Engineering Department
Government of the
Administrative Region
顧問合約編號CE 15/99
No. CE
Environmental Impact Assessment Study for
Demolition of Buildings and Structures
in the
Comprehensive Development Area Site
Atkins China Ltd
Client : Civil
Engineering Department 土木工程署 |
Contract No. (if any) : CE 15/99 |
Project Title : Environmental
Impact Assessment Study for Demolition of Buildings and Structures in the
Proposed Kennedy Town CDA 堅尼地城綜合發展區拆卸工程環境影響評估研究 |
No. : 2996 |
No. : 2996-OR039-01 |
Copy No. : |
Title : Executive
Summary – Kennedy Town CDA 行政摘要 - 堅尼地城綜合發展區 |
Letter / Transmittal Ref. No. : 2996/15.89 |
of Issue : September 2001 |
Revision, Review and Approval/Authorization
Records |
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01 |
Issue |
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Issue |
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Revision |
Description |
Prepared by /
date |
Reviewed by /
date |
App. Or Auth. By
/ date |
(if insufficient space, please use separate paper)
Controlled Copy No. |
Issued to |
1 – 45 |
Civil Engineering
Department 土木工程署 |
46 – 47 |
ACL – ELAN 安建顧問公司 - 怡林 |
Note : App. and Auth. mean “Approved” and “Authorized” respectively.
List of Appendix 附錄一覽表
Appendix A Environmental Outcome Profile |
List of Figures 圖表一覽表
List of Abbreviations 略語一覽表
Asbestos Abatement Plan |
石棉消減計劃 |
Advisory Committee on Environment |
環境顧問委員會 |
Asbestos Containing Material |
含石棉的物料 |
Asbestos Investigation Report |
石棉調查報告 |
AP |
Authorised Person |
認可人士 |
Air Pollution Control Ordinance |
空氣污染管制條例 |
Air Quality Objective |
空氣質素指標 |
Air Sensitive Receivers |
易受空氣污染影響的受體 |
American Society for Testing Materials |
美國材料試驗學會 |
Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene
and Xylene |
苯、甲苯、乙苯及二甲苯 |
Building Ordinance Office |
建築物條例執行處 |
Contamination Assessment Plan |
污染評估計劃書 |
Contamination Assessment Report |
污染評估報告書 |
Civil Engineering Department |
土木工程署 |
CP |
Car Park |
停車場 |
Committee on Planning & Land Development |
規劃地政署委員會 |
CZ |
Consultation Zone |
諮詢區 |
Registered Asbestos Consultant |
註冊石棉顧問 |
Drainage Services Department |
渠務署 |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
環境影響評估 |
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance |
環境影響評估條例 |
EM&A |
Environmental Monitoring & Audit |
環境監察及審核 |
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department |
機電工程署 |
Environmental Protection Department |
環境保護署 |
Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance |
工廠及工業經營條例 |
G I/C |
政府/團體/社區用地 |
香港實驗所認可計劃 |
堅尼地城屠房 |
堅尼地城綜合發展區 |
堅尼地城焚化爐 |
Noise Control Ordinance |
噪音管制條例 |
Noise Sensitive Receiver |
Dioxins and Furans |
二惡英和呋喃 |
Public Cargo Working Area |
公眾貨物裝卸區 |
Public Fill Barging Point |
公眾填土躉船停泊處 |
Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
多環形碳水化合物 |
Powered Mechanical Equipment |
機動設備 |
Registered Asbestos Contractor |
註冊石棉承建商 |
Remediation Action Plan |
整治計劃書 |
Resident Site Engineer |
駐地盤工程師 |
SB |
Study Brief |
研究概要 |
SR |
Sensitive Receiver |
感應強的地方 |
Technical Memorandum on the EIA Ordinance |
環境影響評估條例技術備忘錄 |
TM |
Technical Memorandum |
技術備忘錄 |
Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
汽油碳氫化合物總量 |
Waste Disposal Ordinance |
廢物處置條例 |
1. Introduction1.1
to the Study
1.1.1 The Civil Engineering Department (CED) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region presented to EPD a project profile for the Demolition of Buildings and Structures in the Proposed Kennedy Town Comprehensive Development Area (KTCDA). A study brief (ESB-023/98) for the EIA of the demolition was issued by EPD under the EIAO. CED subsequently compiled a Study Brief (SB) for the consultants and appointed Atkins China Ltd to provide professional consulting services for the Environmental Impact Assessment for the Demolition of the Kennedy Town Comprehensive Development Area (Agreement No. CE 15/99).1.1.2 The demolition of a municipal incinerator constitutes a Designated Project under the provisions of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO). The Kennedy Town Incinerator Plant site (Figure 1.1) that ceased to operate in March 1993, has been decommissioned and will require demolition in due course. The SB for Agreement No. 15/99 includes the requirements of the study brief issued under the EIAO (ESB-023/98).1.1.3 This Executive Summary (ES) has been structured to present the key issues and available data in a form that reflects the topics indicated to be of concern as required under the SB. The preferred demolition methods have been agreed and noise, water and waste management assessments have been completed. In addition, the elected demolition method will not include blasting techniques. Routine statutory controls on dust (Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation are always applied to control dust impact and dust impact assessment would only required if a blasting method is to be used for the demolition. Dedicated reports on land contamination and asbestos assessments have been completed after Site Investigation. |
1.1.1 香港特別行政區政府土木工程署向環境保護署遞交了一份關於拆卸堅尼地城綜合發展區內建築物及構築物的工程項目簡介。環境保護署根據環境評估條例公佈了該項拆卸工程的環境影響評估研究概要(ESB_023/98)。隨後,土木工程署為顧問公司編製了一份研究概要,並委派安建顧問公司就拆卸堅尼地城綜合發展區的環境影響評估研究提供專業顧問服務(顧問合約編號 CE 15/99)。 1.1.2 根據環境影響評估條例的規定,拆卸市政焚化爐為指定工程項目。已在1993年3月停止營運的堅尼地城焚化爐廠址(圖1.1)已被解除運作,並將在適當的時候拆卸。顧問合約編號CE15/99的研究概要包括根據環境影響評估條例發出的研究概要(ESB-023/98)之內所訂規定。 1.1.3 此份行政摘要按照研究概要要求關注的項目,整理了各項主要課題及所獲得資料。較好的拆卸方法已獲同意,而噪音、水質及廢物管理評估亦已完成。根據專業意見,與及該項工程項目的性質、規模和位置,並無需要進行空氣質素評估。此外,所選拆卸方法並不包括爆破方案,並遵守空氣污染管制條例中的空氣污染管制(建造工程塵埃)規例,以確保空氣質素達到所訂標準及準則。進行場地勘察後已完成土地污染及石棉評估專門報告。 |
Purpose and Objectives
of the Assignment
1.2.1 The objectives of the EIA study are to describe the proposed project the elements of the community and environment likely to be affected, quantify emission sources and determine the significance of impacts on sensitive receivers and potential affected uses. Mitigation measures necessary to mitigate impacts to acceptable levels are proposed to minimise environmental disturbance and nuisance. Residual impacts and cumulative effects are identified as are any side-effects or constraints of proposed mitigation. Environmental monitoring and audit requirements are specified to ensure the implementation and the effectiveness of the environmental protection and pollution control measures adopted.1.2.2
In order to
satisfy the requirements of the EIA it is necessary to define clearly the
nature of the works involved in the demolition process. A Preferred Demolition Methodology was
presented and endorsed and this ES presents a summary of the methodology to
describe the project. The conceptual scheme
for demolition of the facilities has been developed based on practical
experience and current demolition practice in
1.2.1 環境影響評估研究的目的是說明可能受擬議的工程項目影響的社群及環境,表示排放源的數量及確定其對感應強的地方和潛在受影響用途的影響的重要性。建議採取必要的緩解措施,緩解影響至可接受的程度,使減少環境干擾及滋擾。確定剩餘影響,累積效應以及擬議緩解措施所產生的任何副作用或限制。另外亦會訂明環境監察及審核規定,以確保環境保護及污染管制措施的效用。 1.2.2
為了達到環境影響評估研究的規定,必須清晰地說明拆卸過程中所有工程的性質。這份行政摘要將會闡述已獲通過的推薦拆卸方案,拆卸工程的概念計劃是根據本港及國際的實際經驗及現有拆卸作業經驗而擬訂的。 |
Landfill Gas Hazard
Assessment. Qualitative
landfill gas hazard assessment has been undertaken in accordance with the Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note issued by
EPD. Since demolition works will be undertaken
above ground level and in the open air they are not considered unduly
susceptible to hazards caused by the accumulation of landfill gas. Intrusive ground investigations required
under the study will likely use a trial pit approach. Such investigations must necessarily take
place below ground level and it has been concluded that, in view of the
characteristics and proximity of the landfill, the risk of landfill gas hazard
is high. Recommendations have been made
to ensure that all sub-surface works are conducted under safe and controlled
conditions through the implementation of a gas monitoring programme and all
demolition and associated works can be completed and the risk of landfill gas
hazard can be controlled to acceptable levels.
2. Study Area, Sensitive Receivers, Constraints And General Approach To Demolition2.1
The proposed
Kennedy Town Comprehensive Development Area (KTCDA) is situated next to
2.1 研究地區 2.1.1 擬議堅尼地城綜合發展區位於堅尼地城的域多利道和加多近街,鄰近維多利亞港,其面積約為三萬四千平方米(圖1.1)。該地區在1950年代後期時的用途包括批發市場,車廠,釀酒廠,臨屋區,煤場,貨倉及鋸木廠。 |
2.1.2 The KTCDA is surrounded by residential development and other sensitive uses. The chimneys at KTCDA have been found to contain some asbestos that must be removed under controlled conditions in line with statutory requirements prior to the chimneys being progressively demolished. The risks, hidden costs and knock on effects of implementing any proposal which would include blasting techniques for the felling of the chimneys or the main building structures make such options unattractive. |
2.1.2 堅尼地城綜合發展區被住宅發展區及其它易受影響用途所包圍。一些包含石棉成份的物質被發現於焚化爐的煙囪內,當逐步拆卸煙囪時,此類物質必須在符合法例規定所訂定的管制情況下拆除。鑒於使用爆破技術來拆卸煙囪或主要建築結構時所涉及的風險、隱含成本及影響,已令此選擇較不吸引 |
The KTCDA site comprises
several elements as well as the Kennedy Town Incineration Plant (KTIP). The main operations at
the Kennedy Town Abattoir (KTA) commenced in 1960s and has been
relocated to new facilities at Sheung Shui, in the autumn of 1999. The Kennedy Town Abattoir (KTA) included an
incinerator for disposal of animal carcasses and waste.
2.1.3 堅尼地城垃圾焚化爐是位於堅尼地城綜合發展區範圍內。堅尼地城屠房主要運作始於六十年代,並在1999年秋季逐漸遷往位於上水的新設施。堅尼地城屠房包括一個用來處理動物屍體及廢物的焚化爐。 |
Part of the former
EMSD Depot that forms part of the KTCDA commenced in late 1950s. Recently, it has been leased to New World
First Bus (NWFB) for bus maintenance and refuelling, under a short-term
tenancy. The remainder of the former
EMSD Depot is leased as car park.
2.1.4 堅尼地城綜合發展區部份包括由五十年代後期起以前用作機電工程署車廠的地方,並於近年租賃與新世界第一巴士公司作為巴士維修及加油用途,其餘部份則租賃為停車塲。 |
The former
Kennedy Town Wholesale Market has been relocated and this area was remodelled
as a public car park in mid 1990s. In
1999 part of the car park was modified as the sitting out area adjacent to
2.1.5 前堅尼地城批發市場已被遷徙,並於九十年代中改建成為公眾停車塲。部份鄰接域多利道的停車塲位置於1999年再改建為休憩場地,即現時的加多近街臨時花園。 |
The Food and Environmental
Hygiene Department has also recently constructed a Refuse Collection Point
between the CSTG and the Abattoir at
2.1.6 食物環境衛生署亦於近年在西市街,位於加多近街臨時花園與屠房之間興建了一個垃圾收集站。 |
The proposed Kennedy Town Development and Route 7 (R7), a
strategic road link between
2.1.7 擬議中的堅尼地城發展區及一條連接堅尼地城和香港仔的7號幹線道路,將有可能靠近堅尼地城綜合發展區,雖然7號幹線的確實路線尚未落實,但有可能會貫穿研究地點。政府正作進一步的規劃及工程可行性研究,主要論點包括堅尼地城發展區及7號幹線的路線,這進一步研究的結果可能會改變已擬議的堅尼地城綜合發展區未來土地用途。 |
It has been
assumed that the demolition for KTCDA will take place as soon as possible in
order to allow future developments on and near the site. The start date is tentatively scheduled for
the end of 2003 with demolition works lasting about one year. Soil remediation works may take another six
to eight months.
2.1.8 為了容許堅尼地城綜合發展區及鄰近地方的未來發展,拆卸工程將會盡早進行。拆卸工程的開始日期暫定為2003年尾,工程約為期一年,而隨後土地整治工程則需額外的六至八個月。 |
Approach to Demolition of Buildings and Structures at KTCDA
2.2.1 The intention has not been to prescribe a precise method or provide a work specification or a demolition plan but to indicate the approach that should be taken, in sufficient detail, to illustrate the agreed methodology and progress the Environmental Impact Assessment.2.2.2
The general
characteristics of the preferred demolition methods are common to
2.2.1 在此無意訂出一個精確的方法或提供一個工作規範或一個拆卸計劃,而是要足夠詳細說明將要採取的方法,並闡述已同意使用的方法及進行環境影響評估。 2.2.2 所推薦的拆卸方法的一般特徵對香港來說極為普遍,並已包括在屋宇署所頒佈的工作守則擬稿中。不涉及爆破的方法會較為合適。儘管所選拆卸承建商的最終具體拆卸計劃並沒有具體描述,但顧問們相信有關方法對所有任務來說是足夠有效的,故可放心進行評估。 |
2.2.3 Where possible methods that will help reduce noise and dust nuisances have been chosen. The options selected are also broadly in line with the Draft Code of Practice for Demolition of Buildings (Buildings Department 1998, DCDB), which shall be observed at the detailed design stage.2.2.4 The overriding concerns for the demolition Project will be safety and minimisation of environmental impacts. This will include the safety of the demolition operatives, safety of other workers on the site and safety of the general public, as well as protection of adjacent facilities and minimisation of nuisances. The Contractor shall also, during the course of demolition, ensure and verify that all utilities and services have been rendered safe. |
2.2.3 在可能的情況下,選擇有助減低噪音及塵埃污染的方法。所選方案也大致符合應在具體設計階段遵守的拆卸建築物工作守則擬稿(屋宇署1998)。 2.2.4 該拆卸工程項目的最重要關注是在於安全及最小環境影響方面。這包括地盤拆卸操作的安全、其他地盤工人的安全、公眾的安全以及附近設施的保護及最小滋擾。承建商也應在拆卸過期間內核實所有設施以確保其安全。 |
2.2.5 Typical hoardings and an indicative hoarding plan have been presented in the EIA however due to the proximity of sensitive receivers it is recommended that the site hoarding be acoustically improved to assist with noise attenuation from activities near ground level. The perimeter noise barrier structure will be totally within the proposed Project site and access would be controlled by security guards. No members of the public or unauthorised persons would be allowed entry to the site and only contractors’ personnel and Government officials would be allowed within the Contractor’s working area. |
圍板與地盤出入口 2.2.5 在環境影響評估研究中提出了典型圍板及顯示圍板分佈計劃。但由於鄰近感應強的地方,已建議改良地盤圍板以用作消減來自地面工程活動的噪音。周邊噪音屏障構築物將會全部設在擬議的工程項目地盤範圍內,其出入口將由保安人員守衛。任何公眾或未經許可的人員均不許進入地盤,在承建商工作區僅允許承建商的工作人員及政府人員進入。 |
General Demolition Principles 2.2.6 Demolition of building and structures would generally be in the reverse order to that of construction, progressive, level by level, having regard to type of construction. Wherever possible, external non-load bearing cladding shall be removed first. |
一般拆卸原則 2.2.6 拆卸建築物及構築物通常與建造順序相反,根據建築類型一層一層逐層拆卸。如果可能,首先應拆除外牆不負載的覆蓋層。 |
2.2.7 All asbestos containing materials shall be removed prior to commencement of demolition works, wherever possible. Other ACM may need to be removed as access is gained to particular areas and as the demolition progresses. |
2.2.7 如果可能,在開始拆卸工作之前,應拆除所有含石棉的物料。隨拆卸過程的進行,可能也需要拆除其他含石棉的物料。 |
2.2.8 Debris to be removed at frequent intervals and stockpiles shall not be allowed to build up. Waste shall be removed on a daily basis as far as reasonably practicable |
2.2.8 應定期清理碎屑,不允許碎屑積存。應盡可能每天清理廢物。 |