
9                Sites of Cultural Heritage  1

9.1               Introduction  1

9.2               Mitigation Measures  1

9.3               Site Audit Requirements for Archaeological Heritage and Built Heritage  1


9                                Sites of Cultural Heritage

9.1                         Introduction

The EIA Report has assessed the impacts to sites of cultural heritage associated with the Project.  According to the EIA Report, the impact could be minimized with the implementation of mitigation measures.

9.2                         Mitigation Measures

The EIA Report has recommended mitigation measures for sites of cultural heritage.  All the prepared mitigation measures are summarized in the Project Implementation Schedule (PIS) in Appendix 2-2.

9.3                         Site Audit Requirements for Archaeological Heritage and Built Heritage

Since no adverse impact on archaeological heritage is anticipated during construction and operational phases, no mitigation measures are required.

Adverse impact on built heritage is not anticipated during construction and operation phase. Site audits at least once per week shall be undertaken during the construction phase of the Project to check that the proposed mitigation measures are properly implemented and maintained as per their intended objectives. Site inspections shall be undertaken by the ET during the routine environmental audit as detailed in Section 13.