12.1                   Introduction          The development of the appropriate environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programmes and methodologies is a vital part of the environmental management and control of this Project.  This section further elaborates the requirements of EM&A for the construction and operation of the Trunk Road T2, based on the assessment results of various issues.  Details of the EM&A programme are presented as part of this EIA report in a separate stand-alone EM&A Manual, prepared in accordance with Annex 21 of the EIAO-TM and EPD’s EM&A Guidelines for Development Projects in Hong Kong.          The Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS) for the recommended mitigation measures is included in Appendix 1A of this EIA report.  All EM&A data, assessment and recommendations would be reported in a series of regular EM&A reports during the next phases of this Project.          The broad objectives of the EM&A process are:

(i)         To clarify and identify sources of pollution, impact and nuisance arising from the works;

(ii)       To establish a record of change associated with the implementation of this Project;

(iii)     To verify all or selected parameters measured are in compliance with legal and contract specifications, internal policies and standards;

(iv)      To provide an early warning system for impact prevention;

(v)        To provide a database of environmental parameters against which to determine any short term or long term environmental impacts;

(vi)      To propose timely, cost-effective and viable solutions to actual or potential environmental issues;

(vii)    To setup event and action plans and determine the degree and scope of any necessary remedial measures in case of exceedance of compliance, for which environmental monitoring forms the basis, or the recommendation of environmental controls in the event that the environmental objectives are not achieved;

(viii)  To monitor performance of the mitigation and enhancement measures and to assess their effectiveness and, whenever necessary, identify any further need for additional measures;

(ix)      To verify the EIA predicted impacts and compare the impact predictions with actual impacts for the purpose of assessing accuracy of impact predictions in EIA;

(x)        To collate information and evidence for use in public and Government consultation; and

(xi)      To audit the environmental performance.       

12.2                   EM&A Requirements          In accordance with the findings of the EIA, the EM&A procedures are required during construction and operational phases of the Project implementation and a summary of the requirements for each of the environmental parameters is detailed in Table 12.1.  The EM&A requirements are divided into environmental monitoring and/or project auditing in the form of site inspection and supervision.

Table 12.1     Summary of EM&A Requirements


Construction Phase

Operational Phase





Air Quality










Water Quality















Landscape and Visual





Cultural Heritage 





Waste (1)





Note (1): There are remaining Site Investigation (SI) works at boreholes EH1 & EH3 and further reconnaissance visits to inaccessible Works Area WA2 will need to be conducted when these sites become accessible.  Supplementary CAP, CAR and/or RAP and RR (if remediation work is necessary) should be submitted to EPD for endorsement before commencement of construction works at these sites.

12.3                   Air Quality          Potential air quality impacts from the construction works for the Trunk Road T2 construction works would mainly be related to construction dust from excavation, materials handling, spoil removal and wind erosion.  With the implementation of hourly watering of all exposed areas and mitigation measures as defined in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation, provision of dust enclosures at the conveyor belts, 3-sided barriers at the stockpiling areas and good site practices, adverse 1-hour, 24-hour or annual residual impacts would not occur.          Air quality monitoring or audit during the operation phase of this Project is considered not necessary as the proposed Trunk Road T2 works would not expected to generate any air quality impacts to the adjacent identified ASRs.          In terms of EM&A requirements, it is concluded that only Construction Dust would require monitoring.

12.4                   Noise          Assessments for construction air-borne noise, ground-borne noise, operation traffic noise and operation fixed plant noise have been completed.  The assessment results show that the Trunk Road T2 project would not cause significant impacts to the nearby NSRs with proper implementation of mitigation measures and adverse residual impacts would not be expected.  For traffic noise impact, the future NSRs identified have been confirmed as being noise insulated and will, therefore, not rely on openable windows for ventilation and hence, no direct mitigation measures are required.          In terms of EM&A requirements, it is concluded that only Construction Air-borne Noise and Operational Fixed Plant Noise would require monitoring.

12.5                   Water Quality

12.5.1               Construction Phase          Minimisation of water quality deterioration from land-based construction activities could be achieved through implementing adequate mitigation measures.  No surface water monitoring is proposed. However, it is recommended that regular site inspections should be undertaken to inspect the construction activities and works areas in order to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented. 

12.5.2               Operation Phase          No adverse water quality impact was identified during the operational phase with proper implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. Operational phase water quality EM&A is considered not necessary.

12.6                   Marine Ecology

12.6.1               Construction Phase          No ecological mitigation measures apart from the adoption of good construction practise are required as part of the environmental monitoring and audit procedures during the construction phase.          During the construction phases the ET will be required to undertake audit of good site practice for habitat protection as follows:

·             avoid damage and disturbance to the remaining and surrounding natural habitat;

·             ensure placement of equipment is within designated areas within the existing disturbed land;

·             ensure construction activities are restricted to within the proposed works boundary;

·             ensure spoil heaps are covered at all times;

·             ensure that disturbed areas are reinstated immediately after completion of the works; and

·             ensure enhancement planting works undertaken.

12.6.2               Operation Phase          No specific ecological monitoring and auditing programme is required during operation phase.

12.7                   Fisheries          No adverse impacts to fisheries resources are expected as a result of the construction and operation of the Project.  Therefore, no fisheries-specific mitigation measures are required.  The development and implementation of a monitoring and audit programme for fisheries resources is also not deemed necessary.

12.8                   Landscape and Visual          An EM&A for landscape and visual resources is recommended to be undertaken during the construction and operational phases of the project.  The design, implementation and maintenance of landscape mitigation measures is a key aspect of this and should be checked to ensure that they are fully realised and that potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures and any other project works and operational requirements are resolved at the earliest possible date and without compromise to the intention of the mitigation measures.  In addition, the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended by the EIA will be monitored through the site audit programme.

12.9                   Cultural Heritage          In terms of terrestrial and marine archaeology, no areas of archaeological potential have been identified and no impacts are predicted during the construction and operation phase.  However, as a precautionary measure, it is recommended that if any antiquity or supposed antiquity is discovered during the course of the excavation works undertaken by the Contractor, the discovery shall be reported to the AMO immediately and all necessary measures taken to preserve it.          In terms of built heritage, no mitigation measures are required for any of the identified village houses as detailed in Section 10.6 of the EIA Report.  Therefore, no EM&A is required during the construction and operation phase.

12.10               Waste Management and Land Contamination

12.10.1            Construction Phase       EM&A is recommended during the construction phase only and the effective management of waste arisings during the construction phase will be monitored through the site audit programme. Regular audits and site inspections should be carried out by the Engineer, ET and Contractor to ensure that the recommended good site practices and other mitigation measures are implemented by the Contractor.       The audits should look at all aspects of on-site waste management practices including the waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal. Apart from site inspections, documents including licenses, permits, disposal and recycling records should be reviewed and audited for the compliance with the legislation and contract requirements to ensure proper records are being maintained and procedures undertaken in accordance with the Waste Management Plan.       As there would be no adverse impacts due to land contamination anticipated, no specific EM&A requirements would be required. However, there are remaining site investigation (SI) works at borehole locations EH1 and EH3 and further reconnaissance visits to inaccessible Works Area WA2 will need to be conducted when these sites become accessible.  Supplementary CAP, CAR and/or RAP and RR (if remediation work is necessary) should be submitted to EPD for endorsement before commencement of construction works at these sites.

12.10.2            Operation Phase       As no significant waste implications during the operational phase are predicted, waste monitoring and audit programme for the operation phase of the Project will not be required.       As there would be no adverse impacts due to land contamination anticipated, no specific EM&A requirements would be required.