11.               ConclUsions And rEcommendations

11.1            This EIA Report has provided an assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation phases of the landslide preventive works at Po Shan, Mid-levels.

11.2            The identified key environmental issues below have been assessed in this EIA report, in accordance with the EIA Study Brief (No. ESB-158/2006) registered under the EIAO for the Project:

·            Ecological impact

·            Landscape and visual impact

·            Construction noise impact

·            Construction water quality impact

·            Construction air quality impact

·            Waste management impact

11.3            The findings of this EIA study have determined the likely nature and extent of environmental impacts predicted to arise from the construction and operation of the Project. The EIA has, where appropriate, identified mitigation measures to ensure compliance with environmental legislation and standards.

11.4            Overall, the EIA study for the proposed Project, with the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures for construction and operation phases, would comply with all applicable environmental standards and legislation. Table 11.1 summarises the environmental outcomes that have accrued from environmental considerations and analysis during the EIA process and implemented in design of the Project and the recommended mitigation measures. Environmental monitoring and audit mechanisms have been recommended, where necessary, to verify the accuracy of the EIA predictions and the effectiveness of recommended mitigation measures.


Table 11.1    Summary of Key Environmental Outcomes

Key Environmental Issue

Environmental Outcomes and Mitigation Measures



No tree felling would be required under the current proposed scheme.


Ecological impacts on plant species of conservation interest, Small Persimmon and Common Tutcheria, would be minor and acceptable with careful selection of the location of scaffolding, drilling, soil nail and nail head installation.


A detailed search for the floral species of conservation concern, including but not limited to Small Persimmon, Common Tutcheria, Bird-nest Fern and Chinese Pholidota, would be conducted in the works area. The damage to the floral species of conservation importance would be avoided or minimized with well labelling on site prior to the commencement of works.


The understorey vegetation of the woodland habitats that affected by the proposed works would be reinstated by planting of suitable shrubs/herbs, including the Small Persimmon, within the impacted areas under this Project.


Ecological impact on Short-nosed Fruit Bat was most probably caused by disturbance impact. With the use of quiet construction plant and insulating fabric for drill rigs, construction phase noise disturbance would be minimised. The worse-case scenario, it may cause roosting bats to move away and result in the abandonment of roosting site. This outcome would still be regarded as a relatively minor impact. Within 500m from the location of the roosting site (the two palm trees), a large number of preferred roosting habitats, palm trees and banana plantation could be found, it is probable that the bats would simply re-locate alternative roost sites if disturbed.


Chinese Fan-palm (Livistona chinensis) would also be planted near the existing bat roost to provide suitable habitat for the Short-nosed Fruit Bat after the completion of landslide preventive works.


With implementation of standard good site practice, impacts resulting from improper dumping of construction materials/wastes and deposition of dust on vegetation adjacent to works areas can be avoided and minimized to acceptable levels. The impact to the vegetation was considered minor.


By controlling construction site runoff and drainage from the proposed works areas, cleaning and maintaining sand traps, silt traps and where appropriate, the risk of sedimentation and pollution to the nearby stream course and drainage culvert were minimised. No discharge of site runoff and drainage into the nearby stream courses, drainage would be resulted. Hence, the impacts on the watercourses and the associated fauna considered minor and acceptable.


Fences would be erected and installed along the boundary of the proposed works area before the commencement of works in order to minimise the disturbance to the natural woodland and shrubland habitats by preventing tipping, vehicle movements and encroachment of personnel onto the adjacent areas.


A specific monitoring programme of the plant individuals of conservation interest identified within the proposed works area during the detailed vegetation survey should be performed. Regular monitoring of the trees, shrubs and herbs should be conducted to check on the health and condition of the plants. Monitoring should be conducted twice a month cover the whole construction period.


Landscape and Visual

Groundcover / scrub within the works area will be affected due to the proposed landslide preventive works. The impacts would be acceptable with the implementation of woodland and native shrub planting as the mitigation measures.


Residents in the medium rise development along Po Shan Road (R1A, R1B, R1C) will have short range views to the proposed landslide preventive works. Residents in the medium rise development along Conduit Road (R1E) and in high rise development adjacent to HKU (R1F) will have partial views to the proposed landslide preventive works. Mitigation in the form of woodland planting will help in reducing impacts.

Construction Noise

NSRs at Po Shan Mansions could be affected by noise arising from the construction of the Project. With the adoption of quieter plant, movable noise barrier, noise enclosure and noise insulating fabric and good site practices, all representative NSRs in the vicinity of the project site would comply with the noise criterion. No adverse residual construction noise impact would be expected.


Construction Water Quality

Water quality impacts from construction activities would be controlled by implementing the recommended mitigation measures.


Construction Air Quality

The construction air quality impact is expected to be minimal according to the nature of the proposed construction activities.


No adverse dust impacts would be expected on the identified ASRs with the implementation of dust suppression measures.


Waste Management

Construction waste arisings have been identified based on the proposed construction activities and would comprise C&D material, general refuse and chemical waste. Provided that the identified waste arisings are to be handled, transported and disposed of using approved methods and the recommended good site practices are to be strictly followed, adverse environmental impacts would not be expected during the construction phase.




11.5            The implementation schedule of the proposed mitigation measures for the Project is presented in Appendix 11.1. For recommended mitigation measures of each key environmental issue, the location and timing for the measures have been clearly identified as well as the parties responsible for implementing the measures.