7                         marine ecological assessment

7.1                   Introduction

This section presents the baseline condition of ecological resources within the Study Area ([1]), and findings of the marine ecological impact assessment associated with the construction and operation of the Project.  Measures required to mitigate any identified adverse impacts are recommended, where appropriate.

7.2                   Relevant Legislation and Guidelines

The criteria for evaluating marine ecological impacts are laid out in the EIAO-TM as well as the EIA Study Brief (No. ESB-126/2005).  Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM sets out the general approach and methodology for the assessment of marine ecological impacts arising from a project or proposal.  This assessment allows a complete and objective identification, prediction and evaluation of the potential marine ecological impacts.  Annex 8 of the EIAO-TM recommends the criteria that can be used for evaluating marine ecological impacts.

Legislative requirements and evaluation criteria relevant to the study for the protection of species and habitats of marine ecological importance are:

·          Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476);

·          Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170);

·          Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586);

·          Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131);

·          Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines Chapter 10 (HKPSG);

·          The Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO-TM);

·          United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (1992);

·          Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention); and

·          PRC Regulations and Guidelines.

Details on each of the above are presented below.

7.2.1             Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476)

The Marine Parks Ordinance provides for the designation, control and management of marine parks and marine reserves.  It also stipulates the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation as the Country and Marine Parks Authority which is advised by the Country and Marine Parks Board.  The Marine Parks and Marine Reserves Regulation was enacted in July 1996 to provide for the prohibition and control certain activities in marine parks or marine reserves.

7.2.2             Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170)

Under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap 170), designated wild animals are protected from being hunted, whilst their nests and eggs are protected from destruction and removal.  All birds and most mammals including all cetaceans are protected under this Ordinance, as well as certain reptiles (including all sea turtles), amphibians and invertebrates.  The Second Schedule of the Ordinance that lists all the animals protected was last revised in June 1997.

7.2.3             Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586)

The Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586) was enacted to align Hong Kong’s control regime with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). With effect from 1 July 2006, it replaces the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance (Cap 187).  The purpose of the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance is to restrict the import and export of species listed in CITES Appendices so as to protect wildlife from overexploitation or extinction.  The Ordinance is primarily related to controlling trade in threatened and endangered species and restricting the local possession of them.  Certain types of corals are CITES listed, including Blue coral (Heliopora coerulea), Organ pipe corals (family Tubiporidae), Black corals (order Antipatharia), Stony coral (order Scleractinia), Fire corals (family Milleporidae) and Lace corals (family Stylasteridae).  The import, export and possession of listed species, no matter dead or living, is restricted.

7.2.4             Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131)

The recently amended Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131) provides for the designation of areas such as “Coastal Protection Areas”, “Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)”, “Green Belt” and "Conservation Area” to promote conservation or protection or protect significant habitat.

7.2.5             Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines Chapter 10 (HKPSG)

Chapter 10 of the HKPSG covers planning considerations relevant to conservation.  This chapter details the principles of conservation, the conservation of natural landscape and habitats, historic buildings, archaeological sites and other antiquities.  It also addresses the issue of enforcement.  The appendices list the legislation and administrative controls for conservation, other conservation related measures in Hong Kong, and Government departments involved in conservation.

7.2.6             Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance

Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM sets out the general approach and methodology for assessment of ecological impacts arising from a project or proposal, to allow a complete and objective identification, prediction and evaluation of the potential ecological impacts.  Annex 8 recommends the criteria that can be used for evaluating ecological impacts.

7.2.7             Other Relevant Legislation

The Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) is a Contracting Party to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity of 1992.  The Convention requires signatories to make active efforts to protect and manage their biodiversity resources.  The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has stated that it will be “committed to meeting the environmental objectives” of the Convention (PELB 1996).

The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (the Ramsar Convention) applies in the HKSAR.  The Convention requires parties to conserve and make wise use of wetland areas, particularly those supporting waterfowl populations.  Article 1 of the Convention defines wetlands as "areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six meters."  The Mai Po/Inner Deep Bay wetland was declared a Wetland of International Importance (“Ramsar site”) under the Convention in 1995.

The PRC in 1988 ratified the Wild Animal Protection Law of the PRC, which lays down basic principles for protecting wild animals.  The Law prohibits killing of protected animals, controls hunting, and protects the habitats of wild animals, both protected and non-protected.  The Law also provides for the creation of lists of animals protected at the state level, under Class I and Class II.  There are 96 animal species in Class I and 156 in Class II.  Class I provides a higher level of protection for animals considered to be more threatened.

7.3                   Study Area for the Marine Ecological Impact Assessment

With reference to the footprint of the proposed biodiesel plant and the results of water quality assessment (see Section 6), any potential direct or indirect impacts to marine ecological sensitive receivers that may be caused by construction and operation of the Project are likely to occur within 500 m from the Project Site boundary.  Therefore, the Study Area of the Marine Ecological Impact Assessment is defined as the area within a 500 m radius of the Project site boundary to ensure adequate coverage for the purpose of assessment (Figures 7.6a and 7.6b).  The Study Area consisted of both artificial shoreline of the TKOIE and natural shoreline of Fat Tong Chau.  Information on marine ecological resources within the Study Area is extracted from relevant literature and past marine ecological surveys within Tseung Kwan O, which are subsequently used for the Marine Ecological Impact Assessment.

7.4                   Literature Review of Marine Ecological Characteristics of Study Area

7.4.1             Methodology

A literature review was conducted to determine the existing marine ecological conditions within the Study Area to identify habitat resources and species of potential importance.  The local literature reviewed included:

·           EIA Report for SENT Landfill Extension Feasibility Study ([2]) ;

·           Porcupine! (Newsletter of Department of Ecology & Biodiversity, University of Hong Kong) ([3]);

·           Ecological Study for SENT Landfill Extension - Final Report ([4]);

·           Further Development of Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study ([5]);

·           SENT Landfill Study - Final Report ([6]); and

·           Field Guide to Hard Corals of Hong Kong ([7]).

7.4.2             Results

Subtidal Habitats

Based on the literature review, existing information on subtidal marine ecological resources within the Study Area is limited.  Data on subtidal marine ecological resources are only available for Fat Tong Chau.  The underwater dive surveys conducted in 1999 and 2003, with findings presented in the Area 131 Further Ecological Study Report and the HATS Dive Survey Report respectively ([8]), indicated that Fat Tong Chau harboured very few hard corals (i.e. Porites sp. and Cyphastrea sp.).  Nevertheless, soft corals and gorgonians including Echinomuricea sp., Euplexaura sp., Anthogorgia sp., Dendronephthya sp., Menella sp. and Echinogorgia sp., were encountered frequently and occurred in moderate abundance.

A more recent dive survey was carried out by ERM at Fat Tong Chau in 2005([9]) with the collection of semi-quantitative data on subtidal hard bottom assemblages using Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA).  Results of the REA survey indicated the presence of isolated hard coral colonies at subtidal habitats of Fat Tong Chau.  Both the abundance and diversity of the hard coral community were reported as low, with only nine hard coral species from four hermatypic coral families (ie Faviidae, Merulinidae, Poritidae and Siderastreidae) and one ahermatypic genus – Tubastrea sp. recorded.  All hard coral species recorded are commonly found in Hong Kong.  The coverage of hard coral was in the range of 1 to 10 %.  For soft corals, a total of four genera including Cladiella sp., Dendronephtha sp., Echinomuricea sp. and Euplexaura sp. were recorded.  A high abundance of Echinomuricea sp. and Euplexaura sp. was recorded and the widespread distribution and common occurrence of these particular genera in Hong Kong waters noted. 

Information on the subtidal soft bottom assemblages in the vicinity of the Project area is available from the Consultancy Study on Marine Benthic Communities in Hong Kong ([10]).  One sampling station (Station 85) is close to the proposed works area and data extracted from the station can be considered to be representative of the assemblages within the proposed Project area. 

According to the findings of the Consultancy Study, the substratum of the sampling station is covered by very fine sand and/or silt.  Their benthic assemblages are typical of Hong Kong waters and similar to benthic assemblages in majority of other subtidal habitats in Hong Kong.  No species of conservation interest was recorded at the sampling station.  In summer, the average number of species is medium (23.00 species per 0.5 m2) and average wet weight (1.64 g per m2), while the average number of individuals (114 individuals per m2) are low when compared with average values of Hong Kong (33 species per 0.5 m2, 540 individuals per m2 and 71.2 g per m2).  In winter, the average number of species (23 species per 0.5 m2) is medium, while the average number of individuals (158 individuals per m2) and average wet weight (2.34 g per m2) are low in comparison with average values of benthic assemblages in Hong Kong (34 species per 0.5 m2, 450 individuals per m2 and 28 g per m2). 

Intertidal Habitats

From the literature review, it is found that no existing information was available on the intertidal habitats within the Study Area.

7.5                   Identification of Information Gaps

As revealed by the literature review, information on the marine ecological resources within the Study Area is limited to data from several studies ([11]) ([12]) on the coral communities at Fat Tong Chau.  No existing information is available on the subtidal and intertidal habitats along the artificial shoreline within the Study Area.  To fill these information gaps for the baseline marine ecological conditions, marine ecological baseline surveys were carried out within the Study Area in April 2008.

7.6                   Assessment Methodology

7.6.1             Marine Ecological Baseline Surveys

Marine ecological baseline surveys were carried out to characterise the existing marine ecological conditions of the Study Area.  The surveys were designed to provide an update of the physical and ecological attributes of the Study Area and address the data gaps identified in literature review.  The intertidal and dive surveys focused on the remaining natural shoreline habitat and those areas which will be directly impacted by the proposed Project. 

The following marine ecological baseline surveys were undertaken:

·           Subtidal (dive) survey; and

·           Intertidal survey

Subtidal Survey

A series of Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) surveys were conducted to investigate the subtidal sessile benthos of the natural shoreline and artificial seawall within the Study Area (see Figure 7.6a).  An initial qualitative reconnaissance survey was conducted along the natural shoreline and artificial seawall within the Study Area.  During the survey, the position and number of transects (T1 – T8) were decided upon, on site.

The standardised semi-quantitative Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) – survey technique was used to assess the benthic communities of the study location.  This technique is now one of the standard practices for EIA marine baseline surveys in Hong Kong and has been modified from the standardised REA survey technique established for the assessment of coral communities on the Great Barrier Reef ([13]) for marine environment of Hong Kong ([14]). 

The REA methodology encompasses an assessment of the benthic cover (Tier I) and taxon abundance (Tier II) undertaken in a swathe ~ 4 m wide, 2 m either side of each transect.  The belt transect width is dependent on underwater visibility experienced and for Hong Kong generally consists of a swathe ~2 m wide, 1 m either side of the each transect.  An explanation of the two assessment categories (Tiers) used in the survey is presented below.

Tier I - Categorisation of Benthic Cover

Upon the completion of each survey transect, five ecological and seven substratum attributes were assigned to one of seven standard ranked (ordinal) categories (see Tables 7.6a and 7.6b).

Table 7.6a      Categories to be used in the Surveys - Benthic Attributes



Hard coral

Hard substrate

Dead standing coral

Continuous pavement

Soft coral


Black coral




Turf algae



Large boulders (>50 cm)

Small boulders (<50 cm)

Table 7.6b      Categories to be used in the Surveys - Ordinal Ranks of Percentage Cover


Percentage Cover (%)


None recorded













Tier II - Taxonomic Inventories to Define Types of Benthic Communities

An inventory of benthic taxa was also compiled for each transect.  Taxa were identified in situ to the following levels:

·           Scleractinian (hard) corals to species wherever possible.

·           Soft corals, anemones and conspicuous macroalgae recorded according to morphological features and to genus level where possible.

·           Other benthos (including sponges, zoanthids, ascidians and bryozoans) recorded to genus level wherever possible or phylum plus growth form.

Following the completion of the survey at each transect, each taxon in the inventory was ranked in terms of abundance in the community (see Table 7.6c).  These broad categories rank taxa in terms of relative abundance of individuals, rather than the contribution to benthic cover along each transect.  The ranks are subjective assessments of abundance, rather than quantitative counts of each taxon.

Table 7.6c      Ordinal Ranks of Taxon Abundance






Rare (a)










(a)       The classification of “rare” abundance refers to low abundance (small quantity) on the transect, rather than in terms of distribution in Hong Kong waters.

A set of environmental site descriptors were also recorded for each REA transect as follows:

(A)              The coral communities were classified into one of three categories based on the amount of three dimensional coral accretion:

(a)     extremely sparse corals (<1 % cover) not forming a community, developed as subsidiary components among other sessile benthos (eg Perna sp., oysters, bryozoans);

(b)     coral communities with no biogenic carbonate accretion developed on rock, sand or rubble; and

(c)     coral communities with substantial biogenic accretion - three dimensional structure - but no reef flats (incipient reefs).

(B)              The degree of exposure to prevailing wave energy was ranked from 1 - 4, where:

1 =      sheltered (highly protected by topographic features from prevailing waves);

2 =      semi-sheltered (moderately protected);

3 =      semi-exposed (only partly protected); and

4 =      exposed (experiences the full force of prevailing wave energy).

(C)             Sediment deposition on the reef substratum (particle sizes ranging from very fine to moderately coarse) rated on a four point scale, from 0 – 3, where:

0 =      no sediment;

1 =      minor (thin layer) sediment deposition;

2 =      moderate sediment deposition (thick layer), but substrate can be cleaned by fanning off the sediment; and

3 =      major sediment deposition (thick, deep layer), and substrate cannot be cleaned by fanning.

During the REA survey, the field data were recorded by an observer experienced in the underwater identification of sessile benthic taxa (coral specialist), swimming along identified sections of coastline on SCUBA from haphazardly-chosen starting points.  Due to the REA observers’ experience and familiarisation with the sublittoral benthic communities of Hong Kong’s nearshore no qualitative reconnaissance surveys were undertaken.  REA surveys were conducted within two depth ranges of: 2 to -4 mCD and -4 to -6 mCD as this is the typical depth range of hard corals (if present) in turbid, low light conditions.  Poor visibility and the known lack of hard corals in deeper waters was confirmed by occasional spots dives and in general, dive conditions encountered did not permit REA surveys deeper than 8 to 10 m.  REA surveys were carried out using 50 m long transects with the transect tapes laid out within a single ecological zone - habitat - depth range.  This coincided with the surveys being conducted approximately parallel with the shoreline and a standardised swathe of seabed (2 to 4 m wide) was surveyed at all sites.

All field data were checked upon completion of each REA transect and a dive survey proforma sheet completed at the end of the fieldwork day.  Upon completion of the fieldwork photographs were compiled for each transect.  Photographs for each REA transect were then reviewed and REA data verified.

Once the transect photographs were reviewed and REA data checked all data were input and stored in Excel spreadsheets.  Two spreadsheets were used and data were separated into:

·           site (transect) information (Tier I and II data), depth and environmental descriptors; and

·           species abundance data for each transect. 

Species lists, species richness and mean values for ecological and substratum types were compiled for the two depth ranges surveyed within each of the two locations (natural and artificial shorelines).  The rank abundance values were converted to a mid-value percentage cover.

Intertidal Survey

Quantitative transect surveys were conducted on the artificial seawalls next to the Project Site and the natural rocky shore at Fat Tong Chau on 8 April 2008.  The survey locations are presented in Figure 7.6b.

A quantitative belt transect method was used for the intertidal survey.  Three horizontal (belt) transects along the shoreline were surveyed at each of the three shore heights: 2 m, 1.5 m and 1 m above Chart Datum.  On each transect, 10 quadrats (50 cm x 50 cm) were placed randomly to assess the abundance and distribution of flora and fauna.  All organisms found in each quadrat were identified and recorded to species level so that density per quadrat could be determined.  Sessile animals such as algae, barnacles and oysters in each quadrat were not counted but estimated as percentage cover on the rock surface.  All species of algae (encrusting, foliose and filamentous) were also identified and recorded by estimating the percentage of cover of the rock surface.

7.7                   Marine Ecological Baseline Conditions

7.7.1             Sub-tidal Habitat

Seabed Condition

All REA surveys were conducted on 8 April 2008.  Weather conditions were fine with the dive locations sheltered from a moderate north-easterly wind, the sky was overcast with sunny spells and the sea conditions calm with little current.  The underwater dive conditions were typical for the nearshore waters of this region of Hong Kong with waters highly turbid and of low light creating extremely low underwater visibility conditions for all survey transects (lowest visibility recorded was ~25 cm).  The seabed of the artificial seawall was composed of artificial boulders with very low coral coverage (<1%) and only a few small colonies of Oulastrea crispata and Psammocora superficialis recorded.  The seabed of the natural shoreline of Fat Tong Chau was composed of mainly small to large sized boulders and soft sediment (silt), and only a few small hard coral colonies were observed (eg Montipora venosa, Psammocora superficialis, Turbinaria peltata, Cyphastrea serailia, and Goniopora stutchburyi).  The natural shoreline also had an extremely low coral cover (<1%).

A total of eight REA transects were completed during the survey (T1 to T8).  Four transects were located at depths between -2 and -4 mCD while the remaining four were laid at depths of -4 to -6 mCD.  The transects covered the natural shoreline to the south of the proposed biodiesel plant (ie Fat Tong Chau) and the artificial seawall at or adjacent to the proposed plant site (see Figure 7.6a)

The physical/abiotic composition of the seabed substrata recorded for each transect is represented in Tables C1 and C2 of Annex C.  The natural shoreline of Fat Tong Chau between -2 and -4 mCD was composed of small to large sized boulders overlying bedrock in the intertidal zone.  A narrow boulder slope existed at around 4 m depth and extended deeper.  Horizontal boulder surfaces at the lower depth range were heavily silted.  The artificial seawall was composed of large introduced boulders/rocks and vertical and horizontal surfaces were covered in a layer of silt. 

At depths between -4 to -6 mCD, the seabed along the natural shoreline of Fat Tong Chau was mainly composed of silt and mud with scattered small patches of shell fragments.  At the same depth range along the artificial seawall of TKOIE, large boulders/rocks predominated and similar to the shallow depths were covered in silt.

Subtidal Marine benthic communities

A total of six species of hard corals and two species of gorgonians were recorded along the REA transects (see Tables C3 and C4 of Annex C) conducted in the two depth ranges.  Live coral cover was less than 1% with isolated and scattered small, coral colonies recorded for the shallow depths along the natural shoreline and at both depth ranges of the artificial seawall.  A total of two hard coral species were recorded for both depths (ie -2 to -4 m and -4 to -6 mCD) along the artificial seawall of TKOIE.  Oulastrea crispata was recorded for both depths while Psammocora superficialis was only recorded on deeper transects.  All these hard coral species recorded on the artificial seawall are common and have a widespread distribution throughout Hong Kong’s nearshore waters (see Table C5).  In comparison, hard corals were restricted to between -2 to -4 mCD along the natural shoreline of Fat Tong Chau and five of the six hard coral species recorded are listed as common for Hong Kong (see Table C5).  The abundance and diversity of hard corals was, therefore, considered low within the entire Study Area.  It was also noted that two species of gorgonians were recorded within the deeper, soft sediment transects of the natural shoreline of Fat Tong Chau.  Similar to the hard corals abundance, diversity and percentage cover were all considered extremely low (< 1% live coral cover).

A total of 14 hard coral colonies were recorded along the transects.  All corals encountered were not movable as they were attached to either the natural nearshore or artificial seawall rock.  Most of these immovable corals are small in size (<10cm in diameter) and were found to be the common species that have been recorded throughout the coastal areas in the eastern waters of Hong Kong with the exception of one species – Montipora venosa which is categorised as uncommon (see Table C6).  Only one coral colony Psammocora superficialis (<10cm in diameter) was recorded within the proposed jetty area.

In addition to the corals recorded the benthic communities of the natural shoreline and artificial seawall comprised a common suite of fouling organisms including (see Tables C3 and C4 in Annex C):

·           rock oysters Saccostrea cucullata;

·           barnacles;

·           fan worms,

·           common sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota;

·           bryozoans Schizoporella errata;

·           bubble anemone Entacmaea quadricolor (natural shoreline only);

·           variety of gastropods; and

·           sea urchins with the long-spined sea urchin Diadema setosum abundant for both habitat types. 

All fouling invertebrate species recorded are common and widespread in Hong Kong. 

Representative photos of the subtidal marine fauna observed within the Study Area are shown in Figures 7.7a to 7.7b and Figure C1 in Annex C. 

General observations of fishes associated with the natural and artificial seawall of the Study Area were noted during the REA surveys and a list of species observed is presented in Table C7 of Annex C.  A total of six fish species was recorded and the abundance of fish was low.  A suite of common and widespread fish species were noted (for Hong Kong waters) ([15]), such as damselfishes, goby and pufferfishes.  One individual frogfish (Antennarius nummifer) was observed along the seawall.  This species is widespread in the Indo-Pacific region ([16]) and is not included on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.  In Hong Kong, this frogfish species is noted as rare ([17]), however, it is considered cryptic and possibly remains under detected in nearshore waters. 

Overall, the ecological value of the subtidal habitat within the Study Area is considered low.

7.7.2             Intertidal Habitat

The artificial seawall exhibited a low diversity of species.  Animals recorded were mainly the rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata, periwinkles Echinolittorina radiata and E. trochoides, and limpets Nipponacmea concinna and Patelloida pygmaea (see Table C8 of Annex C).  The topshell Monodonta labio and chiton Acanthopleura japonica were also recorded in low abundance.  A few mobile juvenile crustaceans were also observed at the mid intertidal zone during the survey on the artificial seawall, though its identification remains unknown.  Representative photos of the intertidal habitats within the Study Area are shown in Figure 7.7c. 

Dominant species of the natural intertidal shoreline included the rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata, periwinkles Echinolittorina radiata and E. trochoides, limpets Nipponacmea concinna and topshell Monodonta labio.  Species found only in the natural shore during the survey include snails Planaxis sulcatus, Chorostoma argyrostoma, Lunella coronata, sea anemone and numerous algal species.  These species are all common species on natural rocky shores of Hong Kong.  The natural rocky shore exhibited higher species diversity and abundance than those of artificial shore. 

Overall, results of the survey show that all species were common and widespread, and no species of note were recorded.  Assemblage pattern appears to be slightly different between the artificial seawalls and the natural shore.  Diversity of intertidal biota at the Study Area was similar to those recorded from other shores in Hong Kong.

7.8                   Ecological Evaluation

In this section, the ecological importance of marine habitats identified within the Study Area is evaluated in accordance with the criteria stipulated in Annex 8 of the EIAO-TM.  The evaluation is based upon the information presented in Section 7.7.  The ecological importance of the subtidal and intertidal habitat types within the Study Area are presented in Tables 7.8a and 7.8b.

Table 7.8a      Ecological Importance of the Subtidal Habitats within the Study area


Natural Shoreline

Artificial Shoreline


Natural bedrock and boulder substrate

Introduced rock/boulder seawall


Short section of Fat Tong Chau (~0.1 km)

Long stretch of artificial seawall (>1 km)


Low for hard and soft corals. A total of five hard coral species recorded

Extremely low for hard and soft corals. Two hard coral species recorded


Low – majority of hard and soft coral species commonly recorded throughout Hong Kong’s waters with the exception of one uncommon coral (Montipora venosa).

Low- all hard and soft coral species commonly recorded throughout Hong Kong’s waters.  One species of Frogfish recorded.


Hard bottom substrata may be re-colonised by subtidal organisms including corals

Hard bottom substrata may be re-colonised by subtidal organisms including corals


Low – typical fouling community existing in turbid shallow waters of nearshore Hong Kong.

Low – introduced substrate and not representative of natural benthic assemblages.

Ecological Linkage

Small section of natural shoreline not functionally linked to any high value habitat in a significant way.

Artificial shoreline not functionally linked to any high value habitat in a significant way

Potential Value

Low. Marginal representation of hard and soft corals with the habitat supporting sparse coral cover. Highly turbid and high sedimentation rates indicate that the area does not and will merit conservation measures.

Low. Marginal representation of hard and soft corals with the habitat supporting sparse coral cover though it is noted that hard corals have settled on the introduced substrate. Highly turbid and high sedimentation rates indicate that the area does not and will merit conservation measures.

Nursery/Breeding Ground

No significant records identified during the literature review or field surveys.

No significant records identified during the literature review or field surveys


Individual coral colonies were typically <10 cm indicative of settlement within the last five years or less. Individual colonies are scattered and no large hard coral colonies or substantial biogenic accretion.

Individual coral colonies were typically <10 cm indicative of settlement within the last five years or less. Individual colonies are scattered and no large hard coral colonies or substantial biogenic accretion.

Abundance/Richness of Wildlife

Extremely low with only a few coral colonies collected.

Extremely low with only a few coral colonies collected.

Overall Ecological Value




Table 7.8b      Ecological Importance of the Intertidal Habitats within the Study Area


Natural Shore

Artificial Seawall


Natural habitat (sheltered to semi-exposed rocky shores).

Man-made habitat (slope artificial seawall).


Approximately 0.1 km of natural rocky shores was recorded within the Study Area.

No natural rocky shores were found within the Project Site.

Approximately 1.1 km of artificial shoreline was recorded within the Study Area.


Medium for intertidal marine flora and fauna.

Low for intertidal marine flora and fauna.





The habitat cannot be recreated.

The habitat can be recreated.



Not applicable.

Ecological Linkage

Not functionally linked to any highly valued habitat in close proximity.

Not functionally linked to any highly valued habitat in close proximity.

Potential Value



Nursery/Breeding Ground





Not applicable.

Abundance/Richness of Wildlife



Overall Ecological Value



7.9                   Potential Impacts and Impact Assessment on Marine Ecological Resources

Potential impacts due to the construction and operation of the Biodiesel Plant were assessed (following the guidelines stipulated in Annex 16 of the EIAO-TM) and the impacts evaluated (based on the criteria in EIAO-TM Annex 8).

7.9.1             Construction Phase

Potential impacts to marine ecological resources arising from the construction works will be associated mainly with the construction of the jetty by piling.  These impacts may be divided into those due to:

·           Direct disturbances to the habitat, ie habitat loss; and

·           Perturbations to key water quality parameters, ie changes in water quality.

Each of the above impacts is discussed in detail below.

Habitat Loss

The jetty in the form of a piled deck will be constructed for marine vessel berthing.  Bore piles will be driven through the existing rubble mound seawall.  Direct loss of a small stretch of intertidal and subtidal hard-substrata habitats associated with the artificial seawall is, therefore, anticipated.

A total of about 60 piles, each with approximate diameter of 1 m and a cross-sectional area of 0.8 m2, will be installed at the artificial seawall of the Project Site (see Figures 3.2c and 7.6a).  Piling works for jetty construction at the Project Site will thus result in the loss of approximately 48 m2 of marine habitats within a 60 m stretch of low ecological value intertidal and subtidal artificial seawall area.  Based on the dive surveys, only one small coral colony Psammocora superficialis (<10cm in diameter) was recorded within the Project Site boundary.  Intertidal and subtidal assemblages (ie rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata and bryozoans Schizoporella errata), as well as the small coral colony, within this area may be lost through physical damage to organisms existing there.  These assemblages are regarded as widespread and common in other similar artificial intertidal and nearshore areas of Hong Kong.  Although these impacts may be an unavoidable consequence of the Project, they will be very minor and would only affect a small stretch of the seawall, occurring at the footprint of the piles.  Once available, the location of the piles will be reviewed to determine the possibility of preventing direct loss of hard coral colony and other marine organisms caused by the piling footprint.  No unacceptable ecological impact due to the construction of the jetty is anticipated.

Changes in Water Quality

No dredging of marine sediment will be required for the construction of the jetty.  As discussed in Section 6.5.1 (Water Quality Impact Assessment), it is expected that marine piling will only result in limited disturbance to the sediments and is unlikely to cause unacceptable impacts to the water quality (eg elevated suspended solids level) in Junk Bay.  Consequently, adverse impacts on intertidal and subtidal assemblages are not expected.

Likewise, land-based construction activities at the proposed facility are not expected to generate significant amount of contaminated construction site runoff and with the implementation of good construction site practice as recommended in ProPECC PN 1/94 it is unlikely to result in adverse water quality impacts.  Subsequent adverse impacts on marine ecological resources are thus not expected.

7.9.2             Operational Phase

Potential impacts to marine ecological resources arising from the operation of the proposed facility may include:

·           Changes to hydrodynamic regime;

·           Presence of artificial habitats provided by marine piles;

·           Changes in water quality; and

·           Spillage of Raw Materials and Biodiesel Plants.

Each of the above is discussed in detail below.

Changes to Hydrodynamic Regime

As discussed in Section 6.6.1, the presence of the jetty and the associated piling structure is not expected to result in any adverse impact to the hydrodynamic system and flow regime.  No significant adverse impact on marine ecological resources is, therefore, anticipated during the operation phase.

Presence of Artificial Habitats

Direct, permanent loss of a small stretch of artificial seawall is anticipated for the construction of the jetty by piling.  Although low ecological value intertidal and subtidal hard-substrata habitats and the associated marine assemblages at this stretch of shoreline will be lost (see Section 7.9.1), since the piles will be installed at a depth of 4 m to 7.5 m, the presence of piles will provide approximately 750 to 1,400 m2 of artificial habitat for intertidal and subtidal organisms to colonise.  The marine organisms recorded on the artificial seawall have colonised this artificial substrate after the completion of the seawall construction for the Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate.  Moreover, assemblages of marine organisms have been recorded on artificial habitats such as wharf piles ([18]).  It is therefore expected that similar assemblages will settle on and recolonise the piles as environmental conditions of that area would be similar to the existing conditions that have allowed the settlement and growth of the marine organisms recorded.

Changes in Water Quality

All sewage and wastewater generated during operational activities of the proposed facility will be collected and treated at the on-site wastewater treatment plant prior to off-site disposal via discharge to a foul sewer leading to the Tseung Kwan O Sewage Treatment Works.  The effluent quality will comply with the relevant discharge standards.  Surface runoff and site drainage will pass through on-site silt trap and oil interceptors before discharge into the stormwater drainage system of the Tseng Kwan O Industrial Estate.  Overall, no adverse water quality impact due to effluent discharge is anticipated, and subsequent adverse impacts on marine ecological resources are thus not expected.

Spillage of Raw Materials and Biodiesel Plants

Accidental spillage of biodiesel, PFAD and methanol may potentially occur during loading/unloading operations at the jetty area.  With the implementation of loading and unloading control measures, the possibility of accidental spillage will be low and volume of the material released is anticipated to be small.  Both biodiesel and PFAD have low volatility and have density lower than seawater.  Upon spillage, biodiesel will form a thin slick on the water surface while PFAD will float on water in solid form so that it is unlikely to disperse and should be relatively easy to clean up.  In addition, both biodiesel and PFAD are non-toxic and biodegradable, therefore adverse impacts on marine ecological resources are expected to be minimal upon spillage.

Methanol, however, is highly volatile and is completely miscible with seawater.  It has a relatively short half-life in aqueous environments (< 7 days) and is biodegradable; therefore it is unlikely to accumulate or persist in the marine environment upon spillage ([19]).  Research has also shown that methanol is essentially non-toxic to marine organisms ([20]).  As methanol would rapidly dissipate into the environment, and within fairly short distances from the spill it would reach levels where biodegradation would rapidly occur, it is reasonable to expect that the dilution and dispersion capacity of the surrounding coastal waters is sufficient to buffer the adverse effects, if any, of the spill.  No significant impacts on marine ecological resources are thus expected.

7.9.3             Evaluation of the Impacts to Marine Ecological Resources

Based upon the information presented above, the significance of the marine ecological impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed facility have been evaluated in accordance with Table 1 of Annex 8 of the EIAO-TM, and are summarised in Table 7.9a.

Table 7.9a      Overall Impact Evaluation for Intertidal and Subtidal Artificial Hard Substrata Habitat

Evaluation Criteria

Intertidal and Subtidal Artificial Hard Substrata Habitat

Habitat quality



The potential exists for direct and indirect impacts to the marine faunal species, particular sessile species.  One coral colony Psammocora superficialis (<10cm in diameter) was recorded within the proposed jetty area during the dive survey.


Permanent area loss is approximately 48 m2.


The impact will persist during the construction and operation phases. 


Impacts to assemblages inhabiting the seawall within the direct footprint of the proposed jetty and piling work area are expected to be permanent. 

Recolonisation on piles is expected to occur.   


The scale of the habitat loss is small in the context of the surrounding similar habitats.

Overall Impact Conclusion


Overall, the impact assessment indicates that no unacceptable adverse impacts to marine ecology are expected to occur.  Loss of intertidal and subtidal assemblages as a result of piling is expected to be compensated through the provision of artificial habitats from piles that provide adequate surfaces for colonisation.

7.10               Cumulative Impacts

Several existing and planned projects have been identified in the Tseung Kwan O area which are mainly roads and infrastructure works (see Table 7.10a).  Based on the tentative project development programme, the construction of the biodiesel plant will be completed by early 2010.  The concurrent projects during the construction of the biodiesel plant are the TKO Further Development project, the SENT Landfill Operation and TKO Area 137 Fill Bank.  The latter two projects are land-based and will be located at least 700 m away from the biodiesel plant and so no cumulative impacts are expected.  For the TKO Further Development project, given the large separation distance (>2,000 m) from the biodiesel plant (which is small in scale), it is also expected that no cumulative impacts on the nearshore marine ecological resources will occur.

Table 7.10a    Planned Projects in TKO

Planned Projects

Distance from Biodiesel Plant (m)

Planned Construction Date

Cross Bay Link

> 600

2013 – 2016

TKO - Lam Tin Tunnel

> 1,800

2012 – 2016

TKO Further Development – infrastructure works at Town Centre South and Tiu Ken Leng

> 2,000

Mid 2009 – 2011

SENT Landfill Operation


Till end of 2012

SENT Landfill Extension

> 1,000

2011 - 2018

TKO Area 137 Fill Bank


Till 2013

7.11               Mitigation Measures

In accordance with the guidelines in the EIAO-TM on marine ecology impact assessment, the general policy for mitigating impacts to marine ecological resources, in order of priority, are:

·           Avoidance:  Potential impacts should be avoided to the maximum extent practicable by adopting suitable alternatives;

·           Minimisation:  Unavoidable impacts should be minimised by taking appropriate and practicable measures such as constraints on the intensity of works operations or timing of works operations; and

·           Compensation:  The loss of important species and habitats may be provided for elsewhere as compensation.  Enhancement and other conservation measures should always be considered whenever possible.

Proposed mitigation measures for minimising impacts to marine ecological resources are summarised below.

7.11.1         Direct Loss of Hard Coral Colony

Once available, the location of the piles will be reviewed to determine the possibility of preventing direct loss of hard coral colony and other marine organisms caused by the piling footprint.  Therefore, no unacceptable environmental impact is anticipated.

7.11.2         Changes in Water Quality

Mitigation measures for minimising water quality impacts are presented in detail in Section 6.7.1.  These measures will be properly implemented and good construction practices will be adopted to minimise potential adverse impacts to marine ecological resources.

7.11.3         Spillage of Raw Materials and Biodiesel Plants

Any spillages will be intercepted by the collection drain and conveyed into the on-site wastewater treatment plant, and an Emergency Response Plan will be in place and implemented should spillages occur to minimise potential impacts on the marine environment.

Specific measures for spill containment are presented in Section 6.7.2.

7.12               Residual Impacts

There will be a permanent loss of approximately 48 m2 of intertidal and subtidal habitats at the artificial seawall due to marine piling for jetty construction.  Given the fact that these habitats are of low ecological value and recolonisation of marine organisms on the piles is expected, the residual impacts are considered to be low.

With effective implementation of the proposed mitigation measures for the construction and operational phases of the biodiesel plant, no further adverse residual impact on marine ecological resources is expected.

7.13               Environmental Monitoring and Audit

The Impact Assessment has evaluated that there would be no unacceptable marine ecological impacts within the Study Area.  As a result, it is considered that environmental monitoring is not required.  Nevertheless, regular site inspection is recommended during construction to ensure that the recommended mitigation measures on water quality are properly implemented such that secondary adverse impacts on marine ecological resources can be avoided and minimised.

7.14               Conclusions

Findings of this Impact Assessment suggest that the marine habitats within the Study Area are of low to medium ecological value, and potential adverse impacts are only anticipated at the low ecological value intertidal and subtidal habitats and associated assemblages at the seawall in the immediate vicinity of the Project Site.

Permanent loss of a small stretch of marine habitats at the artificial seawall is expected due to marine piling for jetty construction.  Pile surfaces can, however, serve as artificial habitats for settlement and recolonisation of marine assemblages.  Residual impacts are expected to be low.

Other potential impacts to marine ecological resources, which may be caused by changes in water quality and hydrodynamic regime, and accidental spillage of raw materials and biodiesel during the construction and operation phases of the proposed facility, are likely to be negligible and minimal provided that the recommended mitigation measures and good site practices are implemented.

No environmental monitoring is thus considered necessary during the construction and operation phases of the Project.  Regular site inspections are recommended during construction.


([1])         Area includes 500m from the Project Site boundary.

([2])      ERM (2007). South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill Extension - Feasibility Study: Environmental Impact Assessment Report.

([3])     Newsletter of Department of Ecology & Biodiversity, University of Hong Kong Issues 1 to 33.

([4])     Hong Kong Baptist University (2005).  Ecological Study for SENT Landfill Extension - Final Report.  For EPD.

([5])      Maunsell Consultant Asia Ltd (2005).  Further Development of Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study-EIA.  For CEDD.

([6])      Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick (1991).  SENT Landfill Study-Final Report.  For EPD.

([7])      Alan Chan, Choyce Choi, Denise McCorry, Khaki Chan, M W Lee and Ang Put Jr. (2005).  Field Guide to Hard Coral of Hong Kong. Friends of the Country Parks.  

([8])     Details presented in the Further Development of Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study-EIA Report.

([9])      ERM (2007).  Op. cit.

([10])    CityU Professional Services Limited (2002).  Consultancy Study on Marine Benthic Communities in Hong Kong (Agreement No. CE 69/2000).  Final Report submitted to AFCD.

([11])     ERM (2007).  Op. cit.

([12])    Details presented in the Further Development of Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study-EIA Report.

([13])    DeVantier, L.M., G. De’Ath, T.J. Done and E. Turak 1998. Ecological assessment of a complex natural system: A case study from the Great Barrier Reef. Ecological Applications 8: 480-496.

([14])    Fabricius, K.E. and D. McCorry. 2006. Changes in octcoral communities and benthic cover along a water quality gradient in reefs of Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52: 22-33.

([15])    Sadovy Y. and Cornish A. S. (2000).  Reef Fishes of Hong Kong.  Published by Hong Kong University Press.

([16])    FishBase: www.fishbase.com

([17])    Sadovy Y. and Cornish A. S. (2000).  Op. cit.

([18])    Morton B and Morton J (1983).  The Sea Shore Ecology of Hong Kong.  Hong Kong University Press.  

([19])    Malcolm Pirnie Inc (1999) Evaluation of the Fate and Transport of Methanol in the Environment. Prepared for The American Methanol Institute

([20])    Malcolm Pirnie Inc (1999) Evaluation of the Fate and Transport of Methanol in the Environment. Prepared for The American Methanol Institute