into two aspects, formation of the reclamation and land based construction activities, including those for the developments on the reclaimed land and for the Chok Ko Wan Link Road.

Reclamation Formation

Suspended Sediment

5.5.2        During dredging for the construction of the reclamations, fine sediment will be suspended into the water column which may then be transported away from the works area by tidal currents to form sediment plumes.  The quantities of fine sediment lost to suspension during dredging will primarily depend on dredging rates and methods.  Impacts from suspended sediment may be caused by sediment plumes being transported to sensitive areas, such as fish culture zones, bathing beaches, water intakes, areas of ecological interest and recreational areas.

5.5.3        A review of the modelling results has determined that only a small number of the sensitive receivers identified in Section 5.3.3 are predicted to experience  significant elevated suspended sediment concentrations as a result of the dredging works for the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations.  These sensitive receivers, the locations of which are shown in Figure 5.3a, are defined as follows.

·                      Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone (North and South);

·                      Tung Wan Beach, Ma Wan;

·                      Sze Pak Wan;

·                      Discovery Bay Beach;

·                      Kau Yi Chau;

·                      Silvermine Bay Beach;

·                      Chek Lap Kok Intake;

·                      Tung Chung Bay; and

·                      Brothers.


5.5.4        The closest identified sensitive receiver to the Northshore and Siu Ho Wan reclamations is the point marked as Yam O Bay.  This point has been positioned to determine the operational water quality within the bay following completion of the Northshore Lantau Development, as concerns regarding potential stagnation of the bay have been identified.  This location has not therefore been considered as a sensitive receiver for the assessment of reclamation construction impacts.

5.5.5        Suspended sediment plumes passing over a sensitive receiver will cause the ambient suspended sediment concentrations to be elevated; the level of elevation will determine whether the impact is adverse.  The determination of the acceptability of elevations in suspended sediment concentrations has been  based on the Water Quality Objectives.  The WQO for suspended sediments for the Southern, Western Buffer and North Western WCZs is defined as being an allowable elevation of 30% above the background.  The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) maintains a flexible approach to the definition of ambient levels, preferring to allow definition on a case-by-case basis rather than designating a specific statistical parameter as representing ambient.  As agreed in a previous study of the environmental impacts of released suspended sediments ([7]), the ambient value has been taken to be represented by the 90th percentile of reported concentrations.  EPD routine monitoring data has been used as the source of the reported concentrations, with the monitoring station nearest to each of the identified sensitive receivers being defined as representative of that location.  EPD monitoring data and allowable elevations in suspended sediment concentrations are summarised in Table 5.5a.

Table 5.5a - Ambient and Tolerance Values for Suspended Sediment Concentrations       (mg L-1) in the Vicinity of Sensitive Receivers

Sensitive Receiver

Dry Season

Wet Season

(Relevant EPD Monitoring Station)


90th Percentile


30% Tolerance


90th Percentile


30% Tolerance

Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone

Tung Wan Beach, Ma Wan






Sze Pak Wan

Discovery Bay Beach






Kau Yi Chau






Silvermine Bay Beach







Tung Chung Bay






Chek Lap Kok Intake






Notes :

1.     All values are depth averaged.


5.5.6        The allowable elevation in suspended sediment concentration as defined by the WQO for a particular site corresponds to the 30% tolerance level.  The  maximum predicted suspended sediment concentrations from the modelling of the losses to fine sediment to suspension during dredging have been compared with the 30% tolerance values in the above table to determine the acceptability of the impacts.

Sediment Deposition

5.5.7        Impacts from the formation of suspended sediment plumes may also be related to the settling of sediment onto the seabed and smothering any organisms present.  A deposition rate of 0.2 kg m-2 day-1 has been determined as a level of concern for corals.  Further discussion of the selection of this value is contained in Section 8 (marine ecological impact assessment).  The predicted rates of deposition have been compared to this level of concern at those sensitive receivers at which it is applicable to determine whether the predicted impacts would be acceptable.

Water Quality

5.5.8        The loss of sediment to suspension during dredging and filling may have chemical effects on the receiving waters.  This is because the sediment may contain organic and chemical pollutants. 

5.5.9        As part of this Project laboratory testing of sediment samples was undertaken. A full description of the sediment quality testing and the classification of the sediment according to levels of contaminants and methods of disposal of dredged sediments is contained in Section 6, which assesses waste management.  A summary of the results of the sediment quality testing, which have relevance to the water quality assessment are presented in Table 5.5b.  For parameters other than chemical oxygen demand, ammonia and total kjeldahl nitrogen only those parameters which exceeded the Lower Chemical Exceedance Level under the proposed sediment assessment framework have been assessed.  This is because the release of pollutants from sediments containing concentrations of pollutants below the Lower Chemical Exceedance Level is not of concern.  It should be noted that the testing of low and high molecular weight PAHs, PCBs and TBT was not undertaken in a manner suitable for comparison with the sediment assessment framework and further samples should be collected and testing undertaken during detailed studies of each of the proposed reclamations for the Northshore Lantau Development.

Table 5.5b - Summary of Sediment Quality Testing



Siu Ho Wan

Fa Peng

Theme Park Extension

Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg kg-1)





Ammoniacal Nitrogen (mg kg-1)





Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg kg-1)





Copper (mg kg-1)





Arsenic (mg kg-1)





Silver (mg kg-1)





Total PAHs  (mg kg-1)





Total PCBs  (mg kg-1)





TBT (mg kg-1)






1.     <LCEL means that the concentrations were less than the Lower Chemical Exceedance Level.

2.     No sediment samples were taken from the area of the Theme Park Extension reclamation.  Sediment quality was determined as the maximum of the values for the Theme Park and Fa Peng reclamations.



5.5.10    The chemical oxygen demand was used to determine the reductions in dissolved oxygen concentration, based on the predicted of increases in suspended sediment concentrations for the three scenarios.  The reductions were then compared with the ambient levels at Stations SM10, WM4 and NM1 from the EPD routine monitoring data to determine the relative effects of the increases in suspended sediment concentrations on dissolved oxygen.

5.5.11    At Stations SM10, WM4 and NM1 the WQO for depth averaged dissolved oxygen concentrations was breached in 1998, with values of only 3.9 mg L-1, 3.2 mg L-1 and 3.5 mg L-1 being exceeded on 90% of the sampling occasions respectively.  An examination of the routine EPD water quality monitoring data for the years 1999 to 1995 ([8])  found that the values measured in 1998 represented abnormally low dissolved oxygen values and in 1999 the values had increased to be in compliance with the WQO, although they were still lower than in previous years.  It is proposed that the assessment of impacts be based on the background values in 1999 as these are more likely to be representative of the area surrounding the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations, rather than the unrepresentative values measured in 1998.  In 1999 the concentrations of dissolved oxygen, which were exceeded on 90% of the sampling occasions, were 4.2 mg L-1, 4.9 mg L-1 and 4.6 mg L-1 at Stations WM4, SM10 and NM1 respectively.    

5.5.12    The assessment of nutrient impacts from increased suspended sediment concentrations has been based on the water quality parameters of total inorganic nitrogen and unionised ammonia.  The increases in these parameters in the receiving waters have been calculated from the modelling predictions of suspended sediment concentrations and the sediment quality data for total nitrogen and ammoniacal nitrogen.  There is no available data on total inorganic nitrogen from the sediment quality data and as such total nitrogen has been used, although this will result in a conservative prediction as a fraction of total nitrogen is organic nitrogen.  The release of ammoniacal nitrogen has been calculated and then these results converted to unionised ammonia.  The predicted increases have then been compared with the ambient levels at Stations SM10, WM4 and NM1 to determine the relative effects of the increases in suspended sediment concentrations on total inorganic nitrogen and unionised ammonia concentrations. 

5.5.13    Based on EPD routine water quality monitoring data for 1998 ([9]), the mean depth averaged total inorganic nitrogen concentrations at Stations SM10, WM4 and NM1 were 0.27 mg L-1, 0.29 mg L-1 and 0.43 mg L-1 respectively.  It should be noted that the WQO for total inorganic nitrogen is already breached at Station SM10 has been breached for the last 10 years of monitoring; concentrations at Station WM4 are within the WQO.  The mean depth averaged unionised ammonia concentrations at Stations SM10, WM4 and NM1 were 0.003 mg L-1, 0.005 mg L-1 and 0.005 mg L-1 respectively, determined from EPD routine water quality monitoring data for 1998 ([10]).

5.5.14    The sediment to be dredged for the various phases of the Northshore Lantau Development would be categorised as Class M, that is exceeding the Lower Chemical Exceedance Level, for three metals and metalloids - copper, arsenic and silver.  It is therefore proposed that only the release of these three metals and metalloids to the water column be considered.  All three pollutants are known to desorb from sediments and dissolve into the receiving waters.   The European Union Water Quality Water Quality Standards define values of 5 mg L-1 and 25 mg L-1 as being the allowable concentration in coastal waters for copper and arsenic respectively ([11]) .  The European Community Water Quality Standards do not define allowable concentrations of silver and it is proposed to use the USEPA standard of 2.3 mg L-1.  In order to determine whether the increases in copper, silver and arsenic concentrations in the receiving waters due to release from sediment plumes it is necessary to obtain an estimate of the ambient levels in the marine water in the vicinity of the reclamations. As part of a recent study of dredging an area of Kellett Bank ([12]) a review was made of data collected as part of the SSDS Stage I Baseline Monitoring and Performance Verification.  It was determined that the mean copper concentration in the marine waters was 2.51 mg L-1.  This data represents concentrations in the vicinity of the SSDS Stage I outfall, but in view of a lack of such data in the vicinity of the Northshore Lantau Development reclamations this value has been used in this assessment.  As part of the monitoring programme for disposal of contaminated mud at East Sha Chau monitoring of silver and arsenic concentrations in the surrounding marine waters has been undertaken as part of the study Environmental Monitoring and Audit for Contaminated Mud Pit IV at East Sha Chau.  The monitoring has determined that average concentrations for arsenic and silver are 0.5 mg L-1 and 2.1 mg L-1 respectively, based on data collected over the last two years.   These values represent concentrations in the vicinity of the East Sha Chau contaminated mud disposal facility, but in view of the lack of alternative data are considered to be appropriate for use in this study. The relevant assessment standards and background concentrations are summarised in Table 5.5c.

Table 5.5c - Summary of Assessment Standards  in Water (mg L-1) and Background Concentrations for Metals and the Metalloid (mg L-1)


Assessment Standard

Background Concentration











5.5.15    As for copper, silver and arsenic there are no standards in Hong Kong waters for PAHs and TBT and so reference has been made to the European Community water quality standards ([13]).  It is noted that the European Community standards for TBT are stringent and may not necessarily be applicable to Hong Kong waters but are used here to maintain consistency with the other quoted standards.  The European Community standards do not make reference to a level of concern for PCBs and so an assessment standard has been derived from work published in the US ([14]).  In order to determine whether the potential increases in PAHs, PCBs and TBT concentrations in the receiving waters are acceptable it is necessary to obtain an estimate of the ambient levels in the marine waters. Data on background levels in marine water of TBT has been obtained from the study A Study of Tributyltin Contamination of the Marine Environment of Hong Kong ([15]) .  In this study data was obtained in the vicinity of Yam O and North Tsing Yi.  These data were obtained in the vicinity of shipyard works and as such will be applicable to this study, given the proximity of the Theme Park Extension reclamation to the Cheoy Lee Shipyard and the proximity of the Northshore and Fa Peng reclamations to the floating dry docks moored offshore.  The monitoring data determined representative concentrations of TBT in the marine waters of 0.01 mg L-1 at North Tsing Yi and 0.009 mg L-1 at Yam O.  The North Tsing Yi data will be used in the assessment of the impacts of the Theme Park Extension reclamation, as this is the closest monitoring station, while the Yam O data will be used in the assessment of the Northshore and Fa Peng reclamations.  There is currently no data on the background levels of PAHs, PCBs in marine waters and as such it will only be possible to compare the predicted increase in concentrations with the relevant standards.  The relevant standards and background concentrations are summarised in Table 5.5d.





Table 5.5d - Summary of Assessment Standards  in Water (mg L-1) and Background Concentrations (mg L-1)


Assessment Standard

Background Concentration

Total PAHs


No data

Total PCBs


No data



0.01  (Theme Park Extension)

0.009 (Northshore and Fa Peng)




5.5.16    It should be noted that the data in the above table show that the background concentrations of TBT already exceeds the stringent European Community criteria.  However, the background levels in Hong Kong are likely to be typical of those measured in comparable marine waters around the world, such as major ports.  It may be that the European Community criteria are not entirely applicable to Hong Kong, but are nevertheless used in this Study to provide a reference on the relative magnitudes of the release of TBT from sediments suspended during the dredging works.

Cumulative Impacts

5.5.17    As discussed above in Section 5.4.1 there are no identified concurrent project which could give rise to cumulative impacts.

Land Based Construction Activities

5.5.18    During land based construction activities for the developments on the reclaimed land and for the Chok Ko Wan Link Road, the primary sources of potential impacts to water quality will be from pollutants in site run-off, which may enter marine waters directly or enter the storm drain system which discharges into these waters.  Pollutants, mainly suspended sediments, may also enter the receiving waters if pumped groundwater is not adequately controlled.

5.5.19    Wastewater from temporary site facilities should be controlled to prevent direct discharge to marine waters adjacent to the reclamation.  Such wastewater may include sewage effluent from toilets and discharges from on-site kitchen facilities.  Water from plant servicing facilities may be contaminated with oil and other petroleum products and would have the potential to discharge to surface waters if spillages are not contained.