Table 7.6f  Overall Impact Evaluation of Inactive Agriculture (Dry & Wet) and Shrubland Habitats

Evaluation Criteria

Inactive Agriculture (Dry & Wet)


Habitat quality

Luk Tei Tong Marsh: Moderate-high

Other Inactive Agriculture: Low-moderate.



Potential direct impact to Chinese Bullfrog.

Potential indirect impact to wildlife due to construction phase disturbance.

No impact.


Direct and permanent impact to 0.8ha of Luk Tei Tong Marsh due to LTT River & LTT (2) River Channel Construction, although affected area of marsh is fairly dry, disturbed and not considered of particular ecological interest.


Direct impact to 0.02ha of low-moderate ecological value inactive agricultural land due to PNH River Channel Construction.

No impact.


Loss of habitat would be permanent.


Indirect impacts such as noise disturbance would be largely limited to the construction phase.

No impact.


Loss of habitat would be irreversible.


Indirect impacts such as noise disturbance would be largely limited to the construction phase.

No impact.


Luk Tei Tong Marsh: Low-moderate.

Other Inactive Agriculture: Low.

No impact.

Overall impact conclusion

Luk Tei Tong Marsh: Moderate.

Other Inactive Agriculture: Low.

No impact.