7.1.1 This section presents the assessment of potential water quality impacts that may arise during the construction and operational phases of the SWC project. Figure 7.1 shows the alignment of the SWC bridge. Assessment of the changes in hydrodynamic and water quality conditions due to the proposed SWC bridge in Deep Bay is included. The Deep Bay Model was used as a modelling tool to predict the hydrodynamic and water quality impacts.
7.1.2 The construction phase impacts covered in the assessment include construction site runoff, wastewater generated from construction activities, sewage generation, accidental spillage of chemicals on site, sediment dredging and changes in hydrodynamic conditions during the bridge pier construction. The operational phase impacts include hydrodynamic and water quality changes due to the presence of the SWC bridge piers and reclamation on the Shenzhen side, changes in erosion and sedimentation patterns in Deep Bay, road runoff from the SWC bridge, and accidental spillage of chemicals during accidents.
7.1.3 This section also includes the assessment of sediment quality, classification of sediment and recommendations on sediment disposal.
7.2 Environmental Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria
7.2.1 Relevant legislation and guidelines used for water quality impact assessment of the proposed SWC project are described in this section. The proposed SWC bridge alignment covers a corridor in Deep Bay linking between Ngau Hom Shek on the Hong Kong side and Dongjiaotou on the Shenzhen side. Part of Deep Bay is within the HKSAR and some regions are within the boundary of the Mainland. As the water quality model covers the whole water body in Deep Bay, the changes in water quality conditions within the Hong Kong waters should be assessed using the relevant HKSAR legislation and guidelines. To assess the water quality conditions on the Shenzhen side, it is more appropriate to compare the results with the relevant Mainland legislation and guidelines.
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), Cap.499, S16
7.2.2 The proposed SWC is a Designated Project under Schedule 2 of the EIAO. Under Section 16 of the EIAO, Environmental Protection Department (EPD) issued the "Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM)" which specifies the assessment methods and criteria for environmental impact assessment. This Study follows the EIAO-TM to assess the potential water quality impacts that may arise during the construction and operational phases of the Project. Sections in the EIAO-TM relevant to the water quality impact assessment are:
· Annex 6 - Criteria for Evaluating Water Pollution; and
· Annex 14 - Guidelines for Assessment of Water Pollution.
Water Quality Objectives (WQOs)
7.2.3 The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) (Cap.358) provides the major statutory framework for the protection and control of water quality in Hong Kong. According to the Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation, the whole Hong Kong waters are divided into ten Water Control Zones (WCZs). Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) were established to protect the beneficial uses of water quality in WCZs. Specific WQOs are applied to each WCZ. The proposed SWC is located within the Deep Bay WCZ and the corresponding WQOs are listed in Table 7.1. The WQOs for the Deep Bay WCZ are used as the basis for assessment of water quality impacts in the present Study.
Table 7.1 Water Quality Objectives for the Deep Bay Water Control Zone
Objective |
Deep Bay WCZ |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) |
E. coli |
pH |
6.5 – 8.5 and change due to waste discharge < 0.2 |
Salinity |
Change due to waste discharge < 10% of natural ambient level |
Temperature |
Change due to waste discharge < 2 oC |
Suspended Solids (SS) |
< 30% increase in the natural ambient level or not to cause the accumulation of suspended solids which may adversely affect aquatic communities |
Toxicants |
Not to be present at levels producing significant toxic effect |
Un-ionized ammonia (UIA) |
< 0.021 mg/L (annual mean) |
Inorganic Nitrogen |
Source: Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 1993 by EPD
7.2.4 As specified in the EIA Study Brief, the "Technical Report on Environmental Protection of Deep Bay and its Catchment, Appendix T, Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group, December 1992" should also be used as a reference in assessing the water quality impacts due to the SWC project. Table 7.2 summarises the parameters included in "Appendix T" of the technical report. Reference is made to "Appendix T" for the parameters that are not specified in the WQOs for the Deep Bay WCZ.
Table 7.2 Water Quality Objectives for Deep Bay –
Appendix T, Technical Report on Environmental Protection of Deep Bay and its
Items |
Mariculture Zone |
General Amenity Zone |
Inorganic Nitrogen |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.5mg/L |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.7mg/L |
Inorganic Phosphate |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.045mg/L |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.1mg/L |
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) |
Annual mean not to exceed 4mg/L |
Annual mean not to exceed 5mg/L |
Ammonia (unionised) |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.02mg/L |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.05mg/L |
E. coli |
Annual geometric mean not to exceed 60/100mL |
Annual geometric mean not to exceed 1000/100mL |
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) |
Annual mean not to exceed 3mg/L |
Annual mean not to exceed 5mg/L |
Petroleum Hydrocarbons |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.05mg/L |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.1mg/L |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) |
At 1m below surface, not less than 5mg/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year. |
At 1m below surface, not less than 4mg/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year. |
Average water column (at least 2 sampling points), not less than 4mg/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year. Bottom layer (2m from seabed), not less than 2,g/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year. |
Aesthetic |
a) no objectionable odours or discolouration of the water b) no floating or other objects likely to interfere with navigation c) no oil and foam d) no obvious polluting belts from polluting sources, or objectionable settled materials. |
pH |
6.5 – 8.5 |
Temperature |
Change due to waste discharge not to exceed 2oC natural ambient level |
Salinity |
Change due tot waste discharge not to exceed 10% of natural ambient level |
Suspended Solids (SS) |
Waste discharge not to exceed 30% of the natural ambient level |
Toxins |
Waste discharge shall not cause the toxins in water to attain such levels as to produce significant toxic effects in human, fish or any other aquatic organisms. |
Technical Memorandum on Effluent Discharge Standards
7.2.5 Discharges of effluents are subject to control under the WPCO. The Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters (TM) sets limits for effluent discharges. Specific limits apply for different areas and are different between surface waters and sewers. The limits vary with the rate of effluent flow. Standards for effluent discharged into the waters of Deep Bay WCZ are presented in Table 7.3.
Table 7.3 Standards for Effluents Discharged into the Coastal Waters of Deep Bay Water Control Zone
Flow rate (m3/day) |
£ 10 |
> 10 and £ 200 |
> 200 and £ 400 |
> 400 and£ 600 |
> 600 and£ 800 |
> 800 and£ 1000 |
> 1000 and£ 1500 |
> 1500 and£ 2000 |
> 2000 and£ 3000 |
Determinant |
pH (pH units) |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
6 – 9 |
Temperature (oC) |
45 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
45 |
Colour (lovibond units) (25mm cell length) |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Suspended solids |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
25 |
25 |
25 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
80 |
80 |
80 |
80 |
80 |
80 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
Oil & Grease |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
Iron |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Boron |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2.5 |
2 |
1.6 |
1.1 |
0.8 |
0.5 |
Barium |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2.5 |
2 |
1.6 |
1.1 |
0.8 |
0.5 |
Mercury |
0.1 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
Cadmium |
0.1 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
0.001 |
Other toxic metals individually |
1 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.4 |
0.4 |
0.25 |
0.2 |
0.15 |
Total toxic metals |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0.8 |
0.8 |
0.5 |
0.4 |
0.3 |
Cyanide |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.08 |
0.06 |
0.04 |
0.03 |
Phenols |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.4 |
0.3 |
0.25 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
Sulphide |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
1.5 |
Total residual chlorine |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Total nitrogen |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
80 |
80 |
50 |
Total phosphorus |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
8 |
8 |
5 |
Surfactants (total) |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
E. coli (count/100 mL) |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
1000 |
1. All units in mg/L unless otherwise stated; and
2. All figures are upper limits unless otherwise indicated.
Source: Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters, Table 9a, Environmental Protection Department.
Practice Note for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage
7.2.6 The Practice Note for Professional Persons (ProPECC Note PN1/94) on Construction Site Drainage provides guidelines for the handling and disposal of construction discharges. This note is applicable to this Study for control of site runoff and wastewater generated during the construction phase of the SWC project. The types of discharges from construction sites outlined in the ProPECC Note PN1/94 that are relevant to the present Study include:
· Surface run-off;
· Boring and drilling water;
· Wastewater from concrete batching and precast concrete casting;
· Wheel washing water; and
· Wastewater from construction activities and site facilities.
Sediment Quality
7.2.7 Relevant legislation and guidelines for disposal of
contaminated material at marine disposal sites are listed below:
· Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap. 466);
· Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 3/2000, (WBTC No. 3/2000) Management of
Dredged/Excavated Sediment; and
· Works Bureau Technical Circular No. 12/2000, (WBTC No. 12/2000) Fill
7.2.8 The Dumping at Sea Ordinance is the major statutory legislation to control dumping of sediment at sea. This safeguards the water quality and ecology of the Hong Kong waters. The WBTC No. 3/2000 sets out the management framework for dredged/excavated sediment disposal. The project, which will commence on or after 1 January 2002, should follow the WBTC No. 3/2000. This technical circular is applicable to the SWC project.
7.2.9 The WBTC No. 3/2000 provides guidelines for the classification of sediment based on their contaminant levels with reference to the Chemical Exceedance Levels. Sediment quality criteria for sediment classification include metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, silver and zinc); metalloid (arsenic); and organic micro-pollutants (PAHs, PCBs and TBT). Based on the sediment quality criteria, the sediment is defined as Category L material (low contaminant levels), Category M material (medium contaminant levels) or Category H material (high contaminant levels).
7.2.10 The WBTC No. 3/2000 stipulates a three-tier screening for sediment assessment. Tier I screening is a desktop study of available data. The data will be used to determine whether the sediment is Category L material and is suitable for open sea disposal. If decision cannot be made as a result of insufficient information, Tier II screening, which categories the sediment based on testing the chemical contaminant levels, is required. Tier II screening determines the suitability of open sea disposal for the sediment and decides whether further testing is required. Tier III screening should be conducted to identify the most suitable disposal option for Category M material and certain Category H material identified in Tier II screening.
7.2.11 The WBTC No. 12/2000 defines the responsibilities of the Marine Fill Committee (MFC) and the Public Fill Committee (PFC). The circular sets out the terms of reference and membership of the two committees and provides explanation on the management of fill resources, construction and demolition material, and dredged/excavated sediment disposal.
Sea Water Quality Standard (GB3097-1997)
7.2.12 The Sea Water Quality Standard GB3097-1997 ((海水水質標準GB 3097-1997) was established under the National Standard of the People's Republic of China UCD 551463 (中華人民共和國國家標準UCD 551463). It specifies water quality objectives for different beneficial uses of marine water in Mainland. There are four categories of receiving water under the regulation. Relevant Mainland water quality objectives are listed in Table 7.4.
Table 7.4 Relevant Mainland Sea Water Quality Objectives
No |
Item |
Category 1 |
Category 2 |
Category 3 |
Category 4 |
1 |
Floating matter |
No oil film, floating foam and other debris on water surface
No obvious oil film, floating foam and other debris on water surface |
2 |
Colour, Odour, Taste |
No abnormal colour, odour and taste should be presented in sea water |
No disgusting colour, odour and taste should be presented in sea water |
3 |
Suspended matter |
Man-made increment ≤
Man-made increment ≤
Man-made increment ≤ 150 |
4 |
Coliform index (count/L) |
10000; £ 700 for shellfish culture zone |
- |
5 |
Faecal coliform (count/L) |
2000; £ 140 for shellfish culture zone |
- |
6 |
Pathogen |
Should not be contained in the water of shellfish culture zone |
7 |
Temperature (°C) |
Man-made increment should not exceed 1 in summer and 2 in other seasons |
Man-made increment should not exceed 4 |
8 |
pH |
7.8 - 8.5 and change in pH level should not exceed 0.2 pH unit as compared to the ambient level |
6.8~8.8 and change in pH level should not exceed 0.5 pH unit as compared to the ambient level
9 |
Dissolved oxygen |
> 6 |
> 5 |
> 4 |
> 3 |
10 |
Chemical oxygen demand(COD) |
≤ 2 |
≤ 3 |
≤ 4 |
≤ 5 |
11 |
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) |
≤ 1 |
≤ 3 |
≤ 4 |
≤ 5 |
12 |
Inorganic(as N) |
≤ 0.20 |
≤ 0.30 |
≤ 0.40 |
≤ 0.50 |
13 |
No-ionic ammonia (as N) |
≤ 0.020 |
14 |
Activated phosphate (as P) |
≤ 0.015 |
≤ 0.030 |
≤ 0.045 |
15 |
Mercury |
≤ 0.00005 |
≤ 0.0002 |
≤ 0.0005 |
16 |
Cadmium |
≤ 0.001 |
≤ 0.005 |
≤ 0.010 |
17 |
Lead |
≤ 0.001 |
≤ 0.005 |
≤ 0.010 |
≤ 0.050 |
18 |
Chromium (VI) |
≤ 0.005 |
≤ 0.010 |
≤ 0.020 |
≤ 0.050 |
19 |
Total Chromium |
≤ 0.05 |
≤ 0.10 |
≤ 0.20 |
≤ 0.50 |
20 |
Arsenic |
≤ 0.020 |
≤ 0.030 |
≤ 0.050 |
21 |
Copper |
≤ 0.005 |
≤ 0.010 |
≤ 0.050 |
22 |
Zinc |
≤ 0.020 |
≤ 0.050 |
≤ 0.10 |
≤ 0.50 |
23 |
Selenium |
≤ 0.010 |
≤ 0.020 |
≤ 0.050 |
24 |
Nickel |
≤ 0.005 |
≤ 0.010 |
≤ 0.020 |
≤ 0.050 |
25 |
Cyanide |
≤ 0.005 |
≤ 0.10 |
≤ 0.20 |
26 |
Sulfide (as S) |
≤ 0.02 |
≤ 0.05 |
≤ 0.10 |
≤ 0.25 |
27 |
Volatile phenol |
≤ 0.005 |
≤ 0.010 |
≤ 0.050 |
28 |
Oils |
≤ 0.05 |
≤ 0.30 |
≤ 0.50 |
1. Category 1 represents marine fisheries zone, marine natural reserve area and
critically endangered marine habitat protection area;
2. Category 2 represents marine cultural zone, marine bathing water, secondary
contact or marine recreation area, and marine water which is directly related to
human consumption;
3. Category 3 represents marine water for general industrial use and marine
scenic area;
4. Category 4 represents marine harbour area and marine development area; and
5. All units in mg/L unless otherwise stated.
Source: Sea Water Quality Standard GB3097-1997
Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996)
7.2.13 The Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard GB8978-1996 (污水綜合排放標準 GB 8978-1996) was stipulated under the National Standard of the People's Republic of China UCD 551463 (中華人民共和國國家標準 UCD 551463). The regulation specifies two categories of pollutants in the effluent discharges. Standards for the pollutants of the first category apply to all discharges regardless of the types of effluents and uses of receiving waters and are listed in Table 7.5.
7.2.14 Standards for the pollutants of the second category set different limits for different uses of receiving water. There are 3 classes of limits for the pollutants of the second category. Class 1 limits apply to the effluent discharged into marine water of Category 2 under the Sea Water Quality Standard GB3097-1997 as described in the above section. Class 2 limits apply to the effluent discharged into marine water of Category 3 under the Sea Water Quality Standard GB3097-1997. Class 3 limits apply to effluent discharged into sewers leading to secondary wastewater treatment plant. The relevant standards for selected parameters applicable to enterprise constructed on or after 1 January 1998 are presented in Table 7.6.
Table 7.5 Maximum Allowable Discharge Concentration for the Pollutants of First Category
Pollutant |
Maximum Allowable Discharge Concentration (mg/L) |
Total mercury |
0.05 |
Alkyl mercury |
Undetectable |
Total cadmium |
0.1 |
Total chromium |
1.5 |
Chromium (VI) |
0.5 |
Total arsenic |
0.5 |
Total lead |
1.0 |
Total nickel |
1.0 |
Benzo(a)-pyrene |
0.00003 |
Total beryllium |
0.005 |
Total silver |
0.5 |
Total α-radioactivity |
1Bq/L |
Total β-radioactivity |
10Bq/L |
Table 7.6 Maximum Allowable Discharge Concentration for Enterprise Constructed on or after 1st January 1998 (unit: mg/L)
No |
Pollutant |
Enterprise |
Class 1 |
Class 2 |
Class 3 |
1 |
pH |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
6~9 |
6~9 |
6~9 |
3 |
Suspended solid |
Mining, ore dressing, coal separation |
70 |
300 |
- |
Veined gold ore dressing |
70 |
400 |
- |
Remote zone alluvial ore dressing |
70 |
800 |
- |
Urban secondary sewage treatment plant |
20 |
30 |
- |
Other enterprise discharging pollutants |
70 |
150 |
400 |
4 |
5-day biochemical oxygen demand |
Sugarcane processing, Ramie degumming, wet process for fiber board production, Dye, wool scouring industry |
20 |
60 |
600 |
Beet processing, alcohol, glutamate, leather, chemical pulp industry |
20 |
100 |
600 |
Urban secondary sewage treatment plant |
20 |
30 |
- |
Other enterprise discharging pollutants |
20 |
30 |
300 |
5 |
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) |
Beet processing, synthetic fatty acid, wet process for fiber board, dye, wool scouring, organ-phosphorus pesticide industry |
100 |
200 |
1000 |
Glutamate, alcohol, medicine raw-material pharmaceuticals, biotic pharmaceuticals production, ramie degumming, leather, chemical pulp industry |
100 |
300 |
1000 |
Petrochemical industry (including petroleum refining) |
60 |
120 |
- |
Urban secondary sewage treatment plant |
60 |
120 |
500 |
Other enterprise discharging pollutants |
100 |
150 |
500 |
6 |
Petroleum |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
5 |
10 |
20 |
7 |
Animal and plant oil |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
10 |
15 |
100 |
8 |
Volatile phenol |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.5 |
0.5 |
2.0 |
9 |
Total Cyanide |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.5 |
0.5 |
1.0 |
10 |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
11 |
Ammoniac nitrogen |
Medicine raw-material pharmaceuticals, dye, petrochemical industry |
15 |
50 |
- |
Other enterprise discharging pollutants |
15 |
25 |
- |
12 |
Phosphor industry |
10 |
15 |
20 |
Low fluoride area (fluoride concentration in water < 0.5mg/L) |
10 |
20 |
30 |
Other enterprise discharging pollutants *** |
10 |
10 |
20 |
13 |
Phosphate ( as P) |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.5 |
1.0 |
- |
14 |
Formaldehyde |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
1.0 |
2.0 |
5.0 |
15 |
Aniline compounds |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
1.0 |
2.0 |
5.0 |
16 |
Nitrobenzene compounds |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
2.0 |
3.0 |
5.0 |
17 |
Anionic surfactants |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
5.0 |
10 |
20 |
18 |
Total copper |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.5 |
1.0 |
2.0 |
19 |
Total zinc |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
2.0 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
20 |
Total manganese |
Synthetic fatty acid industry |
2.0 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
Other enterprise discharging pollutants* |
2.0 |
2.0 |
5.0 |
21 |
Phosphorus |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.1 |
0.1 |
0.3 |
22 |
Organ-phosphorus pesticide (as P) |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
Undetectable |
0.5 |
0.5 |
23 |
Benzene |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.5 |
24 |
Toluene |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.5 |
25 |
Phenol |
All enterprise discharging pollutants |
0.3 |
0.4 |
1.0 |
26 |
Fecal coliform index (individual/L) |
Hospital (with more than 50 beds), wastewater containing pathogen from veterinary hospital and medical institution |
500count/L |
1000count/L |
5000count/L |
Wastewater from hospital for infectious disease and tuberculosis |
100count/L |
500count/L |
1000count/L |
27 |
Total organic carbon (TOC) |
Synthetic fatty acid industry |
20 |
40 |
- |
Ramie degumming industry |
20 |
60 |
- |
Other enterprise discharging pollutants |
20 |
30 |
- |
7.3 Description of the Environment
Water Quality
7.3.1 The proposed SWC is located within the Deep Bay WCZ. EPD has been carrying out routine marine water quality monitoring at a number of monitoring stations in this WCZ. Evaluation of the baseline conditions of the water bodies covered by the Deep Bay WCZ for the present study has been based on the monitoring data from EPD's monitoring stations.
7.3.2 There are 5 marine water quality monitoring stations in the Deep Bay WCZ. Stations DM1, DM2 and DM3 are located within the inner sub-zone whereas stations DM4 and DM5 are located in the outer sub-zone. Water quality in the outer sub-zone was better than that in the inner sub-zone based on EPD's monitoring results in 2000. The BOD5, SS and inorganic nutrient levels were comparatively higher in the Inner Deep Bay. There was an increase in DO level (0.4 mg/L) in the bay. At DM1 and DM2, the recorded DO levels were the lowest (3.6 mg/L at DM1 and 3.9 mg/L at DM2). There were remarkable increases in E. coli levels at all marine monitoring stations in Deep Bay. The increases ranged from 40% to 400%. There was an overall 17% decrease in BOD5 level based on the data recorded at the 5 monitoring stations. The nitrogen and phosphorus levels did not have significant variations from the data recorded in 1999.
7.3.3 Exceedances of the WQOs for dissolved oxygen (DO), total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and unionised ammonia (UIA) were mostly recorded in the inner sub-zone in 1999. There were some improvements of the DO level in the bay and no WQO exceedance for DO was recorded in 2000. However, the TIN levels recorded at all the monitoring stations exceeded the WQO indicating high nutrient levels in the Deep Bay waters. Exceedances of the WQO for UIA were observed at DM1, DM2 and DM3 within the Inner Deep Bay. Table 7.7 summaries the water quality monitoring results in the Deep Bay WCZ in 2000.
7.3.4 The ammonia nitrogen and TIN levels at DM1 to DM4
increased from 1986 to 2000. There were also long-term increases in E. coli
level at DM2, DM4 and DM5. The stations in the Outer Deep Bay (DM4 and DM5)
showed a long-term decreasing trend in depth-averaged DO.
Table 7.7 Summary of Marine Water Quality Monitoring Results in Deep Bay WCZ in 2000
Determinand |
Inner Deep Bay |
Outer Deep Bay |
DM1 |
DM2 |
DM3 |
DM4 |
DM5 |
Temperature (oC) |
22.8 |
22.8 |
23.0 |
22.7 |
22.3 |
Salinity (ppt) |
18.2 |
20.3 |
22.3 |
24.1 |
27.2 |
pH |
7.6 |
7.7 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
8.1 |
SS (mg/L) |
30.8 |
20.3 |
13.6 |
12.6 |
11.8 |
DO (mg/L) |
4.8 |
5.6 |
6.4 |
6.4 |
6.3 |
DO (% saturation) |
63 |
74 |
86 |
87 |
85 |
Turbidity (NTU) |
39.9 |
29.5 |
27.1 |
20.0 |
20.3 |
5-day BOD (mg/L) |
2.7 |
1.9 |
1.3 |
1.0 |
0.9 |
NH4-N mg/L) |
3.42 |
2.18 |
0.65 |
0.27 |
0.15 |
Unionised Ammonia (mg/L) |
0.053 |
0.042 |
0.022 |
0.011 |
0.007 |
Nitrite Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.22 |
0.20 |
0.11 |
0.08 |
0.06 |
Nitrate nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.44 |
0.47 |
0.56 |
0.50 |
0.38 |
TIN (mg/L) |
4.08 |
2.85 |
1.32 |
0.85 |
0.58 |
TKN (mg/L) |
4.03 |
2.70 |
0.92 |
0.49 |
0.32 |
Total Nitrogen (mg/L) |
4.69 |
3.37 |
1.59 |
1.07 |
0.75 |
Ortho-phosphate (mg/L) |
0.42 |
0.30 |
0.11 |
0.06 |
0.04 |
Total Phosphorus (mg/L) |
0.54 |
0.38 |
0.16 |
0.09 |
0.06 |
Silica (as SiO2) (mg/L) |
5.9 |
4.4 |
3.1 |
2.7 |
2.1 |
Chlorophyll-a (μg/L) |
4.3 |
3.7 |
2.6 |
1.8 |
1.6 |
E.coli (cfu/100ml) |
3600 |
1100 |
96 |
190 |
460 |
Faecal Coliform (cfu/100ml) |
5900 |
1600 |
200 |
420 |
980 |
1. Data are depth-averaged data.
2. Data presented are annual arithmetic means except for E.coli and faecal
coliforms, which are geometric means.
3. The value in bold indicates that the parameter exceeds the WQO for the Deep
Bay WCZ.
Source: Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2000 by EPD.
Sediment Quality
7.3.5 There are four EPD sediment sampling stations (DS1, DS2, DS3 and DS4) in the Deep Bay Water Control Zone (Deep Bay WCZ). Locations of the sediment sampling stations are shown in Figure 7.2. DS1 is located close to the outlet of Shenzhen River. The location of DS2 is near the proposed SWC alignments. DS3 and DS4 are in Outer Deep Bay. EPD adopts the sampling method of taking grab samples of the top 10cm layer of sediment for sediment metal analysis.
7.3.6 Based on the sediment quality data collected by EPD from 1995 to 2000 (see Appendix 7A), the average zinc levels at DS1 were high ranging between 86 mg/kg and 360 mg/kg. It appeared that the data collected in 1999 were comparatively lower than the previous years, but the zinc level significantly increased in 2000. The recorded zinc levels at DS1 in 1997, 1998 and 2000 exceeded the UCEL of 270 mg/kg as specified in WBTC No. 3/2000.
7.3.7 The nickel levels in the sediment collected at DS1 were also recorded high in 1997 - 1998 and subsequently reduced in 1999. The nickel level increased again in 2000. The highest nickel level recorded in August 1998 was above the UCEL of 40 mg/kg. The 6-year records indicated that the cadmium levels at DS1 were low (0.1 - 0.5 mg/kg) and were much below the LCEL of 1.5 mg/kg. High concentrations of copper (84 - 98 mg/kg) and arsenic (14 - 20 mg/kg) were also recorded in 1997, 1998 and 2000. These levels exceeded the LCEL for copper (65 mg/kg) and arsenic (12 mg/kg), but they were below their corresponding UCEL (110 mg/kg for copper and 42 mg/kg for arsenic). The copper and arsenic levels in the sediment decreased in 1999 but increased again in 2000 with the values of 98 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg respectively. There were two records (77 and 87 mg/kg) exceeded the LCEL for lead (75 mg/kg) at DS1 in January 1997 and January 2000. No exceedance of the LCEL for chromium and mercury was found at this station. There were no records for silver from 1995 to 1997. The recorded silver levels at DS1 between 1998 and 2000 were at the LCEL of 1 mg/kg.
7.3.8 For the organic micro-pollutants, the PCB levels (5 - 23 ug/kg) at DS1 were all below the LCEL of 23 mg/kg from 1995 to 1999, but the LCEL was exceeded with the value of 24 mg/kg in 2000. The PAH levels were 46 - 523 mg/kg (1995 - 2000). There was no measurement of TBT.
7.3.9 Based on the available data from EPD, the sediment (surface layer) at DS1 changed from Category L material in 1995 - 1996 to Category H material in 1997 - 1998. The condition appeared to be improved in 1999 as the sediment was Category M material. But the condition deteriorated in 2000 as the sediment was Category H material.
7.3.10 The EPD sediment sampling station DS2 is nearest to the SWC alignments. There was one exceedance of the LCEL for zinc in January 1997 with a value of 220 mg/kg. The rest of the data measured between 1995 and 2000 were below the LCEL for zinc with a range between 69 and 190 mg/kg. There were quite a number of exceedances of the LCEL for arsenic at DS2. In 2000, the measured arsenic level was 17 mg/kg. Except for the copper level (66 mg/kg) recorded in January 1997, most of the copper levels were lower than the LCEL of 65 mg/kg. The concentrations of cadmium (0.1 - 0.4 mg/kg), chromium (21 - 47 mg/kg), nickel (11 - 28 mg/kg), lead (33 - 69 mg/kg) and mercury (0.05 - 0.2 mg/kg) recorded from 1995 and 2000 were below their corresponding LCEL. The silver levels recorded in 1998 and 2000 were 1 mg/kg at the LCEL. The PAH levels (39 - 423 ug/kg) and PCB levels (5 - 20 ug/kg) were recorded low at DS2. Comparing the available EPD data with the WBTC No. 3/2000, the sediment at DS2 was mainly Category M material.
7.3.11 At DS3, the parameters with concentrations below the LCEL include zinc (69 - 150 mg/kg), nickel (14 - 32 mg/kg), lead (30 - 60 mg/kg), mercury (0.05 - 0.18 mg/kg), copper (19 - 53 mg/kg), chromium (23 - 48 mg/kg) and cadmium (0.1 - 0.3 mg/kg). High arsenic levels were, however, recorded at this station with values ranging from 12 to 20 mg/kg. The silver levels recorded in 1998 and 2000 were 1 mg/kg at the LCEL. The PAH levels and PCB levels measured at this station were 40 - 118 ug/kg and 5 - 10 ug/kg respectively. The 6-year records indicated that the sediment at DS3 would likely to be Category M material.
7.3.12 DS4 is located near the mouth of Deep Bay and is distance away from the Shenzhen River discharge. In general, the sediment contaminant levels at this station were low when compared to those at the other stations. Similar to the conditions for DS3, the parameters with concentrations below the LCEL included zinc (36 - 140 mg/kg), nickel (7 - 24 mg/kg), lead (18 - 68 mg/kg), mercury (0.05 - 0.15 mg/kg), copper (6 - 45 mg/kg), chromium (14 - 44 mg/kg) and cadmium (0.1 - 0.2 mg/kg). Most of the arsenic levels (10 - 19 mg/kg) were higher than the LCEL of 12 mg/kg. The silver levels records in 1998 and 2000 were 1 mg/kg at the LCEL. The PAH levels and PCB levels measured at DS4 were 39 - 96 ug/kg and 5 - 40 ug/kg respectively. Based on the WBTC No. 3/2000 for sediment classification, the sediment was mainly Category M material.
7.3.13 The wastewater pollution sources in Deep Bay (the name "Shenzhen Bay" is adopted by the Shenzhen authority) are mainly from the land. A significant amount of untreated domestic and industrial/commercial wastewater and cultivation wastewater is discharged into Deep Bay through Shenzhen River. Other major rivers leading to the bay on the Shenzhen side include Dasha River, Futian River and Xinzhou River.
7.3.14 Based on the information from the 深港西部通道(深圳灣公路大橋)環境影響報告書 (Shenzhen Western Corridor (Shenzhen Bay Bridge) Environmental Impact Assessment) dated 1998 (Reference 1), the total wastewater discharged into Deep Bay was approximately 169 million cubic meters a year of which 85 million m3 was industrial wastewater and 52 million m3 was domestic wastewater, and the rest was irrigation wastewater. Major pollutants in wastewater entering the Deep Bay waters were COD, SS, inorganic nitrogen, and inorganic phosphorus.
7.3.15 In the EIA of 深港西部通道口岸場坪填海及地基處理工程環境影響報告書 (Shenzhen Western Corridor Reclamation and Foundation Treatment Engineering) dated 1999 (Reference 2), water quality monitoring survey was conducted in Shenzhen Bay. Six marine water sampling locations were selected and monitored. Figure 7.3 shows the locations of the marine water sampling stations in Shenzhen.
7.3.16 The parameters including pH, As, Hg, and Cr met the Category 3 Standard in both spring tide and neap tide. DO, CODMn, BOD5, and oils measured at the sampling stations met the standards in neap tide but not in spring tide. The DO, SS, CODMn and BOD5 levels measured at the stations during spring and neap tides were in the ranges from 3.14 to 6.98 mg/L, 4.6 to 87.6 mg/L, 0.67 to 4.51 mg/L, and 1.2 to 5.87 mg/L respectively. CODMn and BOD5 exceeded the standards at Station 4 and the measured DO levels exceeded the standard for DO at Stations 2 and 3 in ebb tide. Oils exceeded the standard substantially by 5.8 times in ebb tide at Station 1 and in spring tide at Station 4. Non-ionic nitrogen exceeded the standard in both spring tide and neap tide. The concentrations of total phosphorus were high, exceeding the standard by 0.74-2.57 times, and total nitrogen was also very high.
7.3.17 The pollutant concentrations decreased gradually from inner bay to outer bay indicating that the pollutants were mainly from the land. The rivers discharging into the bay were the main pollution sources. Most of the pollutants entering Deep Bay came from Shenzhen River, which generated high pollution levels in the inner part of the bay. Besides, Xinzhou River and Dasha River entered Deep Bay from the northern shore and caused pollution problem. Figure 7.4 shows the locations of the outlets of major rivers in Shenzhen.
7.3.18 The distance from Shenzhen River estuary to Shenzhen Bay mouth is about 15km. The pollutants would be transported within the bay for a certain period before flowing out of the bay. The pollutants would be diluted during this process, and the pollutant concentrations become lower when arriving at the mouth of the bay.
7.3.19 The pollution patterns during flood and ebb tides were not the same. Basically, the pollutant concentrations in ebb tide were comparatively higher than those in flood tide, This phenomenon indicated that the water quality outside of the bay was better than that inside of the bay. The dilution process in the water might contribute to this difference.
7.4.1 Indicator points were selected within the Deep Bay WCZ
to provide hydrodynamic and water quality outputs for evaluation of water
quality impacts. The selected indicator points included water quality sensitive
receivers and EPD marine water sampling stations.
7.4.2 The water quality sensitive receivers that are potentially affected by the
proposed Project are listed below:
· Mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek
· Cooling water intake for China Light & Power (CLP) Black Point Power
· The Marine Park at Sha Chau/Lung Kwu Chau
· Oyster beds near Lau Fau Shan
· Mai Po Nature Reserve in the Inner Deep Bay
· Pak Nai Site of Special Scientific Interest (Pak Nai SSSI)
· Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI
· Mangroves and mudflat at Futian
· Oyster beds at Shekou
· Chinese White Dolphin feeding ground in the Urmston Road Channel
· Seagrass and horseshoe crabs at Ha Pak Nai
· Ramsar site (north and south)
7.4.3 Figure 7.5 shows the locations of these water quality sensitive receivers. The locations of EPD marine water sampling stations (DM1 - DM5) within the Deep Bay WCZ are also shown in the figure.
7.4.4 All the sensitive receivers and EPD marine water sampling stations were defined as water quality monitoring points in the model to output the key water quality parameters for determination of water quality changes as a result of the construction and operational phase activities. The modelling results are presented in form of contour plot, time series plot and table for both the dry and wet seasons in this section.
7.4.5 A list of the indicator points is presented in Table
Table 7.8 Indicator Points
Indicator Point |
DM1 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM1 |
DM2 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM2 |
DM3 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM3 |
DM4 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM4 |
DM5 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM5 |
A |
Mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek |
B |
Cooling Water Intake for CLP Black Point Power Station |
C |
Oyster Bed near Lau Fau Shan |
D |
Mai Po Nature Reserve Area |
E |
Pak Nai SSSI |
F |
Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI |
G |
Mangroves & Mudflat at Futian |
H |
Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau |
I |
Oyster Beds at Shekou |
J2 |
Chinese White Dolphin Feeding Ground |
K1 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area between Ngau Hom Shek & Pak Nai SSSI |
K2 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area at Ha Pak Nai |
L1 |
Ramsar Site (North) |
L2 |
Ramsar Site (South) |
7.5.1 The Deep Bay Model was calibrated and validated for
hydrodynamic and water quality modelling under Agreement No. CE17/95 - Deep Bay
Water Quality Regional Control Strategy Study. The model was also used in the
Feasibility Study for Additional Cross Border Links Stage 2 under Agreement No.
CE 48/97 (Cross Border Links Study, Reference 3) to predict the changes in
flushing capacity and water quality due to the bridge construction in Deep Bay.
In view of the model being successfully applied in two studies for hydrodynamic
and water quality modelling in Deep Bay, the Deep Bay Model is therefore used as
an assessment tool in the present Study to perform similar modelling tasks.
Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model Set-up
Grid Layout and Bathymetry Schematisation
7.5.2 The grid layout and bathymetry schematisation of the Deep Bay Model are shown in Figures 7.6 and 7.7 respectively. The reference level of the model is Principal Datum Hong Kong and the depth data are relative to this datum. The arrangement of the model grid in the Deep Bay Model has been designed to match with the varying seabed conditions in Deep Bay. The small channels in the shallow water region and the areas near the Inner Deep Bay have a finer grid size. The grid sizes are comparatively larger at the open boundaries of the model. The grid sizes vary from 25 m in the small channels to 800 m near the open boundaries. The active grid cells in the Deep Bay Model are approximately 2700 in number.
7.5.3 The bathymetry schematisation of the Deep Bay Model was analysed and constructed using available data and field measurements were also conducted to provide additional bathymetry data of Deep Bay under the Deep Bay Water Quality Regional Control Strategy Study (Reference 4). For the present Study, the same set of bathymetry data was checked to be consistent with the measured data presented in the following charts:
· Admiralty chart for Shekou Gang to Ma Wan Gang based on
surveys of 1994 and 1995 and later information has been included (Source:
Chinese Government chart of 1999) by United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, edition
date: 9 August 2001
· Sea bed data chart for the region from Shekou to Ma Wan based on survey of
1998 by Marine Bureau of the PRC, edition date: January 1999.
7.5.4 The charts listed above and the bathymetry schematisation of the Deep Bay Model were sent to the Mainland authorities on 20 September 2001 for comment and confirmation, the reply from the Mainland authorities on 29 September 2001 accepted the validity of the data. It is considered that the bathymetry data in the present form can be used in the Deep Bay Model for the present modelling exercise.
7.5.5 Site Investigation (SI) was carried out as part of the assignment in this Study. The bathymetry data was also checked against the sounding data obtained from the SI within the study area envelope for the SWC project. The bathymetry data in the model was then updated based on the sounding data.
Simulation Periods
7.5.6 The simulation periods for the dry and wet season water
quality modelling are summarised in Table 7.9. The main differences for the dry
and wet season modelling were the monthly variations in fresh water inflows and
meteorological factors. The first 7 days of the simulation were used for model
spin up. The remaining days represented a 15-day spring-neap tidal cycle and
were used for analysis of hydrodynamic and water quality impacts. The
hydrodynamic outputs from the Deep Bay Model provided inputs for the water
quality simulation. Computational time steps of 1 minute and 10 minutes were
adopted in the hydrodynamic simulation and water quality simulation
respectively. The hydrodynamic forcing including averaged fresh water flows,
wind and boundary conditions for the dry season and wet season were applied
separately in the corresponding dry and wet season hydrodynamic simulations.
Similarly, the dry and wet season pollution loads were applied in the
corresponding dry and wet season water quality simulations.
Table 7.9 Simulation Periods
Season |
Model Spin Up |
Simulation Start Time |
Simulation End Time |
Dry |
2 Feb 12:00 to 9 Feb 12:00 |
9 Feb 12:00 |
24 Feb 12:00 |
Wet |
12 Jul 06:00 to 21 Jul 06:00 |
21 Jul 06:00 |
5 Aug 06:00 |
7.5.7 The completion date of the SWC project is planned to be in 2005 - 2006. No reclamation is required on the Hong Kong side for the construction of the SWC bridge alignment and there is no other planned reclamation within Deep Bay. Liaison with the Mainland authorities had indicated that there would be no major planned reclamation on the Shenzhen side except for the reclamation near the landing point at Dongjiaotou.
7.5.8 A site visit to the proposed landing area at Dongjiaotou on 13 September 2001 found that there was no reclamation activity in the area. A reclaimed land protruding from the existing shoreline had been formed. The existing coastline configuration in Deep Bay is shown in Figure 7.8.
7.5.9 The Mainland authorities confirmed that construction of external seawall would first be carried out and would take about 6 months for completion. The subsequent reclamation activities would then be carried out behind the seawall. It is likely that seawall construction would be completed before the commencement of the SWC project in August 2003. Figure 7.9 shows the latest reclamation layout at Dongjiaotou. To take into account the impacts from the potential reclamation sites adjacent to the landing point at Dongjiaotou, the unconfirmed reclamation sites are also considered in this Study. Figure 7.11 shows the coastline configuration with the unconfirmed reclamation sites.
7.5.10 The formation of seawall at the outer boundary of the reclamation area at the early stage of the reclamation would alter the coastline in that area. The coastline configuration in the present modelling exercise had taken into account the reclaimed areas. In the Deep Bay Model, the proposed reclaimed areas were defined as dry points where no calculation of flow dynamics was conducted.
Meteorological Forcing
7.5.11 Based on the Deep Bay Model set-up and some typical coefficients that were used in the hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of the Hong Kong waters, the wind conditions applied in the hydrodynamic simulation were assigned to be 5 m/s NE for the dry season and 5 m/s SW for the wet season. The horizontal eddy viscosity and diffusivity were 1 m2/s. The values for vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity were computed with the k-e model. A minimum value for the vertical eddy diffusivity was set at 10-7 m2/s. For the vertical eddy viscosity, a minimum value was set at 5 x 10-5 m2/s.
7.5.12 The ambient environmental conditions were closely linked to the processes of water quality changes. Meteorological forcing including solar surface radiation and water temperature was defined in the model for water quality simulation. The model adopted monthly averaged values of solar surface radiation and water temperature. Solar radiation and water temperature were assumed to be constant over the entire domain of the model. Solar radiation is recorded only at King's Park station by Hong Kong Observatory. The monthly averaged solar radiation was calculated based on the hourly data recorded at this station. The average values of solar radiation adopted in the model were 132 W/m2 in the dry season and 237 W/m2 in the wet season.
7.5.13 The ambient water temperature was determined based on the EPD routine monitoring data collected within the Deep Bay WCZs from 1990 to 1999. The average water temperature values used in the water quality model were 17 °C in the dry season and 29 °C in the wet season.
Flow Aggregation
7.5.14 The water column in the vertical direction was divided into 10 layers for hydrodynamic simulation. Aggregation of the hydrodynamics was performed for water quality simulation to reduce the vertical resolution from 10 layers to 5 layers. The vertical distribution of the layers in the model for water quality simulation was 10%, 20%, 20%, 30% and 20% of the hydrodynamic layers from surface to bottom. This optimised the computational time and data storage without a significant influence on the quality of the modelling results. A 2x2 flow aggregation was also applied in the spatial level.
Initial and Open Boundary Conditions
7.5.15 The Deep Bay Model was linked to the Update Model, which was constructed, calibrated and verified under the Update on Cumulative Water Quality and Hydrological Effect of Coastal Development and Upgrading of Assessment Tool. Hydrodynamic computations were first carried out using the Update Model to provide open boundary conditions to the Deep Bay Model. A restart file from previous hydrodynamic computations was then used to provide initial conditions to the Update Model. The initial conditions for the Deep Bay Model were selected to be the same as those for the Update Model. This was done by using a utility program to map the information contained in the restart file of the Update Model to the restart file of the Deep Bay Model.
7.5.16 Open boundary conditions were transferred from the Update Model to the Deep Bay Model through a nesting process. Both the water level and velocity boundary definitions were defined in the Deep Bay Model. As the Update model covered the discharges from the major Pearl River estuaries, which include Humen Jiaomen, Hongqili, Hengmen, Muodaomen and Aimen, the influences on hydrodynamics due to the discharges from Pearl River estuaries were therefore incorporated into the Deep Bay Model.
7.5.17 Similarly, water quality simulation was first conducted using the Update Model to provide boundary conditions to the Deep Bay Model. The concentrations of various modelling parameters were defined at the open boundary of the Deep Bay Model for the dry and wet seasons. In order to start the water quality simulation from a more realistic condition, a spin-up period of two full spring-neap cycles were adopted for the first simulation period. After performing the spin-up, the influence from initial conditions would be subsided and would not affect the concentrations of the simulated parameters. The computed water quality conditions at end of the first simulation period were used as the initial conditions for the actual simulation.
7.5.18 The planned major reclamation projects outside of Deep Bay and within the Hong Kong side were incorporated into the Update Model for hydrodynamic simulation. These major reclamation projects included the Central and Wan Chai Reclamation, Yau Tong Bay Development, South East Kowloon Development, Penny's Bay Stages I and II Reclamation, Tuen Mun Area 38 Reclamation, Container Terminal No. 9 and Tseung Kwan O Reclamation. It is, however, considered that the influence to the open boundary conditions from these projects would not be significant due to the remote distance.
Model Outputs
7.5.19 The model runs covered the baseline and operational scenarios. Comparisons were made between the baseline scenario and the other scenarios to show the degree of influence due to the SWC project and the reclamation adjacent to the SWC landing point at Dongjiaotou.
7.5.20 Statistical analysis of hydrodynamic and water quality changes was conducted at representative indicator points in the study area. Some of the indicator points were located at the same locations as EPD marine water sampling stations (DM1, DM2, DM3, DM4 and DM5) as well as in the vicinity of the proposed SWC bridge alignment. The other indicator points represented the water quality sensitive receivers. The locations of the water quality sensitive receivers and EPD marine water sampling stations are shown in Figure 7.5. Figure 7.12 shows the locations of the indicator points near the proposed SWC bridge alignment.
7.5.21 The key water quality parameters assessed in this section using the Deep Bay Model included salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), E. coli, unionised ammonia (UIA) and total inorganic nitrogen (TIN). The Deep Bay Model had taken into account the interaction of the modelled parameters. The changes in the erosion and sedimentation patterns in Deep Bay were assessed using the model.
7.5.22 Mean depth-averaged results in the form of table, contour plot and time series plot for salinity, depth-averaged 90%ile DO, bottom 90%ile DO, SS, BOD, E. coli, UIA and TIN are presented in this section. All the key water quality parameters at the water quality sensitive receivers and EPD marine water sampling stations are summarised in tables for comparison with relevant criteria. The annual average results would be determined by averaging the dry and wet season results. The maximum, minimum and mean values of the concerned parameters are also presented. The modelling results would compare with the WQOs for marine waters of Deep Bay WCZ to check for compliance. For parameters that are not specified in the WQOs for the Deep Bay WCZ, the "Technical Report on Environmental Protection of Deep Bay and its Catchment, Appendix T, Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group, December 1992" would be used as a reference in assessing the water quality impacts due to the SWC project.
7.5.23 The contour plot showed the spatial distribution of the concerned parameters and covers all the indicator points selected for the assessment. Time series plots for the wet and dry season results for DO, SS, BOD, E. coli, UIA and TIN at indicator points including oyster beds near Lau Fau Shan, Pak Nai SSSI, EPD marine water sampling station DM4 and oyster beds at Shekou were generated for the different modelling scenarios.
7.5.24 For both the dry and wet season simulations, time-series plots for the computed current speeds and salinity were produced at the indicator points located in the vicinity of the SWC bridge alignment.
7.5.25 In order to address the potential impacts of the SWC project to the Inner Deep Bay Ramsar site, the average of water quality parameters in the areas within Sections 1 and 2 as shown in Figure 7.13 was assessed. The impacts in terms of percent deterioration of water quality for different modelling scenarios were determined to assess the water quality changes.
Pier Friction
7.5.26 The grid sizes of the Deep Bay Model would be larger than the pier sizes of the proposed SWC bridge. The Deep Bay Model was therefore used to assess the global impacts of the bridge piers. The present modelling exercise was based on the approach adopted in the Cross Border Link Study (Reference 3) for determination of the effect of bridge piers. The SWC bridge in the hydrodynamic simulation was represented by an additional quadratic friction term added to the momentum equations. The forces on the flow due to the piers were used to determine the energy loss. This approach was based on the previous work by Delft Hydraulics (References 4 - 8) to generate correct discharge through the bridge section without an explicit adjustment of the cross-sectional area.
7.5.27 The mathematical expressions for representation of pier friction were based on the Cross Border Link Study and the Delft3D-FLOW module developed by Delft Hydraulics. A quadratic friction term added to the momentum equations can be expressed in the form:
Friction loss in the x-direction = [Closs, u U |
| ] / D x (m/s2)
Friction loss in the y-direction = [Closs, v V |
| ] / D y (m/s2) (7.1)
Where: Closs, u and Closs, v are the loss coefficients in the x and y directions;
is the velocity vector (U, V), and U and V are the velocities in the x and y directions (m/s);
| is the magnitude of the velocity vector =
(m/s); and
D x and D y are the grid distances in the x and y directions (m).
7.5.28 Assuming that the piles for each bridge pier are not in the shadow of each other, the total force exerted on the vertical section (Dz) for n numbers of piles can be expressed as:
Drag force on a pile in the x-direction: Fu = n Cd1/2 r D Ue |
| D z (N)
Drag force on a pile in the y-direction: Fv = n Cd1/2 r D Ve |
| D z (N) (7.2)
Where: n is the number of piles in the control grid cell;
Cd is the drag coefficient;
r is the density of water (kg/m3);
is the effective approach velocity vector (Ue, Ve), and Ue and Ve are the
effective approach velocities in the x and y directions (m/s);
| is the magnitude of the effective approach velocity vector =
D is the diameter of the pile (m); and
D z is the length of the vertical section (m).
7.5.29 The effective approach velocity can be calculated using the wet area as seen in the flow direction and is expressed as:
Effective approach velocity
× [AT / Ae ] =
× a (7.3)
Where: AT is the total cross-sectional area (m2);
Ae is the effective wet cross sectional area and is equal to the difference between
the total cross-sectional area (At) and the area blocked by the pile (m2); and
a is the ratio of the total area to the effective area.
7.5.30 The total friction loss terms in the x and y directions can be determined by the forces per unit mass in the control volume (= r Dx Dy Dz) and can be expressed as:
Total friction loss in the x-direction = n Cd1/2 D Ue |
| / (D x D y)
Total friction loss in the y-direction = n Cd1/2 D Ve |
| / (D x D y) (7.4)
7.5.31 Combining Equation (7.1) and Equation (7.4), the loss coefficients for n numbers of piles in the x and y directions are:
Loss coefficient in the x direction Closs, u = [n Cd1/2 D a2] / D y
Loss coefficient in the x direction Closs, v = [n Cd1/2 D a2] / D x (7.5)
7.5.32 The SWC bridge pier spacing for typical span is 75m and the length of the bridge section at the southern navigation channel (main span) is about 309m (210m + 99m). For the Hong Kong section, the cross-section of bridge piers for typical spans is 6m x 2.5m of elliptical shape, while some piers with expansion joint is 6m x 4.5m. The pile caps for typical span would be submerged below the seabed and the pile caps for the main navigational span has been designed to be above water surface with ship protection dolphins provided to protect the piers of the main span in case of ship impact.
7.5.33 For the Mainland section, the pile caps typical with diameter of 10.6 m would be placed in the water column. The length of the bridge section at the northern navigation channel is 274m (180m + 94m). Figure 7.14 shows the general arrangement of the main spans and sizes of pile caps.
7.5.34 Different typical spans (50m, 100m and 200m) were also considered at the early stage of the Project. Loss coefficients due to the SWC bridge piers (operational stage) were calculated based on Equations (7.1) - (7.5) and are summarised in Table 7.10.
Table 7.10 Loss Coefficient for Typical and Main Spans
Configuration |
Loss Coefficient |
Hong Kong Side |
Shenzhen Side |
Typical Span |
50m |
Pier with movable joint and fixed pier: |
0.10 |
0.34 |
Pier with expansion joint: |
0.15 |
75m |
Pier with movable joint and fixed pier: |
0.06 |
0.19 |
Pier with expansion joint: |
0.09 |
100m |
Pier with movable joint and fixed pier: |
0.05 |
0.13 |
Pier with expansion joint: |
0.07 |
200m |
Pier with movable joint and fixed pier: |
0.02 |
0.06 |
Pier with expansion joint: |
0.03 |
Main Span |
0.15 |
0.15 |
1. The loss coefficients were calculated based on bridge configuration shown in
Figures 7.14, 7.15, 7.16 and 7.17; and
2. It was assumed that the dimensions of bridge piers for different typical
spans (50m, 75m, 100m and 200m) were similar and were based on the configuration
of 75m span. The same pier configuration used for different spans was to show
the effect due to the changes in span length only.
7.5.35 During the bridge pier construction period, cofferdam for typical bridge pier with a size of 10x10m would be installed at each pier site. The size of cofferdam is larger than the normal size of the bridge pier (6m x 2.5m) and pile cap (8.5m x 8.5m). The loss coefficient for a typical bridge pier with cofferdam was calculated to be 0.2.
Pollution Loading
7.5.36 The pollution loading inventory used in the water quality modelling is provided in Tables 7.11 and 7.12 for dry season and wet season respectively. Full details of the pollution loading inventory were presented in the Revised Report on Water Quality Model Input Data and Model Methodology. Figure 7.4 shows the locations of the discharge points in Deep Bay.
Table 7.11 Pollution Loading for Dry Season
Discharge Location |
BOD kg/d |
SS Kg/d |
Org-N kg/d |
NH3-N kg/d |
E.coli no./d |
Copper kg/d |
TP kg/d |
Ortho-P kg/d |
Silicate kg/d |
TON kg/d |
Shenzhen River |
91889 |
66175 |
5842 |
6840 |
2.80E+16 |
90 |
3008 |
2164 |
3897 |
15475 |
Dasha River |
5333 |
5414 |
425 |
611 |
5.31E+15 |
0 |
163 |
97 |
24 |
174 |
Xin Zhou River |
17301 |
17283 |
1387 |
2017 |
1.75E+16 |
0 |
537 |
319 |
33 |
565 |
Shekou |
5333 |
5414 |
425 |
611 |
5.31E+15 |
0 |
163 |
97 |
24 |
174 |
Jinxiu Zhonghua |
49835 |
41701 |
3679 |
5095 |
3.69E+16 |
21 |
1615 |
1056 |
660 |
4618 |
Nanshan |
5333 |
5414 |
425 |
611 |
5.31E+15 |
0 |
163 |
97 |
24 |
174 |
Chiwan |
28198 |
16198 |
1821 |
2302 |
8.29E+15 |
29 |
1047 |
780 |
934 |
5527 |
Tin Shui Wai |
1398 |
1782 |
132 |
155 |
2.22E+15 |
0.23 |
57.28 |
19.66 |
63 |
0.80 |
Yuen Long |
2097 |
2532 |
191 |
224 |
2.97E+15 |
0.34 |
77.92 |
29.49 |
94 |
1.19 |
Southwest Catchment |
273 |
342 |
25 |
31 |
4.20E+14 |
0.04 |
11 |
4 |
12 |
0.16 |
206987 |
162257 |
14351 |
18498 |
1.12E+17 |
141 |
6843 |
4662 |
5767 |
26711 |
Table 7.12 Pollution Loading for Wet Season
Discharge Location |
BOD kg/d |
SS Kg/d |
Org-N kg/d |
NH3-N kg/d |
E.coli no./d |
Copper kg/d |
TP kg/d |
Ortho-P kg/d |
Silicate kg/d |
TON kg/d |
Shenzhen River |
97938 |
77817 |
6164 |
6844 |
2.80E+16 |
94 |
3062 |
2176 |
4779 |
15582 |
Dasha River |
9085 |
12634 |
625 |
645 |
5.31E+15 |
2 |
197 |
103 |
572 |
241 |
Xin Zhou River |
22495 |
27275 |
1664 |
2064 |
1.75E+16 |
2 |
583 |
328 |
791 |
657 |
Shekou |
9085 |
12634 |
625 |
645 |
5.31E+15 |
2 |
197 |
103 |
572 |
241 |
Jinxiu Zhonghua |
60221 |
61684 |
4233 |
5188 |
3.69E+16 |
26 |
1707 |
1075 |
2175 |
4803 |
Nanshan |
9085 |
12634 |
625 |
645 |
5.31E+15 |
2 |
197 |
103 |
572 |
241 |
Chiwan |
31950 |
23418 |
2021 |
2336 |
8.29E+15 |
30 |
1080 |
787 |
1482 |
5594 |
Tin Shui Wai |
3339 |
5519 |
236 |
156 |
2.22E+15 |
2 |
75 |
23 |
346 |
35 |
Yuen Long |
5009 |
8137 |
346 |
226 |
2.97E+15 |
2 |
104 |
35 |
519 |
53 |
Southwest Catchment |
651 |
1071 |
45 |
31 |
4.20E+14 |
0 |
15 |
5 |
67 |
7 |
248860 |
242823 |
16585 |
18779 |
1.12E+17 |
162 |
7216 |
4738 |
11874 |
27455 |
7.5.37 For the discharge points outside the study area, the water quality simulation using the Update Model was based on the pollution loading inventory compiled under Agreement No. CE28/99 Review of North District and Tolo Harbour Sewerage Master Plans to provide the pollution load data at those discharge points.
Modelling Scenarios
7.5.38 The reclamation layout on the Shenzhen side was based on the latest information provided by the Mainland authorities during the meeting on 26 Feb 2002. A circular viaduct section immediately south of the landing point located mainly within the seawater was included in the latest reclamation layout. However, the final layout of the landing point at Dongjiaotou has not been finalised by the Mainland authorities at this stage. The inclusion of circular viaduct represents the possible worst-case scenario. For the case without the circular viaduct section, the potential impacts on hydrodynamics and water quality would be less significant than the worst-case scenario. The water quality modelling scenarios adopted in the water quality impact assessment had taken into account the latest reclamation layout and are listed as follows:
Scenario 1: |
Existing baseline scenario (existing coastline configuration without SWC reclamation and without SWC bridge) – Year 2002 See Figure 7.8 |
Scenario 2: |
Baseline scenario before commencement of the SWC bridge construction (with the latest SWC reclamation layout and without SWC bridge) – Year 2003 See Figure 7.9 |
Scenario 3: |
Operational scenario (with the latest SWC reclamation layout and with SWC bridge) with the circular viaduct section – End of 2005 See Figure 7.10 |
Scenario 4: |
Future scenario for unconfirmed reclamation (including other reclamation sites adjacent to the SWC reclamation) with the circular viaduct section – Year 2010 See Figure 7.11 |
7.5.39 Scenario 1 is to represent the existing baseline conditions in Deep Bay and is used to provide a basis for comparison with the other scenarios. Scenario 2 represents the conditions only with the SWC reclamation at Dongjiaotou and without the SWC bridge. Scenario 3 is the operational scenario representing the conditions with the SWC reclamation and the SWC bridge (including the circular viaduct section). The purpose of including Scenario 4 is to project the future development in Deep Bay by the Shenzhen side. There is no confirmed programme for the estimated reclamation included in Scenario 4 and the reclamation is not associated with the SWC project.
7.5.40 Comparisons of Scenarios 2 to 4 with Scenario 1 (baseline scenario) were made in this section to show changes in hydrodynamic and water quality conditions due to the presence of the SWC bridge and the reclamation sites. The cases with and without the SWC bridge were also compared to show the reduction in accumulated fluxes or flushing capacity through the bridge alignment.
7.5.41 The pollution loading inventory compiled under this Study mainly focuses on the future scenarios after the completion of the SWC bridge. There would be variation in actual pollution loads entering Deep Bay in different years. The pollution loads would increase due to the increases in population and urbanisation in the Deep Bay area. A conservative approach was taken to apply the pollution loads for 2010 to all the modelling scenarios. This approach provided a clear picture of the water quality changes when making comparisons between different scenarios.
Sediment Quality
7.5.42 The guidelines specified in the WBTC No. 3/2000 are adopted for assessment of dredging and disposal of sediment for the SWC project. As specified in the WBTC No. 3/2000, sediments are classified into three categories based on their contaminant levels with reference to the Chemical Exceedance Levels (CEL). The classification is defined as follows:
· Category L - Sediment with all contaminant levels not
exceeding the Lower Chemical Exceedance Level (LCEL). The material must be
dredged, transported and disposed of in a manner, which minimizes the loss of
contaminants either into solution or by resuspension.
· Category M - Sediment with any one or more contaminant levels exceeding the
Lower Chemical Exceedance Level (LCEL) and none exceeding the Upper Chemical
Exceedance Level (UCEL). The material must be dredged and transported with care,
and must be effectively isolated from the environment upon the final disposal
unless appropriate biological tests demonstrate that the material will not
adversely affect the marine environment.
· Category H - Sediment with any one or more contaminant levels exceeding the
Upper Chemical Exceedance Level (UCEL). The material must be dredged and
transported with great care, and must be effectively isolated from the
environment upon the final disposal.
7.5.43 The sediment quality criteria for the classification of sediment are shown in Table 7.13. Sediment can be classified into Category L, Category M or Category H material after carrying out Tier II screening test. There are three types of disposal options: Types 1, 2 and 3 represent open sea disposal, confined marine disposal and special treatment/disposal respectively. Category L material is suitable for open sea disposal. Tier III screening test is required to determine the disposal option (Type 1 open sea disposal (dedicated sites) or Type 2 confined marine disposal) for Category M material. For Category H material with one or more contaminant levels 10 times higher than the LCEL, Tier III screening test (dilution test) is required to determine whether the sediment is suitable for Type 2 confined marine disposal or Type 3 special treatment/disposal. If contaminant levels are lower than 10 x LCEL, Type 2 confined marine disposal should be adopted.
7.5.44 Depending on the results of the sediment chemical
quality, biological tests may need to be conducted to determine the disposal
option if Category M or Category H sediments are identified. Biological tests
consist of the following items:
· A 10-day burrowing amphipod toxicity test (for Category M sediment)
· A 20-day burrowing polychaete toxicity test (for Category M sediment)
· A 48-96 hour larvae (bivalve or echinoderm) toxicity test (for Category M
· Dilution test of the above 3 toxicity tests (for Category H sediment with one
or more contaminant levels exceeding 10 times Lower Chemical Exceedance Level)
7.5.45 Table 7.14 details the test endpoints and failure criteria of the three toxicity tests. The biological test is deemed to have failed if any one of the three toxicity tests (10-day burrowing amphipod toxicity, 20-day burrowing polychaete toxicity and 48-96 hour larvae toxicity) is failed.
7.5.46 Reference sample should also be collected to use as control sediment in the biological tests.
Table 7.13 Sediment Quality Criteria for the Classification of Sediment
(WBTC No. 3/2000)
Contaminants |
Lower Chemical Exceedance Level (LCEL) |
Upper Chemical Exceedance Level (UCEL) |
Metals (mg/kg dry wt.) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Copper (Cu) Mercury (Hg) Nickel (Ni) Note 1 Lead (Pb) Silver (Ag) Zinc (Zn)
1.5 80 65 0.5 40 75 1 200 |
4 160 110 1 40 110 2 270 |
Metalloid (mg/kg dry wt.) Arsenic (As)
12 |
42 |
Organic-PAHs (m g/kg dry wt.) Low Molecular Weight PAHs High Molecular Weight PAHs |
550 1700 |
3160 9600 |
Organic-non-PAHs (m g/kg dry wt.) Total PCBs |
23 |
180 |
Organometallics (m g TBT/L in Interstitial water) Tributyltin1 |
0.15 |
0.15 |
1. The contaminant level is considered to have exceeded the UCEL if it is
greater than the value shown.
Table 7.14 Test endpoints and decision criteria for Tier III
biological screening
Toxicity test |
Endpoints measured |
Failure criteria |
10-day amphipod |
Survival |
Mean survival in test sediment is significantly different (p £ 0.05)1 from mean survival in reference sediment and mean survival in test sediment < 80% of mean survival in reference sediment. |
20-day polychaete worm |
Dry Weight2 |
Mean dry weight in test sediment is significantly different (p £ 0.05)1 from mean dry weight in reference sediment and mean dry weight in test sediment < 90% of mean dry weight in reference sediment. |
48-96 hour larvae (bivalve or echinoderm) |
Normality Survival3 |
Mean normality survival in test sediment is significantly different (p £ 0.05)1 from mean normality survival in reference sediment and mean normality survival in test sediment < 80% of mean normality survival in reference sediment. |
1. Statistically significant differences should be determined using appropriate
two-sample comparisons (e.g., t-tests) at a probability of p£0.05.
2. Dry weight means total dry weight after deducting dead and missing worms.
3. Normality survival integrates the normality and survival end points, and
measures survival of only the normal larvae relative to the starting number.
7.5.47 Site Investigation (SI) was conducted to identify the sediment quality in the study area. Vibrocore and grab sediment samples were collected during the SI for analysis of sediment quality. Sediment samples were collected using vibrocoring. Vibrocoring was conducted along both the north alignment (D1 to D6 in total 6 nos.) and the south alignment (D7 and D8 in total 2 nos.), as shown in Figure 7.18. The sampling depth was the depth of the unconsolidated mud layer. The vibrocore penetrated into the base of the marine deposits until the more compact consolidated sand layer is encountered. This was distinguished by the different penetration rates of the two different layers during vibrocoring. The sediment depth was checked by visual observation of the collected vibrocore samples.
7.5.48 The numbers of vibrocore samples collected at each location are detailed as follows:
![]() | Sampling depth less than 5 m – 3 samples (upper, middle and bottom) with 1 m respectively at the top 1-m layer, middle 1-m layer and bottom 1-m layer of each vibrocore sample |
![]() | Sampling depth between 5 m and 10 m – 1 sample (middle 1-m layer) |
![]() | Sampling depth between 10 m and 20 m – 1 sample (middle 1-m layer) |
![]() | Sampling depth between 20 m and 30 m – 1 sample (middle 1-m layer) |
![]() | Sampling depth between 30 m and 40 m – 1 sample (middle 1-m layer) |
7.5.49 Grab samples of the upper deposits were also collected at locations (A1 to A16 and D1 to D8). Figure 7.19 shows the sampling locations for grab samples. The grab sediment samples collected at A1 to A16 were taken for analysis of the parameters as specified in the WBTC No. 3/2000 including heavy metals, metalloid and organic micro-pollutants. Elutriate tests were also conducted for these sediment samples to estimate the release of contaminants during the dredging activities of the SWC project. The grab sediment samples collected at D1 to D8 were used for the elutriate tests only.
7.5.50 Reference sediment (surface grab) was collected at the same time as sampling for vibrocore samples for biological testing. The location of the reference sediment was the location PS6 in Port Shelter.
7.5.51 The collected vibrocore samples (D1 to D8), surface grab samples (A1 to A16) and reference sediment sample (at location PS6) were analysed for:
· 9 heavy metals and metalloid including cadmium, chromium,
copper, mercury, nickel, lead, zinc, silver and arsenic;
· 3 organic micro-pollutants including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB),
polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and tributyl tin (TBT in interstitial water).
7.5.52 Analytical methods in accordance with the Standards Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater by APHA and relevant testing methods (e.g. USEPA) were adopted in analyzing the above listed parameters.
7.5.53 Elutriate tests were also conducted on the surface
grab samples (samples collected at A1 to A16 and D1 to D8) to simulate the
release of pollutants during dredging operation. The surface grab samples for
elutriate tests were analysed for:
· 9 heavy metals and metalloid including cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury,
nickel, lead, zinc, silver and arsenic
· 3 organic micro-pollutants including PCB, PAH, and TBT
· TKN, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, total phosphorus and chlorinated
7.5.54 After chemical testing, the categories of sediment
were determined based on WBTC No. 3/2000. Biological tests were conducted due
to some of the sediment samples being classified as Category M material. There
was no Category H sediment with contaminant levels exceeding 10 x LCEL.
Dilution test was not required. The biological tests were conducted on
composite samples. According to the WBTC No. 3/2000, composite samples could
be prepared by mixing up to 5 samples of the same category (M or H), which are
continuous in vertical or horizontal profile. The method for sediment mixing
for the biological testing was discussed with EPD. Composite samples and the
reference sediment sample were analysed for:
· A 10-day burrowing amphipod toxicity test (for Category M sediment)
· A 20-day burrowing polychaete toxicity test (for Category M sediment)
· A 48-96 hour larvae (bivalve or echinoderm) toxicity test (for Category M
Sediment Dredging
7.5.55 Based on the preliminary design, the SWC bridge decks and piers are supported by bored pile foundation. Cofferdams would be installed for pile cap construction. No release of sediment is normally expected according to the proposed construction method. However, a sensitivity test is included to address the worst-case scenario should there be any release during the course of construction.
7.5.56 Delft3D-WAQ module was used to model dispersion of sediment during dredging. The hydrodynamic conditions generated from the Deep Bay Model provided basic hydrodynamic information for modelling of sediment plume dispersion. The processes of settling of sediment particles and exchange of sediment particles between the water column and the seabed govern the sediment transport. Sediment deposition and erosion occur when the bed shear stress is below or above the critical shear stress. The deposition rate and erosion rate can be calculated using the following equations:
(1) Bed Shear Stress (t) < Critical Shear Stress for
Deposition (td = 0.05 Pascal)
Deposition rate = Vs Cb (1 - t / td)
Where: Vs = settling velocity (= 1 mm/s); and Cb = bottom
layer SS concentration
(2) Bed Shear Stress (t) > Critical Shear Stress for Erosion (te = 0.4
Erosion rate = Re (t / te - 1)
Where: Re = erosion coefficient (= 0.0002 kg/m2/s).
(1) Bridge Pier Construction Within the Hong Kong Waters
7.5.57 The most common grab size in the Hong Kong fleet is 8 m3 in capacity. A 8 m3 closed grab was therefore used to determine the sediment loss rate for each dredger during the dredging operation. It was assumed that dredging would be carried out between 0700 and 1900 each day with a total working period of 12 hours a day. There would be 6 working days per week. Dredging is assumed to be continuous and dredging would take place in the dry and wet seasons. The hourly production rate for sediment dredging using a grab dredger of 8 m3 capacity adopted in the Kellett Bank Study (Reference 9) was 208.3m3/hr. The same hourly production rate was also used in this Study.
7.5.58 A typical value of the dry density of marine mud is 1,340 kg/m3. The sediment loss rate is related to water depth, current speed and sediment characteristics. The Kellett Bank Study also recommended a sediment loss rate of 25 kg/m3 for modelling the grab dredging operations. This value takes into account the occasional failure to close the grab. The calculated sediment loss rate for the hourly production rate of 208.3m3/hr is 1,447 g/s per dredger. Assuming a 5% loss of the dredged sediment during the transfer of the sediment from the dredging point to the barge, the estimate sediment loss rate for each dredger was calculated to be 72 g/s.
7.5.59 The elutriate tests conducted in the SI provided information on the release of contaminants from the marine mud during dredging operation. An inactive tracer was defined in the model at a point corresponding to the dredging location to determine the dilution in the vicinity of the dredging site. The dilution information was then used to determine the decreases in concentrations of the concerned parameters and to evaluate the potential impacts to the aquatic environment.
(2) Reclamation on the Shenzhen Side
7.5.60 Reclamation will be carried out to provide additional land for the landing point at Dongjiaotou in Shenzhen. The potential cumulative water quality impacts from reclamation at Dongjiaotou are included in the assessment. The reclamation area is approximately 153 ha. Assuming an average water depth of 1.5m, the total volume of the reclaimed land is 229.5 x 104 m3 not including the reclamation above the sea level. The duration for the filling activities is about 1 year. In order to take into account the variability of the filling activities, a "peaking factor" of 2 is included in the estimation of filling rate. The factored volume is therefore 459 x 104 m3. It is further assumed that "unprocessed" public fill material would be used for reclamation. In Hong Kong, percentage of fines for "unprocessed" public fill material would be up to 40 %. This percentage is included in the estimation of the sediment loss rate for filling.
7.5.61 The calculation of sediment loss rate for filling is detailed below:
Factored volume of reclamation = 459 x 104 m3
Working rate of reclamation = 459 x 104 m3 / 1 year (52 weeks) = 88,270
Working hour = 16 hours a day (7am to 11pm)
Working day = 7 days a week
Bulk density = 2000 kg/m3
Fine portion = 40%
Portion of fine lost during filling = 5%
Release rate of fine portion = 88,270 m3/week x 2000 kg/m3 x 40% = 175 kg/s
Sediment loss rate for filling = 175 kg/s x 5% = 8.75 kg/s
7.5.62 Since the filling activities would be carried out behind seawall, the release of sediment may only occur if there were leakage from seawall boundary. It is therefore considered that the sediment loss rate during the reclamation period would be much lower than the average sediment loss rate of 8.75 kg/s. A conservative approach was made to assume that there would be 15% of the sediment loss through the seawall. The sediment loss rate would be 1,313 g/s. This value was used in the model runs to assess the impacts from reclamation at Dongjiaotou.
7.5.63 The modelling cases to assess the potential water quality impacts arising from dredging and filling include:
· Case D1: Bridge pier construction (dredging) within the
Hong Kong waters
· Case D2: Bridge pier construction (dredging) within the Hong Kong waters
and reclamation at Dongjiaotou (filling)
· Case D3: Bridge pier construction (dredging) on both the Hong Kong and
Mainland sides and reclamation at Dongjiaotou (filling)
7.5.64 To consider the worst-case scenario, there would be 8 pairs of pier sites (16 discharge points) under construction along the SWC alignment within the Hong Kong waters. All the discharge points were located near the shoreline at Ngau Hom Shek such that the impacts to the nearby water sensitive receivers are potentially higher. It was assumed that 5 pairs of pier sites (10 discharge points) of the SWC section within the Mainland boundary would be constructed simultaneously. The sediment loss rate for dredging was assumed to be the same as that for bridge pier construction within the Hong Kong waters, i.e 72 g/s. The impacts on the water sensitive receivers in Hong Kong are a concern. All the discharge points were therefore allocated close to the borderline. For the landing point reclamation, the discharge point was allocated at the southern edge of the reclamation site. Figure 7.20 shows the discharge locations.
7.6 Identification of Environmental Impact
7.6.1 The potential water quality impacts arising from the construction phase of the SWC project would include:
· Construction site runoff and wastewater from general
construction activities and bored piling work;
· Sewage from workforce;
· Accidental spillage of chemicals on site;
· Sediment dredging along the SWC alignment and sediment disposal;
· Sediment dredging at Mai Po and sediment disposal; and
· Changes in hydrodynamic conditions during the bridge pier construction
7.6.2 Construction projects, which would be carried out concurrently with the SWC project, in the vicinity of the SWC project site may generate cumulative construction impacts. These projects and cumulative impacts are identified and addressed in the next section.
7.6.3 The potential water quality impacts arising from the
operational phase of the SWC project include:
· Changes in hydrodynamic conditions;
· Changes in water quality conditions;
· Changes in sedimentation and erosion patterns in Deep Bay;
· Accidental spillage of chemicals during accidents; and
· Road runoff from the SWC bridge.
7.7 Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
Construction Phase
Construction Site Runoff and Wastewater from General
Construction Activities and Bored Piling Work
Ngau Hom Shek and SWC Alignment
7.7.1 The works area for SWC would be located near the landing point of Ngau Hom Shek. Figure 7.21 shows the boundary of works area at Ngau Hom Shek. This works area is within the DBL project limit. Most of the permanent works for the SWC bridge would be located offshore with certain activities to be carried out on land within the works area and along the access roads. During the construction stage, a temporary access bridge (see Figure 2.7) would be installed in between the bridge piers of the southbound carriageway and the northbound carriageway to provide access to the pier sites.
7.7.2 Preparation of the works area may increase exposed topsoil. During a rainstorm, site runoff would be generated washing away the soil particles. The runoff is generally characterised by high concentrations of suspended solids. Release of uncontrolled site runoff would increase the SS levels and turbidity in the water near Ngau Hom Shek. Tidal currents would disperse the turbid water along the coastline in Deep Bay causing visual nuisance and hazards to the aquatic life.
7.7.3 Wind blown dust would be generated from exposed soil surface in the works area. Due to the close proximity to the Deep Bay waters, it is possible that wind blown dust would fall directly onto the nearshore water when a strong wind occurs. Dispersion of dust within the works area may increase the SS levels in surface runoff causing a potential impact to the nearby water bodies such as the Deep Bay waters and the nearby stream courses.
7.7.4 Various types of construction activities to be involved in the SWC bridge construction may generate wastewater. The activities include bored pile construction, excavation and filling, general cleaning and polishing, wheel washing, dust suppression, utility installation and upgrading of Fung Kong Tsuen Road to provide access to the works area. These types of wastewater contain high concentrations of suspended solids.
7.7.5 Bored pile foundation would be constructed to support the bridge piers and decks. The construction works involve excavation and cleaning of foundation. A casing is first driven into the marine sediment layer before the excavation of marine sediment inside the casing. Sediment dredging and washing of foundation are carried out within the casing. The wastewater generated from the bored piling works contains high concentrations of suspended solids. A submersible pump would be placed inside the casing to pump out the wastewater to a settling tank for removal of suspended solids. The water in the settling tank would then be reused in the foundation cleaning process.
7.7.6 Depending on the locations of the bored piling sites, the piling works would be carried out in a slightly different manner. In this project, the bored piling sites would be located within the works area at Ngau Hom Shek, in the shallow water region and in the deep water region.
7.7.7 The bored pile foundation to be constructed within the works area would be carried out from a land-based operation. Any uncontrolled release of wastewater generated from the bored piling works in this area may enter the small stream course at Ngau Hom Shek. The mangroves and mudflat near the outlet of the stream may be affected by the sediment-laden wastewater if no mitigation measures were to be undertaken.
7.7.8 A temporary bridge of about 1.8 km located between the northbound alignment and the southbound alignment would be constructed in the shallow water region. The temporary bridge would be branched off and extended to the pier locations. Piling equipment is placed on the extended section of the temporary bridge to carry out the piling works. During low tides, part of this shallow water region is exposed to the atmosphere providing feeding ground to birds. Discharges of untreated wastewater in this region would enter the mudflat or the seawater affecting the birds feeding in mudflat and the aquatic organisms.
7.7.9 Beyond the 1.8 km shallow water region, bored piling works would be carried out from a barge-based operation. The barge equipped with piling equipment is moved to the pier location for carrying out the bored pile construction at sea. Discharges from the bored piling sites in this deep water region would directly enter the seawater leading to water pollution. Sediment plume would be generated and dispersed away from the bored piling sites increasing the turbidity and SS levels in the region. The aquatic organisms would be affected.
7.7.10 Good working practices would avoid releasing the wastewater into the surrounding seawater or mudflat. Should any discharges from the bored piling sites be required, a suitable wastewater treatment system needs to be provided to avoid water pollution and to minimize any harmful effect on mudflat. A discharge licence should be applied from EPD for effluent discharge from the sites. Effluent quality should be in compliance with the requirements specified in the discharge licence.
7.7.11 Excavation and filling activities generate stockpiles of excavated soils. Site runoff would carry the soil particles to the nearby stream courses and the nearshore water. Good site practices should be implemented to handle and treat the excavated soils and fill materials on site.
7.7.12 Washing of concrete lorry on site generates wastewater with elevated pH values and the wastewater should be properly treated.
Lung Kwu Sheung Tan
7.7.13 A barging point at Lung Kwu Sheung Tan has been allocated for casting yard and storage. It would also be used as a precasting yard with concrete batching operations for the SWC project. This site would not involve any bored piling activities. A large amount of concrete would be processed in this area. Cement is alkaline in nature. Washing of concrete mixers generates wastewater, which contains waste concrete particles and has a high pH value. Release of the concrete washings with a high pH value into the seawater may increase the level of unionized ammonia, which is highly toxic to aquatic organisms, in the receiving water. This causes ecological impacts to the surrounding environment. Therefore, concrete washings should be properly collected and treated before final discharge.
7.7.14 Site runoff generated from the precasting yard and concrete batching plant may contain waste concrete and would enter drains and the seawater adjacent to the site. Direct discharges of site runoff may cause impacts on water quality and ecology in the receiving water body. Suitable mitigation measures should be implemented on site to minimize the water quality and ecological impacts associated with the precasting and concreting activities at Lung Kwu Sheung Tan.
Sewage from Workforce
7.7.15 The presence of workforce for the construction of SWC bridge generates sewage. Sewage discharge is subject to control and illegal discharge of untreated sewage would not be acceptable and would affect the water quality in Deep Bay. Provision of suitable sewage collection facilities on site could avoid the sewage pollution problem. It is anticipated that sewage from workforce would not cause water pollution to the Deep Bay waters.
7.7.16 The Mainland EIA Report on the SWC Reclamation and Foundation Treatment Engineering indicated that the workforce for construction of the landing point on the Shenzhen side would be about 500 persons and the volume of domestic sewage to be produced was about 100 m3/day. The sewage would be discharged to foul sewer network. In case where this option is not feasible, the sewage would be treated and discharged to Deep Bay. The quality of treated effluent reported in the Mainland EIA was: 130 mg/L ³ COD, 30 mg/L ³ BOD5, 20 mg/L ³ NH3-N and 100 mg/L ³ SS. These pollution loads were included in the water quality model to assess the impacts from the sewage discharge at the reclamation site. The final stage of the bridge pier construction period was considered as a worst situation. It was therefore assumed that all the bridge piers were near completion and were placed in the seawater along the bridge alignment. It was further assumed that the treated effluent would be discharged at the outer edge of the reclamation site.
7.7.17 The predicted annual depth-averaged DO, BOD5, SS, UIA, TIN and E. coli levels at the nearest indicator point "I" (oyster beds at Shekou) were 4.83mg/L, 1.61mg/L, 25.4mg/L, 0.059mg/L, 1.46mg/L and 3286count/100mL respectively. There were no significant variations in water quality conditions when compared to the case without the sewage discharge (DO = 4.85mg/L, BOD5 = 1.61mg/L, SS = 26.4, UIA = 0.06mg/L, TIN = 1.50mg/L and E. coli = 3184 count/100mL). Based on the model predictions, discharge of treated effluent from the reclamation site is not likely to cause unacceptable water quality problems during the construction period.
Accidental Spillage of Chemicals on Site
7.7.18 There would be a large variety of chemicals to be used for carrying out construction activities. These may include surplus adhesives, spent paints, petroleum products, spent lubrication oil, grease and mineral oil, spent acid and alkaline solutions/solvent and other chemicals.
7.7.19 Accidental spillage of chemicals in the works area would contaminate the surface soils. The contaminated soil particles may be washed away by construction site runoff or storm runoff causing water pollution. Accidental spillage of chemicals on the bridge sections may directly affect the aquatic environment in Deep Bay. It is recommended that the Contractor should develop an emergency plan to deal with chemical spillage in case of an accident.
7.7.20 It is required to register as a chemical waste producer if chemical wastes are produced from the construction activities. The Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) and its subsidiary regulations in particular the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation should be observed and complied with for control of chemical wastes.
Sediment Dredging along the SWC Alignment and Sediment Disposal
7.7.21 Dredging would cause disturbance to the seabed. Release of marine mud and contaminants may affect the water quality in Deep Bay. The key concern of the bridge construction is sediment dredging along the bridge alignment. Marine sediment would be excavated during the construction of piles and pile caps at the pier locations. During the critical construction period, there would be 8 pair of pier sites under construction at the same time. These pier sites would be located in the mudflat, inter-tidal and sub-tidal regions. For the case of unconfined dredging, the potential impacts to the surrounding water may be significant.
7.7.22 Sediment samples were collected and analysed in the SI to determine the sediment quality in the study area. Figures 7.19 and 7.18 show the sampling locations of grab samples and vibrocore samples. Laboratory analysis of the sediment samples included the parameters of cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, silver, zinc, arsenic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and tributyltin (TBT). All the chemical test results are summarized in Table 7.15.
7.7.23 At the early stage of the Project, vibrocore samples (D1 to D8) were collected along both the south alignment (D7 and D8) and the north alignment (D1 to D6). Since the s-curve (north) alignment has been selected as the preferred option, the results for vibrocore samples collected at D1 to D6 are considered more relevant in this assessment. A comparison of the vibrocore samples collected along the south and north alignments is shown in Table 7.16.
7.7.24 The laboratory results for the vibrocore samples collected at D1 to D6 showed that only arsenic levels at D3 were higher than LCEL and the sediment was classified as Category M material according to WBTC No. 3/2000. The maximum arsenic level at D3 was 14 mg/kg and was detected at the lowest sampling depth of 3.90 - 5.10 m. The arsenic levels at this location were also found to be high in both the upper and lower sediment layers. The levels of other heavy metals namely cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc and silver were all below LCELs. The measured concentrations ranged from < 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg for cadmium, 14 to 37 mg/kg for chromium, 3.1 to 25 mg/kg for copper, 2.8 - 23 mg/kg for nickel, 14 to 49 mg/kg for lead, 8.9 to 70 mg/kg for zinc, and < 0.1 to 0.1 mg/kg for silver. The levels of mercury, PAHs, PCBs and TBT were lower than the detection limits and below the LCELs. There were no vibrocore samples classified as Category H material. Except the sediment at D3 was classified as Category M material, the other 5 sediment samples at D1, D2, D4 - D6 were classified as Category L material. The contaminant levels of the vibrocore samples collected along the proposed s-curve alignment were low.
7.7.25 For the vibrocore samples collected at D7 and D8, the measured concentrations ranged from < 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg for cadmium, 1.4 to 22 mg/kg for chromium, 1.4 to 14 mg/kg for copper, 0.8 - 15 mg/kg for nickel, 3.6 to 35 mg/kg for lead, 4.5 to 82 mg/kg for zinc and 1.9 - 12 mg/kg for arsenic. Mercury and silver were below detection limits of 0.05 mg/kg and 0.1 mg/kg respectively. The vibrocore samples collected at D7 and D8 were all classified as Category L material.
7.7.26 The total numbers of vibrocore samples collected along the north alignment (6 nos.) were more than those collected along the south alignment (2 nos.). From the SI results, no Category H material on both the alignments was detected. The sediment quality along the two alignments was generally low in contaminant level. Most of the vibrocore samples collected along the north alignment were Category L material, except that Category M material was found at D3. The measured arsenic levels at D3 (9.5 - 14 mg/kg) slightly exceeded the LCEL (> 12 mg/kg). All the vibrocore samples collected along the south alignment were Category L material but the arsenic levels measured at D8 (7.8 - 12 mg/kg) nearly exceeded the LCEL. The cadmium, mercury, silver, PAH, PCB and TBT levels in the sediment samples collected along the two alignments were rather consistent. The levels of chromium, copper, nickel, lead and arsenic measured along the north alignment were comparatively higher than those measured along the south alignment but the differences were small. Overall, there were no significant differences in sediment quality between the vibrocore samples collected at D1 to D6 along the north alignment and at D7 - D8 along the south alignment.
7.7.27 Different from the vibrocore samples, the grab samples were collected not along the north and south alignments but were collected in the vicinity of the alignments. Most of the grab sediment samples were found to be below the LCELs except for the parameters of zinc, arsenic and copper. There were exceedances of the UCEL for zinc at two sampling stations A14 ad A15 with values of 320 mg/kg and 280 mg/kg respectively. Figure 7.22 shows the contour plot for zinc in the sampling area. The concentrations of zinc were higher towards the central region of Deep Bay with the highest level at A14.
7.7.28 The location of EPD's sediment monitoring station DS2 is near the proposed SWC alignments. Comparing with EPD's data at DS2 collected between 1995 and 2000, the measured zinc levels during the SI showed a higher value (64 - 320 mg/kg) than the EPD's monitoring data (69 - 220 mg/kg).
7.7.29 As the zinc levels exceeded the UCEL at A14 and A15 stations, the sediment at A14 and A15 was classified as Category H material. However, as the zinc levels at these two stations were below 10 times of the LCEL, dilution test was not required to determine the disposal option for the sediment. Confined marine disposal could be adopted for this sediment.
7.7.30 There were also quite a number of exceedances of the LCEL for arsenic from the collected sediment samples, with a maximum value of 18 mg/kg at A8. There were 11 out of 16 grab sampling stations exceeded the LCEL for arsenic. These included the grab sediment samples collected at A1, A3, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11, A13, A14 and A15. Figure 7.23 shows the contour plot for arsenic in the sampling area. The concentrations of arsenic (8.6 - 18 mg/kg) at all the grab sampling locations were consistent with EPD's monitoring results at DS2 (9.8 - 18mg/kg).
7.7.31 Except for the copper level (70 mg/kg) at sampling location A14, the copper levels at all the other locations were lower than the LCEL of 65 mg/kg. The results were also consistent with the EPD's monitoring data at DS2.
7.7.32 The concentrations of cadmium (0.1 - 0.5 mg/kg), chromium (17 - 46 mg/kg), nickel (11 - 34 mg/kg), lead (26 - 64 mg/kg) and mercury (less than 0.05 mg/kg) were below the corresponding LCELs. The silver levels ranged from less than 0.1 mg/kg to 1 mg/kg. These results were comparable with EPD's monitoring results at DS2. Figure 7.24 shows the distribution of lead in the sampling area based on the laboratory results for the grab sediment samples. The lead concentrations at the upper layer of the marine sediment were evenly distributed over the sampling area. All the measured lead concentrations were below the LCEL for lead.
7.7.33 The sediment samples collected at all the grab sampling locations contained PAH levels less than 330 mg/kg, PCB levels less than 2 mg/kg (each individual) and TBT (in interstitial water) levels less than 15 hg/L. The PAH, PCB and TBT (in interstitial water) levels were all below their corresponding LCELs. The measured PAH and PCB levels by EPD were also below LCELs.
7.7.34 There were in total 2 grab sediment samples classified as Category H material (A14 and A15), 9 samples as Category M material (A1, A3, A5-A9, A11 and A13) and 5 samples as Category L material (A2, A4, A10 A12 and A16).
7.7.35 A comparison of the characteristics of the grab
sediment samples collected near the north alignment (A1, A2, A5, A6, A9, A10,
A13 and A14) and the south alignment (A3, A4, A7, A8, A11, A12, A15 and A16)
showed that the sediment in the vicinity of both the alignments contained
relatively high arsenic levels. Exceedances of the LCEL for arsenic were found
at 6 sampling stations near the north alignment (A1, A5, A6, A9, A13 and A14)
and at 5 sampling stations near the south alignment (A3, A7, A8, A11 and A15).
The zinc level at A14 (near the north alignment) exceeded the UCEL and the
copper level exceeded the LCEL. The zinc level at A15 (near the south
alignment) also exceeded the UCEL. The similar results would be due to the
close proximity of the two sampling stations. Based on the WBTC No. 3/2000,
the 8 grab samples collected near the north alignment had 1 sample identified
as Category H material, 5 samples as Category M material and 2 samples as
Category L material. The other 8 grab samples collected near the south
alignment had 1 sampled identified as Category H material, 4 samples as
Category M material and 3 samples as Category L material. Overall, there was
no significant variation in sediment quality for both the north alignment and
the south alignment when comparing the grab samples collected near these two
Table 7.15 Sediment Chemical Quality Results
Sampling Location |
Sampling Depth (m) |
Cd (mg/kg) |
Cr (mg/kg) |
Cu (mg/kg) |
Ni (mg/kg) |
Pb (mg/kg) |
Zn (mg/kg) |
Hg (mg/kg) |
As (mg/kg) |
Ag (mg/kg) |
Low molecular wt. PAHs (m g/kg) |
High molecular wt. PAHs (m g/kg) |
Total PCBs (m g/kg) |
TBT in interstitial water (h g/L) |
Sediment Classification WBTC No.3/2000 |
Grab Samples Collected near the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
A1 |
N/A |
0.2 |
37 |
48 |
24 |
64 |
140 |
<0.05 |
15 |
0.3 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A2 |
N/A |
0.1 |
30 |
42 |
21 |
54 |
110 |
<0.05 |
12 |
0.2 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
A5 |
N/A |
0.1 |
28 |
33 |
19 |
51 |
110 |
<0.05 |
13 |
0.2 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A6 |
N/A |
0.1 |
27 |
26 |
16 |
49 |
73 |
<0.05 |
16 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A9 |
N/A |
0.2 |
35 |
41 |
24 |
51 |
110 |
<0.05 |
16 |
0.2 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A10 |
N/A |
0.1 |
29 |
33 |
20 |
41 |
85 |
<0.05 |
12 |
0.3 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
A13 |
N/A |
0.4 |
35 |
55 |
25 |
52 |
170 |
<0.05 |
15 |
0.8 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A14 |
N/A |
0.5 |
42 |
70 |
30 |
64 |
320# |
<0.05 |
15 |
1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category H# |
Grab Samples Collected near the South Alignment |
A3 |
N/A |
0.2 |
30 |
39 |
20 |
58 |
130 |
<0.05 |
14 |
0.2 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A4 |
N/A |
0.1 |
18 |
27 |
14 |
43 |
78 |
<0.05 |
11 |
0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
A7 |
N/A |
0.2 |
30 |
31 |
18 |
52 |
93 |
<0.05 |
14 |
0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A8 |
N/A |
0.2 |
43 |
50 |
31 |
62 |
140 |
<0.05 |
18 |
0.5 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A11 |
N/A |
0.3 |
34 |
42 |
22 |
53 |
150 |
<0.05 |
13 |
0.4 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
A12 |
N/A |
0.1 |
27 |
28 |
16 |
34 |
64 |
<0.05 |
10 |
0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
A15 |
N/A |
0.5 |
46 |
65 |
34 |
59 |
280# |
<0.05 |
14 |
1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category H# |
A16 |
N/A |
0.1 |
17 |
22 |
11 |
26 |
70 |
<0.05 |
8.6 |
0.2 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L
Vibrocore Samples Collected along the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
D1 |
0.26-1.20 |
0.1 |
25 |
25 |
17 |
44 |
70 |
<0.05 |
12 |
0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D1 |
1.90-3.10 |
<0.1 |
14 |
2.6 |
3.5 |
14 |
11 |
<0.05 |
7.8 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D2 |
0.20-1.20 |
<0.1 |
23 |
9.6 |
12 |
26 |
49 |
<0.05 |
12 |
0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D2 |
1.90-3.10 |
<0.1 |
36 |
3.1 |
2.8 |
23 |
8.9 |
<0.05 |
3.0 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D3 |
0.43-1.20 |
<0.1 |
30 |
24 |
16 |
39 |
59 |
<0.05 |
13 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
D3 |
1.90-3.10 |
<0.1 |
19 |
7.7 |
11 |
24 |
47 |
<0.05 |
9.5 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D3 |
3.90-5.10 |
<0.1 |
37 |
7.2 |
8.5 |
49 |
23 |
<0.05 |
14 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category M |
D4 |
0.05-1.20 |
<0.1 |
19 |
8.9 |
14 |
25 |
45 |
<0.05 |
10 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D4 |
1.90-3.10 |
<0.1 |
29 |
9.7 |
23 |
26 |
49 |
<0.05 |
10 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D4 |
3.90-5.10 |
<0.1 |
15 |
8.3 |
12 |
24 |
36 |
<0.05 |
9.2 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D5 |
0.10-1.20 |
<0.1 |
21 |
12 |
13 |
28 |
44 |
<0.05 |
11 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D5 |
1.90-3.10 |
<0.1 |
23 |
10 |
14 |
27 |
39 |
<0.05 |
10 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D5 |
3.90-5.10 |
<0.1 |
24 |
10 |
14 |
30 |
40 |
<0.05 |
10 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D6 |
0.10-1.20 |
0.1 |
22 |
12 |
17 |
31 |
68 |
<0.05 |
9.8 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D6 |
1.90-3.10 |
0.1 |
23 |
11 |
14 |
31 |
50 |
<0.05 |
10 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D6 |
3.90-5.10 |
0.2 |
22 |
11 |
14 |
31 |
49 |
<0.05 |
10 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
Vibrocore Samples Collected along the South Alignment |
D7 |
0.12-1.20 |
<0.1 |
7.0 |
4.5 |
4.5 |
11 |
28 |
<0.05 |
5.8 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D7 |
1.90-3.10 |
<0.1 |
1.4 |
1.8 |
2.1 |
3.6 |
6.6 |
<0.05 |
1.9 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D7 |
3.90-5.10 |
<0.1 |
3.0 |
1.4 |
0.8 |
5.8 |
4.5 |
<0.05 |
3.0 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D8 |
0.00-1.20 |
0.1 |
22 |
14 |
15 |
35 |
82 |
<0.05 |
12 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D8 |
1.90-3.10 |
<0.1 |
19 |
9.0 |
12 |
27 |
46 |
<0.05 |
7.8 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D8 |
3.90-5.10 |
0.1 |
18 |
10 |
13 |
30 |
72 |
<0.05 |
8.6 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
D8 |
6.90-8.10 |
0.2 |
22 |
11 |
13 |
34 |
54 |
<0.05 |
12 |
<0.1 |
<330 |
<1700 |
<detection limits |
<15 |
Category L |
1. A1 - A16: Grab samples;
2. D1 - D8: Vibrocore samples (D1 - D6 were located along north alignment and D7
- D8 were located along south alignment);
3. Regular number means Category L material;
4. Bold number means Category M material;
5. Bold number with underlined means Category H material;
6. # Tier III biological screening is not necessary since the Category H
sediment does not exceed 10 times the Lower Chemical Exceedance Level (LCEL);
7. * Each individual PCB is <2 mg/kg, i.e. the detection limit;
8. Low molecular weight PAHs include napthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene,
fluorene, phenanthrene and anthracene;
9. High molecular weight PAHs include chrysene, benzo(a)anthracene,
benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene,
dibenzo(a.h.)anthracene, fluoranthene, indeno(1.2.3-
cd)pyrene, pyrene and benzo(g.h.i)perylene; and
10. PCBs include 2,4' dichlorobiphenyl, 2,2',5 trichlorobiphenyl, 2,4',4
trichlorobiphenyl, 2,2',3,5 tetrachlrobiphenyl, 2,2',5,5' tetrachlrobiphenyl,
2,3',4,4' tetrachlrobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4' tetrachlrobiphenyl, 2,2',4,5,5' ,pentachlrobiphenyl,
2,3,3',4,4' pentachlrobiphenyl, 2,3',4,4',5' pentachlrobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4,5'
pentachlrobiphenyl, 2,2',3,3',4,4' hexachlrobiphenyl, 2,2',3,4,4',5'
hexachlrobiphenyl, 2,2',4,4',5,5' hexachlrobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4',5,5'
hexachlrobiphenyl, 2,2',3,3',4,4',5 heptachlrobiphenyl, 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'
heptachlrobiphenyl and 2,2',3,4',5,5',6 heptachlrobiphenyl.
Remark: Parameters, which exceed the limit levels, are in
Table 7.16 Comparison of the Vibrocore Sediment Quality
Along the South and North Alignment
Description |
North Alignment (Vibrocore Samples: D1 to D6) |
South Alignment (Vibrocore Samples: D7 and D8) |
No. of Vibrocore Sample |
6 |
2 |
Presence of Category L Material |
Yes (All samples collected at D1, D2, D4, D5 and D6, and the sample collected in the middle layer at D3 were classified as Category L material) |
Yes (All samples collected at D7 and D8 were classified as Category L material) |
Presence of Category M Material |
Yes (Only at the D3 – upper and lower layers) |
Presence of Category H Material |
No |
No |
Concentrations of Tested Parameters |
< 0.1 – 0.2 mg/kg |
< 0.1 – 0.2 mg/kg |
14 – 37 mg/kg |
1.4 – 22 mg/kg |
3.1 – 25 mg/kg |
1.4 – 14 mg/kg |
2.8 – 23 mg/kg |
0.8 – 15 mg/kg |
14 – 49 mg/kg |
3.6 – 35 mg/kg |
8.9 – 70 mg/kg |
4.5 – 82 mg/kg |
< 0.05 mg/kg |
< 0.05 mg/kg |
3 – 14 mg/kg |
1.9 – 12 mg/kg |
< 0.1 – 0.1 mg/kg |
< 0.1 mg/kg |
< 330 m g/kg |
< 330 m g/kg |
< 1700 m g/kg |
< 1700 m g/kg |
< 2 m g/kg (each individual) |
< 2 m g/kg (each individual) |
< 15 h g/kg |
< 15 h g/kg |
7.7.36 The chemical test results confirmed the presence of Category H material at two grab sampling locations (A14 and A15). There was, however, no exceedance of 10 x LCEL (for zinc). It was not necessary to carry out dilution test for this type of Category H materials. A total of 11 grab and vibrocore sediment samples were classified as Category M material. Based on the WBTC No. 3/2000, biological testing was required to determine the disposal option (Type 1 open sea disposal (dedicated sites) or Type 2 confined marine disposal) for Category M material. The disposal option for Category M material would be open sea disposal (dedicated sites) if passing the biological tests or confined marine disposal if failing the test.
7.7.37 Based on the chemical test results, 8 composite samples were prepared for biological testing. Table 7.17 gives a summary of the sediment samples used for preparation of composite samples.
Table 7.17 Sediment Samples Used for Preparation of Composite Samples
Sample ID |
Sediment samples used for preparing of composite samples |
No. of composite samples |
Composite sample No.1 |
A1 (surface grab sample) |
1 |
Composite sample No.2 |
A3 (surface grab sample) |
1 |
Composite sample No.3 |
A5, A6 (surface grab samples) & D3 (0.43 - 1.20m depth of vibrocore sample) |
1 |
Composite sample No.4 |
A7 & A8 (surface grab samples) |
1 |
Composite sample No.5 |
A9 (surface grab sample) |
1 |
Composite sample No.6 |
A11(surface grab sample) |
1 |
Composite sample No.7 |
A13 (surface grab sample) |
1 |
Composite sample No.8 |
D3 (3.90 - 5.10m depth of vibrocore sample) |
1 |
Total |
8 |
7.7.38 The results of the 10-day burrowing amphipod toxicity test, 20-day burrowing polychaete toxicity test and 48-96 hour bivalve larvae toxicity test are summarized in Tables 7.18 to 7.20. The results of the ancillary parameters including grain size, moisture content, TOC, ammonia and salinity are presented in Table 7.21.
7.7.39 If any one of the three toxicity tests fails, the sediment is deemed to have failed the biological test. Results of the biological testing showed that composite sample nos. 3, 6 and 8 had failed the biological tests. These composite samples corresponded to the sediment samples collected at A5, A6, A11 and D3. When dredging activities are carried out near A5, A6, A11 and D3, the dredged material should be disposed of at a confined marine disposal site. The designated East Sha Chau mud pits would be an appropriate disposal site for the dredged material.
7.7.40 The results of ancillary parameters showed that interstitial ammonia ranged from 0.1 - 2.52 mgNH3/L while TOC (% dry weight) ranged from 0.78 - 1.2%. Both the highest level of interstitial ammonia and TOC were found at composite sample no.7. Interstitial salinity ranged from 22 - 25 ppt. The highest moisture content and the grain size (<63 mm) were found at composite sample no.1, with the value of 140% and 100% respectively.
Table 7.18 Amphipod Survival in Relation to the Reference Sediment
Sample ID |
Survival in relation to reference site (%) |
Difference between sample and reference sediment (t-test) |
Composite sample No.1 |
95.9 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.2 |
94.8 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.3 |
92.8 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.4 |
96.9 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.5 |
99.0 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.6 |
96.9 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.7 |
96.9 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.8 |
97.9 |
N/A |
N/A - As the average survival rate of the amphipods for the test sediment was
greater than 80% of that of the reference sediment, statistical analysis is not
Table 7.19 Total Dry Weight of Polychaetes in Relation to the Reference Sediment
Sample ID |
Total dry weight in relation to reference site (%) |
Difference between sample and reference sediment (t-test) |
Composite sample No.1 |
103 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.2 |
82.4 |
Not significantly difference, t stat=1.56, t critical=1.86, p=0.0785 (one tail) |
Composite sample No.3 |
70.7 |
Significantly difference, t stat=2.54, t critical=1.86, p=0.0174 (one tail) |
Composite sample No.4 |
88.8 |
Not significantly difference, t stat=1.00, t critical=1.86, p=0.1736 (one tail) |
Composite sample No.5 |
84.4 |
Not significantly difference, t stat=1.18, t critical=1.86, p=0.1362 (one tail) |
Composite sample No.6 |
71.1 |
Significantly difference, t stat=1.94, t critical=1.86, p=0.0440 (one tail) |
Composite sample No.7 |
105.7 |
N/A |
N/A - As the average total dry weight for the test sediment was greater than 90%
of that of the reference sediment, statistical analysis is not required; and
Composite sample, which fails the test, is marked in bold.
Table 7.20 Normality Survival of Bivalve Larvae in Relation to the Reference Sediment
Sample ID |
Normality Survival in relation to reference site (%) |
Difference between sample and reference sediment (t-test) |
Composite sample No.1 |
105.2 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.2 |
95.4 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.3 |
96.9 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.4 |
85.5 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.5 |
112.0 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.6 |
89.3 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.7 |
108.8 |
N/A |
Composite sample No.8 |
0.0 |
Significantly difference, t stat=17.66, t critical=1.86, p=5.41E-08 (one tail) |
N/A - As the average normality survival rate of the bivalve larvae for the test
sediment was greater than 80% of that of the reference sediment, statistical
analysis is not required; and
Composite sample, which fails the test, is marked in bold.
Table 7.21 Results of the Ancillary Parameters
Sample ID |
Interstitial ammonia (mgNH3/L) |
Interstitial salinity (ppt) |
Grain size <63m m (%) |
Moisture content (%) 1 |
TOC (% dry weight) |
Composite sample No.1 |
0.10 |
22 |
100 |
140 |
1.0 |
Composite sample No.2 |
0.16 |
25 |
98 |
118 |
0.78 |
Composite sample No.3 |
0.53 |
25 |
96 |
98 |
1.0 |
Composite sample No.4 |
1.10 |
22 |
94 |
100 |
0.96 |
Composite sample No.5 |
0.30 |
22 |
89 |
103 |
0.91 |
Composite sample No.6 |
0.36 |
25 |
90 |
90 |
1.0 |
Composite sample No.7 |
2.52 |
23 |
79 |
102 |
1.2 |
Composite sample No.8 |
2.21 |
25 |
88 |
55 |
<0.1 |
Reference sediment |
0.73 |
33 |
92 |
109 |
1.9 |
Detection limit |
0.03 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
0.10 |
1. Moisture content is calculated as: (Sample Wet Weight - Sample Dry Weight x
7.7.41 Elutriate tests were also conducted to estimate the amount of pollutants that would release from the marine sediment during the dredging activities. Sediment samples mixed with a solution, i.e. the seawater, were vigorously agitated during the tests to simulate the strong disturbance to the seabed sediment during dredging. Pollutants absorbed onto the sediment particles would be released increasing the pollutant concentrations in the solution. The laboratory testing was to analyse the pollutant concentrations in the solution (elutriate). The tested parameters included heavy metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, zinc and silver), metalloid (arsenic) and organic micro-pollutants (PCBs, PAHs, and TBT), and other chemical compounds including total Kjedahl Nitrogen (TKN), nitrate (NO3-N), nitrite (NO2-N), ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N), ortho-phosphate (PO4-P), total phosphorus (TP) and chlorinated pesticides. Tables 7.22 and 7.23 shows the elutriate test results.
7.7.42 Based on the elutriate test results for the grab samples collected at A1 to A16, zinc and arsenic had a higher potential to release into the seawater. The highest level of zinc released was found at A8, with a value of 63 mg/L. The released zinc concentrations at A2 (59 mg/L) and A12 (40 mg/L) were relatively high. The released arsenic concentrations for the grab samples collected at the sampling locations ranged between <10 and 52 mg/L. The highest amount of arsenic released was at A8, with a value of 52 mg/L. Silver, lead and mercury were all below the detection limits.
7.7.43 For the other parameters, the measured NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, TKN, TP and ortho-P ranged from 0.36 to 16 mg/L, <0.01 - 0.03 mg/L, 0.02 - 0.56 mg/L, 0.9 - 16.0 mg/L, 0.1 - 4.4 mg/L and 0.05 - 3.75 mg/L respectively. Amongst the parameters of TKN, NO3-N, NO2-N and NH4-N, the potential of release of TKN was higher for sediment sample collected at A15 with the highest value of 16.0 mg/L. The highest concentrations of ortho-P and total phosphorus released were found at A13 with values of 3.75 and 4.4 respectively.
7.7.44 Since the s-curve bridge (north) alignment has been selected as the preferred alignment, the sediment quality at D1 to D6 is considered more representative in this assessment. The highest levels of copper and zinc were found at D4 with values of 12 mg/L and 43 mg/L respectively. Silver, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury were all below the detection limits. The concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate, TKN, total phosphorus and reactive phosphorus for samples collected at D1 to D6 along the bridge alignment were in the ranges from 0.36 - 2.24 mg/L, < 0.01 - 0.02 mg/L, < 0.01 - 0.56 mg/L, 0.9 - 2.4 mg/L, 0.1 - 1.5 mg/L and 0.05 - 1.15 mg/L respectively. The maximum levels of ammoniacal nitrogen (2.24 mg/L), TKN (2.4 mg/L), total phosphorus (1.5 mg/L) and reactive phosphorus (1.15 mg/L) released were found at D6.
7.7.45 PAHs and total PCBs were below the detection limits. The release of these compounds during dredging would be insignificant. For TBT, the highest amount released was found at D2, with a value of 1.816 mgTBT/L. The release of TBT from the sediment samples collected at D1, D3 and D4 were also relatively high. These locations were mostly located near the shoreline at Ngau Hom Shek. In the elutriate tests, sediment samples were vigorously agitated in the seawater. This might increase the release of TBT into the seawater resulting in high TBT levels.
7.7.46 The organochlorine pesticides showed that the level of each individual compound was below the detection limit. The amount of organochlorine pesticides released was also insignificant.
7.7.47 From the elutriate test results for sediment samples collected at D7 and D8 (the south alignment), the silver, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, zinc, mercury, nitrite were below their corresponding detection limits. The concentrations of arsenic, nickel, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate, TKN, total phosphorus and reactive phosphorus ranged from <10 - 13 mg/L, 1 - 2 mg/L, 0.57 - 1.06 mg/L, < 0.01 - 0.04 mg/L, 1.2 - 1.5 mg/L, 0.3 - 0.4 mg/L and 0.18 - 0.28 mg/L respectively. The concentrations of PAHs and PCBs measured from the elutriate tests were below detection limits. The highest TBT was measured at D7 with a value of 0.022 mg TBT/L.
7.7.48 The elutriate test results for the two alignments showed that there would be a higher release potential of zinc and TBT from the grab samples collected along the north alignment when compared to the grab samples collected along the south alignment. There were no remarkable differences for other parameters. Release of pollutants into the water column from sediment on the seabed would occur mainly when dredging activities cause disturbance to the sediment. The released pollutants in dissolved phase would only last a short period as these contaminants would be rapidly absorbed onto the sediment particles. The high release potential of zinc and TBT would only be a concern if sediment dredging were carried out in an open environment without any mitigation measures to minimise the dispersion of sediment particles and pollutants. Mitigation measures such as provision of cofferdams and the use of bored piles for foundation construction can minimise the impact. Should suitable mitigation measures be provided to control the release of pollutants from the sediment, the potential impact arising from the sediment dredging operation of the two alignments would not be much different.
7.7.49 In Hong Kong, there are no existing legislative
guidelines for release of contaminants in marine water. Table 7.24 lists the
relevant assessment criteria for defining allowable concentrations of heavy
metals, metalloid and organic micro-pollutants in the receiving water.
Comparisons of the average contaminant concentrations obtained from elutriate
tests with the assessment criteria are shown in Table 7.25.
Table 7.22 Elutriate Test Results for Grab Samples (General Parameters)
Location |
Ag (m g/L) |
As (m g/L) |
Cd (m g/L) |
Cr (m g/L) |
Cu (m g/L) |
Ni (m g/L) |
Pb (m g/L) |
Zn (m g/L) |
Hg (m g/L) |
Ammonia as N (mg/l) |
Nitrite as N (mg/l) |
Nitrate as N (mg/l) |
Total Kjedahl Nitrogen as N (mg/l) |
Total Phosphorus (mg/l) |
Reactive Phosphorus as P (mg/l) |
Grab Samples Collected near the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
A1 |
<1* |
19 |
<0.2* |
<1* |
2 |
5 |
<1* |
18 |
<0.1* |
5.80 |
0.03 |
0.06 |
6.4 |
1.6 |
1.06 |
A2 |
<1* |
13 |
0.2 |
<1* |
11 |
9 |
<1* |
59 |
<0.1* |
1.18 |
0.02 |
0.06 |
2.7 |
0.7 |
0.41 |
A5 |
<1* |
13 |
0.2 |
<1* |
2 |
3 |
<1* |
28 |
<0.1* |
0.95 |
0.01 |
0.04 |
1.5 |
0.3 |
0.05 |
A6 |
<1* |
36 |
0.2 |
<1* |
1 |
2 |
<1* |
12 |
<0.1* |
9.64 |
<0.01* |
0.03 |
10.0 |
1.0 |
0.31 |
A9 |
<1* |
<10* |
0.2 |
<1* |
2 |
2 |
<1* |
16 |
<0.1* |
0.85 |
0.02 |
0.04 |
1.7 |
0.3 |
0.27 |
A10 |
<1* |
17 |
0.2 |
<1* |
2 |
2 |
<1* |
32 |
<0.1* |
0.98 |
<0.01* |
0.06 |
1.6 |
0.6 |
0.38 |
A13 |
<1* |
38 |
0.2 |
<1* |
1 |
4 |
<1* |
15 |
<0.1* |
5.08 |
0.01 |
0.03 |
5.2 |
4.4 |
3.75 |
A14 |
<1* |
28 |
0.2 |
<1* |
4 |
2 |
<1* |
20 |
<0.1* |
2.16 |
<0.01* |
0.07 |
2.4 |
1.5 |
1.21 |
Grab Samples Collected near the South Alignment |
A3 |
<1* |
24 |
0.2 |
<1* |
3 |
7 |
<1* |
12 |
<0.1* |
3.28 |
0.02 |
0.03 |
3.4 |
0.6 |
0.16 |
A4 |
<1* |
13 |
0.2 |
<1* |
8 |
8 |
<1* |
21 |
<0.1* |
1.58 |
0.03 |
0.06 |
2.0 |
0.4 |
0.27 |
A7 |
<1* |
32 |
0.2 |
<1* |
<1* |
2 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.1* |
1.90 |
<0.01* |
0.03 |
2.5 |
0.6 |
0.15 |
A8 |
<1* |
52 |
0.2 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
<1* |
63 |
<0.1* |
3.22 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
3.4 |
1.5 |
0.97 |
A11 |
<1* |
20 |
0.2 |
<1* |
<1* |
2 |
<1* |
10 |
<0.1* |
0.86 |
<0.01* |
0.03 |
1.3 |
0.8 |
0.38 |
A12 |
<1* |
15 |
0.2 |
<1* |
11 |
3 |
<1* |
40 |
<0.1* |
0.82 |
<0.01* |
0.07 |
1.5 |
0.4 |
0.29 |
A15 |
<1* |
48 |
<0.2* |
<1* |
<1* |
4 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.1* |
16.0 |
0.01 |
0.03 |
16.0 |
4.0 |
1.34 |
A16 |
<1* |
26 |
<0.2* |
<1* |
3 |
2 |
<1* |
14 |
<0.1* |
1.76 |
<0.01* |
0.02 |
2.1 |
1.5 |
0.57 |
Vibrocore Samples Collected along the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
D1 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.2* |
<1* |
1 |
1 |
<1* |
20 |
<0.1* |
1.28 |
<0.01* |
0.02 |
1.6 |
0.3 |
0.15 |
D2 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.2* |
<1* |
4 |
1 |
<1* |
32 |
<0.1* |
0.42 |
0.01 |
0.56 |
1.0 |
0.1 |
0.08 |
D3 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.2* |
<1* |
1 |
2 |
<1* |
23 |
<0.1* |
0.36 |
0.01 |
0.50 |
0.9 |
0.1 |
0.05 |
D4 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.2* |
<1* |
12 |
1 |
<1* |
43 |
<0.1* |
0.93 |
0.02 |
0.10 |
1.4 |
0.2 |
0.18 |
D5 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.2* |
<1* |
1 |
<1* |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.1* |
0.74 |
0.02 |
0.08 |
1.2 |
0.2 |
0.15 |
D6 |
<1* |
27 |
<0.2* |
<1* |
<1* |
1 |
<1* |
20 |
<0.1* |
2.24 |
<0.01* |
<0.01* |
2.4 |
1.5 |
1.15 |
Vibrocore Samples Collected along the South Alignment |
D7 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.2* |
<1* |
<1* |
2 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.1* |
1.06 |
<0.01* |
<0.01* |
1.5 |
0.3 |
0.18 |
D8 |
<1* |
13 |
<0.2* |
<1* |
<1* |
1 |
<1* |
<10* |
<0.1* |
0.57 |
<0.01* |
0.04 |
1.2 |
0.4 |
0.28 |
A1 - A16: Grab samples;
D1 - D8: Grab samples collected at the same locations as those for vibrocore
samples; and
* : below detection limit.
Table 7.23 Elutriate Test Results for Grab Samples (PAHs, PCBs and TBT)
Location |
NAH (m g/L) |
ANY (m g/L) |
ANA (m g/L) |
FLU (m g/L) |
PHE (m g/L) |
ANT (m g/L) |
Total LMW PAHsA (m g/L) |
FLT (m g/L) |
PYR (m g/L) |
BaA (m g/L) |
CHR (m g/L) |
BbkF (m g/L) |
BaP (m g/L) |
IPY (m g/L) |
DBA (m g/L) |
BPE (m g/L) |
Total HMW PAHsB (m g/L) |
Total PCBs (m g/L) |
TBT (m gTBT/L) |
Grab Samples Collected near the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
A1 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A2 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A5 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A6 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A9 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A10 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.323 |
A13 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.318 |
A14 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.593 |
Grab Samples Collected near the South Alignment |
A3 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A4 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A7 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A8 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A11 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.375 |
A12 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.242 |
A15 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.180 |
A16 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.473 |
Vibrocore Samples Collected along the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
D1 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.123 |
D2 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
1.816 |
D3 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.290 |
D4 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
D5 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.487 |
D6 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
Vibrocore Samples Collected along the South Alignment |
D7 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
0.022 |
D8 |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<1.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.4* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<0.2* |
<2.0* |
<0.01* |
<0.015* |
A1 - A16: Grab samples;
D1 - D8: Grab samples collected at the same locations as those for vibrocore
* : below detection limit
(A) For low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs:
NAH Napthalene
ANY Acenaphthylene
ANA Acenaphthene
FLU Fluorene
PHE Phenanthrene
ANT Anthracene
(B) For high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs:
CHR Chrysene
BaA Benzo(a)anthracene
BbF Benzo(b)fluoranthene
BkF Benzo(k)fluoranthene
BaP Benzo(a)pyrene
DBA Dibenzo(a.h.)anthracene
FLT Fluoranthene
IPY Indeno(1.2.3-cd)pyrene
PYR Pyrene
BPE Benzo(g.h.i)perylene
Table 7.24 Relevant Assessment Criteria for Release of Contaminants
Relevant Standards |
Parameters |
UK Water Quality for Coastal Surface Water Note 1 |
Copper (5 m g/L) Cadmium (2.5 m g/L) Chromium (15 m g/L) Lead (25 m g/L) Nickel (30 m g/L) Zinc (40 m g/L) Mercury (0.3 m g/L) |
The European Union Water Quality Standards Note 2 |
Arsenic (25 m g/L) |
USEPA Standards Note 3 |
Silver (2.3 m g/L) PCBs (0.00017 m g/L) |
The European Community Standards |
TBT (0.002 m g/L) PAHs (0.2 m g/L) |
1. The Environmental Quality Standards and Assessment Levels for Coastal Surface
Water (from HMIP (1994)
2. Environmental Economic and BPEO Assessment Principals for Integrated
Pollution Control);
3. Environmental Economic and BPCO Assessment Principles for Integrated
Pollution Control. Environmental Quality Standards and Assessment Levels for
Surface Water (from Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study EIA by Scott
Wilson (HK) Ltd in association with ERM Hong Kong); and
4. Source is from Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study EIA by Scott
Wilson (HK) Ltd in association with ERM Hong Kong.
Remark: Since there are no relevant standards in Hong Kong for
determination of the concentrations of the concerned contaminants in marine
water, the criteria contained in the table provide a reference for assessment in
this Study. The value in brackets indicates the concentration of the parameter
in the receiving water.
Table 7.25 Comparisons of Elutriate Test Results with Assessment
Copper (m g/L) |
Cadmium (m g/L) |
Chromium (m g/L) |
Lead (m g/L) |
Nickel (m g/L) |
Zinc (m g/L) |
Mercury (m g/L) |
Silver (m g/L) |
Arsenic (m g/L) |
TBT (m g/L) |
PAHs (m g/L) |
PCBs (m g/L) |
Assessment Criteria |
5 |
2.5 |
15 |
25 |
30 |
40 |
0.3 |
2.3 |
25 |
0.002 |
0.2 |
0.00017 |
Grab Samples Collected near the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
A1 |
2 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
5 |
18 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
19 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A2 |
11 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
9 |
59 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
13 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A5 |
2 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
3 |
28 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
13 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A6 |
1 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
12 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
36 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A9 |
2 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
16 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
<10 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A10 |
2 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
32 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
17 |
0.323 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A13 |
1 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
4 |
15 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
38 |
0.318 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A14 |
4 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
20 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
28 |
0.593 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
Grab Samples Collected near the South Alignment |
A3 |
3 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
7 |
12 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
24 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A4 |
8 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
8 |
21 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
13 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A7 |
<1 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
<10 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
32 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A8 |
3 |
0.2 |
3 |
<1 |
2 |
63 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
52 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A11 |
<1 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
10 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
20 |
0.375 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A12 |
11 |
0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
3 |
40 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
15 |
0.242 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
A15 |
<1 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
4 |
<10 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
48 |
0.180 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
3 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
14 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
26 |
0.473 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
Vibrocore Samples Collected Along the North Alignment (The Preferred Alignment) |
D1 |
1 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
1 |
20 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
<10 |
0.123 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
D2 |
4 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
1 |
32 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
<10 |
1.816 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
D3 |
1 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
23 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
<10 |
0.290 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
D4 |
12 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
1 |
43 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
<10 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
D5 |
1 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
<1 |
<10 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
<10 |
0.487 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
D6 |
<1 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
1 |
20 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
27 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
Vibrocore Samples Collected Along the South Alignment |
D7 |
<1 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
2 |
<10 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
<10 |
0.022 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
D8 |
<1 |
<0.2 |
<1 |
<1 |
1 |
<10 |
<0.1 |
<1 |
13 |
<0.015 |
< 1.2 LMW PAHs < 2.0 HMW PAHs |
<0.01 |
Remarks: LMW - Low Molecular Weight; HMW - High Molecular
7.7.50 The elutriate test results showed that the initial concentrations of copper, zinc, arsenic and TBT released from some of the sediment samples exceeded the assessment criteria. The highest concentrations of copper (12 mg/L), zinc (63 mg/L), arsenic (52 mg/L) and TBT (1.816 mg/L) were recorded at D4, A8, A8 and D2 respectively.
7.7.51 For the sediment samples collected along the s-curve bridge alignment or north alignment (D1 to D6), exceedances of the assessment criteria for copper (5 mg/L) and zinc (40 mg/L) were found at D4. The initial concentration of arsenic released from the sediment sample collected at D6 exceeded the assessment criteria (25 mg/L). A higher potential of release of TBT was found at D1, D2, D3 and D5 exceeding the assessment criteria (0.002 mg/L).
7.7.52 Based on the detected highest concentrations for copper, zinc and arsenic, the required dilutions to meet the assessment criteria were calculated to be 2.4 (for copper), 1.6 (for zinc), 2.1 (for arsenic). To estimate the dilution that could be generated by the tidal flows, conservative tracers were introduced into the model for Scenario 2 model runs. A concentration of 1 g/m3 of the tracer was assumed at the source (discharge location) and a concentration of 0.0 g/m3 was defined at all the boundaries. Since there is no decay of the tracer, the changes in concentration of the tracer at different grid cells would be due to the advection and dispersion of tidal flows. Comparing the initial concentration at the source and the concentration at a selected grid cell located away from the source, the dilution rate could be obtained. The predicted dilutions at a distance of about 200 m downstream (near Inner Deep Bay) and upstream (near Outer Deep Bay) from the pier sites located in the mudflat, inter-tidal and sub-tidal regions are summarised in Table 7.26.
Table 7.26 Predicted Dilutions
Location of Pier Site |
Dry Season |
Wet Season |
~ 200m Upstream |
~ 200m Downstream |
~ 200m Upstream |
~ 200m Downstream |
Mudflat Region |
43 |
74 |
36 |
107 |
Inter-tidal Region |
147 |
96 |
139 |
101 |
Sub-tidal Region |
187 |
134 |
164 |
131 |
7.7.53 The predicted dilutions in the mudflat region, inter-tidal region and sub-tidal region ranged from 36 to 107, 96 to 147, and 131 to 187 respectively for both the dry and wet season cases.
7.7.54 As the predicted dilutions are reasonably high, it is expected that the heavy metals released from marine sediment can be quickly diluted to acceptable levels. Release of copper, zinc and arsenic from marine sediment is not likely to cause adverse water quality impacts to Deep Bay.
7.7.55 Based on the EPD's monitoring data collected at DM1 to DM5 for year 2000, the average background concentrations of NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, TKN, TP and ortho-P in Deep Bay were 1.334 mg/L, 0.134 mg/L, 0.47 mg/L, 1.692 mg/L, 0.246 mg/L and 0.196 mg/L respectively. The highest concentrations of these parameters measured from the elutriate tests were 16 mg/L for NH4-N, 0.03 mg/L for NO2-N, 0.56 mg/L for NO3-N, 16 mg/L for TKN, 4.4 mg/L for TP and 3.75 mg/L for ortho-P. A dilution of 20 would lower the concentrations of these parameters to the background levels. This value is much lower than the predicted dilutions at a distance of 200 m from the potential pier sites in the mudflat, inter-tidal and sub-tidal regions. It is therefore considered that the potential increases in these pollutant levels in the water column during sediment dredging for bridge pier construction would not be a critical issue. The ambient water would quickly dilute these pollutants.
7.7.56 The high release potential of TBT detected at a number of sampling stations is a concern. TBT is highly toxic to various aquatic organisms and may cause skeletal deformities in fish. The effects of TBT on oysters include the reduction in growth rate and reproduction of oysters. His and Robert (1983) reported the effects of TBT on the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Abnormal and malformation of Pacific oysters were found at TBT concentrations of 1 mg/L. At TBT concentrations of 0.5 mg/L, there would be numerous larval anomalies. Perturbation in larval food assimilation was at 0.2 mg/L. Exposure to TBT concentrations of 0.1 mg/L might result in slow growth and high mortality of larvae. Chagot et al (1990) reported the histopathological changes in digestive gland and gill of Pacific oysters at TBT concentrations of 0.06 mg/L. The locations of the sediment samples with high release potential of TBT were found near the shoreline. Some of the bridge piers are located in these areas. There would be a possibility of release of TBT into the surrounding water if sediment dredging in these areas were not properly controlled.
7.7.57 A dilution of higher than 908 is required to meet the assessment criteria based on the highest TBT level detected from the elutriate tests at D2. In other words, a longer distance (> 200m) is required to dilute the TBT to an acceptable level. Since there is no relevant TBT standard for the Hong Kong waters, the use of the European Community Standard of 0.002 mg/L for TBT is to provide a reference to compare with the relative magnitude of the release of TBT from sediment during dredging. This value may be lower than the existing background levels of TBT in Deep Bay. Measurements of background TBT levels in Deep Bay would be included in the baseline water quality monitoring and construction phase water quality monitoring of the SWC project. Relevant information on the background TBT levels in marine water was presented in the report "A Study of Tributyltin Contamination of the Marine Environment of Hong Kong". Measurements were conducted at North Tsing Yi and Yam O. The levels of TBT in marine water at North Tsing Yi and Yam O were 0.01 mg/L and 0.009 mg/L respectively. These values were higher than the European Community Standard of 0.002 mg/L. With reference to these field data, the required dilutions to lower the initial TBT concentration of 1.816 mg/L to the background levels would be in a range between 182 and 202. With the proper control of the sediment dredging operation, release of sediment and TBT into the surrounding water would be avoided. It is not likely that the dredging operation would create a continuous source of TBT concentrations of 1.816 mg/L throughout the dredging period. It is therefore expected that even the release of TBT occurs during sediment dredging at the pier sites near D2, the potentially impacted area would be limited to the close proximity to the dredging point.
7.7.58 The proposed bridge pier construction methods minimise the chance of release of TBT into the surrounding water. After placing the bored pile casing and cofferdam at the pier site and prior to carrying out sediment dredging, the seawater trapped inside the casing and cofferdam would be pumped out to generate a dry working environment. Sediment dredging is confined within the bored pile casing and cofferdam. Release of pollutants, i.e. TBT, into the surrounding water could be effectively controlled. It is anticipated that the potential TBT impacts to the aquatic environment would be minimal. Suitable mitigation measures should still be adopted to avoid the increase in TBT level in the seawater during the bridge pier construction.
7.7.59 Based on the preliminary engineering design, the piles for supporting the bridge sections would be constructed in the form of bored piles. A casing will be driven into the marine sediment layer prior to the excavation of marine sediment inside the casing. The casing provides a confined environment to avoid releasing of sediment into the surrounding water during bored pile construction. In addition, cofferdams, which are larger than the pile caps of the bridge piers, would be installed at all the pier sites prior to carrying out of any dredging works for construction of pile caps. A small volume of seawater would be trapped inside the cofferdams. Before dredging of sediment to commence, the characteristics of the seawater inside the cofferdams would be the same as the surrounding seawater. The seawater is first pumped out from the cofferdams and discharged into the surrounding water. Sediment dredging would then be carried out within the cofferdams. The use of closed grab could avoid splashing of dredged material into the surrounding water. This construction method of creating a confined and dry environment for sediment dredging could minimise the release of TBT into the water column. By adopting these preventive measures, it is considered that dredging at the locations where TBT release potential is high would not cause adverse impact to the aquatic life.
7.7.60 Sediment plume modelling was conducted to predict the increases in suspended solids in the water column due to the release of sediment from bridge pier construction. To take a more conservative approach in the present assessment, the potential water quality impacts arising from bridge pier construction within the Hong Kong waters were assessed based on 8 pairs of pier sites. Barges would be deployed for sediment dredging at the pier sites in deep water region. The construction of bridge pier in shallow water region would be carried out from temporary access bridge. It was assumed that there would be a maximum of 16 continuous sediment release points within the Hong Kong waters. The 16 discharge points were defined based on the worst case of 8 pairs of pier sites to be constructed at the same time. The locations of the 16 discharge points were placed near the shoreline on the Hong Kong side and were near the water sensitive receivers. The potential impacts due to this arrangement would be higher. Figure 7.20 shows the locations of these sediment release points.
7.7.61 As stated in Section 7.5.63, three modelling cases (Cases D1, D2 and D3) were considered to determine the water quality impacts arising from dredging and reclamation. Case D1 was included to assess the water quality impacts from bridge pier construction on the Hong Kong side only. Case D2 was to assess the cumulative water quality impacts from bridge pier construction on the Hong Kong side and filling at Dongjiaotou reclamation site. Case D3 was to assess the cumulative water quality impacts from bridge construction on both the Hong Kong and Mainland sides and filling at Dongjiaotou reclamation site. For Cases D2 and D3, loss of sediment due to leakage from the seawall was assumed. To determine the filling rate and sediment loss rate, a peaking factor of 2 was included to take into account the variability of the filling activities. A relatively high percentage of fines for "unprocessed" public fill material of 40% was also used in deriving the sediment loss rate. Any discharges from the reclamation site would be reasonably covered under this assumption.
7.7.62 Figures 7.25 and 7.26 show the predicted depth-averaged suspended solids (SS) results in wet and dry seasons for Case D1. The upper contour plot in the figure was the case without dredging whilst the middle contour plot was the case with dredging in the region near Ngau Hom Shek. The lower plot was the relative difference1 between two cases. A comparison between the upper plot and middle plot for the wet and dry seasons showed no obvious differences between two cases. No significant elevations of SS due to dredging within the Hong Kong waters were observed. The relative differences in the lower plot, however, showed that there would be small increases in SS levels along the shoreline near Ngau Hom Shek. Table 7.27 summarises the modelling results for Case D1 at all the indicator points for the wet and dry seasons respectively. There was no exceedance of WQO for SS (< 30% increase of the background value) at all the indicator points for both wet and dry seasons. The increases in SS were comparatively higher at indicator points A (mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek) and K1 (seagrass bed/horseshoe crab area between Ngau Hom Shek and Pak Nai SSSI) due to the close proximity to the dredging sites. The increased SS levels at indicator points A and K1 ranged from 1.55 to 3.13 mg/L and 3.13 to 4.03 mg/L respectively.
7.7.63 The predicted SS levels in the oyster beds area near Lau Fau Shan would be slightly increased (1.24 - 1.5 mg/L) during the bridge pier construction period. The percent increases in SS were 4.10% in the dry season and 5.06% in the wet season. The indicator points located away from the SWC project site, i.e. Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park, CLP's Black Point Cooling Water Intake and EPD's marine water sampling station DM5, were predicted to be not affected by the dredging works. For all the indicator points, the maximum increases in SS during the dry and wet seasons were 3.13 mg/L and 4.30 mg/L respectively. The Mainland EIA (Reference 2) reported that there would be no significant impact on aquaculture if the increases in SS levels were less than 10 mg/L. In addition, a recent study by Wu et. al. (2002) reported that there was scientific evidence to show that the existing WQO standard for SS (<30% increase of the background value) might be over-stringent. Since the increases in SS were much lower than 10 mg/L and the differences in percentage were well below 30%, the dredging activities on the Hong Kong side are not likely to affect the Lau Fau Shan oyster beds. The scattered oyster beds near Ngau Hom Shek would not be significantly affected as the increases in SS at the nearest indicator points A and K1 (1.55 to 4.03 mg/L) were also below 10 mg/L or less than 30% increase of the background value. Overall, oyster beds extended from Lau Fau Shan to Sheung Pak Nai coastal area are not likely to be affected dredging activities.
7.7.64 Figures 7.27 and 7.28 present graphically the predicted depth-averaged SS results in the wet and dry seasons for Case D2. Although sediment release from filling activities at Dongjiaotou reclamation site was included, there were no significant elevations of SS in the regions near Ngau Hom Shek and the filling location at Dongjiaotou. However, the relative differences between two cases showed that there would be some increases in SS along the shoreline on both the Hong Kong and Mainland sides. As shown in Table 7.28, the increases in SS at the indicator points within the Hong Kong waters were well below the WQO for SS for both wet and dry seasons. Within the Mainland boundary, the increases in SS at Futian (indicator point G) and at Shekou oyster beds (indicator point I) were 0.61 mg/L (wet season) - 5.35 mg/L (dry season) and 0.39 mg/L (dry season) - 0.78 mg/L (wet season) respectively. There was no exceedance of the Mainland Category 1 standard for SS (increase in SS £10 mg/L). The impacts to the oyster production would be insignificant in terms of the increases in SS. For all the indicator points, the maximum increases in SS during the dry and wet seasons were 9.78 mg/L and 4.04 mg/L respectively.
7.7.65 Figures 7.29 and 7.30 show the predicted depth-averaged SS results in wet and dry seasons for Case D3. No significant elevations of SS in the regions near the filling and dredging locations were observed. The relative differences between the cases with and without dredging/filling activities showed some increases in SS levels near the dredging and filling locations. The spreading of SS was mainly towards the inner part of Deep Bay and along the shoreline. However, the increases in SS remained within acceptable levels. As shown in Table 7.29, high SS increases in the dry and wet seasons were found in the region near Ngau Hom Shek (6.69 - 11.29% at indicator point A, and 12.67 - 15.08% at indicator point K1) and at Mai Po (17.32% in dry season) but there was no WQO exceedance for SS at the indicator points within the Hong Kong waters. In the region near Lau Fau Shan, the maximum increase in SS would be less than 6% (or 2 mg/L), which is well below the WQO for SS. The increases in SS at Futian (indicator point G) and at Shekou oyster beds (indicator point I) during the dry and wet seasons were 0.69 - 6.25 mg/L and 0.44 - 0.86 mg/L respectively. These values were much lower than the Mainland Category 1 standard for SS (increase in SS £10 mg/L). The maximum increases in SS predicted for all the indicator points during the dry and wet seasons were 11.93 mg/L and 4.04 mg/L respectively.
7.7.66 Based on the modelling results, there was no evidence
to show that water quality impacts arising from the bridge pier construction on
the Hong Kong side or the cumulative water quality impacts from the dredging and
filling activities on both the Hong Kong and Mainland sides would significantly
affect the water quality in terms of SS and oyster production in Deep Bay. Silt
curtains would be provided as a secondary control of the spreading of sediment
at each pier site. It is anticipated that the actual SS levels would be much
lower than the predicted values for the worst-case scenario.
Table 7.27 Predicted SS Levels for Case D1
Indicator Point |
Dry Season |
Wet Season |
Scenario with no discharge |
Scenario with discharge in Hong Kong |
% difference between scenario with discharge and without discharge |
Scenario with no discharge |
Scenario with discharge in Hong Kong |
% difference between scenario with discharge and without discharge |
DM1 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM1 |
34.29 |
34.68 |
1.14% |
37.85 |
38.57 |
1.90% |
DM2 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM2 |
25.96 |
26.18 |
0.85% |
39.61 |
40.12 |
1.29% |
DM3 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM3 |
21.16 |
21.30 |
0.66% |
28.41 |
28.66 |
0.88% |
DM4 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM4 |
19.29 |
19.33 |
0.21% |
28.68 |
28.77 |
0.31% |
DM5 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM5 |
21.14 |
21.14 |
0.00% |
35.91 |
35.92 |
0.03% |
A |
Mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek |
27.37 |
28.92 |
5.66% |
27.82 |
30.95 |
11.25% |
B |
Cooling Water Intake for CLP Black Point Power Station |
20.16 |
20.21 |
0.25% |
29.36 |
29.38 |
0.07% |
C |
Oyster Bed near Lau Fau Shan |
30.25 |
31.49 |
4.10% |
29.66 |
31.16 |
5.06% |
D |
Mai Po Nature Reserve Area |
68.88 |
70.47 |
2.31% |
43.30 |
43.87 |
1.32% |
E |
Pak Nai SSSI |
21.85 |
23.15 |
5.95% |
25.23 |
25.36 |
0.52% |
F |
Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI |
38.00 |
38.38 |
1.00% |
41.87 |
42.69 |
1.96% |
G |
Mangroves & Mudflat at Futian |
33.40 |
33.83 |
1.29% |
61.99 |
62.45 |
0.74% |
H |
Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau |
20.77 |
20.77 |
0.00% |
31.79 |
31.79 |
0.00% |
I |
Oyster Beds at Shekou |
17.41 |
17.48 |
0.40% |
34.91 |
35.26 |
1.00% |
J2 |
Chinese White Dolphin Feeding Ground |
20.06 |
20.07 |
0.05% |
26.10 |
26.11 |
0.04% |
K1 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area between Ngau Hom Shek & Pak Nai SSSI |
26.43 |
29.56 |
11.84% |
26.79 |
30.82 |
15.04% |
K2 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area at Ha Pak Nai |
20.99 |
21.49 |
2.38% |
26.20 |
26.25 |
0.19% |
L1 |
Ramsar Site (North) |
30.17 |
30.44 |
0.89% |
83.34 |
83.73 |
0.47% |
L2 |
Ramsar Site (South) |
46.65 |
47.21 |
1.20% |
41.84 |
42.38 |
1.29% |
Table 7.28 Predicted SS Levels for Case D2
Indicator Point |
Dry Season |
Wet Season |
Scenario with no discharge |
Scenario with discharge in HK and filling in Shenzhen |
% difference between scenario with discharge and without discharge |
Scenario with no discharge |
Scenario with discharge in HK and filling in Shenzhen |
% difference between scenario with discharge and without discharge |
DM1 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM1 |
34.29 |
34.97 |
1.98% |
37.85 |
38.61 |
2.01% |
DM2 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM2 |
25.96 |
26.39 |
1.66% |
39.61 |
40.20 |
1.49% |
DM3 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM3 |
21.16 |
21.34 |
0.85% |
28.41 |
28.68 |
0.95% |
DM4 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM4 |
19.29 |
19.35 |
0.31% |
28.68 |
28.81 |
0.45% |
DM5 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM5 |
21.14 |
21.14 |
0.00% |
35.91 |
35.92 |
0.03% |
A |
Mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek |
27.37 |
29.10 |
6.32% |
27.82 |
30.95 |
11.25% |
B |
Cooling Water Intake for CLP Black Point Power Station |
20.16 |
20.21 |
0.25% |
29.36 |
29.38 |
0.07% |
C |
Oyster Bed near Lau Fau Shan |
30.25 |
31.86 |
5.32% |
29.66 |
31.17 |
5.09% |
D |
Mai Po Nature Reserve Area |
68.88 |
78.66 |
14.20% |
43.30 |
43.88 |
1.34% |
E |
Pak Nai SSSI |
21.85 |
23.17 |
6.04% |
25.23 |
25.36 |
0.52% |
F |
Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI |
38.00 |
38.68 |
1.79% |
41.87 |
42.71 |
2.01% |
G |
Mangroves & Mudflat at Futian |
33.40 |
38.75 |
16.02% |
61.99 |
62.60 |
0.98% |
H |
Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau |
20.77 |
20.77 |
0.00% |
31.79 |
31.79 |
0.00% |
I |
Oyster Beds at Shekou |
17.41 |
17.80 |
2.24% |
34.91 |
35.69 |
2.23% |
J2 |
Chinese White Dolphin Feeding Ground |
20.06 |
20.07 |
0.05% |
26.10 |
26.11 |
0.04% |
K1 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area between Ngau Hom Shek & Pak Nai SSSI |
26.43 |
29.70 |
12.37% |
26.79 |
30.83 |
15.08% |
K2 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area at Ha Pak Nai |
20.99 |
21.49 |
2.38% |
26.20 |
26.25 |
0.19% |
L1 |
Ramsar Site (North) |
30.17 |
32.32 |
7.13% |
83.34 |
83.79 |
0.54% |
L2 |
Ramsar Site (South) |
46.65 |
48.37 |
3.69% |
41.84 |
42.39 |
1.31% |
Table 7.29 Predicted SS Levels for Case D3
Indicator Point |
Dry Season |
Wet Season |
Scenario with no discharge |
Scenario with discharge in HK and Shenzhen and filling in Shenzhen |
% difference between scenario with discharge and without discharge |
Scenario with no discharge |
Scenario with discharge in HK and Shenzhen and filling in Shenzhen |
% difference between scenario with discharge and without discharge |
DM1 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM1 |
34.29 |
35.09 |
2.33% |
37.85 |
38.63 |
2.06% |
DM2 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM2 |
25.96 |
26.49 |
2.04% |
39.61 |
40.25 |
1.62% |
DM3 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM3 |
21.16 |
21.39 |
1.09% |
28.41 |
28.70 |
1.02% |
DM4 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM4 |
19.29 |
19.38 |
0.47% |
28.68 |
28.85 |
0.59% |
DM5 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM5 |
21.14 |
21.15 |
0.05% |
35.91 |
35.92 |
0.03% |
A |
Mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek |
27.37 |
29.20 |
6.69% |
27.82 |
30.96 |
11.29% |
B |
Cooling Water Intake for CLP Black Point Power Station |
20.16 |
20.21 |
0.25% |
29.36 |
29.38 |
0.07% |
C |
Oyster Bed near Lau Fau Shan |
30.25 |
32.05 |
5.95% |
29.66 |
31.18 |
5.12% |
D |
Mai Po Nature Reserve Area |
68.88 |
80.81 |
17.32% |
43.30 |
43.89 |
1.36% |
E |
Pak Nai SSSI |
21.85 |
23.19 |
6.13% |
25.23 |
25.36 |
0.52% |
F |
Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI |
38.00 |
38.78 |
2.05% |
41.87 |
42.73 |
2.05% |
G |
Mangroves & Mudflat at Futian |
33.40 |
39.65 |
18.71% |
61.99 |
62.68 |
1.11% |
H |
Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau |
20.77 |
20.77 |
0.00% |
31.79 |
31.79 |
0.00% |
I |
Oyster Beds at Shekou |
17.41 |
17.85 |
2.53% |
34.91 |
35.77 |
2.46% |
J2 |
Chinese White Dolphin Feeding Ground |
20.06 |
20.07 |
0.05% |
26.10 |
26.11 |
0.04% |
K1 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area between Ngau Hom Shek & Pak Nai SSSI |
26.43 |
29.78 |
12.67% |
26.79 |
30.83 |
15.08% |
K2 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area at Ha Pak Nai |
20.99 |
21.49 |
2.38% |
26.20 |
26.25 |
0.19% |
L1 |
Ramsar Site (North) |
30.17 |
32.74 |
8.52% |
83.34 |
83.83 |
0.59% |
L2 |
Ramsar Site (South) |
46.65 |
48.66 |
4.31% |
41.84 |
42.40 |
1.34% |
7.7.67 Category H material was identified at sampling locations A14 and A15. These two locations were near the Hong Kong boundary. As there was no exceedance of 10xLCEL for the tested parameters, the sediment to be dredged in these locations should be disposed of at a confined marine disposal site. East Sha Chau mud pits are the designated disposal site for contaminated sediment and would be suitable for accepting this type of dredged materials.
7.7.68 A total of 11 grab and vibrocore sediment samples were classified as Category M material. Biological testing was conducted to determine the disposal option (Type 1 open sea disposal or Type 2 confined marine disposal) for Category M material. The disposal option for Category M material would be open sea disposal (dedicated sites) if passing the biological tests or confined marine disposal if failing the test.
7.7.69 The sediment samples collected at A5, A6, A11 and D3 had failed the biological tests. A5, A6 and A11 were grab sediment samples whilst D3 were vibrocore sample. A5 and A6 were adjacent to D3 indicating high contaminant levels in that region. The proposed s-curve bridge alignment is likely to cut through this region. Sediment that needs to be dredged away during the bridge pier construction in this region should also adopt confined marine disposal. A11 is located further away from the bridge alignment and the sediment at A11 is not likely to be disturbed or dredged away during the construction of the SWC bridge.
7.7.70 Open sea disposal at dedicated sites, i.e. empty marine borrow pits, could be adopted for the sediment samples, which passed the biological tests. Exhausted marine borrow pits such as the South Tsing Yi, North of Lantau, East Tung Lung Chau and the Brothers are potential sites to accommodate this type of dredged materials. Open sea disposal sites such as South Cheung Chau spoil disposal area and the East Ninepins spoil disposal ground are the sites for disposal of sediment classified as Category L material. Based on the SI results, these included the sediment near sampling locations D1, D2, D4 - D8, A1 - A4, A7 - A10, A12, A13 and A16.
7.7.71 Dredged volume of one pier is about 650 m3. There would be in total about 78 piers for typical span (75m spacing) and a total volume of 50,700 m3. For navigation channel, the volumes of main pier and dolphin were estimated to be 2,800 m3 and 3,200 m3 respectively. The section of the SWC bridge within the HKSAR waters is about 3.2 km in length. The estimated total volume of sediment to be dredged is about 57,000 m3. The sediment volumes for open sea disposal, i.e at the South Cheung Chau spoil disposal area and the East Ninepins spoil disposal ground and confined marine disposal, i.e. at East Sha Chau mud pits would be approximately 34,500 m3 (a length of about 2,000 m with Category L material at D1, D2, D4, D5 and D6) and 22,500 m3 (a length of about 1,200 m with Category M material failing the biological test at D3 and Category H material at A14 near the alignment) respectively. The allocation of the disposal sites would be subject to approval from EPD and the Marine Fill Committee.
7.7.72 During the bridge pier construction, sheet piles would be installed to form a cofferdam at each pier site prior to the commencement of dredging operation. This provides a confined environment to facilitate the dredging operation. More importantly, release of dredged material into the surrounding water would be effectively controlled to minimise any potential impacts to the aquatic environment in Deep Bay.
7.7.73 In the deep water region, sediment dredging would be carried out directly from dredgers / barges. The typical size of dredger is 50m (long) x 15m (wide) x 3.5m (deep). The draft required would be about 1.5m. The temporary access bridge would be installed in between the bridge piers of the southbound carriageway and the northbound carriageway at the early stage of the SWC project. Figure 2.7 shows the construction arrangement. In the shallow water region, the sediment dredging equipment and piling rig would be placed on the tee-off section of the temporary bridge for sediment dredging and pile construction. The dredged material would be transported along the temporary access bridge to the deeper water area and transferred to the barge for subsequent off-site disposal. Mitigation measures should be undertaken to avoid spillage of dredged material during transportation. Cofferdams would be installed at the pier sites located both in the shallow region and the deep water region.
7.7.74 The transport of the contaminated sediment (Category H material and Category M material which had failed the biological tests) for confined marine disposal and the uncontaminated sediment (Category L material and Category M material which passed the biological tests) for open sea disposal would be directly from the dredging locations to the designated disposal sites. It is likely that barges would travel via the Urmston Road Channel to East Sha Chau mud pits for disposal of contaminated sediment. A longer travelling distance may be required for the disposal of uncontaminated dredged material to the exhausted marine borrow pits.
7.7.75 There may be a number of barges and vessels such as cargo vessels, wooden fishing vessels, etc. plying in the area during the construction of the SWC bridge. It is anticipated that the marine traffic would not be high. However, minor conflicts may occur during construction. It is therefore recommended that marine notice be served on all other vessels to inform them of the construction.
7.7.76 During the critical construction period, there would be about 7 pier sites under construction at the same time. These pier sites would be located in the mudflat, inter-tidal and sub-tidal regions. As the sediment to be removed from each pier site is relatively small in volume (~ 650 m3), the time required for completing the dredging operation at each pier site is expected to be short. To be more conservative, it is estimated that there would be 4 barges to carry out sediment dredging simultaneously. In case that typhoon signal no.3 is hoisted, barges and dredgers are required to return to the designated typhoon shelter.
Sediment Dredging at Mai Po and Sediment Disposal
7.7.77 The construction of SWC bridge may cause ecological impacts in Deep Bay. The extent of potentially impacted area would be limited to the region in the close proximity to the SWC alignment. It has been estimated that the area of mudflat occupied by the bridge piers is about 0.024 ha. Compared with the total 11,500 ha of Deep Bay seabed, loss of habitat due to the SWC is comparatively small (~0.0002%) as far as the whole Deep Bay is concern. Since Deep Bay is an ecological sensitive area, restoration of habitat would be beneficial to the Deep Bay environment.
7.7.78 One of the key functions of Mai Po Gei Wais is to provide feeding ground for birds especially during winter period. In Deep Bay, Gei Wais, mudflats and fishponds support about 60,000 wintering birds. Currently, the sediment deposition rate in the region near Shenzhen River outlet is rather high. Mai Po located near the Shenzhen River outlet is being affected by this natural sediment deposition phenomenon. The existing Mai Po Gei Wais are linked to the Deep Bay waters through a number of water channels. The increases in channel bed levels as a result of sediment deposition in the water channels obstruct the tidal flows from entering the Gei Wais. The Gei Wais could not receive regular seawater exchange and the food resources inside Gei Wais would be exhausted degrading the functions of the Gei Wais. It is therefore proposed to implement an enhancement measure to dredge the deposited sediment in the water channel, which connects to Mai Po Gei Wais Nos. 16 and 17. The total area of Gei Wai Nos. 16 and 17 is more than 20 ha and is the largest amongst all the Gei Wais inside Mai Po. Restoration of these two Gei Wais by dredging the inlet water channel could reinstate their functions and provide more feeding ground for birds. Figure 7.31 shows the locations of Gei Wai Nos. 16 and 17 and the inlet water channel connecting to these two Gei Wais.
7.7.79 The benefits of the proposed enhancement measure are summarized below:
· Restoring the functions of Gei Wais at Mai Po to provide a
better feeding ground for birds so as to offset the loss of habitat due to the
SWC project resulting in no net loss of habitat in Deep Bay; and
· Mitigating the impact due to long-term sediment deposition at Mai Po Gei Wais
and the slight increase in sediment deposition rate at Mai Po due to the SWC
7.7.80 An access route would be provided to facilitate the dredging works and mobilization of dredging equipment. Dredging would also be carried out along the access route as shown in Figure 7.31.
7.7.81 The environmental issues associated with the sediment dredging at Mai Po Gei Wais mainly are sediment disposal and water quality impacts. EPD sediment monitoring station DS1 is near the inlet channel. Based on the past records, the sediment collected at DS1 from 1997 to 1998 was classified as Category H material. In 1999, the contaminant level of the sediment at DS1 was lower and was classified as Category M material. But the sediment at the same station was classified as Category H material again in 2000. The average pollutant concentrations measured at DS1 in 2000 were 13.7 mg/kg (8.7 - 20 mg/kg) for arsenic, 0.4 mg/kg (0.1 - 0.5 mg/kg) for cadmium, 44 mg/kg (26 - 60 mg/kg) for chromium, 65 mg/kg (14 - 98 mg/kg) for copper, 63 mg/kg (42 - 87 mg/kg) for lead, 0.17 mg/kg (0.05 - 0.4 mg/kg) for mercury, 26 mg/kg (14 - 41 mg/kg) for nickel, <1.0 (<1.0 - 1.0 mg/kg) for silver and 240 mg/kg (86 - 360 mg/kg) for zinc. The low molecular weight PAHs was 17 (not detectable - 37 mg/kg) and the high molecular weight PAHs was 97 mg/kg (26 - 257 mg/kg). For PCBs, the average concentration was < 5 mg/kg (< 5 - 24 mg/kg). Except the recorded highest PCB level of 24 mg/kg slightly exceeded the LCEL for PCBs of 23 mg/kg, the PAH and PCB levels were low and well below their LCELs.
7.7.82 AFCD conducted a study on the characteristics of sediment at Mai Po mudflats in 1998. Sediment samples were collected at several sampling locations outside the inlet channels of the Mai Po Gei Wais. Figure 7.31A shows the locations of the sediment sampling points. The measured depth-averaged cadmium levels ranged from 0.5 - 0.8 mg/kg, chromium levels from 9.8 - 91 mg/kg, copper levels from 54 - 421 mg/kg, lead levels from 7.3 - 69.1 mg/kg and zinc levels from 66.9 - 192 mg/kg. The mean concentrations of PAHs and PCBs were 369.0 ng/g (181.3 - 830.7 ng/g) and 12.3 ng/g (3.7 - 24.5 ng/g) respectively. Comparing with the criteria for classification of sediment specified in WBTC N0. 3/2000 for PAHs and PCBs, these two parameters were not exceptionally high. Since the levels of some of the heavy metal were high, a number of the collected sediment samples were classified as Category H material. However, there was no exceedance of 10xLCEL of the measured parameters.
7.7.83 The length of inlet water channel to be dredged is approximately 1.4 km. Elevated land areas on both sides of the inlet water channel are densely populated with mangroves. A portion of the channel of about 600m is on the mudflat and is not bounded by the high population of mangroves. The length of the access route is relatively shorter and is about 800m. The width of dredging along the inlet water channel and the access route is about 4m and the depth of sediment to be removed is about 1.0m. An estimate of the dredged material is approximately 8,800 m3.
7.7.84 Sediment sampling and analysis were conducted to classify the sediment and identify the disposal method for the dredged material. 12 nos. of grab samples of the upper layer sediment (from channel bed down to about 0.5m in depth) at sampling locations GS1 to GS12 were collected. Figure 7.31 shows the sediment sampling locations. The spacing of the sampling locations is approximately 200m. Sampling locations GS1 to GS6 were located within the access route whilst sampling locations GS5 to GS12 were allocated along the inlet water channel. The volume of sediment sample collected at each sampling location was about 6 litres. Based on EPD's sediment quality data measured at DS1 and information from AFCD's study on sediment quality on Mai Po mudflats, the micro-pollutants including PAHs and PCBs appeared to be low and would not be a concern. There is no shipyard in the vicinity of the inlet water channel and access route. TBT is also not a critical parameter of concern. Therefore, the collected grab samples from the inlet water channel and access route were analyzed for the parameters of cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, zinc, silver and arsenic.
7.7.85 The laboratory results showed that the sediment samples were mainly Category M material and Category H material with contaminant level <10xLCEL. There was no sample sediment with contaminant level >10xLCEL. The sampling locations where Category M material or Category H material were identified are listed as follows:
· Category M material : GS1, GS4, GS6, GS10, GS11 and GS12
· Category H material (<10xLCEL) : GS2, GS3, GS5, GS7, GS8 and GS9
7.7.86 Table 7.29A summarizes all the laboratory results. The measured cadmium levels were all less than 0.1 mg/kg, chromium levels ranged from 32 - 58 mg/kg, copper levels from 46 - 93 mg/kg, nickel levels from 22 - 30 mg/kg, lead levels from 58 - 78 mg/kg, zinc levels from 200 - 350 mg/kg, mercury levels from <0.05 - 3.9 mg/kg, arsenic levels from 13 - 55 mg/kg, silver levels from 0.4 - 2 mg/kg at the 12 sampling locations. Comparing with the criteria for classification of sediment specified in WBTC No. 3/2000, the arsenic levels for all of the sampling locations exceeded the relevant LCEL with location GS3 exceeded the UCEL. For zinc, all of the sampling locations exceeded the LCEL with the exception of location GS5 with zinc level of 200 mg/kg. Meanwhile, GS2, 3 and 7 exceeded the UCEL for zinc levels. For mercury, exceedances of UCEL were found at GS3, 5, 8 and 9 while exceedance of LCEL was found at GS4. Exceedances of relevant LCEL were also found at 7 locations for copper levels (GS2,4,7-11), 6 locations for silver levels (GS1,4,7,9,11,12), 1 location for lead level(GS7). Since exceedances of UCEL for the measured metals were found at GS2, GS3, GS5, GS7, GS8 and GS9, the sediments in these 6 locations were classified as Category H material. Meanwhile, the sediment in the rest of the sampling locations exceeded the LCEL and were classified as Category M material. Based on the results above, 2 sampling locations in proposed access route and 4 sampling locations in the inlet water channel with mangroves on both sides were classified as Category H materials.
7.7.87 The sediment quality results obtained from the present survey appeared to be consistent with EPD and AFCD's sediment quality data. It is conservatively assumed that the identified Category M material at GS1, GS4, GS6, GS10. GS11 and GS12 would fail the biological tests. Based on WBTC No. 3/2000, this type of dredged material should be disposed of at confined marine disposal sites, i.e East Sha Chau mud pits. The estimated volume of Category M material is 4,400 m3. Since the rest of the sediment samples collected at GS2, GS3, GS5, GS7, GS8 and GS9 were classified as Category H material with contaminant level <10xLCEL, the disposal method for this type of dredged material is also confined marine disposal. The volume of Category H material (<10xLCEL) is approximately 4,400 m3.
7.7.88 The dredging of inlet water channel and access route requires the removal of mangrove trees which may include Kandelia candel, Aegiceras corniculatum, and Avicennia marina. The potential impacts on the mangrove tress are presented in Section 9.9. A tree felling application would be conducted to identify the exact numbers, locations and species of the mangrove trees to be removed prior to the dredging work.
7.7.89 The wintering period for bird migration is from 1st of November to 31st of March. The proposed enhancement measure of dredging the inlet water channel connecting to Mai Po Gei Wai Nos. 16 and 17 would be completed by end of October 2003. The preliminary schedule is to complete the dredging work within 4 months with allowance for inclement weather and constraint of tidal conditions. The dredging work would be carried out in advance before the commencement of the main construction contract. The dredging rate is about 25m per day or 100 m3/d.
7.7.90 Since both the inlet water channel and the access route
are shallow and densely populated with mangroves, the dredging vessel should
have a low draft, e.g. floating pontoon, in order to access the site. Mitigation
measures should be implemented to minimise the water quality impacts associated
with the sediment dredging along the inlet water channel and access route. Since
the duration for carrying out the enhancement measure is relatively short and
the scale of dredging is small, with the implementation of suitable mitigation
measures the potential water quality impacts would be within acceptable levels.
Table 7.29A Sediment Quality Results – Sediment
Collected from Inlet Water Channel and Access Route
Sediment Quality Criteria /Sampling Location |
Sampling Depth (m) |
Cd (mg/kg) |
Cr (mg/kg) |
Cu (mg/kg) |
Ni Note 1 (mg/kg) |
Pb (mg/kg) |
Zn (mg/kg) |
Hg (mg/kg) |
As (mg/kg) |
Ag (mg/kg) |
Sediment Classification WBTC No.3/2000 |
Exceeded 10 x LCEL |
From |
To |
-- |
-- |
1.5 |
80 |
65 |
40 |
75 |
200 |
0.5 |
12 |
1 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
4 |
160 |
110 |
40 |
110 |
270 |
1 |
42 |
2 |
-- |
-- |
GS1 |
N/A |
N/A |
<0.1 |
39 |
65 |
25 |
70 |
210 |
0.4 |
17 |
1.1 |
Category M |
No |
GS2 |
N/A |
N/A |
<0.1 |
42 |
67 |
24 |
70 |
280 |
0.1 |
19 |
0.8 |
Category H |
No |
GS3 |
N/A |
N/A |
<0.1 |
32 |
46 |
22 |
68 |
350 |
1.3 |
55 |
0.4 |
Category H |
No |
GS4 |
N/A |
N/A |
<0.1 |
43 |
81 |
25 |
69 |
260 |
0.6 |
19 |
1.1 |
Category M |
No |
GS5 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
<0.1 |
38 |
52 |
25 |
68 |
200 |
1.9 |
15 |
0.6 |
Category H |
No |
GS6 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
<0.1 |
48 |
72 |
29 |
58 |
250 |
<0.05 |
17 |
1.0 |
Category M |
No |
GS7 |
1.7 |
1.7 |
<0.1 |
58 |
93 |
30 |
78 |
300 |
<0.05 |
17 |
2.0 |
Category H |
No |
GS8 |
1.7 |
1.7 |
<0.1 |
51 |
80 |
27 |
62 |
240 |
3.9 |
16 |
0.8 |
Category H |
No |
GS9 |
1.3 |
1.3 |
<0.1 |
46 |
79 |
28 |
73 |
260 |
2.3 |
15 |
1.6 |
Category H |
No |
GS10 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
<0.1 |
53 |
79 |
28 |
65 |
240 |
0.3 |
14 |
0.9 |
Category M |
No |
GS11 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
<0.1 |
46 |
74 |
26 |
60 |
230 |
0.1 |
16 |
1.1 |
Category M |
No |
GS12 |
0.75 |
0.75 |
<0.1 |
39 |
64 |
23 |
58 |
210 |
<0.05 |
13 |
1.2 |
Category M |
No |
1.The contaminated level is considered to have exceeded the UCEL if it is
greater than the value shown.
Those values in bold exceeded the LCEL
Those values in italic exceeded the UCEL
Changes in Hydrodynamic Conditions during the Bridge Pier Construction Period
7.7.91 Based on the preliminary SWC construction programme, the critical period for the construction of bridge piers would be from May 2004 to September 2004. Concurrent construction of 2 pairs of bridge piers within 500m from shoreline and 6 pairs of bridge piers in the region beyond the distance of 500m from the shoreline at Ngau Hom Shek was taken as the worst-case scenario in this assessment. Figure 7.32 shows the arrangement of these pier sites within the Hong Kong waters.
7.7.92 The cofferdam for typical bridge pier with a size of 10x10m would be provided at each pier site during the bridge pier construction. The size of cofferdam is larger than the normal size of the bridge pier (6m x 2.5m) and pile cap (8.5m x 8.5m). The pile cap for the main span bridge pier is designed to place in the water column and is not submerged under the seabed. The cofferdam for this case is also larger than the pile cap of the pier with at least a 500mm clearance on each side of the pile cap. The potential impact on the tidal flows would be higher when compared to a normal bridge pier without cofferdam. At the initial stage of the construction works, some of the bridge piers would be under construction while some of the bridge piers would be completed. The influence to the tidal flows at the initial stage of the construction works is likely to be lower than the case where all the bridge piers are in place (operational phase of the SWC bridge). The worst case would be the concurrent construction of 8 pairs of piers and cable-stayed bridge foundation during the critical period and the rest of the piers have been completed. The reduction in flushing capacity across the bridge alignment is expected to be higher than that during the operation of the SWC bridge.
7.7.93 Model simulations were conducted to estimate the
reduction in flushing capacity for the worst scenario. The following cases were
included for comparisons:
Case 1 : Before the construction of the SWC bridge (same as Scenario 2)
Case 2 : Operational phase of the SWC bridge (all the bridge piers are in place)
(same as Scenario 3)
Case 3 : Construction of bridge piers during critical period (worst scenario)
Case 4 : Oyster beds along the bridge alignment included in the model runs
7.7.94 Case 4 is to estimate the effects of oyster beds along the SWC bridge alignment on the tidal flows. Scattered oyster beds are located within the proposed SWC bridge alignment. From the recent oyster bed surveys, oyster beds within Deep Bay were identified using aerial photos, field visits and side-scan sonar survey. The existing oyster beds along the proposed bridge alignment on the Hong Kong side extend about 800m from shoreline. A strip of oyster beds (an additional 50 m wide strip on both sides of the 39.1 m wide bridge alignment) would be demarcated as works area for the bridge construction. This strip of oyster beds along the bridge alignment would be removed prior to the commencement of the construction works. This may lead to the improvement of the tidal flow conditions in the area along the bridge alignment. The clearance of oyster beds along the SWC bridge alignment would be permanent and restoration of oyster beds after the construction works would not be permitted.
7.7.95 The average diameter of each oyster pole growth with oysters is about 0.2 m. The spacing of each row of oyster beds is about 1 m (parallel to the SWC bridge alignment) and the spacing between two oyster poles is about 0.3 m. The density of oysters in oyster pole is high. Due to irregular surface of the cluster of oysters, the roughness of the oyster poles is expected to be high. The presence of oyster beds may create friction to the tidal flow similar to the bridge piers.
7.7.96 The loss coefficient, which represents the friction due to the presence of the oyster beds, was calculated to be about 3.0. This value is much higher than the loss coefficient (0.06 - 0.09) for the bridge pier (typical span spacing of 75m). As most of the oyster beds would be submerged during flood tides especially for the oyster beds in deeper water, the loss coefficient was applied to about two third of the vertical water column in the model runs.
7.7.97 Table 7.30 summarises the reductions in accumulated fluxes or flushing capacity for different cases. The percent differences in flushing capacity were calculated with reference to Case 1. The comparisons showed that the reduction in flushing capacity during the critical period (Case 3) would be higher when compared to the operational phase of the project (Case 2). The difference between these two cases was 0.27%.
7.7.98 The effects on the flushing capacity across the bridge
alignment due to the presence of oyster beds depend on the extent of oyster
beds. Based on the model results, the reduction in flushing capacity obtained by
comparison of the accumulated fluxes between Case 1 and Case 4 was 0.38%. After
the clearance of oyster beds, the obstruction to the tidal flow would be
reduced. The removal of oyster beds along the bridge alignment would
counterbalance with the reduction in flushing capacity due to the concurrent
construction of bridge piers during the critical period. It is expected that the
hydrodynamic conditions in Deep Bay during the critical period for bridge pier
construction would not be much different from the baseline conditions provided
that the strip of oyster beds along the bridge alignment is removed. The water
quality in Deep Bay would be much the same as the baseline conditions after the
clearance of oyster beds along the bridge alignment to improve the tidal flow
conditions. It is likely that oyster production in other areas of Deep Bay and
the identified sensitive receivers would not be affected during this critical
construction period.
Table 7.30 Reduction in Flushing capacity for Different Cases
Season |
Reduction in Flushing capacity |
Case 1 vs Case 2 |
Case 1 vs Case 3 |
Case 1 vs Case 4 |
Dry |
-0.87% |
-1.17% |
-0.37% |
Wet |
-0.64% |
-0.89% |
-0.38% |
Average |
-0.76% |
-1.03%1 |
-0.38% |
1. Allocation of 8 pairs of cofferdams in the model grids and 16 nos. of
cofferdams in a line in the model grids were tested. The modeling results showed
that there was almost no difference in flushing capacity reduction for two
Cumulative Construction Impacts
Mainland Reclamation at the SWC Landing Point and Mainland SWC Bridge
7.7.99 Reclamation on the Hong Kong side would not be required for the SWC project. The only required reclamation is the landing point at Dongjiaotou on the Shenzhen side. A review of the Mainland EIA Report on the SWC Reclamation and Foundation Treatment Engineering (Reference 2) was conducted. The report presented that the potential water quality impacts would be mainly associated with the reclamation activities. The works for strengthening and construction of seawall/dyke would be carried out at the early stage of the reclamation. At the outer edge of the reclamation site, seawall would be formed. The impacts on water quality in terms of elevation of SS levels would be temporary for these works. Exceedances of the Category 3 standard for SS were predicted. Monitoring of water quality changes would be implemented from the Shenzhen side to minimise the water quality impacts.
7.7.100 The Mainland EIA (Shenzhen Bay Bridge) indicated that the bridge foundation would be construction using bored piles. Bored pile casing would be driven into the seabed and would confine the sediment within the casing. Release of sediment during sediment dredging was expected to be not significant. The wastewater generated from the bored pile construction would be treated for sediment removal. The treated effluent would be reused in the piling process. Based on the construction method presented in the Mainland EIA, it is considered that the construction of bridge foundation would not cause significant cumulative water quality impacts with the SWC project.
7.7.101 After the completion of the Mainland EIAs, there were some changes to the reclamation at Dongjiaotou and the reclamation method would be different from that described in the original Mainland EIAs. The Mainland authorities confirmed that the reclamation at Dongjiaotou would commence in 2002. External seawall would be constructed at the early stage of the reclamation and be completed within the first 6 months of the overall construction programme. The whole reclamation site would be divided into a number of cells. Discharges of seawater would be from an active cell to the adjacent inactive cells. The inactive cells provide a quiescent environment for settling of sediment particles. The seawater at the last cell would be pumped out from the confined reclamation site to the sea. After settling of sediment particles, the seawater pumped out from the site is not likely to contain high concentrations of suspended solids. The Mainland standards for wastewater discharges shown in Tables 7.5 and 7.6 show the maximum allowable discharge pollutant concentrations. All the reclamation activities would be carried out behind the seawall and there would be no overflow of water from the enclosed reclamation site to Deep Bay when carrying out the filling activities. As indicated in the Mainland EIA, water quality monitoring would be conducted at both upstream and downstream locations of the reclamation site. The SS level at 500m of the impact monitoring station should not exceed the SS level measured at the control station (50m from the site) by 100 mg/L; or the SS level at 2000m of the impact monitoring station should not exceed the SS level measured at the control station (500m from the site) by 10 mg/L. The Mainland Sea Water Quality Objectives are as shown in Table 7.4. The overall construction period was expected to be approximately 22 months. Since the SWC project is planned to commence in August 2003, the completion of external seawall at the Shenzhen landing point before the SWC project would minimise the accumulation of water quality impacts from the Shenzhen reclamation and the SWC project.
7.7.102 It was also confirmed with the Mainland authorities that there would be no sand dredging from Deep Bay for reclamation. The source of the fill materials for reclamation would be mainly from land and import of marine sand fill for reclamation might be required. It is expected that the water content for these types of fill materials would be low and discharge of sediment-laden flow from the reclamation site can be avoided. As the strengthening and construction of seawall would first be carried out, the subsequent filling behind the seawall is not likely to cause adverse water quality impacts to the aquatic environment in Deep Bay.
7.7.103 Since the seawall construction would be carried out at the early stage of the reclamation and it would take about 6 months for completion, it is not likely that the SWC project would overlap with the seawall construction at the Shenzhen landing point. The most likely situation is that the filling activities at Dongjiaotou are in progress when the SWC project commences in August 2003. It is, however, anticipated that the potential water quality impacts would not be significant provided that the above-mentioned conditions could be met. The following gives a summary of these conditions:
· The works for strengthening of the existing dyke and
construction of seawall to be carried out at the early stage of the reclamation
and is substantially completed prior to carrying out the filling activities and
the commencement of the SWC project;
· Bored pile foundation to be adopted as stated in the Mainland EIA report.
Alternatively, use of driven piles would minimise the water quality impacts as
sediment dredging would be avoided;
· The wastewater generated from bored pile construction to be properly treated
as stated in the Mainland EIA report;
· The filling activities at Dongjiaotou to be carried out behind external
seawall and no substantial overflow of sediment-laden water from the enclosed
reclamation site to Deep Bay;
· Fill materials used for reclamation at Dongjiaotou not to be obtained from
Deep Bay; and
· Suitable mitigation measures, i.e. water quality monitoring, to be
implemented by the Mainland side as stated in the Mainland EIA to ensure that
the potential water quality impacts due to seawall construction and reclamation
would be within the Mainland statutory requirements.
7.7.104 The potential water quality impacts from concurrent
construction of SWC bridge piers of the Hong Kong and Mainland sections and
reclamation at Dongjiaotou have been presented in Section 7.7.61 to Section
7.7.66. There were no exceedances of WQO and Mainland Category 1 standard for SS
at all the identified water sensitive receivers. The following mitigation
measures would be implemented during the construction of the Hong Kong section
of the SWC to ensure that the water quality impacts are minimal:
· Bored pile foundations to be adopted and the wastewater generated from bored
piling activities to be treated by a on-site wastewater treatment system;
· Use of closed grabs for sediment dredging;
· Provision of cofferdam at each pier site to limit sediment dredging within a
confined environment;
· Provision of silt curtain at each pier site;
· Good management practices to be implemented throughout the bridge pier
construction period; and
· Implementation of water quality monitoring and environmental site audit.
7.7.105 According to the Mainland EIA (Reference 2), mitigation measures to minimise the water quality impacts arising from the reclamation project would include: 1) a better control of the release of sediment-laden flow from the reclamation site through adoption of suitable construction methods, selection of discharge points, scheduling of works programme, and 2) suitable selection and transport of fill material. The latest information provided by the Mainland authorities confirmed that fill material would not be obtained from Deep Bay. The filling activities would be different from those prescribed in the Mainland EIA. No overflow of water from the reclamation site during the filling operation is expected. Hence, the potential water quality impacts would be low.
7.7.106 The Mainland EIA also outlined an Environmental
Management and Audit Plan for the reclamation project to ensure that potential
impacts arising from reclamation would be monitored and minimised. The following
recommendations were included in the plan:
· The evaluation process for tender assessment for the construction contract
should include the environmental requirements of the reclamation project;
· An approved environmental supervision team should be established to assess
the design provided by the construction contractor;
· The approved environmental supervision team should implement the
environmental measures and suggestions documented in the Mainland EIA report;
· The team should issue a monthly report to document monitoring and audit
results and to describe pertinent mitigation measures for resolving potential
problems; and
· The requirements for water quality monitoring and for auditing specific
measures during the construction period were provided.
Interface with Other Projects on the Hong Kong Side
7.7.107 The projects, which are in the vicinity of the SWC project site and may be carried out in the similar time frame as the SWC project include:
· Deep Bay Link
· Water supply to Hung Shui Kiu, Kwu Tung North, Fanling North and Ping Che/Ta
Kwu Ling New Development Areas
· Water supply to Sludge Treatment Facility at Tuen Mun
· Yuen Long and Kam Tin Sewerage and Sewage Disposal - PWP Item No. 4215DS
· Upgrading & Expansion of San Wai Sewage Treatment Works and the Expansion
of Ha Tsuen Pumping Station
· Hung Shui Kiu New Development Areas (HSK NDA)
Deep Bay Link
7.7.108 The construction programme for the Deep Bay Link project will be implemented concurrently with the SWC project. All the construction works for the Deep Bay Link project would be carried out from a land-based operation. Release of construction site runoff into Deep Bay may cause cumulative impacts with the SWC project. However, construction site runoff could be effectively controlled through the implementation of suitable mitigation measures, e.g. provision of site drainage systems and sedimentation facilities, routine monitoring of the effluent discharge quality and environmental audit. The other issues including generation of wastewater and sewage, and accidental spillage of toxic substances during the construction period also be minimised or controlled by providing chemical toilets and/or wastewater treatment facilities, off-site disposal of wastewater/sewage and establishment of a spillage response plan. The potential cumulative water quality impacts due to the Deep Bay Link project would be low.
Water Supply to Hung Shui Kiu, Kwu Tung North, Fanling North and Ping Che/Ta Kwu Ling New
Development Areas
7.7.109 This WSD project is tentatively scheduled to commence in around late 2005 or early 2006, and to complete by 2009. The construction programme fort this WSD project would overlap with the SWC construction programme.
7.7.110 The proposed pipe section for the project includes a 900mm diameter salt water main, which would be laid along the Deep Bay Road passing through Fung Kong Tsuen Road to Hung Shui Kiu NDA. Part of the section would fall within the SWC site boundary.
7.7.111 Excavation of trenches would be required during the construction of the salt water main. The potential water quality impacts that may arise from this WSD project would mainly be construction site runoff. A rainstorm may wash away the excavated materials to Deep Bay. The impact could be minimised if suitable mitigation measures are implemented when carrying out the excavation activities. Guidelines for the handling and disposal of construction discharges provided in ProPECC Note PN1/94 on Construction Site Drainage should be adopted to avoid water quality pollution. Digging of trenches should be carried out in short sections. After finishing a section of works, trenches and holes should be immediately back-filled to minimise the inflow of rainwater during rainstorms.
7.7.112 A salt water service reservoir is also proposed under this WSD project. The tentative location would be near the Fung Kong Tsuen Road at hillside of Fung Kong Tsuen. This proposed salt water service reservoir is located outside of the works limits of SWC.
7.7.113 The scale of this WSD project is expected to be small.
It is anticipated that there would be no additional impact induced by this WSD
project after the implementation of suitable mitigation measures.
Water Supply to Sludge Treatment Facility at Tuen Mun
7.7.114 A fresh water main is proposed to provide water supply to the proposed sludge treatment facility near WENT landfill site. This fresh water main would pass through Nim Wan Road, Lau Fau Shan Road, Tin Wah Road and Tin Ying Road and would connect to an existing fresh water main in Tin Shui Wai. The tentative commencement date of this project would be in 2005 and the completion date would be in 2008.
7.7.115 The key issue that may cause cumulative impacts with the SWC project is construction site runoff. Digging of trenches would generate exposed soils, which may be a potential pollution source to the Deep Bay waters. The ProPECC Note PN1/94 on Construction Site Drainage should be adopted to minimise the potential impact. In addition, good management practices could ensure that the potential impact to the nearby water body is minimal. It is likely that the overlapping of this WSD project with the SWC project would not cause unacceptable cumulative impacts in Deep Bay.
Yuen Long and Kam Tin Sewerage and Sewage Disposal - PWP Item No. 4215DS
7.7.116 The tentative programme for commencement of the project is scheduled in May 2005 and for completion in August 2007. This DSD project involves the provision of rising mains and gravity sewers at Tin Ying Road, Tin Wah Road and Lau Fau Shan Road. Similar to the projects proposed by WDS, construction site runoff would be the key issue that may cause cumulative impacts with the SWC project. Implementation of the guidelines recommended in the ProPECC Note PN1/94 on Construction Site Drainage could control the release of construction site runoff and minimise the other potential water pollution issues associated with the construction works.
Upgrading & Expansion of San Wai Sewage Treatment Works (STW) and the Expansion of Ha Tsuen
Pumping Station
7.7.117 The construction works for this project would commence in around 2004. The project is planned to expand the existing facilities at San Wan STW and Ha Tsuen Pumping Station. The treated effluent would be discharged via the NWNT effluent tunnel. An emergency discharge culvert from San Wai STW to nearby drainage channel would be constructed to provide an alternative discharge route for the treatment works.
7.7.118 An EIA study is being conducted for this project. All the construction and operational phase impacts would be addressed in that EIA. The construction works would be carried out from a land-based operation. The locations of the construction sites for this project are away from Deep Bay. Runoff from the construction sites may enter the local stream courses and/or Tin Shui Wai Drainage Channel before entering Deep Bay. With all the mitigation measures in place to control water quality pollution from the construction sites, the potential cumulative impacts with the SWC project would be low.
Hung Shui Kiu New Development Areas (HSK NDA)
7.7.119 The construction works for this development project would be in 2004 and the expected completion date is in 2008. The site limit of SWC is far away from the HSK DNA and there would be no conflict between the two projects. Environmental monitoring and audit would be implemented for the HSK NDA project. It is not expected that there would be adverse cumulative impacts generated from these two projects
Operational Phase
Changes in Hydrodynamic Conditions
7.7.120 One of the objectives of the preliminary design of the
SWC bridge configuration was aimed to minimise the reduction in flushing
capacity across the SWC bridge alignment and the effects on water quality
conditions landward of the bridge alignment. To achieve this target, proactive
approach was undertaken to:
· Adopt a longer span of a 75m spacing;
· Adopt submerged pile cap;
· Reduce the numbers of piles in the water column; and
· Design the bridge pier in a suitable form (streamline shape) to reduce
7.7.121 The above listed factors in fact determine the loss coefficient for the prediction of the changes in hydrodynamic conditions. A higher value of the loss coefficient would result in a higher reduction in flushing capacity. Based on the calculated loss coefficient for the proposed SWC bridge (75m spacing for typical span), the scenario with the SWC bridge was modelled and compared with the baseline scenario. As reclamation on the Shenzhen side would be required for providing a landing point at Dongjiaotou, the model run for this scenario was included. An additional scenario was also included to take into the account the future development on the Shenzhen side. Details of the proposed scenarios are presented in Section 7.5.38.
7.7.122 Table 7.31 summarises the predicted accumulated fluxes and cumulative salinity fluxes across the SWC bridge alignment for the 4 scenarios. The results shown in the table represent the average accumulated fluxes through the cross-section below the bridge alignment. The relative differences in accumulated flux and salinity flux between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 were -2.57% and -2.99% respectively. The differences were due to the reclamation at Dongjiaotou. Comparing Scenario 3 with Scenario 1, the predicted reductions in accumulated flux (-3.31%) and salinity flux (-3.49%) were slightly higher. Figures 7.33 and 7.34 show the time series plots for the momentary and accumulated fluxes for Scenarios 1 and 3. The reduction in accumulated flux for Scenario 3 was in similar order of magnitude to the flow reduction (~ 4%) predicted in the Mainland EIA Report (Shenzhen Bay Bridge) (Reference 1). The comparison between Scenario 3 and Scenario 2 showed that the presence of the SWC bridge piers with typical span of 75 m appeared to slightly increase the reduction in accumulated flux across the bridge alignment (-0.76%).
7.7.123 For Scenario 4, the inclusion of the unconfirmed reclamation sites adjacent to the landing point at Dongjiaotou had led to the highest reduction in accumulated flux (-10.87%) and salinity flux (-11.51%) when compared to Scenario 1. The reclaimed area for Scenario 4 was several times larger than that for Scenario 2 (154 ha). This would cause a much higher reduction in accumulated flux for Scenario 4. However, Scenario 4 is for indicative purpose on the future development in Deep Bay by the Shenzhen side and is not directly related to the SWC project. A separate EIA report is required by the Mainland side by the time Scenario 4 is to be implemented.
7.7.124 Figures 7.35 to 7.42 show graphically the surface layer tidal flow patterns in Deep Bay for both the wet and dry seasons during mid-flood and mid-ebb. All 4 scenarios were included in the figures. There were no noticeable differences in flow patterns between the different scenarios. The current speeds at the water surface were in general higher near the central region of Deep Bay and were slower in the shallow water regions especially in the Inner Deep Bay.
7.7.125 Figures 7.43 to 7.48 are the zoom in plots in the Inner Deep Bay to show the differences in velocity patterns between the existing baseline scenario (Scenario 1) and the other scenarios (Scenarios 2, 3 and 4). The velocity patterns in the most inner region of Deep Bay for all the scenarios during the spring tide period in dry and wet seasons were similar. Deviation of velocity patterns became detectable when moving away from the inner region of Deep Bay. During flood tide, the incoming tidal flows in the central region slightly deflected towards a northerly direction for the scenarios with reclamation. The exchange of flow between the inner region and the outer region of the bay would be reduced. This may lead to lower dilution and dispersion rates of pollutants in the inner region of the bay.
7.7.126 The velocity speeds in the inner region especially in the shallow water region at Mai Po, Ramsar Site and Futian were rather slow (<0.1 m/s) even during mid-flood and mid-ebb tides. The reduction in accumulated flux may affect the current speeds in the shallow water region causing a further reduction in current speeds. This enhances the settling of sediment in this slow moving water region.
7.7.127 A longer bridge span between two adjacent piers would mean fewer bridge piers. However, the size of each pier would be larger. Also, there are engineering constraints as to how big and how far apart the bridge pier could be, not to mention considerably higher impacts when construction big piers. A larger bridge pier would in turn increase the friction to tidal flows and would reduce the flushing capacity. Different lengths of bridge spans were also modelled. The reductions in accumulated flux across the bridge alignment for typical spans of 50m, 75m, 100m and 200m relative to Scenario 2 (without bridge) are summarised in Table 7.32. As shown in the table, the case for 50m span induced a higher reduction in accumulated flux (-0.90%) when compared to the other cases (-0.63% - 0.76%). In all cases, the reduction in accumulated flux was less than 1%. The small differences in accumulated flux between different scenarios are not likely to cause significant variations in water quality conditions. The 75m span would balance both engineering constraints and environmental benefits.
7.7.128 Model runs were also performed to determine the reduction in flushing capacity resulting from a tunnel option. Additional reclamation (filling) would be required for the tunnel option to form a ramp of about 1 km in length protruding from the landing point to the central part of Deep Bay to support the rising tunnel section.
7.7.129 The modelling results for the tunnel option showed that the reduction in flushing capacity for the tunnel was about 7%. Comparing with Scenario 3 (bridge option) of 3.5%, the tunnel option would cause a much higher reduction in flushing capacity. This in turn would affect the water quality and sedimentation conditions in Deep Bay. The reason for a higher reduction in flushing capacity for the tunnel option is mainly due to the additional reclamation reducing the cross-sectional area of the bay and the increase in friction. Exchange of water through the cross-section is therefore reduced.
7.7.130 Table 7.33 summarises the average current speeds calculated at the indicator points (Z1 to Z6), which are allocated in the close vicinity to the SWC bridge alignment, during dry and wet seasons for Scenario 1 to Scenario 4. The locations of indicator points (Z1 to Z6) are shown in Figure 7.12. The changes in current speeds were more obvious at Z1 due to the close proximity of this point to the edge of the landing point.
7.7.131 The results for different scenarios revealed that the inclusion of reclamation sites and the presence of bridge piers would affect the current speeds. The increases in reclamation near the landing point may increase friction to the tidal flows. The current speeds in the regions near the landing point were generally reduced. However, there were increases in current speeds in the regions (Z3 to Z6) within the Hong Kong boundary. This may be related to the reduction in cross-section area across the bridge alignment leading to the increases in current speeds in these regions.
7.7.132 Comparisons of surface layer salinity results at the indicator points (Z1 and Z6) for different scenarios are presented in Table 7.34. The differences between the baseline scenario (Scenario 1) and Scenario 3 were small (<2%). The inclusion of the SWC bridge and the proposed circular viaduct section appeared not to cause significant changes in salinity in the region near the bridge alignment. The results for Scenario 4 showed higher differences in salinity when compared to the other scenarios. The predicted dry season salinity levels were much higher than the wet season salinity levels. This would be related to the large amount of fresh water discharges from the rivers within Deep Bay and from the Pearl River estuaries.
Table 7.31 Comparisons of the Predicted Accumulated Fluxes through the Bridge Alignment between Scenario 1 and Scenarios 2, 3 and 4
Season |
Comparison with Scenario 1 |
Difference between Scenario 2 and Scenario 1 |
Difference between Scenario 3 and Scenario 1 |
Difference between Scenario 4 and Scenario 1 |
Accumulated Flux (m3) |
Dry Season |
-2.72% |
-3.57% |
-10.20% |
Wet Season |
-2.41% |
-3.04% |
-11.53% |
Average |
- 2.57% |
-3.31% |
-10.87% |
Salinity Flux (kg/s) |
Dry Season |
-2.74% |
-3.60% |
-10.17% |
Wet Season |
-3.23% |
-3.38% |
-12.85% |
Average |
-2.99% |
-3.49% |
-11.51% |
1. The data shown in the table represents the average accumulated fluxes through
the cross-section below the bridge alignment.
Table 7.32 Comparisons of the Predicted Accumulated Fluxes through the Bridge Alignment between Scenario 2 (Without Bridge) and Scenario 3 (With Bridge) for Different Spans
Season |
Comparison between Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 |
50 m Span |
75 m Span |
100 m Span |
200 m Span |
Dry Season |
-1.08% |
-0.87% |
-0.80% |
-0.69% |
Wet Season |
-0.71% |
-0.64% |
-0.63% |
-0.57% |
Average |
-0.90% |
-0.76% |
-0.72% |
-0.63% |
1. The data shown in the table represents the average accumulated fluxes through
the cross-section below the bridge alignment.
Table 7.33 Average Current Speeds at Monitoring Points
for Different Scenarios
Monitoring Point |
Dry Season |
Wet Season |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 3 |
Scenario 4 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 3 |
Scenario 4 |
Z1 |
0.173 |
0.209 (20.81%) |
0.134 (-22.54%) |
0.126 (-27.17%) |
0.175 |
0.225 (28.57%) |
0.147 (-16.00%) |
0.140 (-20.00%) |
Z2 |
0.188 |
0.185 (-1.60%) |
0.194 (3.19%) |
0.180 (-4.26%) |
0.183 |
0.178 (-2.73%) |
0.191 (4.37%) |
0.179 (-2.19%) |
Z3 |
0.183 |
0.198 (8.20%) |
0.208 (13.66%) |
0.221 (20.77%) |
0.191 |
0.208 (8.90%) |
0.217 (13.61%) |
0.205 (7.33%) |
Z4 |
0.187 |
0.193 (3.21%) |
0.197 (5.35%) |
0.187 (0.00%) |
0.198 |
0.204 (3.03%) |
0.209 (5.56%) |
0.198 (0.00%) |
Z5 |
0.165 |
0.172 (4.24%) |
0.179 (8.48%) |
0.170 (3.03%) |
0.177 |
0.185 (4.52%) |
0.192 (8.47%) |
0.184 (3.95%) |
Z6 |
0.112 |
0.114 (1.79%) |
0.116 (3.57) |
0.112 (0.00%) |
0.112 |
0.114 (1.79%) |
0.118 (5.36%) |
0.113 (0.89%) |
1. The value in bracket is the percent difference between the assessment
scenario (Scenario 2, 3 or 4) and Scenario 1, e.g. (Scenario 2 - Scenario 1) /
Scenario 1 * 100%.
Table 7.34 Average Salinity at Monitoring Points for Different Scenarios
Monitoring Point |
Dry Season |
Wet Season |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 3 |
Scenario 4 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 3 |
Scenario 4 |
Z1 |
27.502 (-1.31%) |
27.334 (-1.91%) |
27.312 (-1.99%) |
5.362 (1.36%) |
5.321 (0.59%) |
4.833 (-8.64%) |
Z2 |
27.904 (-0.47%) |
27.770 (-0.95%) |
27.787 (-0.88%) |
5.244 (0.90%) |
5.217 (0.38%) |
4.886 (-5.98%) |
Z3 |
27.961 |
27.950 (-0.04%) |
27.943 (-0.06%) |
27.997 (0.13%) |
5.116 (0.95%) |
5.072 (0.08%) |
4.899 (-3.33%) |
Z4 |
27.900 |
27.882 (-0.06%) |
27.862 (-0.14%) |
27.925 (0.09%) |
4.972 (0.65%) |
4.940 (0.00%) |
4.839 (-2.04%) |
Z5 |
27.938 |
27.956 (0.06%) |
27.961 (0.08%) |
28.030 (0.33%) |
4.969 (-0.14%) |
4.904 (-1.45%) |
4.830 (-2.93%) |
Z6 |
27.866 |
27.887 (0.08%) |
27.903 (0.13%) |
27.967 (0.36%) |
4.748 (-0.57%) |
4.714 (-1.28%) |
4.662 (-2.37%) |
1. The value in bracket is the percent difference between the assessment
scenario (Scenario 2, 3 or 4) and Scenario 1, e.g. (Scenario 2 - Scenario 1) /
Scenario 1 * 100%.
7.7.133 There are no assessment criteria for hydrodynamic changes induced by development projects. The reduction in flushing capacity and current speeds may change the water quality conditions. Therefore, the baseline water quality conditions and the Water Quality Objectives for Deep Bay should be the criteria to determine the acceptability of different scenarios.
Changes in Water Quality Conditions
7.7.134 Water quality modelling was conducted for the 4 scenarios. Figures 7.49 to 7.66 present graphically the dry season water quality results for depth-averaged salinity, depth-averaged DO and 90%ile DO, bottom 90%ile DO, depth-averaged SS, BOD, E. coli, UIA and TIN. As shown in the contour plots, the predicted salinity results were fairly consistent for all the 4 scenarios. The salinity levels in most of the modelling areas were between 28 ppt and 32 ppt during the dry season. Lower salinity levels were found in the outlets of some of the major discharges, i.e. Shenzhen River, Shan Pui River/Tin Shui Wai Nullan, Nan Shan River and Da Sha River.
7.7.135 The depth-averaged DO levels were comparatively lower (< 6 mg/L) inside Deep Bay. All the scenarios showed the lowest DO levels (< 3 mg/L) near the outlets of the major discharges. The depth-averaged DO levels in semi-enclosed areas, i.e. upper and lower portions of the SWC landing point in Scenarios 1 to 3 were relatively lower. This phenomenon was more obvious for bottom DO in the lower portion of the SWC landing point (Scenarios 2 and 3). In general, Scenario 4 showed a larger area with lower bottom DO. High SS gradient was found in the region near the outlets of Shenzhen River, Shan Pui River/Tin Shui Wai Nullah and Jinxiu Zhonghua. The SS levels were above 50 mg/L in the shallow water region near Mai Po and were below 25 mg/L in most of the modelling areas. Similar high BOD gradient was also found in the region near the outlets of these major discharges. In the central region of the bay, the predicted BOD levels were lower (< 4 mg/L) and were consistently below 6 mg/L in the Outer Deep Bay.
7.7.136 Several patches of high E. coli were found in the Inner Deep Bay mainly at the outlets of the major discharges in particular the Shenzhen River. There was a decreasing trend of E. coli levels from the Inner Deep Bay to the central region of the bay. No major differences in E. coli levels were found in the region near the proposed SWC bridge.
7.7.137 The contour plots for UIA and TIN for all scenarios were similar without showing any unusual results in the region near the proposed SWC bridge. Due to the influence from the Shenzhen River and the other major discharges, UIA (>0.08 mg/L) and TIN (> 2 mg/L) were noticeably high in the Inner Deep Bay and decreased towards the Outer Deep Bay.
7.7.138 The dry season contour plots for the 4 scenarios were very much similar without showing significant variations in the predicted parameters within the modelling area and the region near the SWC bridge alignment.
7.7.139 The wet season water quality results for all the scenarios are shown in Figures 7.67 to 7.84. The whole Deep Bay would be influenced by the freshwater discharges from the Pearl River estuaries and the major discharges inside Deep Bay resulting in low salinity levels (< 8 ppt) in most of the areas. The predicted depth-averaged DO and bottom DO in Deep Bay were mostly above 5 mg/L except in the inner part of Deep Bay. High SS levels (> 50 mg/L) were found at the outlets of the major discharges and the open boundaries of the model near the Pearl River estuaries. BOD levels in Deep Bay during the wet season were generally low (< 4 mg/L). Elevated E. coli levels were spread along the shoreline to the north of Deep Bay. High UIA (> 0.08 mg/L) and TIN (> 2mg/L) levels were also found in the Inner Deep Bay. Similar to the dry season water quality results, there were no significant differences in the predicted parameters for different scenarios.
7.7.140 Appendix 7B includes all the predicted water quality results for the 4 scenarios. Tables 7B.1 and 7B.2 summarise the predicted dry and wet season water quality results for Scenario 1 (baseline scenario). The seawater was much salty in the dry season with salinity ranging from 23.58 - 31.41 ppt at the selected indicator points. Much lower salinity levels (2.37 - 7.79 ppt) were predicted in the wet season. The predicted DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN in the dry season ranged from 3.06 - 6.44 mg/L, 18.09 - 70.85 mg/L, 3.04 - 11.59 mg/L, 55 - 2.79x104 count/100mL, 0.006 - 0.093 mg/L and 0.31 - 3.96 mg/L respectively. In the wet season, the predicted DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN ranged from 1.81 - 6.96 mg/L, 25.31 - 84.09 mg/L, 0.17 - 14.25 mg/L, 2 - 1.31x105 count/100mL, 0.001 - 0.24 mg/L and 0.72 - 5.46 mg/L respectively.
7.7.141 The annual average water quality results are presented in Table 7B.3. The predicted DO levels (4.52 - 5.14 mg/L) for the baseline scenario at indicator points corresponding to EPD's monitoring stations DM1 to DM5 were comparable to the measured DO levels (4.8 - 6.4 mg/L) at these stations in 2000. Comparing with the DO levels (3.14 - 6.98 mg/L) measured during neap and spring tides within Deep Bay in 1999 from the Shenzhen side, the predicted DO results were considered to be in a reasonable range.
7.7.142 The predicted annual average SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at the EPD's marine water sampling stations were in the ranges 24.15 - 35.59 mg/L, 1.99 - 3.02 mg/L, 62 - 3532 count/100mL, 0.0058 - 0.0287 mg/L and 0.59 - 2.17 mg/L respectively. The predicted results were comparable to the measured SS (11.8 - 30.8 mg/L), BOD5 (0.9 - 2.7 mg/L), E. coli (96 - 3600 count/100mL), UIA (0.007 - 0.053 mg/L) and TIN (0.58 - 4.08 mg/L) at DM1 to DM5 in 2000. The BOD5 and SS levels measured during neap and spring tides within Deep Bay in 1999 from the Shenzhen side ranged from 1.2 to 5.87 mg/L and 4.6 to 87.6 mg/L. The predicted BOD5 and SS levels were within the ranges of these measured data.
7.7.143 Higher pollution levels at DM1 and DM2 were reproduced by the model for the baseline scenario. The predicted results were consistent with the conditions in 2000. The concentrations of SS, UIA, TIN, E. coli and BOD5 in the Inner Deep Bay were comparatively higher when compared to the other regions in Deep Bay. Comparing the measured data with the predicted results, the model predictions for the baseline scenario were able to reflect the baseline water quality conditions in Deep Bay.
7.7.144 Except at the indicator points L1 (Ramsar Site North) and G (mangroves and mudflat at Futian), the DO levels at most of indicator points were above 4 mg/L. Low DO levels at these two locations would be due to the close proximity to the outlet of Shenzhen River. Comparing with the WQO for BOD5 (mariculture zone: <3 mg/L; general amenity zone: < 5 mg/L), exceedances were found at Mai Po Nature Reserve Area and Ramsar Site (North). The BOD5 levels at Futian also exceeded the Mainland Category 3 standard (=4 mg/L).
7.7.145 The predicted E. coli levels at DM1, DM2, Mai Po Nature Reserve Area, Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI, Ha Pak Nai and Ramsar Site were higher than the WQO standard (1000 count/100mL for general amenity zone). The E. coli levels at Futian and Shekou exceeded the Mainland standard (10,000 count/L or 700 count/L for shellfish culture zone).
7.7.146 Based on EPD's routine monitoring data, the existing UIA and TIN levels in Deep Bay were high. The predicted UIA and TIN levels were above the WQOs (General Amenity Zone: annual mean < 0.05 mg/L for UIA and annual mean TIN < 0.7 mg/L for TIN) at a number of indicator points especially at the indicator points located in the inner part of Deep Bay. Similarly, the annual average UIA (0.11 mg/L) and TIN (3.45 mg/L) at indicator point G representing Futian within the Mainland boundary exceeded the Mainland Category 3 standards for UIA (= 0.020 mg/L) and TIN (= 0.40 mg/L). The TIN level at Shekou Oyster Bed region (1.15 mg/L) exceeded the Mainland Category 2 standard (= 0.30 mg/L for marine cultural zone).
7.7.147 Due to the high pollution levels in the Deep Bay waters, discharges of effluent into Deep Bay should be controlled. Implementation of the effluent discharge standards as shown in Table 7.3 (Hong Kong standards) from the Hong Kong side and in Tables 7.5 and 7.6 (Mainland standards) from the Mainland side would enhance the protection of water quality in Deep Bay.
7.7.148 Tables 7B.4 to 7B.24 summarise the predicted water quality results for Scenarios 2, 3 and 4. Dry and wet season results, annual average results and percent differences between the assessment scenario and the baseline scenario are also included in the tables.
7.7.149 Tables 7B.7 and 7B.8 summarise the differences in dry and wet season results between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. For Scenario 2, the predicted salinity, DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at all the indicator points in the dry season ranged from 23.45 - 31.4 ppt, 3.14 - 6.05 mg/L, 17.88 - 70.6 mg/L, 2.83 - 11.56 mg/L, 54 - 2.87x104 count/100mL, 0.0064 - 0.0929 mg/L and 0.31 - 4.01 mg/L respectively. The predicted salinity, DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at all the indicator points in the wet season ranged from 2.37 - 7.79 ppt, 1.45 - 6.95 mg/L, 25.23 - 83.82 mg/L, 0.18 - 14.12 mg/L, 4 - 1.29x105 count/100mL, 0.001 - 0.239 mg/L and 0.72 - 5.46 mg/L respectively. There were in general slight depletion of DO levels at a number of indicator points during the wet season and increases in BOD5 during the dry season. The differences in annual average results between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 at most of the indicator points were generally small (Table 7B.9). Except the indicator point at Shekou oyster beds, the percent differences were from -0.59% to 0.06% for salinity, -0.79% to 0.97% for DO, -0.38% to 1.73% for SS, -0.77% to 2.4% for BOD5, -3.71% to 6.1% for E. coli, -1.74% to 2.44% for UIA and -1.25% to 2.14% for TIN. The oyster beds at Shekou may however be affected by the reclamation. The increases in SS (5.05% or 1.25 mg/L), E. coli (42.51% or 953 count/100mL), UIA (8.43% or 0.0007 mg/L) and TIN (8.7% or 0.1 mg/L) were the highest amongst the other indicator points. The cause would be due to the influence from the discharge points (Nam Shan and Da Sha Rivers) located near the oyster bed area. The mitigation measure to minimise the impacts is to reduce the pollution loads entering Deep Bay via nullahs and rivers in particular the discharge points near the oyster bed area at Shekou. It was reported in the Shenzhen Comprehensive Plan (1996 - 2010) that sewerage system would cover more than 90% of the Shenzhen city by 2010. 78% of the sewage and 100% of the industrial wastewater would be treated to reduce the pollution levels of the effluent. The potential water quality impacts to the region near the outlets of nalluhs and rivers would be much reduced.
7.7.150 Tables 7B.13 to 7B.15 summarise the differences in dry season, wet season and annual results between Scenario 3 and Scenario 1. For Scenario 3, the predicted salinity, DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at all the indicator points in the dry season ranged from 23.39 - 31.4 ppt, 3.1 - 6.48 mg/L, 18.04 - 71.85 mg/L, 2.73 - 11.6 mg/L, 54 - 2.9x104 count/100mL, 0.0064 - 0.0933 mg/L and 0.31 - 4.05 mg/L respectively. The predicted salinity, DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at all the indicator points in the wet season ranged from 2.37 - 7.79 ppt, 1.46 - 6.89 mg/L, 25.24 - 83.42 mg/L, 0.18 - 14.08 mg/L, 2 - 1.29x105 count/100mL, 0.001 - 0.238 mg/L and 0.72 - 5.41 mg/L respectively. The variations in water quality conditions at most of the indicator points in the dry and wet seasons were generally small. For the indicator points within the Hong Kong waters, the comparison of annual average results between Scenario 1 and Scenario 3 showed that the highest increases in SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN were 2.44% or 1.07 mg/L at Ramsar Site (South), 3.41% or 0.07 mg/L in area between Ngau Hom Shek and Pak Nai SSSI, 6.01% or 15 count/100mL at Lau Fau Shan, 2.79% or 0.0008 mg/L at EPD's station DM1, 2.14% or 0.05 mg/L at Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI respectively.
7.7.151 On the Mainland side, due to the close proximity of the reclamation site to Shekou oyster bed area and the discharges from Nam Shan and Da Sha Rivers, the water quality conditions in the region might have a higher fluctuation. The changes in the examined water quality parameters were -0.28 ppt for salinity, +0.03 mg/L for DO, 1.69 mg/L for SS, -0.11 mg/L for BOD5, 942 count/100mL for E. coli, 0.0009 mg/L for UIA and 0.14 mg/L for TIN. The indicator point representing mangroves and mudflat at Futian did not show any significant changes in water quality conditions. The highest increase was SS but the change was small (1.43% or 1.69 mg/L). The decrease in DO was also insignificantly small (-0.68% or -0.02mg/L).
7.7.152 The effects of increased concentrations of SS may cause clogging of oyster gill apparatus leading to a reduction in growth rate and death of oysters. As reported in a research paper in Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait (Reference 10) published in 1999, concentrations of suspended particulate matters or suspended solids of 109 and 161 mg/L did not increase the death rate of oyster (Crassostrea gigas) when compared to the control experience of using a suspended solids concentration of 51 mg/L. When the concentration of suspended solids increased to 237 mg/L, the oyster death rate was about 4 times higher than the control condition. The predicted concentrations of suspended solids in the oyster culture areas at Ngau Hom Shek, Lau Fau Shan and Shekou for Scenario 3 were 27.88, 30.28 and 26.44 mg/L respectively. Comparing with Scenario 1, the increases in suspended solids were 0.01 mg/L at Ngau Hom Shek, 0.21 mg/L at Lau Fau Shan and 1.69 mg/L at Shekou. With reference to the results of the research paper, the small increases in suspended solids in these oyster culture areas are not likely to affect the oyster production.
7.7.153 The comparison between Scenario 3 and Scenario 2 showed the impacts due to the SWC bridge alone. As shown in Tables 7B.22 to 7B.24 for percent differences in the dry season, wet season and annual average results, there were no remarkable differences in water quality conditions at all the indicator points between Scenario 2 and Scenario 3. The percent differences in annual average results between Scenario 2 and Scenario 3 were in narrow ranges (-0.48% to 0.12% for salinity, -1.01% to 0.32% for DO, -0.17% to 1.69% for SS, -2.42% to 1.44% for BOD5, -1.85% to 1.3% for E. coli, -1.94% to 2.22% for UIA and -1.61% to 3.2% for TIN). The influence from the proposed SWC bridge (with a circular viaduct) on water quality conditions in Deep Bay would be small. It was clearly shown from the comparisons that the effect on water quality changes was mainly due to the reclamation at Dongjiaotou.
7.7.154 Tables 7B.19 to 7B.21 summarise the differences in dry season, wet season and annual results between Scenario 4 and Scenario 1. For Scenario 4, the predicted salinity, DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at all the indicator points in the dry season ranged from 23.39 - 31.4 ppt, 2.98 - 6.46 mg/L, 18.14 - 73.56 mg/L, 2.8 - 11.73 mg/L, 54 - 2.82x104 count/100mL, 0.0064 - 0.094 mg/L and 0.31 - 4.09 mg/L respectively. The predicted salinity, DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at all the indicator points in the wet season ranged from 2.22 - 7.77 ppt, 1.42 - 6.97 mg/L, 25.02 - 83.09 mg/L, 0.2 - 14.31 mg/L, 4 - 1.32x105 count/100mL, 0.001 - 0.239 mg/L and 0.72 - 5.49 mg/L respectively. Although the percent increase in E. coli at DM3 appeared to be high (77%) in the wet season, the actual increased value was only 4 count/100mL. Based on the annual average results, the percent differences between Scenario 1 and Scenario 4 at the indicator points within the Hong Kong waters were -1.35% to 0.05% for salinity, -2.05% to 0.36% for DO, -1.12% to 2.08% for SS, 0.0% to 3.67% for BOD5, -3.43% to 3.61% for E. coli, -2.86% to 4.53% for UIA and -1.72% to 4.61% for TIN.
7.7.155 The predicted results for Scenario 4 showed a higher increase in pollution levels in the water especially in the region near the reclamation sites, i.e. oyster beds at Shekou. As there is no confirmed programme for Scenario 4, the detailed coastline configuration and the arrangement/relocation of the outlets of some of the discharge points, i.e. discharge points at Nan Shan and Da Sha, along the existing shoreline is not known at this stage. In the model prediction for Scenario 4, it was assumed that the discharge point at Nan Shan would be relocated to the outer edge of the future shoreline after the completion of reclamation. Since the new discharge location is very close to the monitoring point, which represents the oyster beds at Shekou, the increases in pollution levels in the region near the discharge point are expected. Without a suitable arrangement to the outlets of Nam Shan and Da Sha Rivers after the reclamation for Scenario 4, the oyster beds at Shekou might be deteriorated with the increases in SS of 5.58% (1.38 mg/L), E. coli of 150.8% (3381 count/100mL), UIA of 28.92% (0.0024 mg/L), and TIN of 14.78% (0.17 mg/L). If the reclamation for Scenario 4 were confirmed, the drainage system in the reclaimed area would be suitably designed so as to minimise impacts to the nearby water sensitive receivers. Environmental impact assessment would be required for new developments in Shenzhen. The potential impacts to the oyster beds at Shekou and the water quality changes in Deep Bay would be assessed in the Mainland EIA. The identified impacts should be mitigated by implementation of suitable mitigation measures or by modifying the design to be considered by the Shenzhen side.
7.7.156 In the Inner Deep Bay, the percent increases in SS (3.82 - 8.47%), BOD5 (1.21 - 4.09%), UIA (1.4 - 5.24%) and TIN (3.28 - 7.18%) at DM1, DM2, Mai Po, Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI and Ramsar Site for Scenario 4 were generally higher than those at the other indicator points. The absolute increases were in the ranges from 0.22 to 1.01 mg/L for SS, 0.05 to 0.1 mg/L for BOD5, 0.0009 to 0.0013 mg/L for UIA and 0.09 to 0.1 mg/L for TIN. The depletion in DO was small ranging between -0.05 and -0.07 mg/L. The increases in E. coli were found at DM1, Mai Po and Ramsar Site (North) were the highest and were 127, 152 and 390 count/100mL respectively.
7.7.157 The overall modelling results indicated that a large reclamation might affect the water quality conditions in Deep Bay. In considering the extent of reclamation area, the total required land area (~154 ha) for the landing point at Dongjiaotou is much smaller than the total area of the unconfirmed reclamation sites as included in Scenario 4. Since the landing point will be built on the existing earth bunds, the additional area to be reclaimed to form the landing point is actually smaller than the total required land area.
7.7.158 Figure 7.13 shows the cross-sections, which were used to determine average pollutant concentrations for all the scenarios. Section 1 mainly covered the inner region of Deep Bay whilst Section 2 extended towards the Outer Deep Bay. The average pollutant concentrations (depth-averaged) within Sections 1 and 2 are summarised in Tables 7.35 and 7.36. Comparing the proposed bridge alignment option (Scenario 3) with the baseline conditions (Scenario 1), the average increases in TIN, SS, UIA, E. coli, DO, BOD and salinity within the region in Section 1 were about 2.23, 1.98, 0.95, 0.37, -0.22, 0.85% and -0.74% respectively, and within the region in Section 2 were about 2.49, 2.33, 1.82, 1.25, -0.41, 1.38% and -0.73% respectively. The comparisons showed that the average reduction in accumulated flux across the bridge alignment of 3.31% would not cause abrupt water quality changes in Deep Bay. There would be no significant deviation of the water quality conditions from the baseline conditions after the completion of the SWC bridge.
7.7.159 The comparisons between Scenario 1 and Scenario 4
showed that the average increases in TIN, SS, UIA, E. coli, DO, BOD and salinity
within the region in Section 1 were about 3.72, 1.42, 1.91, 1.11, -0.86, 1.87
and -1.49% respectively, and within the region in Section 2 were about 4.98,
2.45, 4.56, 3.95, -1.64, 3.74 and -1.65% respectively. For Scenario 4, the
average pollutant concentrations in the two sections would be higher in response
to the increase in reclamation in Deep Bay. This would be due to the further
reduction in flushing capacity after the completion of the unconfirmed
reclamation adjacent to the proposed SWC landing point. With less tidal flows
entering the bay, the dilution in Deep Bay would be reduced.
Table 7.35 Average Pollutant Concentrations within Sections 1 and 2
Scenario |
Section |
SS |
E. coli |
DO |
Salinity |
Dry Season |
1 |
1 |
2.77 |
39.04 |
0.0499 |
79588 |
4.54 |
7.04 |
25.98 |
2 |
2.51 |
35.57 |
0.0433 |
63721 |
4.67 |
6.33 |
26.56 |
2 |
1 |
2.83 |
39.81 |
0.0501 |
79992 |
4.55 |
7.09 |
25.87 |
2 |
2.57 |
36.43 |
0.0439 |
64647 |
4.68 |
6.40 |
26.43 |
3 |
1 |
2.87 |
40.49 |
0.0504 |
80093 |
4.54 |
7.11 |
25.80 |
2 |
2.61 |
37.02 |
0.0441 |
64729 |
4.67 |
6.42 |
26.36 |
4 |
1 |
2.93 |
41.19 |
0.0514 |
80384 |
4.46 |
7.16 |
25.77 |
2 |
2.68 |
38.01 |
0.0457 |
66186 |
4.56 |
6.54 |
26.31 |
Wet Season |
1 |
1 |
2.61 |
50.96 |
0.0548 |
98205 |
4.73 |
4.72 |
3.57 |
2 |
2.30 |
46.75 |
0.0444 |
78404 |
5.08 |
3.83 |
3.78 |
2 |
1 |
2.62 |
51.29 |
0.0553 |
98355 |
4.72 |
4.75 |
3.54 |
2 |
2.32 |
47.21 |
0.0452 |
79179 |
5.05 |
3.88 |
3.75 |
3 |
1 |
2.62 |
51.29 |
0.0553 |
98355 |
4.72 |
4.75 |
3.54 |
2 |
2.32 |
47.21 |
0.0452 |
79179 |
5.05 |
3.88 |
3.75 |
4 |
1 |
2.65 |
50.08 |
0.0554 |
99390 |
4.73 |
4.81 |
3.34 |
2 |
2.37 |
46.32 |
0.0461 |
81551 |
5.03 |
4.00 |
3.53 |
Annual Average |
1 |
1 |
2.69 |
45.00 |
0.0524 |
88897 |
4.64 |
5.88 |
14.78 |
2 |
2.41 |
41.16 |
0.0439 |
71063 |
4.88 |
5.08 |
15.17 |
2 |
1 |
2.73 |
45.55 |
0.0527 |
89174 |
4.64 |
5.92 |
14.71 |
2 |
2.45 |
41.82 |
0.0446 |
71913 |
4.87 |
5.14 |
15.09 |
3 |
1 |
2.75 |
45.89 |
0.0529 |
89224 |
4.63 |
5.93 |
14.67 |
2 |
2.47 |
42.12 |
0.0447 |
71954 |
4.86 |
5.15 |
15.06 |
4 |
1 |
2.79 |
45.64 |
0.0534 |
89887 |
4.60 |
5.99 |
14.56 |
2 |
2.53 |
42.17 |
0.0459 |
73869 |
4.80 |
5.27 |
14.92 |
Table 7.36 Comparison of Average Pollutant
Concentrations between Scenario 1 and
Scenarios 2, 3 and 4
Scenario |
Section |
Comparison with Scenario 1 (%) |
SS |
E. coli |
DO |
Salinity |
Dry Season |
2 |
1 |
2.17 |
1.97 |
0.40 |
0.51 |
0.22 |
0.71 |
-0.42 |
2 |
2.39 |
2.42 |
1.39 |
1.45 |
0.21 |
1.11 |
-0.49 |
3 |
1 |
3.61 |
3.71 |
1.00 |
0.63 |
0.00 |
0.99 |
-0.69 |
2 |
3.98 |
4.08 |
1.85 |
1.58 |
0.00 |
1.42 |
-0.75 |
4 |
1 |
5.78 |
5.51 |
3.01 |
1.00 |
-1.76 |
1.70 |
-0.81 |
2 |
6.77 |
6.86 |
5.54 |
3.87 |
-2.36 |
3.32 |
-0.94 |
Wet Season |
2 |
1 |
0.38 |
0.65 |
0.91 |
0.15 |
-0.21 |
0.64 |
-0.84 |
2 |
0.87 |
0.98 |
1.80 |
0.99 |
-0.59 |
1.31 |
-0.79 |
3 |
1 |
0.38 |
0.65 |
0.91 |
0.15 |
-0.21 |
0.64 |
-0.84 |
2 |
0.87 |
0.98 |
1.80 |
0.99 |
-0.59 |
1.31 |
-0.79 |
4 |
1 |
1.53 |
-1.73 |
1.09 |
1.21 |
0.00 |
1.91 |
-6.44 |
2 |
3.04 |
-0.92 |
3.83 |
4.01 |
-0.98 |
4.44 |
-6.61 |
Annual Average |
2 |
1 |
1.49 |
1.22 |
0.57 |
0.31 |
0.00 |
0.68 |
-0.47 |
2 |
1.66 |
1.60 |
1.59 |
1.20 |
-0.20 |
1.18 |
-0.53 |
3 |
1 |
2.23 |
1.98 |
0.95 |
0.37 |
-0.22 |
0.85 |
-0.74 |
2 |
2.49 |
2.33 |
1.82 |
1.25 |
-0.41 |
1.38 |
-0.73 |
4 |
1 |
3.72 |
1.42 |
1.91 |
1.11 |
-0.86 |
1.87 |
-1.49 |
2 |
4.98 |
2.45 |
4.56 |
3.95 |
-1.64 |
3.74 |
-1.65 |
7.7.160 Time series plots for depth-averaged DO, SS, BOD5, E. coli, UIA and TIN at oyster beds near Lau Fau Shan, Pak Nai SSSI, EPD marine water sampling station DM4 and oyster beds at Shekou are presented in Figures 7.85 to 7.92 for the dry season and in Figures 7.93 to 7.100 for the wet season. Both the results for the baseline scenario (Scenario 1) and the case with the SWC bridge (Scenario 3) were included in each of the figures for comparison. The predicted results for the bridge scenario were basically consistent with those for the baseline scenario. There were no major differences between the two scenarios at the selected indicator points. The oyster beds at Shekou are located near the reclaimed land and the time series plots showed slight increases in E. coli, UIA and TIN levels at this point. Based on the comparisons, the SWC bridge would not cause adverse impacts to the sensitive receivers in Deep Bay.
7.7.161 EPD had analysed the long-term changes in water quality conditions in Deep Bay. Table 7.37 shows the long-term water quality trends for depth-averaged TIN, DO and E. coli measured at DM1, DM2, DM3 and DM4. There were remarkable increases in E. coli (381% or 4200 count/100mL from 1985 to 1996) and TIN (62% or 1.67 mg/L from 1988 to 1997) at DM1 for the past years. The percent increases in E. coli (1,585%; 1400 count/100mL) and TIN (110%; 1.86 mg/L) were considerably large for the period between 1989 and 1998. There was also a 31% decrease in DO at DM2 based on the 10-year records. The DO levels dropped about 2.05 mg/L. At DM3, the increase in TIN was 92% (0.68 mg/L) for the period from 1986 to 2000. There was also a 79% (0.41 mg/L) increase in TIN at DM4 during the period from 1989 to 1998.
7.7.162 The small changes in water quality conditions due to
the presence of the SWC bridge are insignificant when compared to the changes in
water quality conditions for the past 10 to 15 years. The oyster industry had
experience the changes. Oysters are filter feeders and take in phytoplankton.
Pollutants or pathogens in the seawater would accumulate in oyster tissues. In
the past years, the oysters in Deep Bay could withstand the abrupt changes in
water quality conditions. At present, oyster farming is still in operation in
Deep Bay. There is no evidence to show that the small changes in water quality
conditions after the completion of the SWC bridge would adversely affect the
oyster production and cause massive mortalities of oysters in Deep Bay.
Table 7.37 Long-term Trends for TIN, DO and E. coli at DM2, DM3 and DM4
Station |
Increasing Trend Analysed by EPD |
Increased Values |
% Increase |
DM1 (1985 - 1996) |
E. coli = 1102.0836 + (29.1667) x month |
4200 count/100mL |
381 |
DM1 (1988 – 1997) |
TIN= 2.7046 + (0.0139) x month |
1.67 mg/L |
62 |
DM2 (1989 – 1998) |
E. coli = 88.3271 + (11.6667) x month |
1400 count/100mL |
1585 |
DO = 6.5426 + (-0.0171) x month |
-2.05 mg/L |
-31 |
TIN = 1.6945 + (0.0155) x month |
1.86 mg/L |
110 |
DM3 (1986 – 2000) |
TIN = 0.741 + (0.0038) x month |
0.68 mg/L |
92 |
DM4 (1989 – 1998) |
TIN = 0.5186 + (0.0034) x month |
0.41 mg/L |
79 |
7.7.163 The predicted water quality results at DM1 to DM3 in the dry and wet seasons were compared with the field data measured by EPD from 1990 to 2000 for the same periods. Figure 7.101 presents the predicted depth-averaged DO, BOD, SS, E. coli, UIA, TIN and salinity results for Scenarios 1 and 3 together with EPD's data measured at DM1 to DM3. These three stations are located within the inner sub-zone of Deep Bay. The field data measured at these stations can reflect the actual water quality conditions in inner Deep Bay and show the fluctuations of the natural water quality conditions.
7.7.164 Based on the predicted results, the changes in water quality resulting from the construction of bridge piers and reclamation at Dongjiaotou were small. The differences in model predictions between Scenario 1 and Scenario 3 are almost indistinguishable at DM1, DM2 and DM3 in all the time series plots. As can be seen in the figure, the absolute differences between the two scenarios were much lower than the ranges of natural fluctuations of the presented parameters.
7.7.165 Table 7.38 gives a summary of the fluctuations of these parameters at DM1 to DM3. Based on EPD's data, the pollution levels at DM1 were generally higher than the other two stations (DM2 and DM3), which are located further away from the outlet of Shenzhen River. Within the same period of the model simulation, BOD levels recorded at DM1 were mostly below 6 mg/L except two high peaks (>16 mg/L) measured in the wet season. Low DO levels of less than 1 mg/L were measured at this station and the fluctuations of DO levels in the past years were quite large (0.48 mg/L - 10.35 mg/L). Similarly, the SS levels were scattered and fluctuated in a wide range (5.5 mg/L - 250 mg/L).
7.7.166 Variations in E. coli levels were also obvious with occasional high peaks above 30,000 count/100mL (WQO for E. coli: < 610 count/100mL annual geometric mean). The recorded values ranged between 110 and 67,000 count/100mL. There were a number occasions of UIA levels above 0.06 mg/L (WQO for UIA: 0.021 mg/L annual mean). The highest UIA level measured at DM1 was 0.086 mg/L. All the measured TIN data were high with occasional high peaks above 11 mg/L (WQO for TIN: < 0.7 mg/L annual mean depth-average). The range of TIN was from 1.61 to 13.0 mg/L.
7.7.167 Due to the influence from the freshwater discharges from the Pearl River estuaries and all the discharge points within Deep Bay, the fluctuations of salinity levels in the wet season were quite pronounced. The highest difference in salinity between the dry season and the wet season was about 27 ppt (0.88 to 28.05 ppt). Comparing the model predictions for Scenario 1 and Scenario 3 at DM1, the highest differences in BOD (0.294 mg/L), DO (0.173 mg/L), SS (2.74 mg/L), E. coli (1,870 count/100mL), UIA (0.0041 mg/L), TIN (0.157 mg/L) and salinity (0.046 ppt) were well within the natural fluctuations.
7.7.168 At DM2, the natural fluctuations of BOD, DO, SS, E. coli, TIN, UIA and salinity were similar to those recorded at DM1 but the pollutant concentrations were slightly lower. The fluctuations were in the ranges of 0.49 - 12.6 mg/L for BOD, 0.78 - 9.24 mg/L for DO, 3.5 - 150 mg/L for SS, 1 - 230,000 count/100mL for E. coli, 0.985 - 7.07 mg/L for TIN, 0.002 - 0.162 mg/L for UIA, and 2 - 28.9 ppt for salinity. The predicted results for Scenarios 1 and 3 were within the fluctuation ranges. The highest differences between the two scenarios (12.11 mg/L for BOD, 8.46 mg/L for DO, 146.5 mg/L for SS, 23x104 count/100mL for E. coli, 0.16 mg/L for UIA, 6.09 mg/L for TIN and 29.6 ppt for salinity) were very much smaller than the natural fluctuations.
7.7.169 The natural fluctuations of the concerned parameters at DM3 were in lower ranges when compared to those at the other two stations (DM1 and DM2). The fluctuations ranged from 0.23 - 7.16 mg/L for BOD, 3.69 - 10.25 mg/L for DO, 2.6 - 91 mg/L for SS, 3 - 19,000 for E. coli, 0.42 - 4.69 mg/L for TIN, 0.001 - 0.412 mg/L for UIA, and 2.55 - 31.45 ppt for salinity. The highest differences in model predictions between Scenario 1 and Scenario 3 at DM3 were 0.259 mg/L for BOD, 0.321 mg/L for DO, 1.68 mg/L for SS, 407 count/100mL for E. coli, 0.0022 mg/L for UIA, 0.151 mg/L for TIN and 0.2 ppt for salinity. These differences were substantially lower than the natural fluctuations (BOD: 6.93 mg/L; DO: 6.56 mg/L; SS: 88.4 mg/L; E. coli: 19x103 count/100mL; UIA: 0.411 mg/L; TIN: 4.27 mg/L; and salinity: 28.9 ppt).
7.7.170 In summary, some high peaks of BOD, SS, E. coli, UIA
and TIN were measured at EPD's marine water sampling stations. The recorded peak
values were much higher than the maximum values of the predicted results in most
of the cases. The small changes in BOD, DO, SS, E. coli, UIA, TIN and salinity
between the two scenarios were insignificant when compared to the natural
changes of these parameters in the existing environment.
Table 7.38 Fluctuation of Water Quality Parameters
Parameter |
DM1 |
DM2 |
DM3 |
Highest Difference between Scenario 1 & Scenario 3 |
Highest Difference Between the Measured Data (Natural Fluctuation) |
Highest Difference between Scenario 1 & Scenario 3 |
Highest Difference Between the Measured Data (Natural Fluctuation) |
Highest Difference between Scenario 1 & Scenario 3 |
Highest Difference Between the Measured Data (Natural Fluctuation) |
E. coli (count/100mL) |
1870 |
66890 (110 – 67000) |
1463 |
229999 (1 – 230000) |
407 |
18997 (3 – 19000) |
SS (mg/L) |
2.74 |
244.5 (5.5 – 250) |
2.64 |
146.5 (3.5 – 150) |
1.68 |
88.4 (2.6 – 91) |
BOD (mg/L) |
0.294 |
18.98 (0.77 – 19.75) |
0.341 |
12.11 (12.6 – 0.49) |
0.259 |
6.93 (0.23 – 7.16) |
DO (mg/L) |
0.173 |
9.87 (0.48 – 10.5) |
0.39 |
8.46 (0.78 – 9.24) |
0.321 |
6.56 (3.69 – 10.25) |
UIA (mg/L) |
0.0041 |
0.084 (0.002 – 0.086) |
0.0044 |
0.16 (0.002 – 0.162) |
0.0022 |
0.411 (0.001 – 0.412) |
TIN (mg/L) |
0.157 |
11.43 (1.61 – 13.04) |
0.166 |
6.09 (0.985 – 7.07) |
0.151 |
4.27 (0.42 – 4.69) |
Salinity (ppt) |
0.046 |
27.17 (0.883 – 28.05) |
0.096 |
29.6 (2 – 28.9) |
0.2 |
28.9 (2.55 – 31.45) |
The values in brackets represent the minimum and maximum levels of the measured
7.7.171 These comparisons showed that the existing aquatic environment in Deep Bay already experienced high fluctuations of water quality conditions. The high pollution levels and fluctuations of water quality conditions in the bay would be caused by the pollutant discharges from the Deep Bay catchment. Based on the model predictions, the SWC bridge and the reclamation at Dongjiaotou would only cause small changes in water quality conditions (<2.5%) in Deep Bay. For the SWC bridge alone, the changes were insignificant (<0.85%). Overall, the water quality changes would be within the ranges of natural fluctuations in the bay. It is therefore anticipated that the changes are not likely to cause adverse impacts to the ecological system in the bay.
7.7.172 During the operation of the SWC bridge, there would be no discharge of effluent into Deep Bay from the bridge. The large amount of pollution loads entering Deep Bay as a result of increases in population and urbanisation in Shenzhen and Hong Kong is the most critical factor affecting the water quality in Deep Bay. There is a long-term planning in Shenzhen to reduce pollutants to enter Deep Bay. Improvement of the sewerage systems and increasing the number of sewage treatment facilities would be implemented. In Hong Kong, upgrading of sewage treatment plants, effluent export scheme and sewerage infrastructure works would also reduce the pollution loading to Deep Bay. In the long-term, the small changes in water quality conditions due to the SWC project would be counterbalanced by the reduction in pollution loading in the bay.
7.7.173 It has been shown that the hydrodynamic and water quality conditions in Deep Bay would not be adversely affected by the SWC bridge during the operational phase of the Project. The reduction in flushing capacity through the bridge alignment and small changes in the water quality conditions in the bay may be restored by increasing the water depth near the bridge alignment. Dredging of sediment to increase the water depth would be a possible option. However, it is considered that the impacts to the aquatic environment in Deep Bay due to sediment dredging would be a key concern. Any additional disturbance to the Deep Bay waters may not be beneficial to the environment in Deep Bay. The dredging may need to cover a large area along the bridge alignment and the volume of sediment to be dredged would be large.
7.7.174 The environmental issues associated with sediment dredging may include generation of sediment plumes, release of contaminants into the water column from the sediment, sediment disposal, energy consumption, and air and noise emissions during the dredging operations. As a result, this method to restore the flushing capacity may generate more environmental problems. The assessment results in this section have already indicated that there would be no significant impacts to the water quality in Deep Bay due to the presence of the SWC bridge. Therefore, it is not recommended to undertake mitigation measures to restore the flushing capacity in this case.
Changes in Sedimentation and Erosion Patterns in Deep Bay
7.7.175 Sedimentation and erosion processes in Deep Bay are closely linked to the changes in hydrodynamic conditions. The presence of the SWC bridge piers to some extent may change the tidal flow patterns in the bay especially in the locations near the bridge alignment and the region landward from the bridge alignment. Siltation and resuspension rates of sediment particles in Deep Bay may be altered as a result of the changes in hydrodynamic conditions leading to the changes in sedimentation and erosion patterns.
7.7.176 Simulation of the sedimentation/erosion conditions in Deep Bay was included as part of the water quality impact assessment. A comparison of the model predictions for the present study with those presented in the Shenzhen River Regulation Project EIA study was made. Reference was also made to the field data measured under the EM&A programme of the Shenzhen River Regulation Project Stage II Phase II Works. Appendix 7C includes the details.
7.7.177 Figures 7.102 and 7.103 show the time series plots for sedimentation fluxes at Mai Po, Pak Nai SSSI and Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI in the dry and wet seasons. The figures included the results for the 4 scenarios. As can be seen in the time series plots, there was no obvious difference in sedimentation fluxes between all the scenarios.
7.7.178 Figures 7.104 to 7.107 present the contour plots for sedimentation fluxes at mid-ebb and mid-flood for the 4 scenarios. The contour plots for resuspension fluxes at mid-ebb and mid-flood are also shown in Figures 7.108 to 7.111. The patterns of sedimentation and resuspension fluxes were similar for different scenarios. There were no obvious changes in sedimentation and resuspension fluxes in Deep Bay. In general, higher sedimentation rates were found near the Ramsar Site, Ngau Hom Shek, Ha Pak Nai, Futian and some semi-enclosed areas. These areas are mostly located in the shallow water region.
7.7.179 Figure 7.112 presents a series of contour plots for sedimentation fluxes (in unit of g/m2/d) for Scenarios 1 and 3 in the dry and wet seasons. The plots showed the changes in sedimentation patterns in the bay over time (a full spring-neap cycle of 15 days). The predicted dry season sedimentation fluxes were comparatively lower than the predicted wet season results. According to the sedimentation flux plots in Figures 7.104 to 7.107, it appeared to have several patches with high sedimentation rates close to the bridge and shoreline. However, there were no significant differences in sedimentation patterns in Deep Bay between Scenario 1 (without SWC bridge and reclamation at landing point) and Scenario 3 (with SWC bridge and reclamation at landing point) in both the dry and wet seasons. The fluctuations of sedimentation fluxes over time and space for the two scenarios were also consistent. It was evident that the presence of SWC bridge and the reclamation site at Dongjiaotou would not significantly alter the sedimentation patterns in Deep Bay.
7.7.180 The outlet of Shenzhen River and the shallow water region, i.e. mudflats on the Hong Kong side, are the regions with higher sedimentation rates. The dry season plots showed that deposition of sediment occurred in the region extending from the outlet of Shenzhen River to Mai Po and Ramsar Site located to the south of the river outlet. Most of the sediment particles discharged from the river would be carried by the tidal flows and would deposit in Mai Po and Ramsar Site increasing the sediment thickness in this region during the dry season. The sedimentation rate was rather high in this region during the dry season.
7.7.181 The wet season plots showed that the discharges from Pearl River estuaries with high concentrations of suspended solids would influence the sedimentation conditions in Deep Bay. The rivers and streams would also carry a large amount of sediment into Deep Bay during the wet season. The central region of the bay and the shallow water region appeared to have higher sedimentation rates most of the time. There were also some patches with high sedimentation rates close to the proposed bridge alignment. Both Scenario 1 and Scenario 3 showed similar phenomena in the plots. The high sedimentation rate region would not be created by the bridge alignment.
7.7.182 The sedimentation patterns near the Shenzhen River outlet in the wet season were different from the predicted conditions in the dry season. Deposition of sediment occurred in the region extending from the outlet of Shenzhen River to Futian located to the north of the Shenzhen River outlet. More sediment particles would deposit onto the existing mudflat in Futian during the wet season.
7.7.183 Table 7.39 presents the average sedimentation rates (average of the dry and wet season results) in mm/yr at all the indicator points for the 4 scenarios. The differences in sedimentation rates between different scenarios are included in Table 7.40. Comparing Scenario 3 with Scenario 1, there were slight increases in sedimentation rates at the indicator points located in the inner part of Deep Bay (within Section 1). The cause was related to the landing point reclamation and the presence of bridge piers of the SWC bridge alignment. Based on the hydrodynamic simulation results, the presence of bridge piers and reclamation would reduce the flushing capacity in the bay. The reduction in flushing capacity was 3.49% due to the reclamation at Dongjiaotou and the SWC bridge. For the bridge only, the reduction was only 0.76%. There would be some changes in velocity patterns mainly due to the reclamation. The exchange of flow in the inner region of the bay would also be affected. The reduction in flushing capacity and current speeds would slightly alter the hydrodynamic conditions in the Inner Deep Bay leading to the increases in sediment deposition.
7.7.184 At Mai Po and Ramsar Site, the increased sedimentation rates were about 0.3 to 0.5 mm/yr. The increased sedimentation rates at Shekou, Ngau Hom Shek, Lau Fau Shan, and EPD monitoring stations DM1 and DM2 were > 1 mm/yr.
7.7.185 The differences between Scenario 3 and Scenario 2 indicated that the increased sedimentation rates due to the SWC bridge alone were much lower than the case with the reclamation at Dongjiaotou. At Mai Po and Ramsar Site, the increased sedimentation rates due to effect from the bridge alone were about 0.1 mm/yr. At all the indicator points, the bridge contributed to the increases in sedimentation rates of = 0.6 mm/yr.
7.7.186 Most sediment deposits in shallow water region where the tidal current speed is slow. The existing sedimentation rates at sensitive receivers located in shallow water region including Pak Nai SSSI, Hai Pak Nai, Lau Fau Shan, Ngau Hom Shek, Mai Po, Ramsar Site, Tsim Bei Tusi SSSI, Shekou and Futian ranged between 10.7 to 28.2 mm/yr. The comparisons between Scenario 1 and Scenario 3 showed that the sedimentation rates in Deep Bay with the landing point reclamation and SWC bridge in place would not be significantly different from the baseline conditions. Averaging the sedimentation rates at the indicator points located in the most inner part of Deep Bay (DM1, DM2, L1, L2, D, G, and F) showed that the average sedimentation rate was less than 0.9 mm/yr.
7.7.187 As shown in Table 7.39, the existing sedimentation
rates in Deep Bay were much higher than the small increases due to the SWC
project. The natural processes would be the dominant factors in controlling the
sedimentation and erosion in Deep Bay.
Table 7.39 Average Sedimentation Rates (mm/yr)
Indicator Point |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 3 |
Scenario 4 |
DM1 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM1 |
12.6 |
13.7 |
14.2 |
13.2 |
DM2 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM2 |
11.8 |
13.2 |
13.7 |
12.5 |
DM3 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM3 |
15.6 |
14.8 |
15.2 |
15.3 |
DM4 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM4 |
18.1 |
18.5 |
18.7 |
19.3 |
DM5 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM5 |
4.5 |
4.5 |
4.5 |
4.5 |
A |
Mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek |
14.7 |
15.4 |
16.0 |
15.4 |
B |
Cooling Water Intake for CLP Black Point Power Station |
5.6 |
5.7 |
5.6 |
5.7 |
C |
Oyster Bed near Lau Fau Shan |
15.5 |
16.4 |
17.0 |
16.1 |
D |
Mai Po Nature Reserve Area |
16.2 |
16.6 |
16.7 |
16.4 |
E |
Pak Nai SSSI |
21.0 |
21.3 |
21.4 |
21.3 |
F |
Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI |
10.7 |
11.3 |
11.6 |
11.0 |
G |
Mangroves & Mudflat at Futian |
16.6 |
16.9 |
16.9 |
16.6 |
H |
Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
I |
Oyster Beds at Shekou |
14.6 |
16.5 |
15.8 |
16.5 |
J2 |
Chinese White Dolphin Feeding Ground |
2.4 |
2.4 |
2.4 |
2.4 |
K1 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area between Ngau Hom Shek & Pak Nai SSSI |
15.6 |
16.1 |
16.4 |
16.1 |
K2 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area at Ha Pak Nai |
22.8 |
23.0 |
23.1 |
23.2 |
L1 |
Ramsar Site (North) |
28.2 |
28.5 |
28.5 |
28.6 |
L2 |
Ramsar Site (South) |
13.0 |
13.4 |
13.5 |
13.1 |
Table 7.40 Differences in Sedimentation Rates (Unit: mm/yr)
Indicator Point |
Scenario 2 – Scenario 1 |
Scenario 3 – Scenario 1 |
Scenario 3 – Scenario 2 |
Scenario 4 – Scenario 1 |
DM1 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM1 |
1.1 |
1.6 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
DM2 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM2 |
1.3 |
1.9 |
0.5 |
0.7 |
DM3 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM3 |
-0.8 |
-0.4 |
0.3 |
-0.3 |
DM4 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM4 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
0.2 |
1.2 |
DM5 |
EPD Monitoring Station: DM5 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
A |
Mangrove near Ngau Hom Shek |
0.7 |
1.3 |
0.6 |
0.7 |
B |
Cooling Water Intake for CLP Black Point Power Station |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.1 |
C |
Oyster Bed near Lau Fau Shan |
0.9 |
1.5 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
D |
Mai Po Nature Reserve Area |
0.3 |
0.5 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
E |
Pak Nai SSSI |
0.3 |
0.4 |
0.1 |
0.3 |
F |
Tsim Bei Tsui SSSI |
0.6 |
0.9 |
0.3 |
0.3 |
G |
Mangroves & Mudflat at Futian |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.1 |
0.0 |
H |
Sha Chau & Lung Kwu Chau |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
-0.1 |
I |
Oyster Beds at Shekou |
2.0 |
1.3 |
-0.7 |
1.9 |
J2 |
Chinese White Dolphin Feeding Ground |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
K1 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area between Ngau Hom Shek & Pak Nai SSSI |
0.5 |
0.8 |
0.3 |
0.5 |
K2 |
Seagrass Bed/ Horseshoe Crab Area at Ha Pak Nai |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.1 |
0.3 |
L1 |
Ramsar Site (North) |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.0 |
0.4 |
L2 |
Ramsar Site (South) |
0.4 |
0.5 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
7.7.188 To further assess the impacts due to sediment deposition in Deep Bay, reference was made to the "Tin Shui Wai Development Environmental Impact Assessment of Land Preparation Aspects: Evaluation Report" prepared by Binnie & Partners (HK) and Shankland Cox in 1984. The basis for evaluation of impacts due to the sediment deposition caused by dredging and filling under the study was 50 mm/yr. The oyster beds would be permanently damaged for a sediment deposition rate of more than 50 mm/yr and would be able to tolerate for the situation where sediment deposition rate less than 50 mm/yr. This reference value (50 mm/yr) is much higher than the highest sediment deposition rate of 28.5 mm/yr at Ramsar Site North (Scenario 3). The increases in sediment deposition rates at the indicator points ranging from 0.3 to 1.9 mm/yr were insignificant when making reference to this reference value.
7.7.189 Coral reefs are very sensitive to the changes of environment and coral reef organisms can tolerate only a narrow range of environmental conditions. The sediment deposition rate of concern for corals is generally set at 0.2 kg/m2/d or 200 g/m2/d . Oysters are filter feeders and are suitable to grow in estuarine environment in which suspended solids levels and sediment deposition rates are high. It is expected that oysters would be able to tolerate a wider range of environmental conditions than coral reefs. The predicted sedimentation rates in unit of g/m2/d for Scenario 3 ranged from 1.2 g/m2/d at J2 (Chinese White Dolphin Feeding Ground) to 14.7 g/m2/d at L1 (Ramsar Site North). Comparing with Scenario 1, the increase in sedimentation rate was highest at EPD's marine water sampling station DM2. There would be an increase of 0.98 g/m2/d at DM2. The absolute values of the predicted sedimentation rates and the increases due to the SWC project were fairly small when compared with the value of 200 g/m2/d.
7.7.190 In the oyster culture areas, i.e. the region from Ngau Hom Shek to Lau Fau Shan and the oyster beds at Shekou, the predicted sedimentation rates after the completion of the SWC project (Scenario 3) were 16 mm/yr at Ngau Hom Shek, 17 mm/yr at Lau Fau Shan and 15.8 mm/yr at Shekou. The increases in sediment deposition ranged from 1.2 to 1.5 mm/yr. The absolute and the increased sedimentation rates were well below the reference criteria (50 mm/yr) as adopted for impact assessment in the Tin Shui Wai Development EIA Report.
7.7.191 From the above comparisons, there is no evidence to show that the increases in sedimentation rates due to the SWC project would cause damage to the oyster production in Deep Bay.
7.7.192 A number of monitoring points (L1 to L5 and R1 to R5) on both sides of the proposed alignment were included in the model runs for sedimentation simulation. Figure 7.113 shows the locations of the monitoring points. The predicted sedimentation rates for Scenarios 1 and 3 are presented in Table 7.41. After the completion of the SWC bridge, the sedimentation rates on both sides of the alignment changed slightly from the original situation. In the shallow water region near Ngau Hom Shek (L1, L2, R1 and R2), there would be small increases in sedimentation rates (0.17 - 0.86 mm/yr and 0.29 - 0.79 mm/yr). Erosion would occur near the central region of the bay on both sides of the alignment at L3 and R3. This could be attributed to the increase in local tidal current speeds resulting from the reduction in cross-sectional area across the alignment. Regular dredging in this region is not required because the erosion process would gradually increase the water depth.
7.7.193 Deposition of sediment would be increased in locations L4 and L5 to the south of the alignment near the landing point at Dongjiaotou. On the other side of the alignment, the sedimentation rates at R4 and R5 were negative indicating that erosion would occur at these locations.
Table 7.41 Changes in Sedimentation Rates on Both Sides of the Proposed Alignment
Monitoring Point |
Sedimentation Rates (mm/yr) |
Difference in Sedimentation Rate (mm/yr) |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 3 |
Scenario 3 – Scenario 1 |
L1 |
20.74 |
21.60 |
0.86 |
L2 |
16.38 |
16.55 |
0.17 |
L3 |
13.73 |
13.68 |
-0.05 |
L4 |
15.11 |
15.96 |
0.85 |
L5 |
13.40 |
14.95 |
1.55 |
R1 |
15.59 |
16.38 |
0.79 |
R2 |
16.74 |
17.03 |
0.29 |
R3 |
13.10 |
12.57 |
-0.53 |
R4 |
12.82 |
10.20 |
-2.63 |
R5 |
12.96 |
10.11 |
-2.85 |
Road Runoff from SWC Bridge
7.7.194 Section 6.30 (c) of the Brief of this Agreement states "In assessing the drainage impacts, the Consultants should note the potential requirement of prohibiting discharge of runoff directly into Deep Bay water body due to environmental protection considerations. In such case the Consultants shall work out appropriate designs to meet the environmental requirements."
7.7.195 Vehicles, which use the SWC bridge, generate road sludge. Road runoff from the SWC bridge would carry dust, grit and oil and grease. The first flush flow carries most of the pollutants and the subsequent overland flow generated from rainstorms is expected to be uncontaminated. The study of Drapper et al (2000) indicated that the pollutants in road runoff from general roadways included suspended solids (60-135mg/L), phosphorus (0.19-1.80mg/L), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (1.7-11mg/L), copper (0.03-0.34mg/L), lead (0.08-0.62mg/L) and zinc (0.15-1.85mg/L).
7.7.196 A road drainage system will be provided to collect road runoff from the road surface of the SWC bridge. The collected road runoff would either be discharged into the Deep Bay waters or be released to the mudflat depending on the location of the drainage pipe. Deep Bay is an ecological sensitive area covering a large area of mudflat, which is a feeding ground for birds. Pollutants that are harmful to birds would have detrimental effects to the environment in Deep Bay. The protection to the environment in Deep Bay relies on the implementation of best management practices to reduce the contaminants from the road section to the Deep Bay waters and mudflat. The most effect way to minimise the impact is to reduce the contaminants at source. The provision of end of pipe treatment is considered as a secondary control and would be less effective.
7.7.197 Deep Bay is designated as a water control zone under Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Chapter 358). No net increase of pollution load to Deep Bay should be ensured.
7.7.198 The Ordinance, however, excludes discharge made by way of a communal sewer or communal drain (Cap 358 Section 8(3)(a)) nor discharge incidental to, or derived from, the normal operation of a vessel (including a dynamically supported craft) or of its equipment (Cap 358 Section 8(3)(c)). Section 9(4)iii excludes water used for cleansing streets, thoroughfares and other areas.
7.7.199 All vehicles travelling between Hong Kong and Shekou currently use roads that lie within the Deep Bay catchment. Road runoffs from these roads are discharged directly to Deep Bay through the normal road drainage systems without special treatment. This will form the base case for the assessment.
7.7.200 If the SWC bridge is constructed, vehicles travelling between Shekou and Hong Kong will likely take the more direct route through the bridge rather than using the existing coastal roads. The main difference between the base case and the case with SWC bridge is that the location of the discharge of road runoff is changed. In the base case, all discharge is made through stormwater drainage outfalls around the shoreline of Deep Bay, where water is relatively stagnant. In the case with SWC bridge, a portion of the discharge (due to the vehicles that change their routes from coastal roads to SWC bridge) is made through drainage outlets from the bridge which lies near the middle of Deep Bay where there is flowing water.
7.7.201 Contaminants from vehicles are related to travelling distance. There would be a reduction of vehicle-generated contaminants for those vehicles which change their routes from the lengthy coastal roads to the more direct SWC bridge.
7.7.202 The SWC bridge may attract vehicles from the existing vehicular crossings including Sha Tau Kok, Lok Ma Chau and Man Kam To. Sha Tau Kok is a relatively small border crossing and is mainly used by vehicles that go to the eastern part of Shenzhen and beyond. It is expected that few vehicles there will be attracted to SWC crossing. The major portion of vehicles attracted to the SWC crossing would be those using Lok Ma Chau crossing. However, Lok Ma Chau crossing remains within Deep Bay catchment, the discharge for those vehicles that switch from Lok Ma Chau to SWC would still eventually enter Deep Bay.
7.7.203 The total catchment area of Deep Bay is about 535 km2 with 51% of the catchment in Shenzhen and 49% in Hong Kong. The area covered by the 39.1 m wide bridge alignment is about 0.2 km2 which is much smaller than the total catchment area of Deep Bay. The contribution of pollution loads from the SWC bridge is likely to be insignificant when compared to the contribution from the entire area within the Deep Bay catchment.
Pollutant Load from Road Runoff
(A) Contaminant Concentration
7.7.204 The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Research Report No. 204 entitled 'Stormwater Quality from Road Surfaces - Monitoring of Hume Highway at South Strathfield' provides some information on the pollutant concentrations from roads. Key findings of the report are presented:-
(1) It has been found that dry weather build-up of contaminants reaches equilibrium after 10 days. It was found that after 10 days contaminant deposition rates were similar to removal rates caused by air turbulence. A probable reason for this is the contaminant can stick to the road but once there is a layer of contaminant they cannot stick to each other.
(2) It was found that the contaminant equilibrium would be maintained until a cleansing event. Cleansing events were defined as wind events exceeding 21 km/hour or storm events with rainfall exceeding 7 mm/hr.
(3) From graphs of storm events it appear that contaminant concentrations in runoff are negligible after 20 to 30 minutes.
(4) Lead concentrations are low and in the order of micrograms (10-6) per litre. The instant peak in the first foul flush recorded was 400 micrograms/litre or 0.4mg/l. The concentration in terms of a rainfall event is practically nil.
7.7.205 Considering the above it can be inferred that contaminant load in runoff is actually a minority problem, with the majority of contaminants being blown from the road surface. It is considered the reason that contaminant concentration in runoff from roads is not specifically considered is that it is negligible when considered with the volume of runoff. The contaminants blown away from the road surface by wind or air current would possibly fall into the seawater or mudflat within a short distance from the road alignment. Dilution of the contaminants by a large amount of seawater would minimise the impact. Some of the fine particles may remain in the atmosphere. However, the concentrations of these fine particles would be reduced as a result of mixing with the ambient air. Removal of contaminants from the road surface to avoid contaminant accumulation is one of the effective ways to reduce the quantity of air-borne contaminants.
7.7.206 A recent research by Barrett et al (1998) on the
characteristics of highway runoff supported that contaminant concentration in
highway runoff was not significantly high. The research work indicated that the
characteristics of highway runoff were similar to the urban runoff. Highway
runoff did not contain high concentrations of toxic metals or oil and grease. It
was recommended in the research that the same types of runoff controls used to
treat urban stormwater runoff would be appropriate for treating stormwater
discharges from highways.
(B) Heavy Metals
7.7.207 The importance of Deep Bay lies in the mudflat, which is a feeding ground for birds. Pollutants that are harmful to birds would have detrimental effects to the environment in Deep Bay. Recent Hong Kong research (funded by AFCD, carried out by CityU) identified mercury, cadmium and lead for analysis of biological effects of metal contamination upon birds. Samples from six egretries were evaluated, two of which are in the SWC assessment area: Pak Nai and Mai Po Village. Mercury is not a contaminant associated with roadways and is not considered in this assessment. Cadmium levels were highest at Pak Nai and Mai Po Village, but did not reach levels causing biological effects. Lead levels are also highest at Pak Nai and Mai Po Village, and in both cases reached levels at which biological effects would be expected.
7.7.208 Vehicle-generated pollutants would be increased with the increase in traffic from Shekou. It is expected that the pollutants in the discharge from the vehicles, which use the coastal roads or the future SWC bridge, would enter Deep Bay through road drainage systems when a rainstorm occurs. Some of the pollutants may be trapped in the road gullies and silt traps. Provision of additional treatment facilities or removal of pollutants from the road surface before the occurrence of a rainstorm would reduce the pollution.
7.7.209 Adoption o f unleaded fuel in Hong Kong reduced the lead pollution from vehicular emissions. Other metal concentrations in Deep Bay are apparently stable or declining as well, presumably due to new environmental controls and migration of industry northward.
Visual Impacts
7.7.210 Grit materials on road surface are typically black in colour. Bridge runoff, especially for the first flush after dry season, would be black in colour also. This would cause a severe visual impact if it were allowed to discharge to a beach with yellow sand. However, the mudflat consists of black marine mud and the visual impact would be minimal even for a direct discharge of bridge runoff to the mudflat. Small cavities may be created in the mudflat at the locations of bridge drainage pipe outlet, when stormwater flow is discharged through the outlet to the mudflat during low tide period. But when the tides come, the small cavities would be levelled by the tidal water.
Options for Mitigation Measures
7.7.211 The following paragraphs discuss and evaluate possible
options, which can be implemented alone or in conjunction with others to
mitigate possible environmental concerns.
Option A : Standard Design and Cleaning
7.7.212 Standard HyD road gullies incorporate silt traps that collect sediment. These will be provided on SWC bridge. Figure 7.114 shows a sketch of the standard HyD road gullies.
7.7.213 Considering the issue of pollutants direct to Deep Bay mudflat, a large proportion of the pollutant is blown by wind during dry periods from the coastal roads directly to the mudflat it is not all certain that special provision for runoff from SWC bridge will provide any practical benefit to reducing pollutant load. It is noted that this is similar for the developments along Deep Bay Road.
7.7.214 Moreover, twice a day for most of the year the mudflats will be inundated by a high tide therefore there will not be any build up of pollutant as any pollutant carried by runoff or wind blown will be flushed and carried by the tide.
7.7.215 The most effective mitigation measure to prevent the vehicle-generated pollutants from entering the Deep Bay waters and to Deep Bay mudflat is to remove the pollutants from the road surface prior to the occurrence of a rainstorm. Highways Department (HyD) should undertake the task to clean the road at an interval of twice a week. Each of the cleaning events should not be separated by more than four days and should be carried out during low traffic flow period using vacuum air sweeper/truck equipped with side broom, which is to sweep road sludge and debris into the suction nozzle to increase the removal efficiency of pollutants. Vacuum air sweeper/truck is commercially available. One of the types of vehicles available is Johnston Vacuum Suction. This operation would prevent build-up of the pollutant load on the road surface. As most of the pollutants would concentrate near the road kerb, the cleaning path of the vacuum air sweeper should mainly cover the region about 1 to 2 m from the road kerb. The collected pollutants would be tankered away for off site disposal at landfill sites. After the removal of the pollutants, the pollution levels in storm runoff would be much reduced. Details of the SWC management between the Hong Kong side and the Mainland side have not been finalised at this stage. Cleaning of the SWC section within the Mainland boundary will be discussed and agreed with the Mainland authorities.
7.7.216 Advantages of Option A are: 1) most cost-effective; 2)
standard maintenance effort; 3) not to concentrate pollutants at the shore; and
4) most practical and effective considering minority problem. A disadvantage of
this option is that water marks may appear on the mudflat during low tides.
Option B : Oil Interceptors
7.7.217 Oil inceptors are not normally required on carriageways, as the pollutant load is considered small. Further in normal circumstance they would become numerous and present a maintenance burden. They are a standard requirement for car parks where vehicles stand for long periods and drip oil and grease. Inclusion of oil interceptors within the viaduct deck could be considered. It is noted that the practicality of this would require to be carefully explored in respect to access for maintenance and compatibility with deck general arrangement. This will only reduce particulate form pollutants that either float or stick with the sediment.
7.7.218 The oil interceptors could either be placed in the bridge deck or on the pile cap. If the oil interceptor is placed on the pile cap, access for maintenance and inspection will be difficult as there will not be vehicular access along the mudflat. Furthermore, the oil interceptor will affect the appearance of the bridge structure, where a considerable effort has been done to minimise the visible part of the structure, especially on the mudflat by submerging the pile cap below seabed. Further there is risk of the interceptor being flooded during extreme tides causing environmental concern. In view of these concerns the option of placing the oil interceptor on pile cap is not recommended.
7.7.219 Inside the bridge deck, the available space is limited and access to the tanks and cleaning of the tanks has most likely to be made from the roadway and closure of traffic lane will be required. The oil interceptor has to be placed in the centre part of a bridge span where the constraints imposed by prestressing cables are the least. It is evaluated to be optimal to have the oil interceptors as large as practicable. Placing the oil interceptors every 3rd span requires a capacity corresponding to ~3500 m2 for a spilt deck solution.
7.7.220 There are concerns relating to the practicality of accommodating the oil interceptor in the deck, access for maintenance and potential hazard from fire or explosion.
7.7.221 An advantage of this option is that oil and grease from SWC could be reduced before discharging to Deep Bay. Disadvantages of this option include: 1) requiring extensive maintenance effort and access for maintenance and inspection will be quite difficult likely requiring land closure; 2) oil interceptor inside the deck having potential hazard from fire explosion; and 3) increasing risk of leaking and reducing design life.
Option C : Clean and Collect and Divert First Foul Flush
7.7.222 The viaduct deck drainage would incorporate a low flow drainage system to a tank and overflow of larger flows. Under this option cleansing water could be collected in a sedimentation tank and discharged to Deep Bay after settlement. Similarly the tank could be sized to accommodate the first foul flush from rain.
7.7.223 Based on the entire deck having a longitudinal gradient sloping to shore and a storm crop at 25mm/hour the peak (low) flow for the entire viaduct would be in the order of 100 litres/sec, requiring a 300mm diameter pipe at 1 in 150. Assuming a period of 30 minutes until all pollutants are flushed, a tank volume of net 1200m3 would be required for retention of half an hour of rain for the entire 32m wide x 1600m long deck, at 7mm/hour rain intensity. The scheme is illustrated on Figures 7.115 and 7.116. It is noted that to ensure that polluted flow from the furthest point can be collected the total volume would be greater and calculated on the basis of the time of flow from the extreme point plus the half an hour flush time. Assuming a 15-minute time of flow a 50% increase on net volume would be required.
7.7.224 Low flow separation could either by incorporation of overflow chamber within the deck or at the gullies as shown on Figures 7.117 to 7.119. By separating low flows at the gullies would involve significant duplication of pipes within the viaduct increasing maintenance requirement and increase the number of joints that may leak. However, conversely an overflow chamber would also have the risk of leakage and be awkward to access for maintenance.
7.7.225 The land requirement and sedimentation tank layout details are provided on Figures 7.120 and 7.121.
7.7.226 Obviously, some flow control device would be required at the inlet of the tank such as a penstock and bypass that would shut once the tank was full and divert the low (cleansing) flow to outfall. Once the tide returns the tank could be opened and the collected first flush released to Deep Bay water body.
7.7.227 Another sub-option of C would be to use treatment by reed beds at the shore rather than store and collect in tank. Assuming a storage depth of 300mm, a plan area in the order of 1800m2 would be required for the reed beds.
7.7.228 The concerns with this option are that it significantly complicates the design and constrains the vertical profile of the bridge in that no low point can occur over the mudflats. Further it has significant maintenance and operation implications and it is not clear whether these are justified or that this system is necessary to reduce a possible pollution that cannot be defined.
7.7.229 The material in the infiltration basin needs to be removed or replaced after a long-term build up of pollutants in order to maintain the effectiveness of the basin. Mikkelsen et al (1997) pointed out that stormwater infiltration systems might effectively trap pollutants but the systems might also pose a potential solid waste disposal problem. In fact, disposal of polluted material may generate secondary pollution and reduce the capacity of landfill sites.
7.7.230 An advantage of this option is to provide perception of reduction in particulate pollutants from SWC before discharging into Deep Bay. Disadvantages of this option include: 1) access to maintain the drain pipes will be difficult and land closure may be required; 2) increasing risk of leakage within the deck and reducing design life; 3) operational ineffective, i.e. hydraulic control of low flow does not ensure pollutant collection for many rainfall events; 4) requiring extensive maintenance effort to clean the storage tank; 5) concentrating pollutants at shore where currently is sluggish; and 6) not a cost-effective solution.
Option D : Energy Dissipater to Prevent Scour of the Mudflat
7.7.231 In addition to the pollutant concerns there is also concern about scouring of the mudflat in the vicinity of the discharge from the drainage downpipes of the bridge. If needed, an energy dissipator can be incorporated at the bottom of each pier to reduce the flow velocity at the outlet. A possible arrangement is shown on attached Figure 7.122.
Option E : Infiltration Basin
7.7.232 A further consideration would be the construction of
an infiltration basin as shown below (Schueler et al, 1998). These are vegetated
stormwater retention facilities designed to capture first flush runoff and allow
it to infiltrate directly to the soil profile rather than discharging to
receiving waters.
7.7.233 However, due to the short life span (<5 years), relatively high water
table level and, most importantly, the potential for toxic build-up whereby
existing vegetation and groundwater may become polluted, this solution is not
deemed suitable as this would likely affect birds and other fauna who would
possibly feed at the basin.
7.7.234 Advantages of Option E include: 1) providing further perception of benefit; and 2) pollutants would be effectively delivered to the facility. All disadvantages of Option D are applicable to this option. The other disadvantages include: 1) life of the basin is very short (< 5 years); 2) not a cost-effective solution; 3) potential for toxic build-up whereby existing vegetation and groundwater may be polluted; and 4) adversely affecting birds and other fauna feeding at the basin.
7.7.235 All enhanced measures by way of physical modifications to the design system have significant drawbacks related to their operational practicality and effectiveness to providing improvement. These cannot be assessed in advance of implementation. Further they pose a significant burden for maintenance and operation. They pose risk to the bridge through hazard or reduced design the through increased opportunity for leakage with the deck.
7.7.236 In conclusion standard drainage provision is the most appropriate for the design along with frequent removal of pollutants by brush and suction truck. Frequent cleaning, i.e. twice a week, also has the advantage that it addresses the issue of wind blown contaminants to Deep Bay, which is in fact the majority problem.
7.7.237 Leaded petrol was banned in both Hong Kong and Mainland in 1999 and 2000 respectively. In the long-term it is expected that lead levels will continue to reduce with the use of unleaded fuels and LPG. Lead pollution due to vehicular emissions would not be a concern. Increasingly tighter restrictions are being made on vehicle emissions and in the long-term it foreseen that all vehicles will have filters to trap particulate contaminants. EPD has already started this initiative in Hong Kong. Assuming pollutants from mainland traffic are similarly controlled pollution levels will continue to reduce. The most effective approach to address pollution from vehicles is at the source and the vehicle.
7.7.238 In summary, Option A - Standard Design and Cleaning is the most effective method and is more practical. The pollutants on road surface would be removed at source reducing the subsequent water quality impacts to Deep Bay.
7.7.239 Monitoring of the effectiveness of these proposed
mitigation measures is included in the operational phase EM&A programme.
Possible Spillage of Oils or Chemicals During Accidents
7.7.240 One of the key concerns on water quality impacts during the operation of the SWC is the possible spillage of oils (or chemicals) in case of vehicle accidents on the bridge. The types of substances mainly consist of petrol, or possibly corrosive substances and toxic substances. Release of these substances may enter Deep Bay through the road drainage system causing a hazard to the ecological system in Deep Bay.
7.7.241 For general vehicle accidents, which do not involve spillage of chemicals or dangerous goods, the potential environmental impact would only be due to leakage of fuel oil. It is however anticipated that oil spillage events in relation to general vehicle accidents on the SWC bridge would only involve a small quantity of fuel. For example, the fuel tank capacity of a container truck is 400 litres. Since the spillage would spread on the road surface, much of the spillage would be retained on the road surface even leakage of fuel oil occurs. In case that the spillage is released into the bridge drainage system, the road gullies could hold some of the spillage (approximately 50 litres in each road gully, see Figure 7.114). The remaining quantity of spill, which would be released into the seawater or mudflat through the drainage pipes, would be extremely small, if any. The effect on the ecological system would be insignificant and would be confined to small patch of area.
7.7.242 For vehicle accidents involving spillage of chemicals or dangerous goods on SWC, a quick response to prevent the spill from releasing into Deep Bay would minimise potential impacts on the water quality and ecological systems in Deep Bay. There are existing emergency response plans being implemented by government departments to deal with chemical spillage due to vehicle accidents on roads. As for the SWC project, an Emergency Response Framework is prepared and presented in Appendix 7D to consolidate the relevant existing emergency response plans and to recommend operational guidelines to minimise the potential water quality and ecological impacts associated with the spillage incident on the SWC. The key roles and responsibilities of relevant government departments is outlined in the framework. With prompt response and good co-ordination amongst relevant departments and the future Management Authority of the SWC, it is expected that possible chemical spillage incidents on the bridge would be suitably controlled to minimise impacts on Deep Bay. Before the SWC commences operation, a detailed Emergency Response Plan would be developed to enhance the established response actions in order to take due consideration of the need to protect the ecologically sensitive Deep Bay environment. The roles and responsibilities of the relevant government departments in dealing with the chemical spillage on SWC would be clearly defined in the plan.
7.7.243 The accidents involving dangerous goods vehicle (DGV)
are of particular concern. There are 11 categories of dangerous goods under the
Dangerous Goods (Application and Exemption) Regulations. Vehicle accidents
involving chemical spillage may cause potential water quality and ecological
impacts. For the case of the SWC, the following categories of dangerous goods
are of concern:
· Category 3: Corrosive substances
· Category 4: Poisonous substances
· Category 5: Substances giving off inflammable vapours
· Category 6: Substances, which become dangerous by interaction with water.
7.7.244 The potential risk due to DGV accidents is considered as follows:
Accident Rates for DGVs
The accident rates are related to the types of roads/highways, travelling
distance and traffic flow. Based on the data for the major expressways in Hong
Kong from Transport Department (Road Safety and Standards Division), the average
accident rates per million vehicle-km from 1998 to 2000 ranged between 0.35 and
0.38. The accident rates for goods vehicles recorded by Hong Kong Police Force
(Traffic Brach Headquarters) from 1998 to 2000 were in the range from 19.42 to
20.42%. At present, Category 2 and Category 5 DGVs are under licensing control.
Under the Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Ordinance 2002 being developed by FSD, the
licensing control over conveyance of dangerous goods on land within Hong Kong
would be extended to all categories of dangerous goods except Cat. 1 and Cat.
9A. Base on the information from FSD, about 3,000 nos. of licenses would be
required for conveyance of dangerous goods in Hong Kong. The percent of DGV of
all goods vehicles was calculated to be about 2.6%. Assuming that only fatal and
serious accidents would result in spillage of chemical substances from DGV
accidents, the estimated accident rates involving DGV carrying Categories 3, 4,
5 and 6 range from 0.00025 to 0.00026 accident per million vehicle-km. Based on
the calculation, the accident rates for DGV are extremely low. Appendix 7E shows
detailed calculation of the accident rates for DGV. The predicted peak hour
traffic flows on SWC in 2021 were 3,810 vehicles per hour for the northbound
traffic and 3,820 vehicles per hour for the southbound traffic. The average
traffic flow is assumed to be one half of the peak hour traffic flow. Assuming a
16-hour and 365-day operation of the bridge, the annual average traffic flow on
SWC (northbound and southbound) is estimated to be 22.2 million vehicles. As the
DGV accident rate per year on SWC over a distance of 5.2 km is 0.00135, the
return period of DGV accident on SWC is approximately 1 in 33 year indicating
that the potential DGV accident on SWC is extremely low. Through the
implementation of Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Ordinance and prompt response
actions to deal with the spill incident on SWC, the possibility of releasing the
spill into Deep Bay is expected to be much lower than the estimated return
period for DGV accident on SWC.
Amendments to Dangerous Goods Ordinance
7.7.245 FSD had further reviewed the Dangerous Goods Ordinance (DGO) in 2000 after the styrene spillage accident in Yuen Long and had proposed amendments to the DGO. This issue was discussed in ACE meeting thoroughly in 2000. The ACE meeting agreed to protect Deep Bay from possible pollution. Tighter statutory control is an effective means and thus FSD agreed to further review the DGO to tighten the control. The licensing system under the Amendments to Dangerous Goods Ordinance Chapter 295 - Dangerous Goods (General) Regulations and Dangerous Goods (Labelling and Packing) Regulations being developed by FSD imposes the following requirements for transportation of dangerous goods that would greatly minimise the risk due to DGV accidents:
· New requirements will be imposed to vehicles used for conveyance of
Categories 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 dangerous goods
Under the current regulations, only Category 2 and Category 5 dangerous goods
are required to obtain a licence from FSD for conveyance by vehicles. The
revised regulations extend the control to all categories of dangerous goods such
that the conveyance of toxic materials by vehicles is controlled under the
proposed subsidiary legislation. New requirements will be imposed under the
revised regulations including safety measures, mandatory training courses for
the drivers and measures to be taken by drivers or vehicle attendants to deal
with emergency events. Through the implementation of the revised regulations,
the risk of accidental spillage of chemicals as a result of vehicle accident on
SWC would be minimised.
· New safety requirements for transportation of dangerous goods will be imposed
The revised regulations provide new safety requirements to deal with the
dangerous goods enhancing the safety level of conveyance of all categories of
dangerous goods.
· Only drivers with mandatory training course certificate will be qualified to
drive DGV
Under the current regulations, the drivers are not required to take training
courses on transportation of dangerous goods. The revised regulations impose the
requirements that only drivers who have attended the mandatory driver training
for dangerous goods and obtained a certificate after completing the course are
qualified to drive licensed DGVs. This would enhance the safe conveyance of DG
on road.
· In case of accidents, drivers or vehicle attendants shall undertake emergency
procedures as stipulated in the Ordinance
Under the current regulations, there is no requirement for the DGV drivers or
vehicle attendants to undertake emergency procedures in emergency case. The
revised regulations impose that the drivers or vehicle attendants shall observe
and follow the emergency procedures as stipulated in the transport document
during dangerous goods accidents. Under the amendment regulations, the DGV
drivers would require to carry the document, which states the types of goods
being transported. A label would also be displayed on the vehicle giving the
appropriate code that related to the types of chemical. In this case, FSD or
HKPF who arrived at the accident scene would be able to identify and report the
types of chemical and hence trigger the necessary action at the shortest time.
Existing Emergency Response Plans
7.7.246 The existing emergency response plans that are
applicable to deal with vehicle accidents which may involve chemical spillage
Highways Department
· Handbook on Emergency, Earthquake and Storm Damage
Marine Department
· Maritime Oil Spill Response Plan (MOSRP)
Fire Services Department (FSD)
· Operational Procedures for Incidents Involving Chemicals
Secretary for the Environment and Food (SEF)
· Delineation of departmental responsibilities for clearing chemical waste
7.7.247 HyD comprises three Regional Offices in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories Regions. Each region has its own Emergency Control Centre (ECC) which is established whenever the needs arise to deal with any emergency within that region. The Handbook on Emergency, Earthquake and Storm Damage Organization defines the responsibilities of HyD and provides detailed procedures to deal with emergency situations that may occur on roads.
7.7.248 In the event of emergency incidents occurring on any part of the major road network leading to full closure of a bound of traffic or major traffic disruption, the Duty Officer will arrive at the site and assist the Police and representatives from other Works Departments, Transport Department or utilities companies to decide on the course of actions to be taken.
7.7.249 In the event of oil pollution at sea, Marine Department (MD) is the designated authority for the clean-up of oil. Other agencies or government departments will provide support to MD to response to any oil pollution. A Maritime Oil Spill Response Plan (MOSRP) has been developed by MD to deal with oil spillage and their potential hazard to the Hong Kong waters. The main objective of the MOSRP is to ensure a timely and effective response to oil spillages and/or their potential treats in the Hong Kong waters. The Plan is targeted to: 1) co-ordinate the responses from different government departments to control oil pollution; 2) provide a guide to the MD's response to oil pollution; 3) specify the limitation of the Plan; and 4) to identify priority of coastal areas for protection and clean-up. The spillage response strategies include the strategies for sea zones, coastal zones, shoreline zones and oil and waste storage and disposal. Different levels of responses and responsibility of their declaration are clearly identified in the MOSRP.
7.7.250 The oil spill response is categorized into 3 tiers. Tier 2 covers the oil spillage up to about 500 tonnes. In case of a major accident with a large amount of oil spill, immediate responses from MD would effectively control the oil spillage and potential damage to the sensitive areas in Deep Bay would be minimised.
7.7.251 In the MOSRP, operational considerations are incorporated into the plan to handle oil spillage in the vicinity of sensitive areas including Deep Bay, areas within 1 km of SSSIs, sites of ecological concern, RAMSAR Site and Marine Parks. The procedures to deal with oil spillage outlined in the MOSRP are to:
· Boom off the oil from the sensitive areas; and
· Deflect the oil from reaching the sensitive areas.
7.7.252 Dispersant is not recommended to be used in these sensitive areas unless use of dispersant is the only means to prevent damage to these sensitive areas and the site conditions support the use of dispersants.
7.7.253 The Operational Procedures for Incidents Involving Chemicals cover details on precautionary measures, initial appraisal of situation, actions to be taken and information dissemination. A scheduled attendance for chemical incidents with potentially dangerous impacts towards public safety and environment is included in the procedures. The precautionary measures specify the safety issues when dealing with chemical incidents and cover issues related to environmental protection, i.e. to avoid washing a poisonous chemical or flammable substance down into drains or watercourses so as to minimize water pollution; and to take action to avoid spreading of the spill. Relevant actions to minimize the impacts include using saw dust or absorbent to confine the spillage, and using water jets/spray, foam branch or neutralizing agent to minimize effect of chemical contamination. These procedures would be implemented by FSD and are applicable to any vehicle accidents on the SWC involving spillage of chemicals. The normal response time of FSD to incidents in urban area is 6 minutes and 9 to 23 minutes if the incident is in an area with dispersed risk and isolated development.
7.7.254 In a recent styrene spillage incident happened in Feb 2000, a licensed Category 5 dangerous goods tank wagon overturned causing released of styrene onto the road. Immediate actions were taken by FSD to tackle the spillage incident. The Fire Services Communications Centre of FSD disseminated information to relevant government departments. HKPF, Government Chemist, EPD and AFCD provided assistance to deal with the styrene spillage. From this incident, it is obvious that good communication between government departments is essential to provide prompt response to deal with the potential DGV accidents on the SWC bridge. Also, a joint effort from relevant government departments is required to control the spillage and to minimise the impacts to Deep Bay. As for the SWC project, the Emergency Response Framework presented in Appendix 7D provides a basis for future development of a detailed Emergency Response Plan to enhance the established response actions in order to take due consideration of the need to protect the ecologically sensitive Deep Bay environment. Potential chemical spillages caused by dangerous goods that raised the most concern, including Categories 3, 4, 5 and 6 would be covered by the plan. The implementation of Emergency Response Plan would further minimise the risk of chemical spillage from DGV accident to acceptable levels.
Response to DGV Actions on the SWC
7.7.255 In case of the spillage incident, a prompt action to prevent the spillage from releasing into the Deep Bay waters or mudflat is the major task. A quick response time is therefore crucial in dealing with the spillage incident.
7.7.256 A Traffic Control Surveillance System (TCSS) will be installed on the SWC bridge. The system operates 24 hours and is monitored by HKPF's Regional Command and Coordination Centre and TD's Traffic Control Center / Traffic Management and Information Center. The centre operates 24 hours in parallel with "Fire Services Communications Centre (FSCC)" of FSD and will disseminate information to the relevant government departments as included in the emergency response framework.
7.7.257 At present, the fire station nearest to the proposed SWC bridge is at Tin Shui Wai. In case of DGV accident on the bridge, the response time of FSD to the accident scene would be between 9 to 23 minutes. A new fire station is being planned to locate at the Boundary Control Facility (BCF) at Dongjiaotou. Upon the completion of the BCF and the new fire station, it is expected that the response time of FSD to the accident scene on the SWC bridge would be further reduced to 6 minutes or even less.
7.7.258 For the extreme scenario with the spillage released into the seawater, based on the 1998 to 2000 cross-boundary dangerous goods records, oil and paint consisted of about 12% of all the dangerous goods. Release of these substances into the seawater results in oil spillage event. Due to remote waters, a 2-hour lead time is required for MOSRP of MD to control the oil spillage from further dispersing to other regions.
7.7.259 For non-oil related incident the tidal current would transport the spillage towards the Inner Deep Bay during flood tide or towards the Outer Deep Bay during ebb tide. The predicted current speeds at selected indicator points along the SWC alignment ranged between 0.001 and 0.55 m/s. In case that release of spillage from the bridge to the seawater is under control with a response time of 6 minutes, the distance of the spillage spreading in the Deep Bay waters would be about 200m away from the bridge alignment. The most important nearby water sensitive receivers such as Pak Nai SSSI (> 2 km from the SWC bridge) and Ramsar Site (>5 km from the SWC bridge) and are not likely to be directly affected. The concentration of the chemical would be rapidly diluted to a low level because the volume of the chemical is extremely small when compared to the volume of seawater mixed with the chemical along the 200m distance.
Clean Up Materials
7.7.260 A weigh-station, which is managed by HKPF, will be located near Ha Tsuen Interchange of the Deep Bay Link. Saw dust, dry sand, absorbents and neutralising agents would be stored at this station. In case of DGV accident on the bridge, HKPF will provide assistance to transport the clean up materials to the accident scene to control the spreading of the spill. Since the weigh-station is located near the SWC bridge, this would ensure the effective control of the spill, hence minimize the chance of releasing the spillage into Deep Bay.
7.7.261 In summary, based on the past records the accident rates involving DGV were very low. The control over the conveyance of dangerous goods as discussed and agreed in the ACE meeting in 2000 through FSD's revised regulations requires the DGV drivers or vehicle attendants to observe and follow the emergency procedures as stipulated in the transport document to deal with chemical spillage. The potential impacts due to chemical spillage resulting from DGV accident would be much reduced. The Emergency Response Plan to be developed based on the proposed framework would further reduce the risk due to spillage of chemicals from DGV accident on SWC. As part of the measures specific to the SWC outlined in the Emergency Response Framework, the provision of TCSS system on the SWC bridge and the new fire station at the BCF, would shorten the response time of HKPF and FSD to the accident spot on the bridge. In addition, storage of clean up materials at the HKPF's weigh-station near Ha Tsuen Interchange would minimise the chance of releasing the spillage into Deep Bay. With all the measures in place, the risk of chemical spillage from DGV accident on the SWC bridge is insignificantly low and is not likely to pose any unacceptable risk to the ecological system in Deep Bay. It is therefore considered that the FSD's Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Ordinance and the proposed Emergency Response Framework are adequate to minimize the potential impacts due to chemical spillage as a result of DGV accident on SWC to acceptable levels.
7.7.262 To broaden horizon, Highways Department is researching, with cautions, through literatures and other leading examples overseas for a new idea of incorporating 'drainage interceptors' for temporary holding of chemical spillage. The idea is new and potentially dangerous as explosive, inflammable or combustible substances within a confined space would create danger and threaten to lives along the bridges. Nonetheless as an initiative, Highways Department will further explore to see if the idea could be employed in SWC; and assess the viability of incorporating the drainage interceptor in the bridge drainage system in the detailed design stage of the project.
7.8 Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts
Construction Phase
Construction Site Runoff and Wastewater from General
Construction Activities and Bored Piling Work
Ngau Hom Shek and SWC Alignment
7.8.1 To minimise the potential water quality impacts from construction site runoff and various construction activities, the practices outlined in ProPECC PN 1/94 Construction Site Drainage should be adopted. It is recommended to install perimeter channels in the works area to intercept runoff at site boundary where practicable. Drainage channels are required to collect site runoff and to convey site runoff to sand/silt traps for removal of soil particles. Provision of regular cleaning and maintenance can ensure the normal operation of these facilities throughout the construction period. In areas where a large amount of exposed soils exist, sand bags should be provided control site runoff before a rainstorm occurs.
7.8.2 The construction programme should be properly planned to minimise soil excavation, if any, in rainy seasons. This prevents soil erosion from exposed soil surfaces. Exposed stockpiles should be covered with tarpaulin or impervious sheets before a rainstorm occurs. The exposed soil surfaces should also be properly protected to minimise dust emission. Hydroseeding could be applied to protect exposed slope surfaces. The stockpiles of materials should be placed in the locations away from the shore and stream courses so as to avoid releasing materials into these water bodies. Final surfaces of earthworks should be compacted and protected by permanent work. It is suggested that haul roads should be paved with concrete and the temporary access roads are protected using crushed stone or gravel, wherever practicable. Wheel washing facilities should be provided at all site exits to ensure that earth, mud and debris would not be carried out of the works area by vehicles.
7.8.3 A discharge licence needs to be applied from EPD for discharging effluent from the construction site. The discharge quality is required to meet the requirements specified in the discharge licence. As Deep Bay is an ecological sensitive area, all the runoff and wastewater generated from the works area should be collected and diverted to a wastewater treatment system for removal of suspended solids and to adjust pH prior to final discharge. Suitable coagulants and neutralising chemicals should be used to enhance the efficiency of the treatment system.
7.8.4 Reuse and recycling of the treated effluent can minimise water consumption and reduce the effluent discharge volume. The beneficial uses of the treated effluent may include dust suppression, wheel washing and general cleaning. It is anticipated that the wastewater generated from the works area would be in small quantity. With reference to the Standards for Effluents Discharged into the Coastal Waters of Deep Bay Water Control Zone, the wastewater treatment system should be capable of lowering the suspended solids in the wastewater to a level below 50 mg/L and adjusting the pH value to a level within 6 to 9. The required discharge standards will be based on the discharge licence requirements. Monitoring of the discharge quality of treated effluent should be part of the environmental monitoring and audit programme.
7.8.5 The amount of wastewater to be generated from the bored piling works usually contains a high concentration of suspended solids. A package wastewater treatment system comprising of chemical coagulation, sedimentation and pH control processes should be installed at the bored piling site to treat the wastewater generated from the bored piling works prior to final discharge. In general, the capacity of wastewater treatment system for treating wastewater generated from bored piling sites ranges from 40 m3/hr to 120 m3/hr depending on the scale of the bored piling works. The dimensions and components of wastewater treatment systems vary from one product to another. For reference purposes, the approximate dimensions of wastewater treatment systems with treatment capacity of 40 m3/hr - 120 m3/hr may range from 3.0m(L)x2.5m(W)x4.5m(H) to 9.5m(L)x2.5m(W)x4.0m(H).
7.8.6 The Best Practice Guides for Environmental Protection on
Construction Sites - Part 1 issued by Hong Kong Construction Association (2001)
demonstrated the performance of a commercially available wastewater treatment
system (treatment capacity: 50 m3/hr) to treat the wastewater generated from a
bored piling site. The following figure shows the results of the site trial on
bored piling wastewater treatment.
Performance of a Commercial Wastewater Treatment System (Information on the
performance of the system was extracted from Best Practice Guides for
Environmental Protection on Construction Sites - Part 1 by Hong Kong
Construction Association)
7.8.7 The package treatment system successfully reduced the wastewater with SS concentrations higher than 30,000 mg/L to a level below 30 mg/L. It is technically feasible to use a wastewater treatment system to treat the wastewater generated from bored pile construction to acceptable levels.
7.8.8 Should the wastewater treatment system be properly selected and operated, discharge of treated effluent, if any, would not cause unacceptable environmental conditions. However, recycle and reuse of the treated effluent should be adopted to minimise the need for effluent discharge. The treated effluent could be used for vehicle washing, dust suppression and general cleaning wherever practicable.
7.8.9 To ensure the Contractor would implement the proposed mitigation measures to properly handle the wastewater generated from bored piling works, it is recommended that the proposed mitigation measures should be included in the contract and reflected in the tender drawings.
7.8.10 The arrangements for bored piling sites located within
the works area at Ngau Hom Shek, in the shallow water region and in the deep
water region are detailed below:
Bored Piling Sites located within the Works Area at Ngau Hom Shek
7.8.11 The package wastewater treatment system should be installed near the bored piling sites to treat the wastewater generated from the bored piling works. A number of bored piling sites may be carried out concurrently. The wastewater generated from different locations should be directed to the wastewater treatment system for treatment.
7.8.12 For the bored piling sites near the local stream course at Ngau Him Shek, a row of interlocking sheet piles should be installed to fence off the area from the stream course. Sandbags should be provided surrounding the bored piling sites to contain wastewater. Site drainage systems should also be provided to intercept wastewater leaking from the bored piling works and wastewater from site runoff. Figure 7.123 shows the arrangement of the collection of wastewater generated from bored piling site within the works area. Figure 7.123A shows the precautionary drainage measures during bored pile construction at Ngau Hom Shek proposed under the DBL EIA.
Bored Piling Sites located in the Shallow Water Region
7.8.13 The package wastewater treatment system should be installed on the extended section of the active bored piling site. Wastewater inside the bored pile casing should first be pumped to the conditioning tank for recycling and reuse in the piling process. If discharge of wastewater is required, the wastewater should be pumped from the conditioning tank or the bored pile casing to the package wastewater treatment system for removal of suspended solids and pH adjustment before discharging into the mudflat or seawater. Closed grab should be used for removal of sediment from the casing to avoid spillage of sediment. When the construction of bored pile foundation is completed at one location, the package wastewater treatment system can be relocated to another active site. The proposed wastewater treatment system is shown in Figure 7.123.
Bored Piling Sites located in the Deep Water Region
7.8.14 Since the piling works would be carried out from a barge-based operation, in addition to the piling equipment the package wastewater treatment system should also be installed in the barge. Similarly, wastewater inside the bored pile casing should be pumped to the conditioning tank for recycling and reuse in the piling process. Excess wastewater should be transferred to the package wastewater treatment system for removal of suspended solids and pH adjustment before discharging into the seawater. Closed grab should be used for removal of sediment from the casing to avoid spillage of sediment. When the construction of bored pile foundation is completed at one location, the barge together with the package wastewater treatment system would move to the other bored piling sites to carry out similar operation. The proposed wastewater treatment system is shown in Figure 7.123
7.8.15 During the installation of the SWC bridge sections,
good site practices should be adopted to clean the rubbish and litter on the
bridge sections so as to prevent the rubbish and litter from dropping into the
Deep Bay waters. It is recommended to clean the road sections on a regular
Lung Kwu Sheung Tan
7.8.16 The precasting and concrete batching activities to be carried out at Lung Kwu Sheung Tan may cause water quality impacts. To minimize the potential water quality impacts that may generate from the precasting yard and concrete batching plant, a drainage system should be provided in this site. The batching plant area should be channelled to collect concrete washings and prevent concrete washings from directly entering the seawater. Site runoff should also be collected through the drainage system. To minimize the generation of contaminated site runoff from concrete production area, the concrete batching plant should be sheltered as far as possible.
7.8.17 Concrete washings and site runoff should be pumped to a wastewater treatment system with a sedimentation unit if necessary for removal of suspended solids such as waste concrete particles, silt and grit in order to achieve the discharge standards. pH adjustment should also be applied if the pH value of the collected concrete washings and site runoff is higher than the pH range specified in the discharge licence. This can be achieved by adding neutralizing regents, i.e. acidic additive. A discharge licence should be applied from EPD for discharge of effluent from the site. Analysis of effluent quality may be required as one of the licensing conditions of the discharge licence. The Contractor should collect effluent samples at the final discharge point in accordance with the required sampling frequency to test the specified water quality parameters. The quality of the discharged effluent should comply with the discharge licence requirements. It is recommended to reuse the treated effluent for dust suppression and general cleaning on site, wherever possible.
7.8.18 The drainage system should be maintained on a regular
basis to remove the deposits on the channels. The sedimentation and pH
adjustment systems should also be checked and maintained by competent persons to
ensure that the systems are functioning properly at all times.
Sewage from Workforce
7.8.19 To avoid introducing additional pollution loads into the Deep Bay waters, it is recommended to provide chemical toilets in the works area. In view of the length of the SWC bridge, chemical toilets may require to be provided on the some of the completed bridge sections at the later stage of the construction works for collection of sewage from workforce.
7.8.20 Wastewater generated from kitchens or canteen, if any, should be collected in a temporary storage tank. A licensed waste collector should be deployed to clean the chemical toilets and temporary storage tank on a regular basis. The collected sewage and wastewater would then be transported to the sewage treatment plants for disposal.
7.8.21 Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations to remind workers not to discharge any sewage or wastewater into the Deep Bay waters during the construction phase of the project. Implementation of environmental audit on the construction site can provide an effective control of any malpractices and can achieve continual improvement of environmental performance on site. It is anticipated that sewage generation during the construction phase of the SWC project would not cause water pollution problem after undertaking all required measures.
Accidental Spillage of Chemicals on Site
7.8.22 In case of the occurrence of accidental spillage of chemicals, it is required to take immediate actions to control the release of chemicals into the Deep Bay waters. It is recommended that the contractor of the project should develop an emergency plan to deal with accidental spillage of chemicals in the construction site.
7.8.23 Good site practices would avoid the accidents to occur. Areas for chemical storage should be securely locked and kept as far from the drainage systems or stream courses as possible. The storage area should have an impermeable floor and bunding of capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in that area, whichever is the greatest, to minimise the impacts from any potential accidents.
7.8.24 Disposal of chemical wastes should be carried out in compliance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance. The Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance details the requirements to deal with chemical wastes. General requirements are given as follows:
· Suitable containers should be used to hold the chemical wastes to avoid
leakage or spillage during storage, handling and transport.
· Chemical waster containers should be suitably labelled to notify and warn the
personnel who are handling the wastes to avoid accidents.
· Storage area should be selected at a safe location on site and adequate space
should be allocated to the storage area.
7.8.25 Appendix 7F provides general guidelines to response to accidental
spillage of chemicals on site.
Sediment Dredging along the SWC Alignment and Sediment Disposal
7.8.26 A maximum of 8 pairs of pier sites would be constructed at the same time. 2 pairs of pier sites are located within 500m from shoreline at Ngau Hom Shek and 6 pairs of pier sites are located beyond the distance of 500m from the shoreline. Release of sediment into the water column could be avoided through the control of the dredging operations and selection of suitable construction methods. The following actions and measures are recommended to minimise the release of sediment and contaminants during sediment dredging:
· Cofferdam should be installed at each pier site prior to dredging of sediment
for pile cap construction. One of the purposes of installing the cofferdams is
to provide a confined environment that can be isolated from the surrounding
water during dredging, hence water pollution would be minimised. The seawater
trapped within the cofferdam during the installation of cofferdam should be
pumped out before any dredging of sediment to take place.
· Closed grabs or sealed grabs should be used for sediment dredging and the
mechanical grabs need to be tightly sealed.
· The dredging operation should be carefully controlled to avoid splashing
sediment into the surrounding water during the transfer of sediment from the
dredging point to the barge.
· Cleaning of excess material from decks and exposed fittings of barge before
the barge moves away from the dredging point.
· The distance between the barge for sediment dredging and the cofferdam should
be shortened as far as possible to avoid sediment loss from the closed grab to
the surrounding water.
· The truck to carry the dredged material on the temporary access bridge should
not be filled to a level that may cause the overflow of material during
· Transfer of dredged material from truck to barge should be carefully
controlled to prevent splashing of dredged material to the surrounding water.
7.8.27 Provision of silt curtains surrounding the pier site would reduce the spreading of sediment in the water. Silt curtains can be effectively applied when the current speeds are lower than 0.5 m/s and are suitable for use in the slow moving water environment in Deep Bay. As the dredging area for each of the bridge piers would not be large, silt curtains should be installed at each pier site throughout the period with dredging activities. Figure 7.32 shows the application of silt curtains at the pier sites. The area to be dredged is confined by cofferdam and is completely surrounded by silt curtain at each pier site. Silt curtains should be suitably designed by the Contractor to ensure the effectiveness of the silt curtains especially for application in shallow water region.
7.8.28 Water quality monitoring would be specified as part of the Environmental Monitoring and Audit programme. The main purpose is to ensure that sediment dredging during the bridge pier construction would not cause adverse water quality impacts to Deep Bay.
7.8.29 With the implementation of all these mitigation measures for the bridge pier construction, it is unlikely that a significant amount of sediment and contaminants would be released into the surrounding water at the pier site leading to the increases in SS and TBT levels in the water body. It is however recommended to monitor SS and TBT during the EM&A period to ensure that the increases in these parameters are within acceptable levels. The other parameters including water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen/dissolved oxygen saturation, turbidity and pH would be measured. Details of the water quality monitoring and audit requirements are presented in the EM&A Manual.
Sediment Dredging at Mai Po and Sediment Disposal
7.8.30 The proposed access route is now overgrown with mangrove and is not submerged in seawater during low tides. To minimise the water quality impacts arising from sediment dredging along the access route, sheet piles should be installed at both ends of the access route during the dredging period to ensure that the whole length of the access route is dry throughout the dredging period. This dredging method would avoid the release of contaminants from the sediment into the seawater and spreading of sediment plume. An excavator could be used for sediment dredging in the access route. The dredged material should be placed in a container for temporary storage. Stockpiling of the dredged material should be avoided as far as possible. It is also recommended that dredging work should be temporarily suspended when a rainstorm occurs and the dredged material should be covered with tarpaulin or impervious sheets. Potential water quality impacts are expected to be minimal.
7.8.31 For the inlet water channel, it is recommended to use a floating pontoon equipped with closed grab to carry out the dredging work during flood tides. The use of closed grab is to minimize the release of sediment during dredging. The dredging work should be carried out in short sections. Silt curtain should be provided surrounding the dredging section in the mudflat region to act as a secondary control of spreading of sediment plume. The water depth in this region is shallow (~ 1m). The Contractor should take into account the shallowness of the water to design the silt curtain. The low current speed in this region is more favorable for the application of silt curtain. Also, it is expected that the lower end of silt curtain could be more firmly mounted on the seabed in the shallow water region reducing the gap between the silt curtain and the seabed. This reduces the chance of the release of sediment from the dredging area into the surrounding water.
7.8.32 In the region where the inlet water channel is bounded by the land area which is overgrown with mangroves, sheet piles or silt curtains should be installed at both ends of the short sections to avoid spreading of sediment plume. Since the inlet water channel in this region is a semi-enclosed area, provision of sheet piles or silt curtains would effectively control the sediment plume from escaping to the surrounding water. Any pollutants released from the sediment during dredging would be rapidly absorbed onto the sediment particles again. If the suspended sediment particles were confined within the dredging area, there would be no spreading of pollutants to the surrounding water. It is anticipated that sediment dredging within a confined environment would minimize the potential impacts to the aquatic environment in the vicinity of the dredging area.
7.8.33 A licensed waste collector should be employed to collect and dispose the
dredged material from the inlet water channel and access route in compliance
with the Dumping at Sea Ordinance.
Changes in Hydrodynamic Conditions during Bridge Pier Construction
7.8.34 Mitigation measures to minimise the effect on tidal flows during the bridge pier construction are:
· To avoid the installation and removal of cofferdam during high tidal current
conditions, i.e. mid-flood and mid-ebb;
· To Remove the cofferdam immediately after the completion of bridge pier
construction at each pier site; and
· To Remove a strip of oyster beds along the bridge alignment to restore tidal
flows prior to the commencement of construction work.
Operational Phase
Changes in Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Conditions
7.8.35 Mitigation measures to minimise the effect on hydrodynamic conditions would be incorporated into the engineering design. The following factors have been considered in the conceptual design of the bridge form:
· A longer bridge span to reduce the total number of bridge piers, i.e. 75m
span was adopted to balance the engineering constraints and the environmental
· Pile cap placed below seabed to minimise the obstruction to tidal flows; and
· Streamline shaped bridge pier to reduce friction to the tidal flows across
the bridge alignment.
Changes in Sedimentation and Erosion Patterns in Deep Bay
7.8.36 The predicted results indicated that the sedimentation rates in Deep Bay would not be much different from the baseline conditions. The net increase in sedimentation rates was insignificantly small. The natural processes remain to be the key factors to affect the sedimentation and erosion patterns in Deep Bay. It is considered that dredging to restore the flushing capacity is not required because extensive dredging would cause water quality impacts to the aquatic environment in Deep Bay.
7.8.37 The recommended mitigation measures to minimise the impacts are to design a longer span, place pile cap below seabed and design streamline shaped bridge pier to reduce the restriction to tidal flows. The changes in sedimentation and erosion patterns in Deep Bay would be small when the influence to tidal flows is low.
Road Runoff from SWC Bridge
7.8.38 Mitigation measures to minimise the impacts arising from SWC bridge road runoff include:
· Cleaning of road sludge by vacuum air sweeper/truck twice a week during the
low traffic flow period and each of the cleaning events should not be separated
by more than four days.
· Using standard highway road gullies with silt traps to collect road sludge in
storm runoff; and
· Installing an energy dissipator in the drainage down pipe at the bottom of
the pier to reduce exit flow velocity and to minimise the disturbance to
7.8.39 In order to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures of using vacuum air sweeper to remove vehicle-generated pollutants from the SWC, monitoring should be carried out during the operational phase of the Project to review whether the proposed cleaning frequency of twice a week is sufficient to minimise the impact of the bridge runoff to the Deep Bay waters and mudflat. Details of the bridge runoff monitoring are included in the EM&A Manual.
Accidental Spillage of Chemicals/Oils During Accidents
7.8.40 For the case of leakage of fuel oil from general vehicle accidents, emergency response actions should be undertaken by relevant government departments to deal with the oil spillage incident. Leakage and spillage of fuel oil should be contained and cleaned up immediately so as to minimise the impact to the water quality and ecological system in Deep Bay.
7.8.41 For the potential impacts to the Deep Bay environment due to vehicle accidents involving chemical spillage, the risk would be minimised through:
· Implementation of the revised regulations of FSD to minimise the risk of
accidental spillage of chemicals as a result of vehicle accidents on SWC;
· Development of a detailed Emergency Response Plan to enhance the established
response actions in order to take due consideration of the need to protect the
ecologically sensitive Deep Bay environment;
· Implementation of the detailed Emergency Response Plan with the support from
relevant government departments to deal with any spill incident;
· Quick response to vehicle accident, which involves chemical spillage, on SWC;
· Storage of clean up materials at HKPF's weigh-station near Ha Tsuen
Interchange for use in controlling the spreading of spill; and
· Assessment of the viability of incorporating the drainage interceptor in the
bridge drainage system at the detailed design stage of the SWC project.
7.9 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
7.9.1 The potential water quality impacts arising from the construction and operational phases of the Project are summarised in Table 7.42. Proposed mitigation measures and residual impacts are also included in the table. All the identified water quality impacts could be reduced to acceptable levels after implementing suitable mitigation measures.
7.9.2 With the implementation of mitigation measures to minimise the potential water quality impacts arising from construction activities, residual impacts during the construction phase of the Project are not expected.
7.9.3 The model predictions for the operational phase of the Project indicated
that water quality conditions in Deep Bay would not be adversely affected by the
Project. Changes in erosion and sedimentation patterns were also insignificant.
Residual impacts during the operational phase would be low.
Table 7.42 Summary of Water Quality Impacts and Mitigation Measures
Water Quality Impact |
Recommendations and Proposed Mitigation Measures |
Remark |
Construction Phase |
Construction site runoff and wastewater from general construction activities and bored piling work |
Ngau Hom Shek and SWC Alignment follow the guidelines in ProPECC PN 1/94 Construction Site Drainage to prevent water pollution arising from construction siteprovide site drainage system to collect site runoff implement good site practices provide wastewater treatment system which comprises of coagulation, sedimentation and pH control processes to treat wastewater generated from construction activities in particular wastewater from bored pile construction recycle and reuse of treated effluent on site to reduce water consumption and minimize discharge of effluent monitor effluent discharge quality to ensure the compliance with discharge licence requirements Lung Kwu Sheung Tan provide a drainage system in the works area at Lung Kwu Sheung Tan to collect concrete washings and site runoff generated from precasting yard and concrete batching plantif necessary, install a wastewater treatment system with sedimentation and pH adjustment units to treat the collected wastewater shelter the concrete batching plant as far as possible collect water samples for analysis and make sure that the discharge of the treated effluent from the works area in Lung Kwu Sheung Tan is in compliance with discharge licence requirements; reuse of the treated effluent for dust suppression and general cleaning is recommended maintain the drainage system and sedimentation/pH adjustment systems at Lung Kwu Sheung Tan on a regular basis |
No residual impact |
Sewage from workforce |
chemical toilets in the works area to collect sewage
provide a temporary storage tank to collect wastewater from kitchens or canteen, if any employ licenced waste collector for collection and disposal of sewage and wastewater post notices at conspicuous locations to remind workers not to discharge any sewage or wastewater into Deep Bay implement environmental audit to ensure no malpractices |
No residual impact |
Accidental spillage of chemicals on site |
an emergency plan by Contractor to deal with any accidental spillage of
chemicals on site
adopt good practices to avoid accidental spillage handle and dispose chemical wastes in accordance with Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes |
No residual impact |
Sediment dredging and disposal |
Sediment Dredging along the SWC Alignment install cofferdam at each pier site to prevent release of sediment during sediment dredginguse closed grabs or seal grabs to minimize sediment loss avoid splashing of sediment into the surrounding water through operational control clean excess material from decks and exposed fittings of barge before the barge moves away from the dredging point shorten the distance between the barge and the cofferdam to avoid sediment loss to the surrounding water do not fill the truck, which carries the dredged material on the temporary access bridge, to a level that may cause the overflow of dredged material install silt curtain at each pier site to control spreading of sediment plume; silt curtains should be suitably designed by the Contractor to ensure the effectiveness of the silt curtains especially for application in shallow water region conduct water quality monitoring Sediment Dredging at Mai Po 1. Access Route install sheet piles at both end of the access route to isolate the dredging area as a dry areastockpiling of the dredged material should be avoided suspend the dredging work and cover the dredged material with tarpaulin or impervious sheets when a rainstorm occurs 2. Inlet Water Channel use a floating pontoon equipped with closed grab to carry out the dredging work during flood tidesinstall silt curtains or sheet piles to confine the dredging area so as to avoid spreading of sediment plume employ a licensed waste collector to collect and dispose the dredged material in compliance with the Dumping at Sea Ordinance |
Impact is temporary and no residual impact |
Changes in hydrodynamic conditions during bridge pier construction |
installing and removing cofferdam during high tidal current conditions
remove cofferdam immediately after completion of work clear a strip of oyster beds along the bridge alignment to restore tidal flows |
Impact is temporary and no residual impact |
Operational Phase |
Changes in hydrodynamic and water quality conditions |
a longer bridge span, i.e. 75 m, to reduce the total number of bridge
piers, hence to minimize the reduction in flushing capacity
place pile cap below seabed to minimize the obstruction to tidal flows design streamline shaped bridge pier to reduce friction to the tidal flows across the bridge alignment |
Low residual impact (small changes in hydrodynamic and water quality conditions) |
Changes in sedimentation and erosion patterns in Deep Bay |
a longer bridge span, i.e. 75 m, to reduce the total number of bridge
piers, hence to minimize the reduction in flushing capacity
place pile cap below seabed to minimize the obstruction to tidal flows design streamline shaped bridge pier to reduce friction to the tidal flows across the bridge alignment |
Low residual impact (small increases in sedimentation rates) |
Road runoff from SWC bridge |
vacuum air sweeper/truck to remove road sludge twice a week with each of
the cleaning events not separated by more than 4 days
install standard highway road gullies with silt traps to collect remaining road sludge in storm runoff install an energy dissipator in the drainage down pipe to minimize the disturbance to mudflat conduct bridge runoff monitoring to determine the effectiveness of the mitigation measure to review the cleaning frequency |
Low residual impact |
Accidental spillage of chemicals/oils during accidents |
Minimise the risk through: Implementation of the revised regulations of FSD to minimise the risk of accidental spillage of chemicals as a result of vehicle accidents on SWC;Development of a detailed Emergency Response Plan to enhance the established response actions in order to take due consideration of the need to protect the ecologically sensitive Deep Bay environment; Implementation of the detailed Emergency Response Plan with the support from relevant government departments to deal with any spill incident; Quick response to vehicle accident, which involves chemical spillage, on SWC; Storage of clean up materials at HKPF’s weigh-station near Ha Tsuen Interchange for use in controlling the spreading of spill; and Assessment of the viability of incorporating the drainage interceptor in the bridge drainage system at the detailed design stage of the SWC project. |
Low residual impacts |
7.10 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
7.10.1 Water quality monitoring in the areas near the proposed bridge alignment is recommended during the construction period of the Project. The major sources of water quality pollution would be from the construction activities at the pier sites.
7.10.2 It is proposed to set up upstream control stations and downstream impact monitoring stations to monitor the water quality impacts during the bridge pier construction period. Monitoring points at nearby water sensitive receivers would also be included. Monitoring of effluent discharging from the construction sites is also required during the construction phase of the Project.
7.10.3 During the operational phase, monitoring of bridge runoff is recommended to determine the effectiveness of the proposed measure to remove vehicle-generated pollutants from the road surface. The cleaning frequency should be reviewed based on the monitoring results.
7.10.4 The EM&A Manual includes details of the monitoring and audit requirements for water quality.
7.11.1 Both the construction and operational phase impacts arising from the SWC project were assessed. The construction phase impacts would be temporary but the operational phase impacts may have a long-term effect on Deep Bay.
7.11.2 Reclamation on the Shenzhen side and the presence of bridge piers would reduce the discharge capacity across the proposed SWC bridge alignment in Deep Bay. Based on the model results, there was, however, no significant deviation of water quality conditions from the baseline conditions in Deep Bay after the completion of the SWC bridge. The ranges of water quality changes for the case with the Project were rather narrow and were insignificant when compared to the natural fluctuations of water quality conditions in Deep Bay. The changes in sedimentation rates in Deep Bay were also found to be not significant.
7.11.3 Mitigation measures to minimise and control water quality pollution during the construction and operational phases of the SWC project were recommended. With the implementation of mitigation measures, the SWC project would not cause unacceptable water quality impacts to the Deep Bay waters. Construction and operational phase water quality monitoring was recommended to ensure that the Project would not cause unacceptable water quality conditions in Deep Bay.
7.11.4 Vibrocoring and grab sampling were carried out to provide data for determination of the sediment chemical quality and sediment classification for the SWC project. The chemical test results appeared to be consistent with EPD's data recorded at a sediment sampling station located near the proposed SWC alignment. Category L, M and H materials were identified in the SI. Contaminated and uncontaminated sediments were classified based on WBTC No. 3/2000. The estimated contaminated sediment volume for confined marine disposal was 22,500 m3 and uncontaminated sediment volume for open sea disposal was 34,500 m3. Sediment dredging would also be required in the inlet channel and the proposed access route at Mai Po for the enhancement measure to restore the functions of Mai Po Gei Wais. Half of the sediment samples were classified as Category M material and the remaining half of the sediment samples were classified as Category H material with contaminant level <10xLCEL. The estimated volumes of the Category M material and Category H material were the same and the total volume of sediment to be disposed of at confined marine disposal sites was about 8,800m².
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