Section                                  Title                                                                                        Page

4.1              Introduction________________________________________________________________ 4-1

4.2              Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines_______________________________ 4-1

4.3              Assessment Area, Noise Sensitive Receivers and Background Noise Climate_____________ 4-5

4.4              Construction Phase Impact____________________________________________________ 4-8

4.5              Operation Phase Impact_____________________________________________________ 4-22

4.6              Environmental Monitoring and Audit_____________________________________________ 4-35

4.7              Conclusion_______________________________________________________________ 4-35



Table 4.1:__ Noise Standards for Daytime Construction Activities_ 4-2

Table 4.2:__ Ground-borne Noise Criteria (Leq 30min, dB(A)) 4-3

Table 4.3:__ Relevant Noise Standards for Planning Purposes_ 4-4

Table 4.4:__ Acceptable Noise Level for Fixed Plant Noise_ 4-4

Table 4.5:__ Area Sensitivity Rating_ 4-5

Table 4.6:__ Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers_ 4-7

Table 4.7__ Measured Noise Levels_ 4-8

Table 4.8:__ Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near BCP, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-9

Table 4.9__ Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact from Lin Ma Hang to Wo Keng Shan, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-10

Table 4.10_ Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact at  Wo Keng Shan, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-10

Table 4.11_ Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Sha Tau Kok Road, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-11

Table 4.12_ Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Po Kat Tsai, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-11

Table 4.13_ Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Fanling, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-11

Table 4.14_ Quieter PME Recommended for Adoption during Construction Phase_ 4-12

Table 4.15_ Noise Mitigation Measures for Certain PME during Construction Phase_ 4-13

Table 4.16:_ Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near BCP, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-14

Table 4.17_ Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact from Lin Ma Hang to Wo Keng Shan, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-14

Table 4.18_ Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact at Wo Keng Shan, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-15

Table 4.19_ Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Sha Tau Kok Road, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-15

Table 4.20_ Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Po Kat Tsai, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-16

Table 4.21_ Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Fanling, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-16

Table 4.22:_ Cumulative Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near BCP, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-17

Table 4.23_ Cumulative Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact at Lin Ma Hang to Frontier Closed Area Boundary, Leq (30mins) dB(A) 4-17

Table 4.24:_ Reference Vibration Level based on Measurements_ 4-19

Table 4.25:_ Source Vibration Velocity of Octave Band Frequency for Hydraulic Breaker 4-19

Table 4.26: _ Wave Propagation Properties of Soil 4-19

Table 4.27:_ Adjustment Factor for Building Coupling Loss (BCF) 4-20

Table 4.28:_ Adjustment Factor for Building Structure Attenuation (BSA) 4-20

Table 4.29:_ Building Structure Attenuation (BSA) 4-20

Table 4.30:_ Building Structure Resonance (BSR) 4-21

Table 4.31:_ Room Correction Factors_ 4-21

Table 4.32_ Unmitigated Construction Ground-borne Noise_ 4-22

Table 4.33_ Comparison between With and Without Project in Year 2018 from Lin Ma Hang to North Tunnel (Existing Receivers)