6                                            Water Quality

6.1                                      Introduction

This section presents the water quality impact assessment for the construction and operational phases of the Project.  As the construction works of the Project will be land-based, direct impacts on water quality will not arise. Nevertheless, the construction of the tracks would generate surface run-off and wastewater which may cause adverse water quality impacts if not properly controlled or mitigated.  Appropriate mitigation measures and environmental monitoring and audit, if necessary, are recommended.

6.2                                      Legislation Requirement and Evaluation Criteria

The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO), Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499. S.16) and Annexes 6 and 14 of Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) are applicable to the evaluation of water quality impacts associated with the Project, whereas Annexes 6 and 14 of the EIAO-TM provide general guidelines and criteria to be used in assessing water quality issues. 

Apart from the above statuary requirements, the Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94) and Drainage Plan subject to comment by the Environmental Protection Department (ProPECC PN 5/93), issued by EPD, also provides useful guidelines on the management of construction site drainage and prevention of water pollution associated with construction activities.

6.3                                      Baseline Conditions and Air Sensitive Receivers

6.3.1                                Baseline Conditions

The proposed karting track is located at Lung Kwu Sheung Tan which is a rural area with open storage and several plastics recycling factories located to the west of the site.  There are no watercourses passing through the site.  Instead, there is one open drainage channel located to the west of the site. 

6.3.2                                Water Sensitive Receivers

In order to evaluate the water quality impacts resulting from the construction and operation of Project, the proximity of Water Sensitive Receivers (WSRs) must be considered. WSRs have been identified in accordance with HKPSG as well as the EIAO-TM, which provide criteria for identifying environmental factors influencing development planning. 

There were no water sensitive receivers identified within 300 m of the Project site boundary.

6.4                                      Potential Sources of Impacts

6.4.1                                Construction Phase

As aforementioned, minor site levelling, compacting, track paving works, planting and fence installation are the major construction works and these would take approximately two months.  Therefore, potential sources of water quality impacts associated with the construction of the karting tracks comprise:

6.4.2                                Construction runoff and drainage;

6.4.3                                Runoff from general construction activities; and

6.4.4                                Domestic sewage effluent produced by the on-site construction workers.

6.4.5                                Operational Phase

Potential sources of water quality impact during operation of the Project include:

·       Surface runoff and drainage; and

·       Domestic sewage effluent produced by the operators and visitors.

6.5                                      Assessment of Water Quality Impacts

6.5.1                                Construction Phase

Construction Runoff and Drainage

Runoff and drainage from construction sites may contain considerable loads of suspended solids and contaminants.  Potential sources of water pollution from site runoff include:

·       Runoff and erosion of exposed bare soil and earth, drainage channels and stockpiles;

·       Release of cement materials with rain wash;

·       Wash water from dust suppression sprays and vehicle wheel washing facilities; and

·       Fuel, oil, and lubricant from maintenance of construction vehicles and mechanical equipment.

Local and coastal water pollution will be substantial if the construction site runoff is allowed to drain into the storm sewer or natural drainage without mitigation.  Nevertheless, with the proper implementation of the good site practices and housekeeping, as to be discussed in Section 6.6.1, unacceptable water quality impacts due to construction runoff and drainage are not expected.

General Construction Site Activities

On-site construction site activates may cause water pollution due to the follows:

·       Uncontrolled discharge of debris and rubbish such as packaging, construction waste and refuse etc; and

·       Spillages of liquid stored on-site, such as oil, diesel and solvents etc.

The debris and rubbish would probably enter the open drainage channels and cause blockage.  The spillage of liquid may also result in water quality impacts if they enter storm water drains or open drainage channels.

However, the effects on water quality from the construction activities are likely to be minimal, provided that site boundaries are well maintained and good construction practices are implemented to ensure that litter, fuel and solvents are managed, stored and handled properly.

Sewage Effluent

Portable chemical toilets will be provided for the site workers.  A licensed contractor will be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance of these facilities.  Therefore, no adverse water quality impacts are anticipated.

6.5.2                                Operational Phase

Surface runoff and drainage

The main identified source of potential impact on water quality during the operation phase will be runoff from the road surfaces.  There would be a vehicle and plant servicing area at where maintenance of karts and petrol re-fuelling activities would take place.  With this context, the road runoff may contain minimal amounts of oil, grease and grit that may cause water quality impacts to the receiving water during rainfall events if uncontrolled. 

However, the servicing area and lubrication bays would be located within paved areas.  The drainage serving the servicing area and petrol re-fuelling point would be connected to storm drains via a petrol interceptor with peak storm bypass to collect the road runoff contaminants and to avoid the contaminants entering the watercourses.  Therefore, it is considered unlikely to produce any quantifiable adverse water quality impacts.

Sewage Effluent

Similar to the construction phase, four portable chemical toilets will be provided for the visitors.  A licensed contractor will be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance of these facilities.  Therefore, no adverse water quality impacts are anticipated.

6.6                                      Mitigation Measures

6.6.1                                Construction Phase

The following mitigation measures should be implemented during the construction of the karting track:

Construction Runoff and Drainage

6.6.2                                Construction site runoff and drainage should be prevented or minimized in accordance with the guidelines stipulated in the EPD Practice Note for Professional Persons, Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94).  The practices include the following items:

·       Provision of perimeter channels to intercept storm-runoff from outside the site.  These shall be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks.

·       Exposed soil surface shall be covered by tarpaulin as soon as possible to reduce the potential of soil erosion.

·       Open stockpiles of construction materials on site shall be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms.

General Construction Activities

Debris and rubbish generated on-site shall be collected, handled and disposed of properly to avoid entering the nearby stormwater drains and open drainage channels.  All fuel tanks and storage areas shall be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas, within bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank.  Open storm water drains and culverts near the works area shall be covered to block the entrance of large debris and refuse. 

Sewage from Workforce

Temporary sanitary facilities, such as portable chemical toilets, shall be employed at the areas where the temporary connection is not feasible.  A licensed contractor would be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance of these facilities.

6.6.3                                Operational Phase

Although no unacceptable water quality impact is anticipated during the operational phase, the following measures are recommended:

Surface Runoff

·       Maintenance of karts should be performed regularly to avoid leakage of fuel on tracks; and

·       Proper handling of petrol storage tank to avoid leakage of petrol.

·       Drainage serving the open petrol re-fuelling point should be connected to storm drains via a petrol interceptor with peak storm bypass.

·       The servicing areas should be located within roofed areas and concrete paved area.  The drainage in the concrete paved areas should be connected to foul sewers via a petrol interceptor.  Oil leakage or spillage should be contained and cleaned up immediately.  Waste oil should be collected and stored for recycling or disposal in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.

Sewage Effluent

Four portable chemical toilets will be provided for the visitors.  A licensed contractor would be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance of these facilities.

6.7                                      Environmental Monitoring and Audit

6.7.1                                Construction Phase

No water quality monitoring is required as no unacceptable water quality impact is expected.

6.7.2                                Operational Phase

No operational water quality monitoring is required as no adverse water quality impact is anticipated.

6.8                                      Conclusions

Given the small scale of the construction works, short duration of construction period and no identified WSRs within the study area, water quality impacts are negligible and minimal during construction phase of the Project provided that good site practices and housekeeping are implemented as suggested in Section 6.6.1.  Hence, it is considered that no water quality monitoring would be necessary to carry out during construction phase.    

For the operation of karting, the main concern is the water quality impact may be caused by the servicing and petrol re-fuelling activities.  Nevertheless, the surface runoff can be well controlled by adoption of a proper drainage system with peripheral channel and petrol interceptor.  Addition to the proper handling of petrol tank and re-fuelling and regular maintenance of karts, no adverse water quality impacts are anticipated.  Therefore, it is suggested that no operational water quality monitoring would be required.