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Drainage Services Department

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

of The People's Republic of China



Peng Chau Sewage Treatment Works Upgrade

-         Investigation, Design and Construction


Agreement No. CE 83/2001(DS)


Environmental Impact Assessment Report










1                INTRODUCTION

1.1          Background of the Project

1.2          Purpose of the EIA Study

1.3          Objectives of EIA Study

1.4          Key Environmental Issues

1.5          Assessment Approach

1.6          Report Structure



2.1          Project Requirements

2.2          Public Consultants

2.3          Project Location

2.4          Future Environmental Conditions Without Implementation of the Proposed Project

2.5          Environmental Benefit and Dis-Benefit of the Proposed STW Upgrade

2.6          Scope of Works

2.7          Outfall Considerations

2.8          Selection of the Preferred Outfall Location

2.9          Further Considerations of Outfall and Emergency Overflow

2.10      Submarine Outfall Construction Method

2.11      Considerations of Treatment Technologies

2.12      Sewage Treatment Scheme for Peng Chau Upgrade

2.13      Potential Environmental Impacts from Other Projects in the Area


3                Air Quality Impact

3.1          Introduction

3.2          Relevant Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria

3.3          Description of Environment

3.4          Air Sensitive Receivers

3.5          Impacts Identification

3.6          Assessment Methodology

3.7          Impact Assessment

3.8          Cumulative Impacts

3.9          Mitigation Measures

3.10      Residual Impacts

3.11      Environmental Monitoring and Audit

3.12      Conclusions and Recommendations


4                Noise Impact

4.1          Introduction

4.2          Relevant Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria

4.3          Baseline Environmental Conditions

4.4          Noise Sensitive Receivers

4.5          Impact Identification

4.6          Impact Assessment

4.7          Mitigation Measures

4.8          Residual Impacts

4.9          Environmental Monitoring and Audit

4.10      Conclusions and Recommendations


5                Water Quality

5.1          Introduction

5.2          Relevant Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria

5.3          Existing Marine Environment

5.4          Marine Water Sensitive Receivers

5.5          Design Capacity and Effluent Requirement of Peng Chau STW Upgrade

5.6          Impact Identification

5.7          Impact Assessment

5.8          Mitigation Measures

5.9          Cumulative Impacts

5.10      Residual Water Quality Impacts

5.11      Environmental Monitoring and Audit

5.12      Conclusions and Recommendations


6                Sediment Contamination

6.1          Introduction

6.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

6.3          Baseline Conditions

6.4          Sediment Sampling and Analysis

6.5          Environmental Implications

6.6          Mitigation Measures during Transportation and Disposal of Dredged Materials

6.7          Residual Environmental Impacts

6.8          Environmental Monitoring and Audit

6.9          Conclusions and Recommendations


7                Waste Management

7.1          Introduction

7.2          Relevant Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standard and Criteria

7.3          Waste Generated during Construction Phase

7.4          Waste Generated during Operation Phase

7.5          Mitigation Measures

7.6          Residual Impacts

7.7          Environmental Monitoring and Audit

7.8          Conclusions and Recommendations


8                Marine Ecology

8.1          Introduction

8.2          Relevant Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standard and Criteria

8.3          Baseline Conditions

8.4          Impact Identifications

8.5          Impact Assessment

8.6          Cumulative Impacts

8.7          Mitigation Measures

8.8          Residual Impact

8.9          Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

8.10      Summary and Conclusions


9                Cultural Heritage

9.1          Introduction

9.2          Relevant Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standard and Criteria

9.3          Baseline Condition

9.4          Geophysical Survey

9.5          Impact Assessment

9.6          Conclusions and Recommendations


10            Environmental Monitoring and Audit


11            Implementation Schedule


12            Recommendations and conclusions

12.1      Introduction

12.2      Air Quality Impact

12.3      Noise Impact

12.4      Water Quality Impact

12.5      Sediment Contamination

12.6      Solid Waste Management

12.7      Marine Ecological Impact

12.8      Cultural Heritage

12.9      Conclusion


13            References