1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose of the Manual................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Description of EIA Study............................................................................................... 3
1.4 Environmental Monitoring & Audit Requirements............................................................ 3
1.5 Project Organisation....................................................................................................... 3
1.5.2 Environmental Team......................................................................................... 3
1.5.3 Engineer/Engineer’s Representative.................................................................. 4
1.5.4 Contractor......................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Decommissioning Programme......................................................................................... 5
1.7 Structure of the EM&A Manual...................................................................................... 5
2 Noise................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Noise Monitoring Requirement....................................................................................... 6
2.2 Noise Parameters........................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Monitoring Equipment.................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Monitoring Locations..................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Baseline Monitoring........................................................................................................ 8
2.6 Impact Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Event and Action Plan for Noise..................................................................................... 9
2.8 Noise Mitigation Measures............................................................................................. 9
3 Air Quality................................................................................................................... 11
4 Land Contamination............................................................................................. 12
5 Cultural Heritage.................................................................................................. 15
6 Waste Management................................................................................................ 16
7 Water Quality............................................................................................................ 17
8 Site Environmental Audit.................................................................................. 18
8.1 Site Inspection............................................................................................................. 18
8.2 Compliance with Legal and Contractual Requirement.................................................... 19
8.3 Environmental Complaints............................................................................................ 20
9 Reporting..................................................................................................................... 22
9.1 General........................................................................................................................ 22
9.2 Baseline Monitoring Report.......................................................................................... 22
9.3 Monthly EM&A Reports.............................................................................................. 23
9.3.2 First Monthly EM&A Report........................................................................... 23
9.3.3 Subsequent EM&A Reports............................................................................. 24
9.4 Data Keeping............................................................................................................... 26
Implementation Schedule
Apppendix 2
Data Sheets of Monitoring
Apppendix 3
Proposed Noise Monitoring Locations
Apppendix 4
Sample of Complaints Proforma
Figure 1.1 Locations of Site and Sensitive Receivers
Figure 1.2 Project Organisation
Figure 8.1 Complaint
Response Procedure
a) Responsibilities of the Contractor, the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative (ER), Environmental Team (ET) with respect to the EM&A requirements during decommissioning of the underground diesel storage tanks;
b) Information on project organization and programming of decommissioning activities for the project;
c) Requirements with respect to the decommissioning schedule and the necessary environmental monitoring and audit programme to track the varying environmental impact;
d) Full details of the methodologies to be adopted, including all field, laboratory and analytical procedures, and details on quality assurance;
e) Definition of Action and Limit levels;
f) Establishment of event and action plans;
g) Requirements of reviewing pollution sources and working procedures required in the event of non-compliance of the environmental criteria and complaints;
h) Requirements for review of EIA predictions, implementation of mitigation measures, and the effectiveness of the environmental protection and pollution control measures adopted;
i) Requirements of presentation of environmental monitoring and audit data and appropriate reporting procedures.
a) To meet the agreed objectives and deadlines as set out in this EM&A Manual;
b) To monitor the various environmental parameters as required by this Manual;
c) To follow up and close out of the non-compliance actions;
d) To investigate and audit the Contractor’s equipment and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation and to anticipate environmental issues that may require mitigation before the problem arises;
e) To audit and prepare audit reports on the environmental monitoring data and the site environmental conditions; and
f) To report the environmental monitoring and audit results to the Contractor, the Engineer and EPD.
a) Appoint an ET to undertake monitoring and reporting of EM&A, and to arrange laboratory analysis as necessary;
b) Monitor the Contractor’s compliance with contract specifications, including the effective implementation and operation of the environmental mitigation measures;
c) Instruct the Contractor to follow the agreed protocols or those in the Contract Specifications in the event of exceedances or complaints; and
d) Comply with the agreed Event Contingency Plan in the event of any exceedance.
a) Provide assistance to ET in carrying out monitoring;
b) Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event Contingency Plan;
c) Implement measures to reduce impact where Action and Limit levels are exceeded; and
d) Work within the scope of the construction contract and other tender conditions with respect to environmental requirements.
Section |
Title |
Aims |
1 |
Introduction |
An introduction of the background
information and the layout of the EM&A Manual |
2 |
Construction Noise |
Outline the requirements, methodology,
equipment, monitoring locations, and criteria for noise monitoring |
3 |
Air Quality |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
4 |
Land Contamination |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
5 |
Cultural Heritage |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
6 |
Waste Management |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
7 |
Water Quality Assessment |
List the information reviewed in the EIA study |
8 |
Site Environmental Audit |
Present the requirement and recommendations for the site
environmental audit |
9 |
Reporting |
Present the requirement and recommendations for reporting |
Appendices |
Description |
1 |
Schedule |
2 |
Sample Data
Sheets of Monitoring |
3 |
Noise Monitoring Locations |
4 |
Sample of
Complaints Proforma |
Table 2.1 : Description of noise monitoring locations