6.                        WATER QUALITY


6.1          Water Quality Parameters


6.1.1       In accordance with the recommendations of the EIA, construction phase water quality EM&A is required.  Measurements of suspended solids (SS), turbidity in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), dissolved oxygen (DO) in mg/L and pH shall be undertaken by the Environmental Specialist (ES) (see Section 1 for a description of the ES and duties) at strategic locations in the water courses and Tung Chung Bay which are within the influence of construction works at least three times per week to ensure that any deteriorating water quality could be readily detected and timely action be taken to rectify the situation.  The first parameter shall be determined in the laboratory with latter three shall be measured in-situ.  In-situ measurements will also be undertaken at key locations on a daily basis as requested by WSD in other to ensure protection of the water gathering grounds.


6.1.2       Baseline suspended solid measurements shall be used to prepare calibration curves that convert NTU into approximate suspended solid concentrations. This is to be done separately for each monitoring station. A statistically significant correlation (p< 0.05) must be shown between the turbidity and total suspended solid data before a calibration curve can be used to infer/interpolate suspended solid concentrations from the NTU readings.  NTU to suspended solid interpolations shall be used on site to provide an early warning of elevated suspended solid concentrations. The values calculated shall be later verified by comparison with the water analysis results obtained from the laboratory.


6.1.3       In association with the water quality parameter measurements, relevant data shall also be measured, including the monitoring location/position, time, water depth, water temperature, salinity, DO saturation, weather conditions, sea conditions and tidal stage if appropriate, and any special phenomena and work underway at the construction site.  Water temperature and salinity shall be measured in-situ using direct reading instrumentation.  A sample monitoring record sheet is shown in Figure 6.1.


6.1.4       Surveys of the watercourses and Tung Chung Bay shall also be undertaken.  The surveys shall include a description of the stream course/bay, influencing factors, photographs and a map showing areas of active project construction works and areas of stockpiled materials. 


6.2          Monitoring Equipment


6.2.1       Dissolved oxygen and temperature measuring equipment    The dissolved oxygen and temperature measuring equipment will be as follows:


(a)     The instrument shall be a portable, weatherproof dissolved oxygen measuring instrument complete with cable and use a DC power source. It shall be capable of measuring:-


      -     a dissolved oxygen level in the range of 0-20 mg/l and 0-200% saturation; and

-         a temperature of 0-45 degree Celsius.


(b)     It shall have a membrane electrode with automatic temperature compensation complete with a cable.  Sufficient stocks of spare electrodes and cables shall be available for replacement where necessary (e.g. YSI model 59 meter, YSI 5739 probe, YSI 5795A submersible stirrer with reel and cable or an approved similar instrument).


   (c)     Should salinity compensation not be integrated in the DO equipment, in-situ salinity shall be measured to calibrate the DO equipment prior to each DO measurement.


6.2.2       Turbidity Measurement Instrument    The instrument shall be a portable, weatherproof turbidity-measuring instrument complete with comprehensive operation manual. The equipment shall use a DC power source. It shall have a photoelectric sensor capable of measuring turbidity between 0-1000 NTU and be complete with a cable (e.g. Hach model 2100P or an approved similar instrument).


6.2.3       Suspended Solids    The equipment for measuring suspended solids shall be as follows:


(a)           For marine sampling in Tung Chung Bay, a water sampler comprises a transparent PVC cylinder, with a capacity of not less than 2 litres and which can be effectively sealed with latex cups at both ends.  The sampler shall have a positive latching system to keep it open and prevent premature closure until released by a messenger when the sampler is at the selected water depth (e.g. Kahlsico Water Sampler or an approved similar instrument).


(b)          For fresh water sampling within the water courses, a 500ml clean plastic beaker shall be used.


   (c)     Water samples for suspended solids measurement of both the marine and freshwater environment shall be collected in high density polythene bottles, packed in ice (cooled to 4oC without being frozen) and delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection.


6.2.4       Water Depth Detector   A portable, battery-operated echo sounder shall be used for the determination of water depth at each designated monitoring station in Tung Chung Bay only.  This unit can either be handheld or affixed to the bottom of the work boat, if the same vessel is to be used throughout the monitoring programme.



6.2.5       Salinity    A portable salinometer capable of measuring salinity in the range of 0-40 ppt shall be provided for measuring salinity of the water at each monitoring location in Tung Chung Bay only and setting salinity compensation on the Dissolved Oxygen Meter.


6.2.6       pH Measuring Equipment    A portable pH meter capable of measuring a range between 0.0 and 14.0 shall be provided to measure pH under the specified conditions (eg. Orion Model 250A or an approved similar instrument).


6.2.7       Location of the Monitoring Sites    For the location of the monitoring locations in the water courses a hand-held dGPS, together with a suitably scaled map shall be used.


6.2.8       Calibration of Equipment       All in-situ monitoring instrument shall be checked, calibrated and certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS or any other international accreditation scheme before use, and subsequently re-calibrated at 3 monthly intervals throughout all stages of the water quality monitoring. Responses of sensors and electrodes shall be checked with certified standard solutions before each use. Wet bulb calibration for a DO meter shall be carried out before measurement at each monitoring location.    For the on site calibration of field equipment, the BS 1427:1993, "Guide to Field and on-site test methods for the analysis of waters" shall be observed.


6.2.9       Back-up Equipment    Sufficient stocks of spare parts shall be maintained for replacements when necessary.  Back-up monitoring equipment shall also be available so that monitoring can proceed uninterrupted even when some equipment is under maintenance, calibration, etc.


6.3          Measurement and Analysis


6.3.1       Analysis of suspended solids shall be carried out in a HOKLAS or other international accredited laboratory. Water samples of about 500ml shall be collected at the monitoring stations for carrying out the laboratory SS determination.  The SS determination work shall start within 24 hours after collection of the water samples.  The SS determination shall follow TSS-SM25400 or equivalent methods subject to approval of the DEP.


6.3.2       The limits of detection for the in-situ and laboratory measurements that shall be obtained are shown in Table 6.1.


Table 6.1:           Detection Limits and Precision for Water Quality Determinands



Limit of Detection


Dissolved Oxygen

0.1 mg/L



0.01 ppt



0.1 degree  Celsius



0.01 units


Turbidity (NTU)

0.1 NTU


Suspended Solids

1  mg/L



6.3.3       For the testing methods of other parameters as recommended by the EIA or required by the Environmental Protection Department (DEP), detailed testing methods, pre-treatment procedures, instrument use, Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) details (such as blank, spike recovery, number of duplicate samples per batch, etc), detection limits and accuracy shall be submitted to the DEP for approval prior to the commencement of monitoring programme. It is recommended that a minimum of 10% of the samples shall be collected and analysed in duplicate for QA/QC purposes.  The QA/QC shall be in accordance with the requirement of HOKLAS or international accredited scheme. The QA/QC results shall be reported.  The DEP may also request the laboratory to carry out analysis of known standards provided by them for quality assurance.  Additional duplicate samples may also be required by the DEP for inter- laboratory calibration.  Remaining samples after analysis shall be kept by the laboratory for 3 months in case repeat analysis is required.  If in-house or non-standard methods are proposed, detailed of the method verification may also be required to submit to the DEP.  In any circumstance, the sample testing shall have comprehensive quality assurance and quality control programmes.  The laboratory shall be prepared to demonstrate the programmes to the DEP or his representatives upon request.


6.4          Monitoring Locations


6.4.1       The water quality monitoring locations are shown in Figure 6.2a-g and detailed in Tables 6.2 below.  A schedule for water quality monitoring shall be prepared by the ES and approved by the ER, the Independent Checker (Environmental) (IC(E)), the DEP and Water Services Department (WSD) prior to the commencement of the monitoring.


Table 6.2         Location of Water Quality Monitoring Stations


Monitoring Station (Stream No.)





Tung Chung Stream

No direct impacts


see Stream 15

see Stream 15




Cheung Sha Stream

No direct impacts


see Stream 26

see Stream 26









Stream 15

Widening existing bridge/culvert







Stream 18

Widening existing bridge/culvert








Stream 19

Widening existing bridge/culvert








Stream 21

New culvert








Stream 23

Widening existing bridge/culvert








Stream 25

Elevated structure








Stream 26

Elevated structure








Stream 27

Elevated structure








Stream 32

Elevated structure








Stream 35

Elevated structure








Stream 40

Elevated structure









Tung Chung Bay










6.4.2       The status and locations of water quality sensitive receivers and the monitoring sites may change after issuing this Manual.  If such cases exist, the ES shall propose updated monitoring locations and seek approval from the ER, the IC(E), the DEP and WSD.


6.4.3       When alternative monitoring locations are proposed, they shall be chosen based on the following criteria:


   (a)     at locations close to and preferably at the boundary of the mixing zone of the major site activities as indicated in the EIA final report, which are likely to have water quality impacts;


   (b)     close to the sensitive receptors which are directly or likely to be affected;


   (c)     for monitoring locations located in the vicinity of the sensitive receptors, care should be taken to cause minimal disturbance during monitoring; and


   (d)     reference stations which are at locations representative of the project site in its undisturbed condition.


6.4.4       Reference stations are necessary to compare the water quality from potentially impacted sites with the ambient water quality.  Reference stations shall be located within the same body of water as the impact monitoring stations but shall be outside the area of influence of the works and, as far as practicable, not affected by any other works.  The reference stations for the freshwater sampling are located at least 20m upstream of the proposed construction area, a distance which is close enough to represent the local aquatic area which may be affected but far enough not be been influenced by the works.


6.4.5              The water depth in the streams will not be sufficient to take samples at different depths and thus only one sample will be taken.  However, in all cases duplicate water samples shall be collected.


6.4.6              In respect of the marine water quality monitoring in the Tung Chung Bay, all measurements shall be taken at 3 water depths, namely, 1m below water surface, mid-depth and 1m above sea bed except where the water depth less than 6m, the mid-depth station may be omitted.  Should the water depth be less than 3m, only the mid-depth station will be monitored.   The water depth in the streams will not be sufficient to take samples at different depths and thus only one sample will be taken.


6.4.7              Replicates (that is, 2 samples) in-situ from each independent sampling event are required for all parameters to ensure a robust statistically interpretable data set.


6.5          Baseline Monitoring


6.5.1       Baseline conditions for water quality shall be established and agreed with the IC(E)  and the DEP prior to the commencement of works. The purpose of the baseline monitoring is to establish ambient conditions prior to the commencement of the works and to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed impact, control and reference monitoring stations. The baseline conditions shall normally be established by measuring the water quality parameters specified above.


6.5.2       The measurements shall be taken at all designated monitoring stations including control stations, once per day for a minimum of 4 days per week for 4 weeks prior to the commencement of an influencing works.  Measurements shall be taken at each station at any time.  The interval between two sets of monitoring shall not be less than 36 hours. For ease of comparison and analysis, all samples should be taken at each stations at approximately the same time.


6.5.3              Measurements shall be taken at 3 water depths, namely, 1m below water surface, mid-depth and 1m above sea bed in Tung Chung Bay.  However, if the water depth is less than 6m, the mid-depth station may be omitted and if the water depth is less than 3m, only the mid-depth station shall be monitored.  For the in-situ parameters turbidity and DO, measurements shall be made during the descending and ascending of the sensor.  If the difference between the measured values at any one depth is greater than 25%, the measurements shall be repeated until an acceptable match is made.   If no match is achieved then the equipment shall be checked for accurate calibration or malfunction. Only one sample will be required for the stream monitoring, which shall be taken at mid depth. However, in all cases duplicate water samples shall be collected.


6.5.4              Water samples for suspended solid analysis shall be collected at all the designated monitoring stations and calibration curves produced as described in Section 6.1. 


6.5.5       No construction activities shall be on-going in the vicinity of the stations during the baseline monitoring. The ES shall be responsible for undertaking the baseline monitoring and submitting the results within 10 working days from the completion of the baseline monitoring work. 


6.5.6       In exceptional cases when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ES shall seek approval from the IC(E) and the DEP on an appropriate set of data to be used as baseline reference.


6.5.7       In addition, a baseline walkover survey shall be conducted prior to the start of the construction works to note and photograph the conditions of the water bodies. 


6.6          Impact Monitoring


6.6.1              In-situ measurements shall be taken at all designated monitoring stations which are under the influence of the works at least three times per week during the course of the construction period. Measurements in Tung Chung Bay shall be taken at 3 water depths, namely, 1m below water surface, mid-depth and 1m above sea bed.  However, if the water depth is less than 6m, the mid-depth station may be omitted and if the water depth is less than 3m, only the mid-depth station shall be monitored.  For in-situ parameters turbidity and DO, measurements shall be made during the descending and ascending of the sensor.  If the difference between the measured values at any one depth is greater than 25%, the measurements shall be repeated until an acceptable match is made.   If no match is achieved then the equipment shall be checked for accurate calibration or malfunction.  Only one sample will be required for the streams, which shall be collected at mid depth.


6.6.2              Replicates (2 samples) in-situ from each independent sampling event are required for all parameters to ensure a robust statistically interpretable data set.  In addition, daily monitoring of in-situ parameters at streams 15, 18, 19, 32, 35 and 40 is also recommended in order to provide an early warning system for impacts that may affect the water gathering grounds.


6.6.2       In addition, water samples for suspended solid analysis shall be collected at all the above stations and forwarded to the laboratory for analysis. However, in all cases duplicate water samples shall be collected.  Results for suspended solids shall be received back from the laboratory within 3 days of the receipt of the samples.


6.6.3       Surveys of the watercourses shall also be undertaken at least once every week.  The surveys shall include a description of the stream course/bay, influencing factors, photographs and a map showing areas of project construction works.  As an integral part of the surveys, the ES shall assess and report on the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures as part of the construction phase EM&A works and implement modifications and improvements as required.


6.7          Event and Action Plan


6.7.1       The water quality criteria, namely Action and Limit levels, are shown in Table 6.3 below.  Should the monitoring results of the water quality parameters at any designated monitoring stations indicate that the water quality criteria are exceeded, the actions in accordance with the Action Plan in Table 6.4 shall be carried out.


6.7.2              Any noticeable change to water quality shall be recorded in the survey reports and shall be investigated and remedial actions shall be undertaken to reduce impacts. Particular attention shall be paid to the Contractor’s implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. 


Table 6.3                  Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality



Action (mg/L)

Limit (mg/L)

DO in mg/L

(Surface, Middle & Bottom)

Surface and Middle

5%-ile of baseline data for surface and middle layer



5%-ile of baseline data for bottom layers

Surface and Middle



1%-ile of baseline for surface and middle layer



2mg/L or

1%-ile of baseline data for bottom layer

Suspended Solids

95%-ile of baseline data or  120% of control station's SS (at the same tide of the same day if appropriate)

99%-ile of baseline or 130% of upstream control station's SS (at the same tide of the same day, if appropriate)

Turbidity (Tby) in NTU


95%-ile of baseline data or 120% of upstream control station's Tby (at the same tide of the same day, if appropriate)

99%-ile of baseline and 130% of upstream control station's Tby (at the same tide of the same day, if appropriate)



<6.5 or >8.5


      -         For DO, non-compliance of the water quality limits occurs when monitoring result is lower than the limits.

      -         For SS, non-compliance of the water quality limits occurs when monitoring  result is higher than the limits.

      -         All the figures given in the table are used for reference only and the DEP may amend the figures whenever it is considered necessary.

      -         ‘Depth Averaged’ is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of the in-situ parameters readings at all three depths.  For suspended solids ‘depth averaged’ is calculated by combining all three samples into one mixed sample which is analysed to produce a physical arithmetic mean.


6.7.3       The Independent Checker (Environment) (IC(E)) shall be empowered to audit the environmental performance of construction, all aspects of the EM&A programme, validate and confirm the accuracy of monitoring results, monitoring equipment, monitoring locations and procedures.  If any exceedance occur, the IC(E) shall follow the actions stated in the Event and Action Plan in Table 6.4.


6.8          Water Quality Mitigation Measures


6.8.1              The EIA report has recommended water quality mitigation measures. The Contractor shall be responsible for implementation of the following measures. The recommended mitigation measures are summarised in the Water Quality Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule provided in Appendix A.


¨                          discharges to natural water courses shall only take place when the effluent can be shown to comply with the standards specified in the Technical Memorandum, Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters. Discharges in the water gathering grounds should meet Group A standards for inland waters;


¨              the drainage system capacity for the construction stage shall be designed for a 1:10 year storm event;


¨              for the northern section, a drainage system shall be constructed ahead of the main roadworks such that it may be used to discharge the construction site runoff, thus avoid discharging construction site runoff into the streams;


¨              a separate temporary drainage system will be provided for the control of the construction site runoff in the southern area and shall be in place prior to the main road works;


¨              the southern alignment will be divided into small catchments for the provision of the temporary drainage system in order to enhance the control of runoff;


¨              construction of the off-line section of the road shall only commence when either the pipeline trench or carrier pipe has been put in place up to Tai Tung Shan Reservoir;


¨              during excavation work for the drainage system itself, each stretch of dug channel will be concrete lined before the end of each day to minimised run-off. Control and proper disposal of excavated material in accordance with the Waste Management Plan shall be undertaken;


¨              run-off during the excavation of the drainage channel will be minimised by the provision of a concrete lining to each stretch of dug channel before the end of each day;


¨              all temporary drainage channels shall be lined with concrete to prevent erosion;


¨              all off-line sections of the haul road and associated slopes will be paved within 3 days of the individual sections having been completed;


¨              progress of the construction phase drainage system shall be made in advance of the off-line haul road formation;


¨              for all haulage roads, temporary bridges shall be used to cross all streams with spans of at least twice the stream width and no contact is to be made with the stream or its riparian vegetation unless authorised by the Engineer;


¨              a temporary barrier will be provided on the downhill side of the haul road to prevent errant vehicles from crashing off the haul road;


¨              the new bridge piers/abutments will be constructed at least 5m away from the streams and excavation works for the columns will be protected by the drainage works;


¨              all culverts will be constructed separately prior to their connection with the stream to avoid direct impacts on the streams during this period;


¨              during bridge extension works, a dam shall be built across the stream, upstream from the works and a temporary pipeline shall be used to divert the stream water around the works area into the unaffected downstream area in order to prevent contamination of the stream flow;


¨              areas in which works have been completed shall be restored within 3 weeks of the completion date in accordance with the Landscape Proposal detailed in Appendix I;


¨              temporary cut slopes shall be covered with tarpaulin during rainfall when not being worked to prevent erosion;


¨              major stockpiles shall be sited outside the Country Park and shall avoid being located near stream courses;


¨              spoil heaps shall be covered at all times to minimise losses in the wet season and reduce the dust emissions during the dry season to minimise impacts on air quality;


¨              stock piled materials shall be contained in a designated area down gradient from any stream or up gradient with a suitably constructed barrier to reduce loss of materials to the stream;


¨              hinterland drainage shall be collected by the use of perimeter channels and diverted to the nearest stream course to prevent external run off from crossing the site in order to prevent it becoming contaminated and to minimise the amount of polluted runoff to be controlled;


¨              sedimentation tanks and oil interceptors shall be provided during the  construction stage on the southern section of the road above the catchwater for the treatment of all site runoff prior to discharge into the streams;


¨              sedimentation tanks shall be provided during the construction stage on the southern section of the road below the catchwater for the treatment of all site runoff prior to discharge into the streams or via the Pui O Wan outfall;


¨              where settling tanks are close to the catchwater, the discharge from the tanks will be diverted across the catchwater and discharged into adjacent streams to reduce the amount of treated discharge flowing into the catchwater;


¨              where the works area abuts the catchwater, the catchwater will be protected from debris falling into the catchwater  by temporary decking;


¨              a sedimentation tank shall be provided during the construction stage for the treatment of all site runoff from the northern section of the road prior to discharge into the Wong Lung Hang nullah;


¨              sedimentation tank, oil interceptors and channels used during the construction phase should be inspected every day rainfall is recorded and weekly thereafter.  The sedimentation tanks and channels should be cleaned out when the volume of settled sediments amounts to 10% of the total volume of the tank and the oil interceptors should be cleaned when the volume of oil amounts to 50% of the total volume of the oil interceptor;


¨              run off from the roofs of site buildings shall be conveyed in closed drains to the nearest surface water body to prevent the generation of excessive quantities of surface water run off carrying suspended solids;


¨              wastewater from the site offices and toilet facilities, if not connected to a sewerage system, shall be discharged into an on-site chemical treatment and storage facility with regular collection of the wastewater carried out by tanker.  Where non-flush toilets are provided these shall be chemical toilets and the holding tanks emptied by a licensed contractor on a frequent basis;


¨              the details of the chemical toilets shall be submitted to WSD prior to the construction commencement;


¨              the wheels of all vehicles leaving and entering the construction site shall be washed to minimise the carry over of mud onto public roads and into the water gathering grounds. Wheel wash water shall be recycled and only discharged following removal of silt by sand/silt removal traps;


¨              all plant shall be in proper working order and maintained such that there is no leakage of fuel or oil.  Any waste oils shall be collected in designated tanks prior to disposal off site;


¨              oils and fuels shall be stored within lined and bunded containment areas which shall have a capacity not less than 110% of the largest tank capacity and shall be regularly drained of rain water;


¨              no oil or fuel shall be stored within the Country Park or the water gathering grounds;


¨              no chemical wastes shall be stored in the water gathering grounds;

¨              The Contractor will be required to prepare a response plan to the satisfaction of FSD, HyD, Police, TD and WSD to define procedures for the control, containment and clean-up of any spillage that could occur on the construction site;


¨              no canteen facilities shall be located within the water gathering grounds;


¨              the Contractor shall comply with WSD’s General Conditions for Working within Water Gathering Grounds;


¨              no maintenance activities which may generate chemical wastes shall be undertaken in the water gathering grounds. Vehicle maintenance shall be confined to designated paved areas only and any spillages shall be cleared up immediately using absorbents and waste oils shall be collected in designated tanks prior to disposal off site.  All storm water run-off from these areas shall be discharged via oil/petrol separators and sand/silt removal traps.


¨              an operational drainage system shall be provided for the northern which transfers all road run off for discharge into the Wong Lung Hang nullah in Tung Chung;


¨              for the southern section of the road, a carrier pipe will be designed to convey all the road runoff south of the crest to the sea, avoiding discharge into the streams crossed by the alignment.  The outfall shall be located on the foreshore of Pui O Wan and shall be over 1.0 km away from the gazette boundary of Cheung Sha Beach to the west and over 1.2 km away from the gazette boundary of Pui O Beach to the east;


¨              all new bridges shall be provided with a special utilities trough to accommodate the carrier pipe for operational road runoff; and


¨              an oil interceptor shall be provided for the treatment of all road runoff from the northern section of the road prior to discharge into the Wong Lung Hang nullah.  The largest standard Highways Department oil interceptor should be used.




Table 6.4         Event and Action Plan for Water Quality








Action Level being exceeded by one sampling day

1.       Repeat in-situ measurement to confirm findings;

2.       Identify source(s) of impact;

3.       Inform the IC(E) and the Contractor;

4.       Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and the Contractor’s working methods;

5.       Discuss mitigation measures with the IC(E) and the Contractor;

6.       Repeat measurement on next day of exceedance.

1.     Discuss with the ES and the Contractor on the mitigation measures;

2.     Review proposals on mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor and advise the ER accordingly;

3.     Access the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures.

1.     Discuss with the IC(E) on the proposed mitigation measures;

2.     Make agreement on the mitigation measures to be implemented.

1.   Inform the ER and confirm notification of the non-compliance in writing;

2.   Rectify unacceptable practice;

3.   Check all plant and equipment;

4.   Consider changes of working methods;

5.   Discuss with the ES and the IC(E) and propose mitigation measures to the IC(E) and the ER;

6.   Implement the agreed mitigation measures.

Action Level being exceeded by more than one consecutive sampling days

1.   Repeat in-situ measurement to confirm findings;

2.   Identify source(s) of impact;

3.   Inform the IC(E) and the Contractor;

4.   Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor’s working methods;

5.   Discuss mitigation measures with the IC(E) and the Contractor;

6.   Ensure mitigation measures are implemented;

7.   Prepare to increase the monitoring frequency to daily;

8.   Repeat measurement on next day of exceedance.

1.    Discuss with the ES and the Contractor on the mitigation measures;

2.    Review proposals on mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor and advise the ER accordingly;

3.    Access the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures.

Discuss with IC(E) on the proposed mitigation measures;

Make agreement on the mitigation measures to be implemented;

Access the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures.

1.     Inform the ER and confirm notification of the non-compliance in writing;

2.     Rectify unacceptable practice;

3.     Check all plant and equipment;

4.     Consider changes of working methods;

5.     Discuss with the ES and the IC(E) and propose mitigation measures to the IC(E) and ER within 3 working days;

6.     Implement the agreed mitigation measures.

Limit Level being exceeded by one consecutive sampling day

1.   Repeat in-situ measurement to confirm findings;

2.   Identify source(s) of impact;

3.   Inform the IC(E), the Contractor and the DEP;

4.   Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and the Contractor’s working methods;

5.   Discuss mitigation measures with the IC(E), the ER and the Contractor;

6.   Ensure mitigation measures are implemented;

7.   Increase the monitoring frequency to daily until no exceedance of Limit Level.

1.   Discuss with the ES and the Contractor on the mitigation measures;

2.   Review proposals on mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor and advise the ER accordingly;

3.   Access the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures.

1.   Discuss with the IC(E), the ES and the Contractor on the proposed mitigation measures;

2.   Request the Contractor to critically review the working methods;

3.   Make agreement on the mitigation measures to be implemented;

4.   Access the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures.

1.   Inform the Engineer and confirm notification of the non-compliance in writing;

2.   Rectify unacceptable practice;

3.   Check all plant and equipment;

4.   Consider changes of working methods;

5.   Discuss with the ES, the IC(E) and the ER and propose mitigation measures to the IC(E) and the ER within 3 working days;

6.   Implement the agreed mitigation measures.

Limit Level being exceeded by more than one consecutive sampling days

1.   Repeat in-situ measurement to confirm findings;

2.   Identify source(s) of impact;

3.   Inform the IC(E), the Contractor and DEP;

4.   Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor’s working methods;

5.   Discuss mitigation measures with the IC(E), the ER and the Contractor;

6.   Ensure mitigation measures are implemented;

7.   Increase the monitoring frequency to daily until no exceedance of Limit Level for two consecutive days.

1.    Discuss with ET and Contractor on the mitigation measures;

2.    Review proposals on mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor and advise the ER accordingly;

3.    Access the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures.

1.    Discuss with the IC(E), the ES and the Contractor on the proposed mitigation measures;

2.    Request Contractor to critically review the working methods;

3.    Make agreement on the mitigation measures to be implemented;

4.    Access the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures;

5.    Consider and instruct, if necessary, the Contractor to slow down or to stop all or part of the works until no exceedance of Limit Level.

1.   Inform the ER and confirm notification of the non-compliance in writing;

2.   Rectify unacceptable practice;

3.   Check all plant and equipment;

4.   Consider changes of working methods;

5.   Discuss with the ES, the IC(E) and the ER and propose mitigation measures to the IC(E) and the ER within 3 working days;

6.   Implement the agreed mitigation measures;

7.   As directed by the ER, slow down or stop all or part of the construction activities.

Note (1):  ES – Environmental Specialist, IC(E) – Independent Checker (Environmental), ER – Engineer’s Representative

Figure 6.1            Water Quality Monitoring Data Record Sheet










Start Time       (hh:mm)








Sea Conditions




Tidal Mode




Water Depth (m)




Monitoring Depth








Temperature (0C)




DO Saturation  (%)




DO     (mg/l)




Turbidity       (NTU)




SS Sample Identification




SS       (mg/l)




Observed Construction Activities

<100m from location


>100m from location


Other Observations





                                                Name & Designation Signature Date



Recorded By    :



Checked By           :                                                                                                                                          



Note: The SS results are to be filled in once they are available from the laboratory.