7.                  FISHERIES


7.1              Introduction


7.1.1          The fisheries impact assessment conducted for this Study concluded that the impact of direct loss of fishing ground due to the proposed development was relatively minor due to the generally low importance of the fishing area in inner Junk Bay to the Hong Kong fishery and the low production at this area.

7.1.2          Based on water quality model predictions taking into account the recommended deployment of mitigation measures, the suspension of sediment into the water column by dredging is not expected to have a significant impact on fisheries resources.  Furthermore, the closest fisheries sensitive receiver, Tung Lung Chau FCZ is located approximately 6km away from the proposed project.  It is predicted that elevations in SS at this, the only fisheries sensitive receiver, would be negligible and would not result in adverse impacts on cultured fish.

7.2              Fisheries Mitigation Measures and Monitoring


7.2.1          Closed grab dredger, deployment of silt curtains around the immediate dredging area and restricted dredging rate have been recommended in Water Quality of the EIA report in order to minimise sediment release into the water column.  Monitoring and audit activities for detecting and mitigating any unacceptable impact on water quality would also serve to protect fisheries resources.  Detailed EM&A requirements are provided in Section 4 (Water Quality Monitoring). Specific EM&A activities to assess the effects of the project on commercial fisheries resources are not deemed necessary.

7.2.2          The implementation schedule of mitigation measures is presented in Appendix C.