5.                  WATER QUALITY




5.1              Marine works for the proposed reclamation at Tai Lam Kok and road widening from Ka Loon Tsuen to Tai Lam Kok may adversely impact the water quality of the neighbouring waters.  During the operation phase, run-off across paved surfaces of the proposed widened carriageway would be the key water quality issue.


5.2              The objective of the present study is to identify and evaluate the potential water quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed Castle Peak Road (CPR) improvement works, and to recommend appropriate mitigation measures to alleviate any identified adverse impacts to acceptable levels, wherever necessary.


Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines


5.3              Legislation and associated guidance relevant to the water quality impacts assessment of the proposed CPR improvement works are described below.


Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance


5.4              This water quality impact assessment will be carried out following the criteria and guidelines as stated in Annexes 6 and 14 of the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) as required in the EIA Study Brief. 


Water Pollution Control Ordinance


5.5              The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) (Cap. 358) provides the major statutory framework for the protection and control of water quality in Hong Kong.  According to the Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation, the whole Hong Kong waters are divided into ten Water Control Zone (WCZs).  Corresponding statements of Water Quality Objective (WQO) are stipulated for different water regimes (marine waters, inland waters, bathing beaches subzones, secondary contact recreation subzones and fish culture subzones) in the WCZ based on their beneficial uses.  The proposed site of the improvement works is located within the North Western WCZ and the corresponding WQOs are summarized in Table 5.1.




Table 5.1      Water Quality Objectives Statement for North Western WCZ




Part(s) of Zone

Aesthetic Appearance

(a) discharge shall not cause objectionable odour or discoluration

(b) no tarry residue, floating wood, articles made of grass, plastic, rubber or any  other substance

(c) Mineral oil not visible on the surface. Surfactants shall not give rise to a lasting foam.

(d) no recognizable sewage-derived debris

(e) no floating, submerged or semi-submerged subjects likely to interfere with the free movement or damage of material

(f) not to contain substances which settle to form objectionable deposits

Whole Zone


Whole Zone


Whole Zone


Whole Zone


Whole Zone


Whole Zone

E. coli

annual geometric mean not to exceed 610/100 mL


geometric mean not to exceed 180/100 mL during March to October inclusive in 1 year; sample should be taken at least 3 times in 1 calendar month at intervals of between 3 to 14 days

geometric mean of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days not to be less than 1/100 mL

geometric mean of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days not to exceed 1000/100 mL

secondary contact recreation subzones

Bathing beach subzones



Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones

Tuen Mun  (C) and other Inland Waters


Not to exceed 30 Hazen units



Not to exceed 50 Hazen units

Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones

Tuen Mun  (C) and other Inland Waters

Dissolved Oxygen within 2 m of bottom

not less than 2 mg/L for 90% samples


marine waters

Depth averaged Dissolved Oxygen

not less than 4 mg/L for 90% samples


not less than 4mg/L at any point within the water column

marine waters

fish culture subzones

Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Tuen Mun  (C) Subzones, Water Gathering Ground Subzones

and other Inland waters

pH value

within the range 6.5 to 8.5; change due to waste discharge not to exceed 0.2

within the range 6.5 - 8.5



within the range 6.0 - 9.0

within the range 6.0 - 9.0; change due to waste discharge not to extend by 0.5


marine waters except bathing beach subzones

Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Tuen Mun  (C) Subzones and water gathering ground subzones

other inland waters

Beach Bathing Subzones






Part(s) of Zone


change due to waste discharge not to exceed 10% of natural ambient level

whole zone


change due to waste discharge not to exceed 2oC

whole zone

Suspended solids

waste discharge not to raise the natural ambient level by 30%, nor cause the accumulation of suspended solids which may adversely affect aquatic communities


annual median not to exceed 20 mg/L



annual median not to exceed 25 mg/L

marine waters




Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Tuen Mun  (C) Subzones and water gathering ground subzones

other inland waters

5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand

not to exceed 3 mg/L



not to exceed 5 mg/L

Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Tuen Mun  (C) Subzones and water gathering ground subzones


other inland waters

Chemical Oxygen Demand

not to exceed 15 mg/L



not to exceed 30 mg/L

Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Tuen Mun  (C) Subzones and water gathering ground subzones

other inland waters

Un-ionized ammonia

annual mean not to exceed 0.021 mg/L

whole zone


not to be present in quantities that cause excessive growth of  algae or other aquatic plants


annual mean depth average inorganic nitrogen not to exceed 0.3 mg/L


annual mean depth average inorganic nitrogen not to exceed 0.5 mg/L


marine waters



Castle Peak Bay Subzone



marine waters except Castle Peak Bay Subzone


not to be present at levels producing significant toxic effect, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms, with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to interactions of toxic substances with each other


not to cause a risk to any beneficial use of the aquatic environment

whole zone






whole zone


not to produce a specific odour or concentrations greater than 0.05 mg/L as C6H5 OH

Bathing Beach Subzones


No changes in turbidity or any other factors shall reduce light transmission substantially from the normal level

Bathing Beach Subzones


Technical Memorandum for Effluent Discharges


5.6              Besides setting the WQOs, the WPCO controls effluent discharging into the WCZ through a licensing system.  The Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters (TM-DSS) issued under Section 21 of the WPCO gives guidance on the permissible effluent discharges based on the type of receiving waters (foul sewers, stormwater drains, inland and coastal waters).  The limits control the physical, chemical and microbial quality of effluents, discharging into the marine waters.


ProPECC Practice Notes


5.7              A Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94) was issued by the EPD to provide guidelines for handling and disposal of construction site discharges.  The ProPECC PN 1/94 provides good practice guidelines for dealing with ten types of discharge from a construction site.  These include surface runoff, groundwater, boring and drilling water, bentonite slurry, water for testing and sterilization of water retaining structures and water pipes, and wastewater from site facilities.  Practices given in the ProPECC PN 1/94 should be followed as far as practicable during construction to minimize the water quality impact due to construction site drainage.


Description of the Environment


Baseline Conditions


5.8              The proposed work area is located between Siu Lam and Ka Loon Tsuen.  At Tai Lam Kok, some landing facilities may cause some local turbidity but the extent is limited. These facilities will probably be removed under the proposed road improvement works.  Since there is no industrial nor densely populated residential development in the adjacent areas, sources of water pollutants mainly arise from run-off of existing roads and domestic discharge into Tai Lam Chung Nullah from the isolated huts located up the valley.


5.9              Routine water quality monitoring of marine waters has been carried out by the EPD and the findings are published annually.  A summary of EPD’s monitoring data (for 1998) (1) at station NM1 and NM2 (Figure 5.1) which is located in the vicinity of the works area is given in Table 5.2. 


5.10          The data show that the water quality at NM1 and NM2 was by and large similar and generally complied with the WQO with the exception of NM1 which failed to comply with the depth-averaged DO objective.  Long-term water quality trends indicate that there is a significant rise in the E.coli level at NM1 between 1989 and 1998.  This may be related to the increased sewage input from nearby unsewered areas in Sham Tseng, Tsing Lung Tau and Tai Lam Chung where sewerage will be provided in phases under the relevant Sewerage Master Plan Implementation Work.

Table 5.2      Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality at NM1 and NM2 for 1998





Number of samples



Temperature (ºC)





Salinity (ppt)





Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)













Dissolved Oxygen (% Saturation)


















Secchi Disc Depth (m)





Turbidity (NTU)





Suspended Solids (mg/L)





5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)





Ammoniacal Nitrogen (mg/L)





Unionized Ammonia (mg/L)





Nitrite Nitrogen (mg/L)





Nitrate Nitrogen (mg/L)





Total Inorganic Nitrogen (mg/L)





Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L)





Total Nitrogen (mg/L)





Orthophosphate Phosphorus (mg/L)





Total Phosphorus (mg/L)





Silica (as SiO² ) (mg/L)





Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)





Phaeo-pigment (µg/L)





E.coli (cfu/100mL)





Faecal Coliforms (cfu/100mL)





Note:   1.           Except as specified, data presented are depth-averaged data.

           2.           Data presented are annual arithmetic means except for E.coli and faecal coliforms which are geometric means.

           3.           Data enclosed in brackets indicate the ranges.

Sensitive Receivers


5.11          In accordance with the EIAO-TM, no water quality sensitive receivers have been identified within the Study Area (defined in the EIA Study Brief as a distance of 300m from the proposed road alignment).  The nearest receivers are the Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone (FCZ) and nursery areas in bays on north Lantau to the west of Kap Shui Mun Channel, which are located at about 2 km and 2.5 km to the south-east of the works area boundary, respectively.  In addition, no gazetted and non-gazetted bathing beaches are found within the Study Area.  The nearest gazetted beaches are Golden Beach and Anglers’ Beach which are about 2.5km to the west and 2km to the east of the works area boundary, respectively.


Assessment Methodology


Construction Phase


Tai Lam Kok Reclamation and Seawall Construction


5.12          As the rates of dredging for the seawall construction and reclamation at Tai Lam Kok are expected to be low and small scale (3,000 m3 day-1), a near field model of sediment dispersion [R.E. Wilson 1979)](2) has been adopted to assess the impacts from suspended sediment plumes generated during dredging activities. 


5.13          In this model, the depth-averaged suspended sediment concentrations are calculated at varying distances from the source of the sediment release.  This model has been used to predict suspended sediment concentrations with distance from the dredging works and hence determine at what distance the elevations in suspended sediment concentrations would be acceptable according to the WQO.  The WQO for suspended sediments for Western Buffer and North Western WCZs states that the marine activities during the construction works must not cause the natural ambient level to be raised by more than 30% nor give rise to accumulation of suspended sediments. 


5.14          For the purpose of the assessment, monitoring data for the past 4 years (1997-2000) for stations NM1 and NM2 was obtained from EPD to establish the ambient values and allowable increases in SS concentration under the WQO for the Study Area and Golden Beach.  For other sensitive receivers, the ambient values and allowable increases in SS concentration were taken from the EPD monitoring station WM4 (Figure 5.1).  Table 5.3 shows the allowable elevations in SS concentration.


Table 5.3      Ambient and Allowable Elevation in Suspended Sediment Concentrations (mgL-1)


Sensitive Receiver

90 Percentile

30% Elevation

Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone / Kap Shui Mun /Anglers Beach (WM4)



Golden Beach  (NM2)



Study Area (NM1)



Notes:    All values are depth-averaged


Land Based Construction Activities


5.15          The potential water quality impact associated with the land based construction activities has been assessed qualitatively.  Consideration has been given to controlling potentially harmful impacts from works sites and to the use of ‘best’ practice measures to minimise the potential for discharges of pollutants to nearby receiving waters.


Operation Phase


5.16          According to the latest available layout of the proposed road, only small-scale reclamation of 0.8 ha is required at Tai Lam Kok.  The reclamation will follow the shape of the existing shoreline and the maximum extent of the new seawall will only be around 50m from the existing shoreline.  Although works will be required in the sub-tidal areas for earth embankment along the existing coastline, the general shape of the existing shoreline within the Study Area is expected to remain unchanged.  Hence, significant alteration to the tidal flows and flushing effects of the nearby waters and Victoria Harbour is not anticipated.


Identification of Impacts


Construction Phase


5.17          Potential sources of water quality impacts associated with the proposed construction works are identified as follows:


·        Seawall and reclamation at Tai Lam Kok

·        Seawall construction between Ka Loon Tsuen and Tai Lam Kok

·        Construction runoff and drainage

·        General construction activities

·        Sewage effluent


5.18          Construction of the seawall and reclamation at Tai Lam Kok and seawall between Ka Loon Tsuen and Tai Lam Kok will involve dredging activities which will cause disturbance to the marine sediments and release of fine sediments into suspension.  The suspended fine sediment may then be transported away from the work area by tidal currents to form sediment plumes.  The extent of the fine sediment lost to suspension will primarily depend on dredging rates and methods.  As indicated in the programme, filling will only commence when the seawall construction has been completed and will take place behind the seawalls.  Any losses of fine sediment to suspension during filling will thus be retained by the seawalls and are not expected to affect the receiving waters beyond the reclamation areas.  Hence, only the losses of fine sediment to suspension from dredging activities are considered to have the potential to impact on sensitive receivers.  Furthermore, as the proposed seawall from Ka Loon Tsuen to Tai Lam Kok is in close proximity to the existing seawall, rockfill rather than sandfill will be used to fill the gap between the old and new seawalls.


5.19          During dredging, contaminants such as heavy metals and other toxic substances may be released from sediment when seabed is disturbed. The potential for adverse effects on water quality through mobilization and release of contaminants into the surrounding water column during dredging will depend on the level of contamination of the marine sediment.  As part of the project, a sediment sampling and testing survey within the Study Area was undertaken to provide an indication of the sediment quality for the purpose of this EIA study.  The sediment testing results indicate that the majority of the sediment is classified as Category L.  Sediment sub-samples at three sampling locations (VB5 at depth 1.9-2.1m, VB9 at depth 0.9-1.9m, & GS1 surface sediment) were classified as contaminated (Category M, H and H, respectively), according to WBTC No. 3/2000 Management of Dredged/Excavated Sediment.  The sediment contamination is primarily due to the levels of arsenic and TBT exceeding the Lower Chemical Exceedance Levels (LCEL).  Further discussion of the sediment quality and classification of dredged sediment is given in Section 6.  It should be noted that VB5 and VB9 are located outside the area where dredging for the foundation of the new seawall for TLK to KLT is identified to be required.


5.20          During land based construction activities, runoff and drainage from construction sites would be the major sources of potential water quality impacts to the nearby water bodies.  Site run-off and drainage may contain increased loads of suspended solids and contaminants and may enter the adjacent coastal waters if uncontrolled.  In addition, sewage arising from the on-site construction workforce will have the potential to cause water pollution if it is discharged directly into adjacent waters without any appropriate treatment.


Cumulative Impacts


5.21          If the suspended sediment plumes arising from the dredging activities of the proposed project were to interface with those from other concurrent projects, there would be the potential of cumulative impacts on nearby sensitive receivers.  Projects which may have marine works undertaken concurrently with the dredging works of the proposed project have been identified and are listed below:


·        Container Terminal 9 reclamation(3)

·        Backfilling of South Tsing Yi and North Lantau Marine Borrow Areas with uncontaminated mud(4)

·        Tsuen Wan Bay Further Reclamation(5)

·        Sham Tseng Further Reclamation(6)

·        Tang Lung Chau Dangerous Goods Anchorage(7)

·        Lamma Extension power station reclamation(8)

·        Tung Chung and Tai Ho Further Development(9)

·        Yam O Reclamation for Theme Park(10).


5.22          The marine works for the Penny’s Bay Reclamation will be completed in June 2002.  The cumulative impacts from the proposed project and the above-mentioned concurrent projects have been assessed in terms of elevated suspended sediment (SS) concentrations.  Increases in SS concentrations from these concurrent projects have been determined by reviewing the results of the water quality assessments undertaken in the EIA studies for these projects.


Operational Phase


5.23          During the operation phase, the potential water quality impact on the coastal waters will arise primarily from run-off across paved surfaces of the proposed widened carriageway.  Such runoff particularly in the first flush following a prolonged dry period, may contain minimal amount of oil, grease and grit.


Predication and Evaluation of Impacts


Construction Phase


Release of Suspended Sediment during Dredging


5.24          The preliminary construction programme shows the timings and duration of dredging and filling for the reclamation at Tai Lam Kok and for the road widening from Ka Loon Tsuen to Tai Lam Kok  The dredging will be undertaken using two open grab dredgers, with a total dredging rate of 3,000m3 day-1 (assuming 24-hour working per day).


5.25          With respect to rate of sediment loss during dredging, two previous studies (11) (12) reviewed world-wide data on loss rates from dredging operations and concluded that for grab dredgers working in areas with significant amounts of debris on the sea bed that the sediment loss rate would be 25kgm-3, while the loss rate in areas where debris is less likely to hinder the operations would be 17kgm-3.  Since there are no existing mooring buoys or port facilities in the vicinity of the proposed dredging areas, there are unlikely to be significant quantities of debris on the seabed.  The lower figure of 17kgm-3 has therefore been taken for this study.  Based on the daily volume rate of dredging, the loss rate is calculated to be 0.59kgs-1.


5.26          The concentrations of suspended sediment plumes has been calculated based on a simple model that is used to calculate the depth-averaged suspended sediment concentrations along the centreline of a plume by solving the advection-diffusion equation for a continuous line source.  This model is appropriate for areas where the tidal current is uni-directional for each phase of the tidal cycle (i.e. the ebb and flood phases).  Since the currents at the proposed dredging area generally follow the coastline, it is considered the model is appropriate for the calculation.  In addition, the model is applicable for suspended sediment plumes of length no greater than the maximum tidal excursion.  According to the Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study (13) the maximum tidal current speed in the study area is approximately 0.5 ms-1 and a representative period for each phase of the tidal cycle in Hong Kong is 6 hours.  The tidal excursion is calculated to be 6.9 km based on the following equation.


Tidal excursion = maximum speed * period * 2/p


5.27          Owing to the low dredging rate, the extent of the plumes is limited and is expected to be within the tidal excursion.  The following formula is used to estimate the concentration of suspended sediment (SS) at a certain distance from the source:


C(x) = q/(D*x*w*Öp)


Where          C(x) = SS concentration at distance x from the source

            q      = sediment loss rate = 0.59 kgs-1

            D     = water depth = 10.5 m

            x      = distance from source

w           = diffusion velocity = 0.01 ms-1


For calculation of SS concentrations, a water depth of 10.5m, which is the minimum depth at the dredging areas has been selected to give a worst-case assessment as SS concentration is inversely proportional to depth.  The diffusion velocity represents reductions in the centre-line concentrations due to lateral spreading.  As suggested by Wilson (1979), a diffusion velocity of 0.01ms-1 has been used for the calculation. 


5.28          Based on the above equation, the suspended sediment concentrations have been predicted and are presented in Table 5.4.


Table 5.4      Predicted Elevation in Suspended Sediment Concentrations (Non-cumulative and Unmitigated Scenario)


Distance from Source (m)

Concentration of Suspended Sediment (mgL-1)










































5.29          As described in Section 5.11, the nearest receivers include Ma Wan FCZ, nursery areas in bays on north Lantau to the west of Kap Shui Mun Channel, Golden Beach and Anglers’ Beach, which are all located outside the Study Area and far away from the works area of the proposed project (at a distance of greater than 2 km).  As shown in the above table for the unmitigated scenario, the SS concentration at a distance of more than 0.7 km from the dredging site will be below the allowable elevations in SS concentration given in Table 5.3.  The elevated SS concentrations at Ma Wan FCZ and Anglers’ Beach are predicted to be 1.6 mg/L, which is well below the allowable elevated SS concentration.  


5.30          It is known that the water quality at Ma Wan FCZ, which is particularly sensitive to water quality is already heavily influenced by other ongoing marine works in the vicinity of the area.  Although the elevated SS concentrations from the proposed project would be well below the allowable elevated SS concentration, there is the potential for cumulative impacts from marine works of the proposed project and the concurrent projects as listed in Section 5.21.  Hence, cumulative impact assessment for the Ma Wan FCZ has been carried out. 


5.31          Since the maximum elevated SS concentrations arising from these concurrent projects on the Ma Wan FCZ were predicted to occur in the dry season, the predicted elevations in SS for the dry season have been used for the cumulative impact assessment as a worst case scenario.  The potential cumulative impacts from the proposed project and the concurrent projects on the Ma Wan FCZ in terms of elevated SS concentrations are presented in Table 5.5.  


Table 5.5      Maximum Predicted Cumulative Elevations in Suspended Sediment Concentration at Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone (Unmitigated Scenario)



Elevations in Suspended Sediment Concentration, mg/l

CT9 Reclamation


Backfilling North of Lantau and South Tsing Yi MBAs


Tang Lung Chau Dangerous Goods Anchorage


Further Development in Tung Chung & Tai Ho


Tsuen Wan Bay Further Reclamation


HEC Lamma Extension Reclamation


Sham Tseng Further Reclamation


Yam O Reclamation for Theme Park


Reclamation at Tai Lam Kok of the proposed project





5.32          As shown in the above table, the total cumulative elevation in SS concentrations is predicted to be 11.6 mg/l, exceeding the allowable elevated SS concentration of 4.5 mg/l for the Ma Wan FCZ.  The results indicate that the dredging works of the proposed project contribute 1.6mg/l (approximately 14%) to the total cumulative elevation in SS concentration.  Hence, appropriate water quality mitigation measures are considered necessary to minimize the potential cumulative impact on the Ma Wan FCZ and are discussed in Section 5.48 – 5.54.


Release of Contaminants during Dredging


5.33          Since the sediment testing results show that the levels of PCB and PAH in local sediments are less than the respective LCEL, these potential contaminants would not be of concern.  However, the testing of tributyltin (TBT) in interstitial water indicates that the TBT level at GS1 has exceeded the LCEL, whereas no TBT exceedances were found at the other grab sampling. GS1 is located close to the Brothers Point Landing Facilities at Tai Lam Kok, which could be one reason for this localized TBT exceedence.  In order to assess the likelihood of release of TBT from the marine mud during dredging activities, elutriation tests were conducted.  Since there is no existing local legislative standards or guidelines for the concentration of TBT in marine waters, reference is made to the Japanese Standard (17).  A standard of 0.1 mg TBT/L is recommended for shipyards, harbours and fisning port and areas with pollution sources.  This standard is considered applicable to the study area as a barging point is located at Tai Lam Kok and the Tai Lam Chung Nullah carried domestic discharges from unsewered areas.


5.34          Table 5.6 shows the results of elutriate test for the vibrocores VB2 – VB4, which were located within the dredging area of the proposed project. 


Table 5.6      Marine Site Investigation Sediment Elutriate Test Results



Sampling Depth (m)

TBT Content (mg-TBTL-1)


0 – 0.9


0.9 – 1.9



0 - 1.37


1.37 – 2.37



0 – 0.9


0.9 – 1.9


1.9 – 2.9






5.35          As indicated in the above table, the measured TBT concentrations in the elutriate samples were not higher than the Japanese Standard and the background values recorded in the seawater sample from the site (blank results).  Furthermore, there are no water sensitive receivers (WSR) identified in the vicinity of the proposed dredging area (the closest WSR is located at a distance of more than 2km , Section refers 5.11).  With the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, including closed grab dredgers to minimize sediment resuspension (Section 5.48 – 5.54), it is therefore concluded that adverse water quality impacts due to the potential release of TBT from the sediment are not anticipated during the dredging activities.


5.36          The comparison of the elutriate test results for nutrients with the seawater sample from the site indicates that the concentrations of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) in the elutriate samples are higher than the background values recorded in the seawater sample.  Therefore, it can be concluded that these nutrients are likely to be released from the sediment into the marine waters when the seabed is disturbed during dredging activities.


5.37          An assessment of nutrients release during dredging has been made in relation to the results of the predicted elevation in SS concentrations and the sediment quality data for the study area.  The predicted elevations in SS concentrations for the unmitigated scenario at the nearest sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ and Anglers’ Beach) which are located within the Western Buffer WCZ will be used to calculate the effects of these increased suspended sediment concentrations on NH3-N and TIN concentrations.  In the calculation, it is assumed that all of the TIN and ammonia concentrations in the sediment are released to the water.  These are conservative assumptions and will likely result in an over-prediction of the potential impacts.


5.38          In order to determine compliance with the water quality criteria, the background water quality data at the sensitive receivers is based on EPD’s monitoring data (for 1998).  The calculated NH3-N released from the sediment will result in a concentration of total ammonia in the receiving waters that must be converted to unionised ammonia to compare with the WQO of Western Buffer WCZ (unionized ammonia: annual mean not to exceed 0.21 mg/L).  The WQO for TIN states that the annual mean depth average inorganic nitrogen not to exceed 0.4 mg/L.  The data at EPD monitoring station WM4 indicates that on average the unionised ammonia constitutes 4.2% of the total ammonia concentration.  The results of the analysis for TIN and NH3-N are contained in Tables 5.7 and 5.8 below.


Table 5.7      Calculation of the Effects of Increased Suspended Sediment Concentrations on Total Inorganic Nitrogen Concentrations

Sensitive Receiver

Elevation in SS concentration

(mg L-1)

TIN in Sediment

(mg kg-1) (1)

TIN Increase (mg L-1)

Background TIN (mg L-1)(2)

Total TIN (mg L-1)

Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone/ Anglers Beach (WM4)



4.6 x 10-5



Notes:    (1)     Sediment quality data from marine site investigation works

(2)     Taken from EPD routine water quality monitoring data (1998)


Table 5.8      Calculation of the Effects of Increased Suspended Sediment Concentrations on Unionised Ammoniacal Nitrogen Concentrations


Distance from source

Elevation in SS concentration

(mg L-1)

NH3-N in Sediment

(mg kg-1)(1)

Increase in Unionised Ammonia

(mg L-1)

Background Unionised Ammonia

(mg L-1)(2)

Total Unionised Ammonia

(mg L-1)

Ma Wan Fish Culture Zone/ Anglers Beach (WM4)



1.5 x 10-7



Notes:    (1)     Sediment quality data from marine site investigation works

(2)     Taken from EPD routine water quality monitoring data (1998)


5.39          The data in Tables 5.7 and 5.8 indicate that there will be no exceedance of the WQOs for TIN and unionised ammonia.


5.40          As described in Section 5.19, the sediment testing results indicate that all the samples collected within the proposed dredging area are classified as Category L (Uncontaminated).  Hence, it is considered that the potential release of metals into the water column is not anticipated to result in adverse impacts on water quality during the dredging works.


Construction Runoff and Drainage


5.41          During road widening and associated improvement works for CPR from Siu Lam to Ka Loon Tsuen, soil surfaces would be exposed and an elevated level of suspended particles would be present in the surface run-off.  Sediment laden runoff may carry pollutants (adsorbed onto the particle surfaces) into the stormwater drainage system.  Sources of water pollution include release of cement materials with rain wash, wash water from dust suppression sprays, and fuel, oil and lubricants from maintenance of construction vehicles and mechanical equipment.


5.42          Mitigation measures should be implemented to control construction site runoff, and to minimise the chances of introducing sediment and pollutants into the stormwater drainage system and the receiving coastal waters.


General Construction Activities


5.43          On-site construction activities may cause water pollution from the following:


·        Uncontrolled discharge of debris and rubbish such as packaging, construction waste and refuse.

·        Spillages of liquids stored on-site, such as oil, diesel and solvents etc, are likely to result in water quality impacts if they enter adjacent drains or coastal waters.


5.44          Good construction practices and site management should be observed to ensure that litter, fuels and solvents do not enter the nearby coastal waters and storm water drains. 


Sewage Effluent


5.45          Domestic sewage would be generated from the workforce during the construction phase.  It is unlikely that sewage generated from the site would have a significant water quality impact, provided that sewage is not discharged directly into stormwater drains or coastal waters adjacent to the construction site and temporary sanitary facilities, such as portable chemical toilets, are used on-site and properly maintained.


Operation Phase


5.46          During the operation phase, the potential for water quality impact on the coastal waters will arise primarily from run-off across paved surfaces of the proposed widened carriageway.  Such runoff, particularly in the first flush following a prolonged dry period, may cause water quality impacts to the receiving waters if uncontrolled.  A surface water drainage system will be provided to collect the road runoff. 


5.47          Accidental spillage may be a concern during the operation phase of the project.  In the event of a spill, it is the responsibility of appropriate authorities to take immediate action to cordon the area of spillage and implement clean-up actions.  As there are no water sensitive receivers located in the vicinity of the proposed road works, the impact associated with the discharge of this runoff or accidental spillage is not anticipated to be adverse.



Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts


Construction Phase




5.48          As discussed in Section 5.30 – 5.32, the cumulative elevation in SS concentration is predicted to exceed the allowable elevated SS concentration of 4.5mg/l at the Ma Wan FCZ.  The dredging works of the proposed project would contribute approximately 14% of the total predicted exceedance without the implementation of mitigation measures for the project.  In order to minimize the potential cumulative impact from dredging works of the proposed project, the use of closed grab dredgers and silt curtains is recommended. 


5.49          With the implementation of the recommended closed grab dredgers and silt curtains, the sediment loss rate would be reduced to 0.1 kgs-1 (with respect to rate of sediment loss during dredging, the Contaminated Spoil Management Study(19) (Mott MacDonald, 1991, Table 6.12) reviewed relevant literature and concluded that losses from close-grab dredgers with silt curtain were  estimated at 3 kgm-3 of mud removed).  The elevation in SS concentrations from the mitigated dredging works of the project has been predicted and is shown in Table 5.9.


Table 5.9      Predicted Elevation in Suspended Sediment Concentrations (Non-cumulative and Mitigated Scenario)


Distance from Source (m)

Concentration of Suspended Sediment (mgL-1)










































5.50          As indicated in Table 5.9, the elevation in SS concentrations from the mitigated dredging works of the project is predicted to be 0.27 mg/l at the Ma Wan FCZ.  The total increase in SS concentrations at the Ma Wan FCZ due to the cumulative effect of the proposed project and concurrent projects would thus be reduced to 10.3 mg/l, of which the dredging works of the proposed project contributes less than 3%.  This indicates that the dredging works of the proposed project would not contribute significantly to the total SS concentrations at the Ma Wan FCZ.  Further constraints on the dredging activities of the proposed project could not reduce the predicted cumulative impact to below the WQO and therefore it would be the responsibility of the concurrent projects to apply mitigation measures if unacceptable water quality impacts are detected during construction.  


5.51          In order to determine whether the potential exceedance of the WQO at the Ma Wan FCZ will adversely impact on the fish stocks, the total SS concentration (i.e. ambient SS concentration plus the predicted elevation) has been predicted.  As shown in Table 5.3, the ambient SS concentration at the Man Wan FCZ is 15mg/l.  Hence, the total SS concentration at the Ma Wan FCZ is predicted to be 26.3mg/l.  Literature reviews show that lethal responses had not been reported in adult fish at SS concentration below 125 mg/l(20) and that sublethal effects were only observed when levels exceeded 90 mg/l (21).  It should be noted that these tolerance thresholds were taken from international literature as there are no sediment tolerance data specific to Hong Kong species.  Since the predicted total SS concentration at the Ma Wan FCZ is well below the tolerance levels for fish species, adverse cumulative impacts to culture fisheries resources at the Ma Wan FCZ are not anticipated.  


5.52          It should be noted that the cumulative impact assessment has adopted the maximum elevated SS concentrations predicted at the Ma Wan FCZ from each of the concurrent projects and is therefore considered conservative.  For instance, the elevated SS concentration from CT9 has adopted the value predicted during the construction of the major dredging works.  However, according to the construction program of CT9, all the major dredging works will be completed prior to the commencement of the construction of the proposed project and only maintenance dredging works will be carried out concurrently with the project.  Furthermore, it has been assumed that the maximum elevations in SS concentrations at the Ma Wan FCZ from the concurrent projects occur at the same time within the tidal cycle, which may not necessarily be the case.  Therefore, the actual total elevated SS concentration from the proposed project and the concurrent projects would likely be much lower than the predicted value.  It should also be noted that the dredging works for the project will be short-term comprising 5 months in the year 2003 and only 2 months in the year 2005.  Since the dredging works will be short-term, it may be possible to schedule the dredging works to be undertaken during the periods of least marine work in Western Harbour and this should be examined during the detailed design stage.  Hence, the cumulative impact would probably be further reduced.


5.53          It is known that the beaches at north of Ma Wan, such as Gemini Beach, are located on the fast-flowing Ma Wan Channel which is a major tidal channel connecting Northwest Waters and Western Harbour and would likely be more exposed to SS compared with the more sheltered Ma Wan FCZ.  However, as these beaches are situated at a distance of more than 4km from the dredging area of the project, no water quality impact on these beaches is anticipated from the proposed project with the recommended closed grab dredgers and silt curtains in place.


5.54          In order to alleviate any potential water quality impact from the proposed project, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented during the construction of the seawalls and reclamation:


·        Dredging should be undertaken using closed grab dredgers with a maximum total production rate of 3,000 m3 day-1;

·        Deployment of silt curtain around the immediate dredging area while dredging works are in progress;

·        Filling should commence only after the completion of seawall construction and should be undertaken behind the seawalls;

·        Mechanical grabs should be designed and maintained to avoid spillage and seal tightly while being lifted; 

·        All vessels should be sized so that adequate clearance is maintained between vessels and the seabed in all tide conditions, to ensure that undue turbidity is not generated by turbulence from vessel movement or propeller wash;

·        All hopper barges and dredgers should be fitted with tight fitting seals to their bottom openings to prevent leakage of material;

·        Construction activities should not cause foam, oil, grease, scum, litter or other objectionable matter to be present on the water within the site or dumping grounds; and

·        Loading of barges and hoppers should be controlled to prevent splashing of dredged material into the surrounding water.  Barges or hoppers should not be filled to a level that will cause the overflow of materials or polluted water during loading or transportation.


Construction Runoff and Drainage


5.55          The Contractor shall observe and comply with the Water Pollution Control Ordinance and its subsidiary regulations.  The Contractor shall carry out the Works in such a manner so as to minimise adverse impacts on the water quality during the road improvement works. 


5.56          Proper site management measures shall be implemented to control site runoff and drainage, and thereby prevent high sediment loadings from entering the nearby coastal waters and stormwater drains.  The Contractor shall follow the practices, and be responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of all the mitigation measures as specified in ProPECC PN 1/94 Construction Site Drainage.  The design of the mitigation measures shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval.  These mitigation measures shall include the following practices to minimise site surface runoff and the chance of erosion, and also to retain and reduce any suspended solids prior to discharge:


·        Before commencing any site formation work, all sewer and drainage connections shall be sealed to prevent debris, soil, sand etc. from entering public sewers/drains.

·        Provision of perimeter channels to intercept storm-runoff from outside the site.  These shall be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks.

·        Temporary ditches such as channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers shall be included to facilitate runoff discharge into the stormwater drain, via a sand/silt basin/trap.

·        Works programmes shall be designed to minimise works areas at any one time, thus minimising exposed soil areas and reducing the potential for increased siltation and runoff.

·        Sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sediment basins shall be provided to remove the sand/silt particles from run-off.  These facilities shall be properly and regularly cleaned and maintained. These facilities shall be carefully planned to ensure that they would be installed at appropriate locations to capture all surface water generated on site.

·        Careful programming of the works to minimise excavation works during the rainy season.

·        Temporary access roads shall be protected by crushed gravel and exposed slope surfaces shall be protected when rainstorms are likely.

·        Open stockpiles of construction materials on-site shall be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms to prevent erosion.


General Construction Activities


5.57          Debris and rubbish generated on-site should be collected, handled and disposed of properly to avoid entering the nearby coastal waters and stormwater drains.  All fuel tanks and storage areas should be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas, within bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank. Open drainage channels and culverts near the works areas should be covered to block the entrance of large debris and refuse.


Sewage Effluent


5.58  Portable toilets shall be provided by the Contractors, where necessary, to handle sewage from the workforce.  The Contractor shall also be responsible for waste disposal and maintenance practices.


Operation Phase


5.59          A surface water drainage system will be provided to collect road runoff.  The following measures are recommended to ensure road runoff will comply with the standards stipulated in the TM-DSS for discharges into storm water drains:


·        The road drainage should be directed through silt traps in the gully inlets to remove silt and grit before entering the public storm water drainage system; and

·        The silt traps should be regularly cleaned and maintained in good working condition.


Evaluation of Residual Environmental Impacts


5.60          With the adoption and incorporation of the recommended mitigation measures for both the construction and operation phases, no residual impacts on water quality impact are anticipated to occur due to the marine works of the proposed project.


5.61          The use of the recommended closed grab dredgers and silt curtains could greatly reduce the elevated SS concentrations contributed from the proposed project at the Ma Wan FCZ from 1.6mg/l to 0.27mg/l.  Nevertheless, due to the cumulative effect from the concurrent projects, the cumulative elevation in SS concentrations would still exceed the allowable elevated SS concentration by 6.8mg/l.  However, the results indicate that the dredging works of the proposed project would only contribute less than 3% to the total elevated SS concentrations at the Ma Wan FCZ.  The duration of the contribution of the project construction to the predicted elevated SS concentrations would be very short.  Further constraints on the dredging activities of the proposed project could not reduce the predicted cumulative impact to below the WQO and therefore it would be the responsibility of the concurrent projects to apply mitigation measures if unacceptable impacts are detected during construction.  


Environmental Monitoring and Audit


5.62          Monitoring and auditing for marine water quality is considered necessary during the dredging activities of the proposed project to ensure that the released SS concentrations from the dredging activities would not adversely affect the sensitive receivers.  This monitoring programme will be required to ensure the implementation of the recommended water quality mitigation measures and to assess the effectiveness of these measures during the construction works.  If monitoring results indicate that the dredging activities have exceeded the predicted elevated SS concentrations even after the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, the construction program should be carefully reviewed to slow down production rates.  Details of the water quality monitoring procedures will be given in the stand-alone EM&A Manual.




Construction Phase


5.63          The marine works for Tai Lam Kok reclamation and seawall construction from Ka Loon Tsuen to Tai Lam Kok are identified to be the key water quality issues for this project.  The potential water quality impacts associated with the dredging activities during the construction of the reclamation and seawalls have been assessed by predicting the increases in suspended sediment concentrations due to fine sediment lost to suspension. 


5.64          There are no sensitive receivers identified within the Study Area as specified in the EIA Study Brief.  The nearest receivers include Ma Wan FCZ, nursery areas in bays on north Lantau to the west of Kap Shui Mun Channel, Golden Beach and Anglers’ Beach, which are all located outside the Study Area and are far away from the works area of the proposed project.  The assessment results show that the unmitigated elevations in SS concentration generated from the dredging activities of the proposed project at these sensitive receivers would be well below the allowable elevations in SS concentrations.  However, the cumulative elevated SS concentrations from the proposed project and the identified concurrent projects are predicted to exceed the allowable elevated SS concentration at the Ma Wan FCZ.  The use of closed grab dredgers and silt curtains is therefore recommended to minimize the water quality impact from the dredging works for the project. 


5.65          The potential impact arising from the release of contaminants from sediment disturbed during the dredging works has also been assessed.  It was predicted that adverse water quality impacts arising from the release of heavy metals, nutrients and organic compounds are not anticipated during the dredging works.


5.66          The potential water quality impacts arising from construction runoff and drainage, and other land-based construction activities, have been assessed qualitatively.


5.67          It is concluded that minimal impacts on the receiving waters are expected provided that mitigation measures are implemented during the construction phase. With the adoption of the recommended mitigation measures, no unacceptable residual impacts on water quality impact are anticipated to be associated with the project.


Operation Phase


5.68          The only source of potential impact on water quality during the operation phase will be runoff from the road surfaces.  With the implementation of the recommended mitigated measures for the surface water drainage system, it is anticipated that the water quality impacts associated with the operation phase would be minimal and acceptable.




(1) Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 1998, EPD

(2)       R E Wilson. A Model for the Estimation of the Concentrations and Spatial Extent of Suspended Sediment Plumes.  Estuarine and Marine Coastal Science (1979), Vol 9, pp 65-78.

(3)       Environmental Impact Assessment: Dredging and Area of Kellett Bank for Reprovisioning of Six Government Mooring Buoys.  Final Report. ERM (1998).

(4)       Backfilling of South Tsing Yi and North of Lantau MBAs.  Final Environmental Impact Assessment. ERM (1995).

(5)       Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, West Rail.  Final Assessment Report.  West Kowloon  to Tuen Mun Centre.  Contract No TS-900.  Environmental Impact Assessment. ERM (1998).

(6)       Agreement No CE 93/97.  Planning and Engineering Feasibility Study for Development on Sham Tseng Further Reclamation.  Draft EIA – Final Report (in preparation). Scott Wilson (Hong Kong) Ltd (2000).

(7)       Tsuen Wan Bay Further Reclamation, Area 35 Engineering, Planning and Environmental Investigation.  Volume 1 of 3: Tang Lung Chau Dangerous Goods Anchorage EIA Final Assessment Report. Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd (1999).

(8)       Environmental Impact Assessment of a 1,8000 MW Gas-Fired Power Station at Lamma Extension. Final Report. ERM (1999).

(9)       Agreement No CE 1/97.  Remaining Development in Tung Chung and Tai Ho.  Comprehensive Feasibility Study.  Environmental Studies.  Final Assessment Report.  Mott Connell Ltd (1999).

(10)      Environmental Impact Assessment Construction of an International Theme Park in Penny’s Bay of North Lantau and its’ Essential Associated Infrastructures. ERM (2000).

(11)      Environmental Impact Assessment: Dredging an Area of Kellett Bank for Reprovisioning of Six Government Mooring Buoys. Working paper on Design Scenarios. ERM (1997).

(12)      Supplementary Agreement No. 1 to Agreement No CE 31/96. Green Island Development – Studies on Ecological, Water Quality and Marine Traffic Impacts. Dredging Study for New Fairway and Reprovisioning of Mooring Buoys.  Working  paper for Dredging and Disposal Scheme. Babtie BMT Harris and Sutherland (1998)

(13)      Environmental Impact Assessment: Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study.  Scott Wilson (Hong Kong) Ltd (2000)

(17)      A Study of Tributyltin Contamination of the Marine Environment of Hong Kong. Final Report.  Aspinwall Clouston Limited (February 1998).

(19)      Contaminated Spoil Management Study, Final Report, Volume 1, for EPD, October 1991. Mott MacDonald (1991).

(20)      Marine Ecology of the Ninepin Islands including Peddicord R and McFarland V (1996) Effects of suspended dredged material on the commercial crab, Cancer magister.  in PA Krenkel, J Harrison and JC Burdick (Eds)  Dredging and its Environmental Effects.  Proc. Speciality Conference.  American Society of Engineers. References cited in BCL (1994)

(21)      Water Quality Criteria for Freshwater Fisheries.  Butterworths, London. Alabaster JS & Lloyd R (1984)