Table 7.6d     Overall Impact Evaluation to Luk Tei Tong (2) River.

Evaluation Criteria

Luk Tei Tong (2) River

Habitat quality



Potential disturbance and temporary habitat loss for avifauna species of conservation interest, White-throated Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis.  


Impacts limited to two very small sections of the river totaling about 80m in length at the upstream and downstream ends of the proposed bypass channel.


Direct impacts would last for the duration of the construction phase, and a period of re-colonisation during the operation phase.


Periodic minor disturbance throughout the operation phase due to routine maintenance (e.g., de-silting works).


Direct impacts to stream/river habitats would be reversible; the newly constructed drainage channels are expected to provide suitable habitats for aquatic communities previously recorded from the stream/river.


Periodic minor increase in disturbance during operational phase would be temporary and reversible.


The scale of the impacts is considered very minor.

Overall impact conclusion

Construction Phase: Very Minor.

Operation Phase: Very Minor.