6                         Water Quality Assessment

6.1                   Introduction

The construction and operation of the Project has the potential to cause adverse water quality impact to the receiving water bodies if not properly managed.  This section examines the potential impacts on the nearby water resources due to construction activities (particularly piling works for the jetty), effluent discharge from the on-site wastewater treatment works, surface water runoff and potential spillage of raw materials and biodiesel products.  Consideration is given to identify practicable means and/or mitigation measures to avoid marine pollution incidents arising from loading and unloading of materials at the jetty and on-site storage of raw materials and biodiesel products. 

6.2                   Legislation and Standards

The regulatory requirements and standards to protect water quality are as follows:

·           Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) (Cap. 358);

·           Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499. S.16), Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM), Annexes 6 and 14;

·           Technical Memorandum Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Inshore Waters (TM);

·           Practice Note for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage (Prop PECC PN 1/94); and

·           Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG).

6.2.1             Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO)

The WPCO is the legislation for the control of water pollution and water quality in Hong Kong.  Under the WPCO, Hong Kong waters are divided into 10 Water Control Zones (WCZs).  Each WCZ has a designated set of statutory Water Quality Objectives (WQOs).  The WQOs set limits for different parameters that should be achieved in order to maintain the water quality within the WCZs.  Corresponding statements of WQO are stipulated for different water regimes, ie marine waters, inland waters, bathing beaches subzones, secondary contact recreation subzones and fish culture subzones, in the WCZ based on their beneficial uses.

The assessment area (thereafter referred to as the Study Area) is located inside the Junk Bay WCZ and is in close proximity to the Eastern Buffer WCZ (see Figure 6.2a).  The WQOs for the Junk Bay WCZ and Eastern Buffer WCZ, which are presented in Tables 6.2a and 6.2b, respectively, are hence applicable as evaluation criteria for assessing compliance of any effects from the discharges of the Project.

Table 6.2a      Water Quality Objectives for Junk Bay Water Control Zone

Water Quality Objectives

Junk Bay WCZ



(a)    Waste discharges shall cause no objectionable odours or discolouration of the water.

Whole Zone

(b)    Tarry residues, floating wood, articles made of glass, plastic, rubber or of any other substance should be absent.

Whole Zone

(c)     Mineral oil should not be visible on the surface. Surfactants should not give rise to a lasting foam.

Whole Zone

(d)    There should be no recognisable sewage-derived debris.

Whole Zone

(e)    Floating, submerged and semi-submerged objects of a size likely to interfere with the free movement of vessels, or cause damage to vessels, should be absent.

Whole Zone

(f)      Waste discharges shall not cause the water to Whole Zone contain substances which settle to form objectionable deposits.

Whole Zone



(a)    The level of Escherichia coli should not exceed 610 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected in one calendar year.

Secondary Contact Recreation Subzones and Fish Culture Subzones (L.N. 451 of 1991)

(b)    (Repealed L.N. 451 of 1991)


(c)     The level of Escherichia coli should not exceed 1000 per 100 ml, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Inland waters



Waste discharges shall not cause the colour of water to exceed 50 Hazen units.

Inland waters



(a)    Waste discharges shall not cause the level of dissolved oxygen to fall below 4 mg L-1 for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year; values should be calculated as the water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 3 measurements at 1 m below surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed). In addition, the concentration of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 2 mg L-1 within 2 m of the seabed for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year.

Marine waters excepting Fish Culture Subzones

(b)    The dissolved oxygen level should not be less than 5 mg L-1 for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year; values should be calculated as water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 3 measurements at 1 m below surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed). In addition, the concentration of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 2 mg L-1 within 2 m of the seabed for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year.

Fish Culture Subzones

(c)     Waste discharges shall not cause the level of dissolved oxygen to be less than 4 mg L-1.

Inland waters

E.         pH


(a)    The pH of the water should be within the range of 6.5-8.5 units. In addition, waste discharges shall not cause the natural pH range to be extended by more than 0.2 units.     

Marine waters (L.N. 451 of 1991)

(b)    (Repealed L.N. 451 of 1991)


(c)     The pH of the water should be within the range of 6.0-9.0 units.

Inland waters



Waste discharges shall not cause the natural daily temperature range to change by more than 2.0oC.

Whole Zone



Waste discharges shall not cause the natural ambient salinity level to change by more than 10%.

Whole Zone



(a)    Waste discharges shall neither cause the natural ambient level to be raised by 30% nor give rise to accumulation of suspended solids which may adversely affect aquatic communities.

Marine waters

(b)    Waste discharges shall not cause the annual median of suspended solids to exceed 25 mg L-1.

Inland waters

I.       AMMONIA


The ammonia nitrogen level should not be more than 0.021 mg L-1, calculated as the annual average (arithmetic mean), as unionized form.

Whole Zone



(a)  Nutrients shall not be present in quantities sufficient to cause excessive or nuisance growth of algae or other aquatic plants.

Marine waters

(b)  Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.3 mg L-1, expressed as annual water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 3 measurements at 1 m below surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed).

Marine waters



Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 5 mg L-1.

Inland waters



Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 30 mg L-1.

Inland waters



(a)  Waste discharges shall not cause the concentrations of dangerous substances in the water to attain such levels as to produce significant toxic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms, with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to toxicant interactions with each other.

Whole Zone

(b)  Waste discharges of dangerous substances shall not put a risk to any beneficial uses of the aquatic environment.

Whole Zone

N-O (Repealed L.N. 451 of 1991)

Whole Zone

Table 6.2b      Water Quality Objectives for Eastern Buffer Water Control Zone

Water Quality Objectives

Eastern Buffer WCZ



(a)    There should be no objectionable odours or discolouration of the water.

Whole Zone

(b)    Tarry residues, floating wood, articles made of glass, plastic, rubber or of any other substances should be absent.

Whole Zone

(c)     Mineral oil should not be visible on the surface. Surfactants should not give rise to a lasting foam.

Whole Zone

(d)    There should be no recognisable sewage-derived debris.

Whole Zone

(e)    Floating, submerged and semi-submerged objects of a size likely to interfere with the free movement of vessels, or cause damage to vessels, should be absent.

Whole Zone

(f)      The water should not contain substances which settle to form objectionable deposits.

Whole Zone



(a)    The level of Escherichia coli should not exceed 610 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected in a calendar year.

Fish Culture Subzones

(b)    The level of Escherichia coli should be less than 1 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Water Gathering Ground Subzones

(c)     The level of Escherichia coli should not exceed 1000 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Other inland waters



(a)   Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 30 Hazen units.

Water Gathering Ground Subzones

(b)   Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 50 Hazen units.

Other inland waters



(a)    The level of dissolved oxygen should not fall below 4 mg L-1 for 90% of the sampling occasions during the whole year; values should be calculated as water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 3 measurements at 1 m below surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed). In addition, the concentration of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 2 mg L-1 within 2 m of the seabed for 90% of the sampling occasions during the whole year.

Marine waters excepting Fish Culture Subzones

(b)    The level of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 5 mg L-1 for 90% of the sampling occasions during the year; values should be calculated as water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 3 measurements at 1 m below surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed). In addition, the concentration of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 2 mg L-1 within 2 m of the seabed for 90% of the sampling occasions during the whole year.

Fish Culture Subzones

(c)     The level of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 4 mg L-1.

Water Gathering Ground Subzones and other inland waters

E.         pH


(a)    The pH of the water should be within the range of 6.5-8.5 units. In addition, human activity should not cause the natural pH range to be extended by more than 0.2 units.

Marine waters

(b)    Human activity should not cause the pH of the water to exceed the range of 6.5-8.5 units.

Water Gathering Ground Subzones

(c)     Human activity should not cause the pH of the water to exceed the range of 6.0-9.0 units.

Other inland waters



Human activity should not cause the natural daily temperature range to change by more than 2.0oC.

Whole Zone



Human activity should not cause the natural ambient salinity level to change by more than 10%.

Whole Zone



(a)    Human activity should neither cause the natural ambient level to be raise by more than 30 % nor give rise to accumulation of suspended solids which may adversely affect aquatic communities.

Marine waters

(b)    Human activity should not cause the annual median of suspended solids to exceed 20 mg L-1.

Water Gathering Ground Subzones

(c)  Human activity should not cause the annual median of suspended solids to exceed 25 mg L-1.

Other inland waters

I.       AMMONIA


The un-ionized ammoniacal nitrogen level should not be more than 0.021 mg L-1, calculated as the annual average (arithmetic mean).

Whole Zone



(a)  Nutrients should not be present in quantities sufficient to cause excessive or nuisance growth of algae or other aquatic plants.

Marine waters

(b)  Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.4  mg L-1, expressed as annual water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 3 measurements at 1 m below surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed).

Marine waters



(a)  The 5-day biochemical oxygen demand should not exceed 3 mg L-1.

Water Gathering Ground Subzones

(b)  The 5-day biochemical oxygen demand should not exceed 5 mg L-1.

Other inland waters



(a)  The chemical oxygen demand should not exceed 15 mg L-1.

Water Gathering Ground Subzones

(b)  The chemical oxygen demand should not exceed 30 mg per litre.

Other inland waters



(a)  Toxic substances in the water should not attain such levels as to produce significant toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to interactions of toxic substances with each other.

Whole Zone

(b)  Human activity should not cause a risk to any beneficial use of the aquatic environment.

Whole Zone

6.2.2             Technical Memorandum for Effluent Discharges into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Inshore Waters (TM)

All discharges from the Project are required to comply with the Technical Memorandum for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Inshore Waters (TM) issued under Section 21 of the WPCO.  The TM defines discharge limits for different types of receiving waters.  Under the TM, effluents discharged into the drainage and sewerage systems, inshore and inshore waters of the WCZs are subject to pollutant concentration standards for particular discharge volumes.  Any new discharges within a WCZ are subject to licence conditions and the TM acts as a guideline for setting discharge standards for inclusion in the licence.  Any sewage from the proposed construction and operational activities should comply with the standards for effluent discharged into the foul sewers, inshore waters or marine waters of the Junk Bay and Eastern Buffer WCZs, shown in Tables 1, 10a and 10b of the TM, respectively.

6.2.3             Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499. S.16), Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM)

Annexes 6 and 14 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499. S.16), Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) provide general guidelines and criteria to be used in assessing water quality issues.

6.2.4             Practice Note for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94)

The ProPECC PN 1/94 issued by the EPD provides some basic environmental guidelines for the handling and disposal of construction site discharges to prevent or minimise construction impacts on water quality.

Whilst the technical circulars are non-statutory, they are generally accepted as best guidelines in Hong Kong and have been adopted as relevant for this assessment.

6.2.5             Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG)

Chapter 9 of the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) provides guidance for including environmental considerations in the planning of both public and private developments.  It applies both to the planning of permanent or temporary uses which will have potential to cause significant changes to the biophysical environment or which are sensitive to environmental impacts.  Section 5 in Chapter 9 of the HKPSG provides additional information on regulatory guidelines against water pollution for sensitive uses such as aquaculture and fisheries zones, bathing waters and other contact recreational waters.

6.3                   Assessment Methodology

The Study Area was defined as the area within 500 m of the Project Site boundary.

The construction method and sequence described in Section 3 were reviewed to assess the remoteness of the construction works from existing and committed Water Sensitive Receivers (WSRs) within the Study Area.  The WSRs were identified according to guidance provided in the EIAO-TM and HKPSG.

The construction sequence, duration and activities, and the operation activities were reviewed to identify activities with the potential to impact on the identified WSRs and other water courses. 

Following the identification of WSRs and potential water quality impacts, the scale, extent and severity of potential net (ie unmitigated) construction and operation impacts were evaluated, taking into account all potential cumulative effects including those of adjacent projects, with reference to the WPCO criteria.

Where net water quality impacts exceed the appropriate WPCO criteria, practical water pollution control measures/mitigation proposals were identified to ensure compliance with reference to the WPCO criteria.  Water quality monitoring and audit requirements were developed, if necessary, to ensure the effectiveness of the water pollution control and mitigation measures.

6.4                   Water Quality Sensitive Receivers and Baseline Conditions

6.4.1             Existing Conditions

The Project Site is located at the seafront of the TKOIE which is situated in the southeast of the Tseung Kwan O New Town, Sai Kung District in Hong Kong (see Figure 6.4a).  The TKOIE was mainly built on reclaimed land.   

There are no natural streams and rivers either passing through the Project Site or within the catchment of the Project Site.  A few seasonal streams were recorded within Study Area in another catchment near Fat Tong Chau which is located to the south of the Project Site.  They are classified as seasonal streams because they were found to have limited water flows during the wet season and no water flows during the dry season.  In addition, the Project Site is not situated with the secondary contact recreation area, in accordance with the WPCO.

The ecological impact assessment was detailed in Section 7.  Ecological surveys were conducted along the seawall of the TKOIE and the natural shoreline at Fat Chau Tong.  Based on the surveys results, the assessment concluded that there were no species of high ecological value within the Study Area. 

6.4.2             Water Sensitive Receivers (WSRs)

In order to evaluate the water quality impacts resulting from the construction and operation of the biodiesel plant, the WSRs have been identified in accordance with the EIAO-TM and HKPSG.

The WSRs identified in the Study Area include: 

·           Inshore waters in Junk Bay; and

·           Surface water including seasonal streams.

6.5                   Evaluation of Impacts during Construction Phase

6.5.1             Piling Works for the Jetty

The jetty in a form of piled deck will be constructed (see Figure 2.2b) for berthing of marine vessels.  No dredging of marine sediment will be required for the construction of the jetty.  Marine piles will be driven through the existing rubble mound seawall (see Figure 2.2c) to competent bearing strata by a hydraulic hammer piling barge.  During the construction of the existing rubble mound seawall, the sediments below the seawall have been removed and backfilled with marine sand.  The materials to be excavated from the bore pile will consist of rock and sand.  No sediment will be excavated. 

A temporary working platform will be constructed by placing steel piles on the seawall and then welding steel planks on top.  The casing of the pile will be drilled through the existing seawall to the rock head.  The rock fill will be removed and the marine sand will be airlifted under pressure through the top of the casing and channelled to a sedimentation tank located on land.  The top of the casing will be covered with canvas to prevent spillage of material during removal of the sand fill.  After settling the sands, the effluent will be discharged to stormwater drain.  A disposal license will be applied under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) for the discharge and the licence conditions will be complied with prior to discharge.  The settled sand will be reused on-site. 

Silt curtain will be installed around the marine piling area to contain any suspended mud and sediments generated during the piling works.  It is expected that the marine piling will cause limited disturbance to the existing seawall and is unlikely to cause unacceptable impacts to the water quality in Junk Bay.  It should be noted that once the pile is driven into the seawall, the removal of rock/sand will be confined within the pile and this operation will not cause adverse water quality impact.

Concrete infill to piles will be undertaken prior to placement of trellis beam and pre-cast concrete panels.  It is estimated that the construction of the jetty will take about 6 months, including 2 months for pile installation and 4 months for jetty deck construction.

6.5.2             Sewage and General Refuse generated by Workforce

Sewage and general refuse will be generated from construction workforces. An adequate number of portable toilets will be provided on site to ensure that sewage from site staff is properly collected.  The portable toilets will be desludged and maintained regularly by a specialised contractor.  Recyclable materials (ie paper, plastic bottles and aluminium cans) will be separated for recycling as far as possible, in order to reduce the amount of general refuse to be disposed of at landfill.  An adequate number of enclosed waste containers will be provided on-site to ensure waste is fully contained.  No adverse water quality impacts associated with the handling and disposal of sewage and general refuse generated by the construction workforce are envisaged.

6.5.3             Surface Runoff and Drainage

Construction site runoff will be the major source of water quality impacts associated with the land based construction activities.  As discussed in Section 3.3.2, the construction of the biodiesel plant will only involve minor earthworks.

The construction of the superstructure has a low risk of generating contaminated runoff since drainage systems will be well established before the commencement of construction works and as portable toilets will be used and will be serviced regularly by a specialised contractor for off-site disposal.  With the implementation of general good site practice in accordance with the Practice Note for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN1/94), the land based construction activities will not cause adverse water quality impacts.

6.6                   Evaluation of Impacts during Operation Phase

6.6.1             Presence of Jetty

The proposed jetty (50 m long and 26 m wide) will have a reinforced concrete deck and will be supported by marine piles.  A total of about 60 piles, of approximate diameter of 1m, will stand underneath the deck of the berthing facility.  The cross-sectional area of each pile underwater has been estimated at 0.8 m2 and the depth underwater will be in the range 10 m to 12 m.  It is estimated that the volume of each pile underwater will be in the range 8 m3 to 9.6 m3.  Although there may be localised effects due to the physical resistance of the piles, the water flow through the piled structure will generally be maintained.  In view of the small cross-sectional area occupied by the piles, the closeness to the shore, and an average and maximum current speeds at the study area of about 0.07 m s-1 and 0.37 m s-1 respectively ([1]), the marine piles will not have adverse impact to the hydrodynamic system or marine water flow regime at the jetty during the operational phase.  The layout of the marine piles and the jetty is designed to minimise influence to the seawater flow around the jetty.

The maximum draft of the loaded barges (1,000 tonne barges) for the transportation of biodiesel, PFAD and methanol is about 4m.  The water depth at the jetty is about 10m (see Figure 2.2c) and therefore there will be sufficient water depth for the access of the barges without the need to dredging during operation. 

6.6.2             Wastewater Generated From the Operation of the Facility

With reference to other biodiesel plants of similar scale, the number of personnel for the operation of the proposed biodiesel plant will be approximately 20 during the day and 8 at night.  If necessary, additional personnel will be hired for maintenance and repair works.  The small amount of sewage generated by the site staff (a maximum of about 1.5 m3 per day ([2])) will be collected and discharged to the foul sewer of the TKOIE which leads to the TKO Sewage Treatment Works.

It is estimated that a total of about 170,000 m3 per year (or about 515 m3 d-1 or 515 tpd) of wastewater will be generated from feedstock pre-treatment and the glycerine dewatering processes.  As advised by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation ([3]), the capacity of the sewerage system of the TKOIE is in excess of 20,000 m3 d-1 and hence will have sufficient capacity to handle the anticipated flow of the effluent discharged from the plant (ie daily discharge of 515 m3 d-1 from the Project which is about 2.6% of the existing capacity).  It should be noted that a number of land lots at the TKOIE have not been occupied.  In addition, the discharge of the treated effluent could be carried out on a continuous basis so that the flow will be minimal (about 6 litres/sec).  The effluent discharge from biodiesel plant will not have an adverse impact on the downstream sewers.  A review by the Design Engineer shows that the foul sewers downstream of the biodiesel plant will have sufficient capacity to handle the hourly flow of the effluent discharge from the wastewater treatment plant.

The wastewater generation from the biodiesel pre-treatment and production processes will contain trace amounts of oils and fats (such as triglycerides and free fatty acids) and will have a high COD concentration (about 9,400 mg L-1 to 15,000 mg L-1).  The on-site wastewater treatment plant will be designed based on these characteristics and to comply with the standards for effluent discharged into foul sewer.

The key components of the wastewater treatment plant will include an oil-water separator, a dissolved air flotation (DAF) system, an Internal Circulation (IC) Reactor (an anaerobic treatment that utilises the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) technology), an aerobic treatment system and a secondary clarifier.  The IC Reactor is an anaerobic treatment technology that can effectively reduce the organic loading of the wastewater especially for wastewater with high organic matter content.  The effluent from the IC Reactor will be transferred to the aeration tanks for further treatment.  The suspended solids in the treated effluent from the aeration tanks will be settled in the secondary clarifier so that the effluent will meet the standards for effluent discharged into foul sewer leading to the TKO Sewage Treatment Works.

The sludge will be dewatered to at least 30% dry solids in order to comply with the landfill acceptance criteria.  It is estimated that about 1.3 tpd of dewatered sludge will be generated and stored in enclosed containers prior to landfill disposal.  The filtrates from dewatering process will be fed back to the aeration tank for treatment.  The dewatered sludge will be delivered to landfill by trucks.

All wastewaters generated from the site (including the wastewater from the GTW pre-treatment, process water from biodiesel production and wash water from the GTW reception area ([4]), etc) will be collected and treated at the on-site wastewater treatment plant prior to discharge to foul sewer leading to the TKO Sewage Treatment Works.  The effluent quality will comply with the discharge standards stipulated in Table 1 of the Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged to Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Water published by the EPD.  No adverse water quality impact resulting from the operation of the biodiesel plant is anticipated.

6.6.3             Surface Runoff and Drainage

The operation of the biodiesel plant has the potential to cause adverse water quality impacts if site runoff, wastewater and material storage are not properly managed.  The following control measures have been incorporated in the design of the plant.

Control of Leakages from the Tank Farm /Process Building

Bund wall will be provided at the tank farm (including the storage tank of the raw materials/products) and the process tanks within the Process Building to contain any spillage of materials (the wall is designed to hold 110% of the largest tank) within the bunded area.  The floor of the bunded area will also be paved with concrete and coated with waterproofing material.  It will effective prevent any spill from seeping into the soil.  The bunded area will be provided with a sump pit(s) with a manually controlled valve/penstock which is normally close.  All surface water discharged from the bunded area will pass through an oil interceptor.  No surface water will be automatically drained from the bunded area. 

Stormwater runoff of the bunded area (see Figure 3.2f) will pass through an oil interceptor (see Figure 3.2i) before discharge into the stormwater drainage system of the TKOIE (see Figure 3.2h).

During rainstorm, the valve of the sump pit of the bunded area of the tank farm will be manually open to allow an appropriate flow to pass through the oil interceptor.  The water discharged from the oil interceptor will be checked to ensure that the effluent comply with the discharge standards prior discharge to the stormwater system. 

The sump pit will also be equipped with a level switch instrument to detect the water level.  The sensor will be connected to an alarm of the PCS-system. Spill/leak within the bunded area will be cleaned up immediately.  If a large spill/leak is detected, the materials will be pumped out and reuse, where appropriate.  Otherwise the material will be disposed of as a chemical waste to the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre.  If the leak is from the GTW and WCO storage tanks, the materials will be pumped to other GTW storage tank or to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment.

All storage tanks will be hydro-tested with water (according the designed test pressure) before used.  The tanks will be provided with leak detection system.  The integrity of the tanks will be inspected regularly in accordance with relevant building regulations.

Control of Leakages from the Pipe Bridge

After installation, the pipelines will be tested (pressure test with water).  There will be no connection (eg flanges and valves) on the pipe bridge as the pipes on the pipe bridge will be welded.  Flanges and valves will only be located within/above a bunded area (eg Process Building, tank farm, Technic Room).  The pipeline will be visual inspected on a regularly basis. 

To prevent the pipe bride against any traffic collisions, the bottom line of the bridge will be at least 4.5m above ground level.  At the site entrance, a “height check/control” will be installed to ensure that vehicles taller than 3m will not been allowed to enter the site unless it is escorted by senior site operator.  The columns of the pipe bridge at the street level will be protected by barriers and sufficient clearance from the road.

Control of Pollution during Loading/Unloading Operations at the GTW Unloading Area and Jetty

At the GTW loading and unloading stations, the following control measures will be implemented:

·           Dry couplings will be used to connect the pipes with the truck or barge;

·           The GTW unloading area will be paved with concrete and the drainage will be separated from the stormwater drainage system.  The drainage will be connected to the wastewater treatment plant.  For the unloading area at the jetty area, gate valve of the sump pit of the bunded area of the dry coupling will be closed to ensure any spillage will be contained and collected.  This avoids direct discharge of any spill to the stormwater drainage system.  

·           Emergency stops of loading and unloading will be installed at all stations.

·           The loading and unloading operation is carried out by trained staff personnel. 

With the implementation of the proposed pollution control measures and site drainage, no adverse water quality impacts arising from site runoff, wastewater and material storage are expected.

6.6.4             Spillage of Raw Materials and Biodiesel Plants

There is potential for spillage of biodiesel, PFAD and methanol during the loading/unloading operations at the jetty area.  Dry coupling will be used to connect two loading/unloading pipes or a flexible hose to a transfer pipe in order to avoid any leakage of the materials at the joint.  The loading/ unloading area will be bunded to contain any potential spillage of materials.  In addition, the operations will be undertaken at the paved loading/ unloading station and will be manned by trained staff and closely monitored with flow control equipment.  Any spillages will be contained and the spill be absorbed by appropriate absorbents.  The area will be properly washed and the wastewater will be conveyed to the on-site wastewater treatment plant for treatment. 

For accidental spills that could occur during transportation of biodiesel from the site, retainer booms will be used to create a warp around the barge and the contaminated areas to prevent the spillage spreading.  Unlike other petroleum products, the raw materials and biodiesel products are biodegradable and potential impacts arising from a small amount of uncaptured spilled materials to the marine environment will be minimal.

An outline emergency response plan related to prevention of pollution is presented in Annex F.  A detailed emergency response plan will be developed prior to the commencement of the operation of the biodiesel plant.  In case of accidental spills, the emergency response plan will be implemented to confine the area affected and clean up the spillage immediately, hence minimising potential impacts on the marine environment.   

6.7                   Mitigation Measures

Proposed mitigation measures for containing and minimising water quality impacts are summarised below.

6.7.1             Construction Phase

Piling Activities

Silt curtain will be installed around the marine piling area to contain any suspended mud and sediments generated during the piling works.  Silt removal facilities such as silt traps or sedimentation facilities will be provided to remove silt particles from groundwater (if pumping is required) ([5]) to meet the requirements of the TM standard under the WPCO.  The design of silt removal facilities will be based on the guidelines provided in ProPECC PN 1/94.  All drainage facilities and erosion and sediment control structures will be inspected monthly and maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times and particularly during rainstorms. 

Construction Site Run-off and Drainage

Good site practices outlined in ProPECC PN 1/94 Construction Site Drainage” will be followed as far as practicable in order to minimise surface runoff and the chance of erosion, and also to retain and reduce any suspended solids prior to discharge.  These practices include the follows:

·           Silt removal facilities such as silt traps or sedimentation facilities will be provided to remove silt particles from runoff to meet the requirements of the TM standard under the WPCO.  The design of silt removal facilities will be based on the guidelines provided in ProPECC PN 1/94.  All drainage facilities and erosion and sediment control structures will be inspected monthly and maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times and particularly during rainstorms. 

·           Careful programming of the works to minimise surface excavations for the construction works during the wet season.  If excavation of soil cannot be avoided during the wet season, exposed slope surfaces will be covered by a tarpaulin or other means.  Other measures that need to be implemented before, during, and after rainstorms are summarised in ProPECC PN 1/94.

·           Exposed soil surfaces will be protected by paving or fill material as soon as possible to reduce the potential of soil erosion.

·           Open stockpiles of construction materials or construction wastes on-site of more than 50m3 will be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms.  These materials will not be placed in the seawall area.

General Construction Activities

·           Debris and refuse generated on-site will be collected, handled and disposed of properly to avoid entering the nearby WSRs.  Stockpiles of cement and other construction materials will be kept covered when not being used. 

·           Oils and fuels will only be used and stored in designated areas which have pollution prevention facilities.  All fuel tanks and storage areas will be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas, within bunds of a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank.  The bund will be drained of rainwater after a rain event.

 Sewage generated from On-site Workforce

·           Temporary sanitary facilities, such as portable chemical toilets, will be provided on-site.  A specialised contractor will be responsible for regular collection and appropriate disposal of the sewage and maintenance of these facilities.

6.7.2             Operational Phase

Accidental Spillage of Raw Materials and Biodiesel Products

Should a spill arise, the following actions will be taken:

·           Within the loading/unloading area:  The bunded loading and unloading area will be paved with an impermeable surface and spills will be contained by appropriate absorbent materials.  The spill area will be properly washed.   The contaminated wastewater will be transferred to the on-site wastewater treatment plant for treatment.

·           Spillage on site:  The spill will be contained and removed by using appropriate absorbent or dispersant.  The spillage area will be cleaned up immediately.  The wastewater will be collected and treated at the on-site wastewater treatment plant.

·           During transportation:  Retainer booms will be used to create a wrap around the barge and the contaminated areas to prevent the spillage spreading.  Absorbents will be used to absorb the waste in the confined area.

An outline emergency response plan is presented in Annex F which forms the based for a detailed plan which will be developed prior to the commencement of the operation of the biodiesel plant.  The detailed plan will stipulate the detailed actions to be taken in case accidental spills occurred and prevent any spillages from discharge into the sea.

The training for the staff will include all possible risks, which can be occurred when handling different materials (eg methanol, acids and bases, biodiesel, etc) and the necessary clean up procedures.  Training will make reference to the MSDS (Material safety data sheets) so that the staff will be fully conversant with the potential risks and environmental implications associated with spillage of materials.   

6.8                   Cumulative Impacts

There will be no other construction activity in the vicinity of the site during the construction of the Project and hence it is expected that there will be no cumulative impacts on the surrounding water bodies.

The capacity of the sewerage system in the TKOIE is in excess of 20,000 m3 d-1 and can therefore accommodate the daily discharge of 515 m3 d-1 of treated effluent from the Site ([6]) during operation.  The Project is hence unlikely to contribute to cumulative water quality impacts with other plants operating during this period.

6.9                   Residual Impacts

With the full implementation of the recommended mitigation measures for the construction and operational phases of the Project, no unacceptable residual impacts on water quality are expected.  It is recommended that regular site audits of the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures be undertaken during the construction phase.

6.10               Environmental Monitoring and Audit

The impact assessment indicates that there will be no adverse water quality impacts on the WSRs within the Study Area.  Environmental monitoring of water quality during the construction phase is therefore not required.  Monthly site inspections will be carried out during construction to ensure that the mitigation measures listed above are properly implemented.  The site audit frequency will be increased to weekly intervals during the piling works.

During the operation phase, the quality of the stormwater/effluent will be monitored at the terminal manholes of the stormwater and foul water drainage systems on a monthly basis.  Parameters to be monitored will include:

·           Stormwater discharge from the site: oil and grease and suspended solids; and

·           Treated effluent from the wastewater treatment plant:  Parameters listed in Table 1 of the Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged to Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Water or those specified in the WPCO licence.

6.11               Conclusions

6.11.1         Construction Phase

The construction works for the Project will mainly be land-based and the construction for the jetty will involve piling activities.  Water quality impacts will be minimal during the construction phase of the Project provided that good practices are implemented.  No water quality monitoring is thus considered necessary during the construction phase.  Nevertheless, monthly site inspections will be undertaken to ensure that the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.  

6.11.2         Operational Phase

During the operation of the biodiesel plant, a surface water drainage system will be provided to collect the road runoff and to facilitate drainage of runoff during rainstorms.  The stormwater runoff from the bunded area will be intercepted and passed through an oil interceptor prior to discharge off-site.  Sewage generated by the site workforce will be collected and discharge to the foul sewer.  Wastewater generated from the GTW pre-treatment works and biodiesel process will be collected and treated at the on-site wastewater treatment plant prior to discharge to the foul sewer leading to the TKO Sewage Treatment Works.  A detailed emergency response plan will be developed to set out the actions to be taken in case a spillage occurs and prevent any spillages from discharging into the sea.  Based on the above and with the provision of appropriate mitigation measures, no adverse water quality impacts are anticipated.  To ensure compliance with the effluent discharge standards, the quality of the stormwater/effluent will be monitored at the terminal manholes of the stormwater and foul water drainage systems on a monthly basis.


([1])     Hong Kong Tidal Stream Atlas 2006.

([2])      Based on 55 litres per worker per day.

([3])     Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation confirmed on 27 May 2008.

([4])      The quantity of wastewater to be generated from the washing of the GTW Reception Area (including the unloading area and the Technic Room) is estimated as follows: (a)  low water consumption, high pressure water jet machine will be used for the washing (water consumption rate of about 80 litres/min); (b) the GTW unloading area and the Technic Room will be washed once a day for about 15 minutes; (c) wastewater generation = 80 litres/min x 30 minutes sec/minute = 2.4 m3 per day.   This wastewater will be negligible comparing to the volume of the wastewater to be generated from the GTW pre-treatment process.  As the anticipated GTW volume received at the site is conservative, the wastewater engineer has confirmed that the design capacity of the wastewater treatment plant will be able to accommodate this small flow of wastewater.

([5])         H-piles will be used for the construction of the building foundations, it is therefore not anticipated that pumping of groundwater will be required for the construction works.

([6])         Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation confirmed on 27 May 2008.