1.                  Lamma Power Station Navigation Channel Improvement
Sediment and Water Sampling and Elutriate test

Table of Contents


2.      Sampling





Appendix 1            Testing Report

Appendix 2            Quality Control Report

1           Introduction

The laboratory was responsible to collect three marine sediments and marine water from the Navigation Channel near the of Lamma Power Station area. The samples were then analysed for various metal, organics and physical parameters

2        Sampling

Sediment and marine water sampling were performed on 12 December 2001. Approximately 3kg of marine sediment was collected by using a stainless steel Ponar Grab from three locations:

Sample Identification                      Sampling Location

Sample A                                           828240E        808540N

Sample B                                           828540E        807270N       

Sample C                                           828780E        806000N

All samples were kept in food-grade plastic bags, securely packed in cooler box during sampling and transportation to the laboratory.

Approximately 40L of marine water was collected from the nearby area, approximately 15m from sampling location C and kept in acid/organic rinsed bottles.

All water sample was securely packed in cooler box during sampling and stored in 4oC cool room before analysis began.

3        Sample Preparation

The three sediment samples were homogenised in the laboratory and extracted with the collected marine water in according to the elutriation method as described in “Evaluation of Dredged Material Proposed for Ocean Disposal (Testing Manual), Environmental Protection Agency and Department of the Army, Feb, 1991, EPA Contract No.68-C8-0105”.

In this method, one part of sediment was mechanically mixed with four parts of marine water (vol/vol) without aeration for half an hour at the room temperature. The supernatant water solution was then filtered using a filter of 0.45mm pore size, separated and analysed for the required analyte.

For each soil sample to be analysed, samples of different weight was placed in separate BOD bottles.  Aerated-seeded water was then added to each bottle and the initial dissolved oxygen content of each sample was determined.  The bottles were then positioned onto a shaker and gently agitated in a dark environment for 5 days.  Dissolved oxygen content of each sample was determined every 2 days.  If the dissolved oxygen level was found to drop below 2 mg/l at any stage of the analysis, the sample was retested.

4        Testing of Marine Water Elutriate

The elutriate was analysed for the following parameters

Analyte Description

Reference Method Used


Pollutant Metals including (Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Ag, As, ZN)

USEPA 6020



APHA 3112

Cold Vapour FIAS

Sediment Oxygen Demand

In-house method

BOD Incubation Setup

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen

APHA 4500Norg:B

Flow injection Analyser

Ammonia NItrogen

APHA 4500NH3:G

Flow injection Analyser

Oxidisable Nitrogen

APHA 4500NO3:F

Flow injection Analyser

Polychlorinated Biphenyls

USEPA 8082/8270


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon

USEPA 8270


Chlorinated Pesticides

USEPA 8270


Tributyl Tin

USEPA 8270 (mod)

Derivatization – GCMS

Redox Potential

APHA 2580B

Redox Potential Meter

pH Value

APHA 4500H :B

pH Meter

Particle Sizing

GEO Report No36 Test 2.9.2A

S. S. Sieves