8                           CULTURAL HERITAGE

8.1                     Introduction              The archaeology assessment did not identify any areas of terrestrial or marine archaeological potential and no impacts have been predicted.  However, any antiquity or supposed antiquity discovered during the course of the excavation works will be reported to the AMO immediately.              The built heritage survey has identified 11 buildings in Cha Kwo Ling. No adverse impacts to any of the buildings have been identified during either the construction or operational phases of the project.

8.2                     Mitigation Measures

8.2.1                   Construction and Operational Phase              No impacts on any terrestrial or marine archaeological resources are anticipated as a result of the Trunk Road T2 project and, therefore, no mitigation measures are recommended.              The impact assessment has identified that no significant adverse impacts to built heritage structures will result from the construction or operation of Trunk Road T2 and no mitigation measures will be required.

8.3                     EM&A Requirements

8.3.1                   Construction and Operational Phase              In terms of terrestrial or marine archaeology, no areas of archaeological potential have been identified and no impacts are predicted.  However, as a precautionary measure, it is recommended that if any antiquity or supposed antiquity is discovered during the course of the excavation works undertaken by the Contractor, the discovery shall be reported to the AMO immediately and all necessary measures taken to preserve it.              In terms of built heritage, no mitigation measures are required for any of the identified village houses as detailed in Section 10.6 of the EIA Report.  Therefore, no EM&A is required.