(REF. 113-03)
Table of Contents
2......... Project Description
2.2 Revised
Recommended Outline Development Plan
2.3 Implementation
Programme and Phasing
2.4 Summary
of Concurrent Projects
2.5 Project
Implementation Schedule
3......... Project OrganiSation
4.4 Laboratory
Measurement / Analysis
4.9 Performance
Compliance Test
5.2 Monitoring
Parameters for Construction Noise
5.3 Monitoring
Equipment for Construction Noise
5.4 Monitoring
Locations for Construction Noise
5.5 Baseline
Monitoring for Construction Noise
5.6 Impact
Monitoring for Construction Noise
5.7 Event
and Action Plan for Construction Noise
5.8 Noise
Parameters for Operational Traffic Noise
5.9 Monitoring
Locations for Operational Traffic Noise
5.10 Monitoring
Requirement for Operational Traffic Noise
5.11 Event
and Action Plan for Traffic Noise
5.12 Commissioning
Test for Fixed Plant Noise
6......... Water Quality Impact
6.9 Laboratory
Measurement / Analysis
7......... Sewerage AND Sewage Treatment IMplications
7.2 Sewerage
and Sewage Treatment Implications during Construction Phase
7.4 Sewerage
and Sewage Treatment Implications during Operational Phase
8......... Waste Management Implications
9......... Land Contamination Impact
10.3 Monitoring
and Audit Requirement
12........ Landscape and Visual Impact.
13 Impact on
Cultural Heritage
14........ Site Environmental Audit
14.2 Compliance
with Legal and Contractual Requirements
15.2 Baseline
Monitoring Report
15.3 Monthly
Monitoring Reports
15.4 Final
EM&A Review Reports
15.6 Interim
Notifications of Environmental Quality Limit Exceedances
Appendix 2.1 Implementation
Programme and Phasing
Appendix 2.2 Project
Implementation Schedule (PIS)
3.1 Project Organisation
for Environmental Works
4.1 Sample Data Record Sheet for TSP
5.1 Sample Data Record Sheet for
Construction Noise Monitoring
6.1 Sample Data Record Sheet for Water
Quality Monitoring
15.1 Sample Template for Interim Notifications
of Environmental Quality Limits Exceedances
Figure 1.2 Location of Designated Projects
Figure 1.3 Location of Designated Projects Subject
to Environmental Permit Application
Figure 2.1 Revised Recommended Outline Development
Plan (RODP)
Figure 2.2 Development Phasing Plan
Figure 2.3 Locations of Concurrent Projects
Figure 4.1 Location of Construction Dust
Monitoring Stations
Figure 5.1 Locations of Construction Noise
Monitoring Stations (Sheet 1 of 2)
Figure 5.2 Locations of Construction Noise Monitoring
Stations (Sheet 2 of 2)
Figure 5.3 Locations of Traffic Noise Monitoring
Stations (Sheet 1 of 2)
Figure 5.4 Locations of Traffic Noise Monitoring
Stations (Sheet 2 of 2)
Figure 6.1 Water Quality Monitoring Stations
Designated Project
Reference No.
Schedule 2
Designated Project
Work Component /
Reference in Revised RODP
DP1 1
Part I, A.1
A road which is an
expressway, trunk road, primary distributor road or district distributor road
including new roads, and major extensions or improvements to existing road
Construction of new
primary distributor road (Road P1)
DP2 1
Part I, A.1
A road which is an
expressway, trunk road, primary distributor road or district distributor road
including new roads, and major extensions or improvements to existing road
Construction of
eight new distributor roads (Roads D1 to D8)
DP3 2
Part I, A.2
A railway and its
associated stations
Construction of new
West Rail Hung Shui Kiu Station (HSK Station) (Site
(Potential DP) 2
Part I, A.3
A tramway and its
associated stations
Construction of
Environmentally Friendly Transport Services (EFTS) – subject to further
DP5 1
Part I, A.8
A road or railway
bridge more than 100 m in length between abutments
Construction of slip
roads between: Road D8 Junction and existing Castle Peak Road; Junction of
D8/P1 and Junction of D7/P1; and Kong Sham Western Highway (KSWH) connection
to Road D3
DP6 1
Part I, A.9
A road fully
enclosed by decking above and by structure on the sides for more than 100 m
Construction of
partly depressed and partly decked-over roads located at Road D2, Road D4,
and Road D6
(Potential DP) 2
Part I, B.5
A container back-up
area, container storage, container handling or container packing area
(including a container vehicle parking area) more than 5 ha in size and
within 300 m of an existing or planned receiver
Construction of a
new container back-up and storage area (Sites 3-1, 3-4, 3-5, 3-13 and 3-14) –
subject to further review
DP8 2
Part I, F.1
Sewage treatment
works with an installed capacity of more than 15,000 m3 per day
of new HSK Sewage Treatment Works (STW) (Site 3-26 and part of existing San
Wai STW)
DP9 1
Part I, F.3(b)
A sewage pumping
station –
with an installed capacity of more than 2,000 m3 per day and a
boundary of which is less than 150 m from an existing or planned receiver
Construction of four
new sewage pumping stations (SPS) (Sites 2-34, 3-41, 3-48 and 4-35)
DP10 2
Part I, F.4
An activity for the
reuse of treated sewage effluent from a treatment plant
Construction of
flushing water service reservoirs (FLWSR) for reuse of reclaimed water at Tan
Kwai Tsuen and Fung Kong Tsuen (Site 3-3 and Site 5-40)
DP11 2
Part I, G.2
A refuse transfer
Construction of one
refuse transfer station (RTS) (Site 3-12)
DP12 1
Part 1, Q.1
All projects
including new access roads, railways, sewers, sewage treatment facilities,
earthworks, dredging works and other building works partly or wholly in an
existing or gazetted proposed country park or
special area, a conservation area, an existing or gazetted
proposed marine park or marine reserve, a site of cultural heritage, and a
site of special scientific interest.
Construction of Road
P1 and a slip-road from KSWH to Road D3 partly located within the
"Conservation Area” of Yuen Tau Shan
DP 1 - Construction of New Primary Distributor Road (Road P1)
DP2 - Construction of Eight New Distributor Roads (Roads D1 to D8)
· Road D1: This road provides a partly dual three and partly dual two, west to east primary connection at the northern part of the Project area linking Tin Shui Wai (TSW) with the KSWH and providing links to District Distributors that provide the secondary links to the south of the Project area. The local road from a section of Road D1 near Lau Fau Shan to serve the residential sites and commercial sites in the northern part of the Project area will be restricted to private cars access only. A section of Road D1 from KSWH to road junction of Road D4/D3/D1 will be partly depressed and partly decked-over to allow crossing of the EFTS alignment. A section of Road D1 near the roundabout with Tin Wah Road will be a bridge structure (not greater than 30 m in length between abutments) to allow the local road to/from residential sites in the northern part of the Project area in parallel with Lau Fau Shan Road to the end of Site 2-1.
· Road D2: Comprises a north-south primary route that links to Ping Ha Road and Hung Tin Road. Road D2 is planned to dual 2 standards by widening of existing Ping Ha Road to enhance the magnitude of residential development and reduce the environmental adverse noise impact that is realisable in the north east of the Project area. The link will accommodate the traffic capacity currently carried along the Tin Ying Road and Ping Ha Road and also has the capacity to service existing and proposed development. Most of the Road D2 is constructed at-grade, except a section of approximately 450 m which is a depressed road in order to improve pedestrian connectivity between the residential Sites 1-5, 1-6 and 2-31.
· Road D3: Provides a link between Road D4/D1 and Road D5. A depressed road will be constructed near the roundabout of Road D4/D1 to avoid reduction on the traffic flow efficiency to and from Road D1. A section of Road D3 will be constructed in abutment for connection from slip road from KSWH to the at-grade section of Road D3.
· Road D4: Provides a link between Road D1/D3 to Road D2 to facilitate an eastward connection to TSW New Town and Castle Peak Road via Road D4. This route will serve to alleviate the pressure on other west to east links. A section of Road D4 of approximately 300 m length will be constructed as depressed road with partial pedestrian decking-over to facilitate access, and thus increasing connectivity between Sites 2-30 and 2-32.
· Road D5: Provides a link between the services areas (e.g. Special Industry (Logistics Facility)) and connects to Road P1 in the west and Tin Ha Road in the east. The whole section of Road D5 will be at-grade with a roundabout with Road D3.
· Road D6: Connects with Road D8 along its alignment. The route will play a major role in servicing the proposed HSK Station and related development as well as the proposed commercial sites and mixed commercial/residential development. To avoid conflict to pedestrian activity in the Regional Plaza near the proposed HSK Station, half of Road R6 will be constructed in depressed road of approximate 550 m length with partial decking-over in the Regional Plaza section.
Road D7: Road D7 provides access from
Road P1 to the commercial sites at Sites 4-12, 4-13 and 4-16.
· Road D8: Road D8 provides a connection between the proposed Road P1 and Castle Peak Road. The route will provide an important west to east link whilst also providing a major means of access to the proposed HSK Station, the civic node at Site 4-31, and the commercial and residential developments located east of the proposed HSK Station. The road will be constructed at-grade with a depressed EFTS crossing under Road D8.
DP3 - Construction of New West Rail Hung Shui Kiu Station (Site 4-34)
DP4 - Construction of Environmental Friendly Transport Services –Potential DP subject to further review
DP5 - Construction of Slip Roads between: Road D8 Junction and Existing Castle Peak Road; Junction of D8/P1 and Junction of D7/P1; and KSWH Connection to Road D3
DP6 - Construction of Partly Depressed and Partly Decked-over Roads Located at Road D2, D4 and D6
DP7 - Construction of a New Container Back-up and Storage Area – Potential DP subject to further review
DP8 - Construction of New HSK Sewage Treatment Works
DP9 - Construction of Four New Sewage Pumping Stations
1.3.19 Since all these SPSs are with an installed capacity of more than 2000 m3 per day and are located within 150 m from existing and/or planned residential area or educational institution, these SPSs are classified as DPs under Item F.3, Part 1, Schedule 2 of the EIAO.
DP10 - Construction of Flushing Water Service Reservoirs for Reuse of Reclaimed Water at Tan Kwai Tsuen and Fung Kong Tsuen
1.3.20 In order to achieve a sustainable development, reclaimed water from the sewage treatment plant will be reused for flushing water serving the Project. To facilitate the reuse of reclaimed water, service reservoirs at Tan Kwai Tsuen and Fung Kong Tsuen would be constructed (Site 3-3 and Site 5-40).
DP11 - Construction of a Refuse Transfer Station
1.3.21 In the northern part of the Project area along the KSWH, Site 3-12 has been proposed for the provision of a new “RTS” to support the existing NWNT “RTS” and cope with the new population waste generation. A Community Green Station is also co-located within the site to enhance environmental education and help collect different types of recyclables in the local community, which could provide synergistic effect to achieve better operational efficiency.
DP12 - Construction of Road P1 and a Slip Road from Kong Sham Western Highway to Road D3 Partly within the “Conservation Area” of Yuen Tau Shan
· Guide the set-up of an EM&A programme to ensure compliance with the EIA recommendations;
· Specify the requirements for monitoring equipment;
· Propose environmental monitoring points, monitoring frequency etc.;
· Propose Action and Limit Levels; and
· Propose Event and Action Plans.
· Responsibilities of the Contractor, the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative (ER), Environmental Team (ET), and the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) under the context of EM&A;
· Project organisation for the EM&A works;
· The basis for, and description of the broad approach underlying the EM&A programme;
· Details of the methodologies to be adopted, including all laboratories and analytical procedures, and details on quality assurance and quality control programme;
· The rationale on which the environmental monitoring data will be evaluated and interpreted;
· Definition of Action and Limit Levels;
· Establishment of Event and Action Plans;
· Requirements for reviewing pollution sources and working procedures required in the event of non-compliance with the environmental criteria and complaints; and
· Requirements for presentation of environmental monitoring and audit data and appropriate reporting procedures.
· The provision of about 61,000 new residential units will house an estimated new population of about 176,000 persons. With the existing population and population from the planned/committed residential developments within the Project area, the overall population is projected to be around 218,000 persons upon full development.
Commercial sites for office, retail and
hotel developments around the proposed HSK Station and existing TSW Station to
reinforce their respective roles as “Regional Economic and Civic Hub” and
“District Commercial Node”, as well as two commercial sites in the northern
edge of the Project area to complement local economic activities in the Lau Fau Shan and the northern part of TSW New Town area.
· Enterprise and Technology Park for accommodating a variety of innovation and technology uses, which may include research centre, testing & certification use, data centre, modern industries and other related businesses and non-polluting industrial uses.
· Logistics Facility to facilitate accommodation of modern logistics buildings.
· Multi-storey buildings on land reserved for Port Back-Up, Storage and Workshop Uses to accomodate some of the affected brownfield operations in a land-efficient manner.
· Industrial land for general industrial uses.
· A comprehensive Open Space network, including a continuous riverside promenade and a Regional Town Park in the centre of the Project area, that would optimise existing natural, cultural and landscape resources and provide recreational and leisure spaces.
· A variety of “G/IC” facilities such as social welfare facilities, education facilities, etc. to support the existing neighbourhood and future population.
· A New HSK Sewage Treatment Works (STW) with a tertiary and secondary plus treatment process and
· Four new Sewage Pumping Stations (SPSs) with a design capacity of 27,000 m3 (SPS1), 39,500 m3 (SPS2), 11,000m3 (SPS3), and 68,000m3 (SPS4).
· A Fresh Water Service Reservoir (FWSR) and FLWSRs
· A RTS to support the existing NWNT RTS and cope with the new population waste generation.
· District Cooling System (DCS) in the vicinity of the proposed HSK Station and the existing TSW Station – subject to further review.
· Primary Distributor Road (Dual 2 / Dual 3 Standard) – Road P1.
· Eight District Distributor Roads (Dual 2 / Dual 3 Standards).
· Green Transit Corridor (GTC) comprising EFTS, pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks, which would traverse the core of residential, commercial and other land reserves within the Project area – details subject to further review.
· Comprehensive Pedestrian Walkway and Cycle Track Network to promote walking and cycling within the Project area.
Table 2.1 Major Planning Parameters of the Revised RODP
Land Use |
Residential Residential
and Commercial / Residential |
80 (18%) 80 |
Economic Commercial
(office, hotel and retail) Logistics
Facilities Port
Back Up, Storage and Workshop Uses Enterprise
and Technology Park Industrial |
105 (24%) 22 37 24 9 13 |
Public Facilities Government,
Institution or Community (other than Education) Education
and Related Uses Public
Utilities (Petrol Filling Station, Bus Depot, Regional Plaza, Station, etc.) |
86(20%) 32 28 26 |
Open Space Regional
Open Space District
Open Space Local
Open Space |
66(15%) 16 27 23 |
New Roads and Amenity New
Roads Amenity |
104(23%) 86 18 |
Total |
Others Existing
Road and River Channel Green
Belt (Preserved Knolls & Hillslopes) Retained
Existing/ Committed Development (including villages) |
70 54 149 |
Total |
714 |
Advance Works
· Site formation works for “Residential” (“R”), “G/IC”, “Commercial” (“C”) and “Industrial” (“I”) sites.
· Two new SPSs (SPS1 and SPS2) (DP9) and associated rising mains.
· Primary Distributor Road P1 under KSWH and associated interchange/junction works connecting with KSWH, Castle Peak Road and other District Distributors (DP1).
· Slip Roads between Road D8 Junction and existing Castle Peak Road; Junction of D8/P1 and Junction of D7/P1 (DP5).
· Essential utilities for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as sewerage, watermains, power supply cables and electricity substation (ESS), etc.
Stage 1
· Site formation works for the three “OU(PBU+SWU)” sites and two “R” sites.
· A section of District Distributor Road D1 (DP2) connecting the “OU(PBU+SWU)” sites to KSWH.
· Utilities laying works for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, etc. along the proposed Road P1.
Stage 2
· District Distributor Road D6, D7 and D8 (DP2 and DP6) and local roads, and associated pedestrian walkway and cycle tracks.
· District Distributor Road D1, a section of Road D3 (DP2) and local roads, and associated pedestrian walkway and cycle tracks.
· Site formation works for “R”, “C”, “G/IC” and open space sites in the southern Project area and associated section of the GTC.
· Site formation works for the remaining “OU(PBU+SWU)” sites and RTS in the northern Project area.
· Two new SPSs (SPS3 and SPS4) (DP9) and associated rising mains.
· New HSK STW Phase 1 (DP8).
· A FWSR and FLWSRs for reuse of reclaimed water (DP10) near Tan Kwai Tsuen and associated supply networks.
· DCS near proposed HSK Station (if implemented).
· Utilities for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, ESS, etc.
Stage 3
· District Distributor Road D4 and Ping Ha Road (Road D2) widening (DP2 and DP6) and local roads, and associated pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks.
· District Distributor Road D3 and D5 (DP2), and associated pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks.
· Slip roads connecting KSWH and Road D3 (DP5 and DP12).
· Site formation works for “R”, “C” and “G/IC” sites in the eastern and northern parts of the project area and associated section of GTC.
· Site formation works for “OU(Logistics Facilities)” and “OU(Enterprise and Technology Park)” sites in the western Project area and associated section of GTC.
· New HSK STW Phase 2 (DP8).
· A FLWSR for reuse of reclaimed water near Fung Kong Tsuen (DP10) and associated supply networks.
· Extension of FWSR near Fung Kong Tsuen and associated supply networks.
· Revitalisation of existing Tin Sam Channel and HSK Main Channel.
· Flood retention facilities and open spaces.
· Utilities for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, etc.
Stage 4
· Local roads serving development sites, and associated pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks.
· Site formation works for “R”, “G/IC”, “C”, open spaces and riverside promenade sites in the eastern and northern Project areas and associated section of GTC.
· Revitalisation of TSW Main Channel.
· Flood retention facilities.
· DCS near existing TSW Station (if implemented).
· Construction of EFTS (DP4) (if implemented), and associated pedestrian walkway and cycle tracks within the GTC.
· Utilities for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, etc.
· Engineering Study Review for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works at San Hing Road, Tuen Mun - Investigation (and its Additional Services)
· Engineering Study for Site Formation and Infrastructural Works at Hong Po Road – Feasibility Study
· Site Formation and Infrastructural Works for the Development near Tan Kwai Tsuen, Yuen Long – Feasibility Study
· Preliminary Land Use Study for Lam Tei Quarry and the Adjoining Areas
· Yuen Long and Kam Tin Sewerage Disposal Stage 2 and Stage 3
· Tuen Mun Western Bypass
· Proposed Development Under the Study on the Enhancement of the Lau Fau Shan Rural Township and Surrounding Areas
· Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South – Investigation
· Water Supply to Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area
· Site Formation and Infrastructural Works for the Development at Long Bin, Yuen Long, Feasibility Study
· Implement the EIA recommendations and requirements;
· Provide assistance to Environmental Team (ET) in carrying out monitoring and auditing;
· Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action and Limit Levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
· Implement measures to reduce impact where Action and Limit Levels are exceeded; and
· Adhere to the agreed procedures for carrying out compliant investigation.
· Set up all the required environmental monitoring stations;
· Monitor various environmental parameters as required in the EM&A Manual;
· Analyse the environmental monitoring and audit data, review the success of EM&A programme, confirm the adequacy of mitigation measures implemented and the validity of the EIA predictions, and to identify any adverse environmental impacts arising;
· Carry out site inspection to investigate and audit the Contractors’ site practice, equipment and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation measures, and take proactive actions to pre-empt problems;
· Audit and prepare audit reports on the environmental monitoring data and site environmental conditions;
· Report on the environmental monitoring and audit results to the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC), Contractor, the ER and EPD or its delegated representative;
· Recommend suitable mitigation measures to the Contractor in the case of exceedance of Action and Limit Levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
· Undertake regular on-site audits / inspections and report to the Contractor and the ER of any potential non-compliance;
· Follow up and close out non-compliance actions; and
· Adhere to the procedures for carrying out environmental complaint investigation.
or Engineer’s Representative
· Supervise the Contractor’s activities and ensure that the requirements in the EM&A Manual are fully complied with;
· Inform the Contractor when action is required to reduce impacts in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
· Assist the Project Proponent in employing an IEC to audit the results of the EM&A works carried out by the ET;
· Comply with the agreed Event and Action Plans in the event of any exceedance; and
· Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigations.
Environmental Checker
· Review the EM&A works performed by the ET (at not less than monthly intervals);
· Audit the monitoring activities and results (at not less than monthly intervals);
· Validate and confirm the accuracy of monitoring results, monitoring equipment, monitoring locations, monitoring procedures and location of sensitive receivers;
· Report the audit results to the ER and EPD in parallel;
· Review the EM&A reports (monthly and quarterly summary reports) submitted by the ET;
· Review the proposal on mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
· Check the mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
· Check the mitigation measures that have been recommended in the EIA and this Manual, and ensure they are properly implemented in a timely manner, when necessary; and
· Report the findings of site inspections and other environmental performance reviews to ER and EPD.
· to identify the extent of construction dust impact on sensitive receivers;
· to determine the effectiveness of mitigation measures to control fugitive dust emission from activities during the construction phase;
· to audit the compliance of the Contractor with regard to dust control, contract conditions and the relevant dust impact criteria;
· to recommend further mitigation measures if found to be necessary; and
· to comply with Action and Limit (A/L) Levels for air quality as defined in this Manual.
· 1-hour TSP limit of 500 µg m-3
· 0.6 - 1.7 m3 per minute (20 - 60 standard cubic feet per minute) adjustable flow range;
· equipped with a timing / control device with ± 5 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
· installed with elapsed-time meter with ± 2 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
· capable of providing a minimum exposed area of 406 cm2;
· flow control accuracy: ± 2.5% deviation over 24-hour sampling period;
· equipped with a shelter to protect the filter and sampler;
· incorporated with an electronic mass flow rate controller or other equivalent devices;
· equipped with a flow recorder for continuous monitoring;
· provided with a peaked roof inlet;
· incorporated with a manometer;
· able to hold and seal the filter paper to the sampler housing at horizontal position;
· easy to change the filter; and
· capable of operating continuously for 24-hour period.
· The wind sensors shall be installed on masts at an elevated level 10 m above ground so that they are clear of obstructions or turbulence caused by the buildings;
· The wind data shall be captured by a data logger. The data recorded in the data logger shall be downloaded periodically for analysis at least once a month;
· The wind data monitoring equipment shall be re-calibrated at least once every six months; and
· Wind direction should be divided into 16 sectors of 22.5 degrees each.
Table 4.1 Proposed Construction Dust Monitoring Stations
Monitoring Station ID |
Location |
Phases of the Project |
Monitoring Period(1) |
Air Sensitive Receivers |
AM1 |
A204 |
Kam Cheong Garden |
Advance Works, Stage 1 Works and Stage 2 Works |
Year 2024 - 2031 |
AM2 |
A208 |
Oaklands Court |
Year 2024 - 2031 |
AM3 |
A209 |
Ling Liang Church Primary School |
Year 2024 - 2031 |
AM4 |
A310 |
Tin Ha Road Playground |
Year 2024 - 2031 |
AM5 |
A415 |
Tin Sum Tsuen |
Stage 2 Works and Stage 3 Works |
Year 2026 - 2035 |
AM6 |
A410 |
Galore Garden |
Year 2026 - 2035 |
AM7 |
A414 |
Shek Po Tusen |
Advance Works and Stage 3 Works |
Year 2024 - 2029 Year 2031 - 2035 |
AM8 |
A813 |
Block H, Tin Shing Court |
Advance Works, Stage 2 Works, Stage 3 Works and
Stage 4 Works |
Year 2024 - 2038 |
AM9 |
A702 |
San Uk Tsuen |
Stage 3 Works |
Year 2031 - 2035 |
AM10 |
A802 |
Kiu Tau Wai |
Stage 3 Works and Stage 4 Works |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM11 |
A703 |
Sha Chau Lei Tsuen |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM12 |
A704 |
Ha Tsuen Shi |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM13 |
A708 |
Sik Kong Wai |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM14 |
A601 |
Tseung Kong Wai |
Advance Works, Stage 2 Works, Stage 3 Works and
Stage 4 Works |
Year 2026 - 2038 |
AM15 |
A1101 |
Lo Uk Tsuen |
Stage 3 Works and Stage 4 Works |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM16 |
A1103 |
Block 8, Locwood Court |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM17 |
A1106 |
Shui Lung House, Tin Shui Estate |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM18 |
A1303 |
Sha Kong Wai Tsai |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM19 |
A1305 |
Ngau Hom Tsuen |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM20 |
A1302 |
Wing Jan School |
Year 2031 - 2038 |
AM21 |
A1002 |
Fung Kong Tsuen |
Advance Works, Stage 2 Works, Stage 3 Works and
Stage 4 Works |
Year 2026 - 2038 |
Development |
AM22 |
P240 |
Planned Village Resite
at Site 4-20 |
Advance Works and Stage 2 Works |
Occupied date – Year 2031 |
AM23 |
P1032 |
Port Back-up, Storage and Workshop at
Site 3-6 |
Advance Works and Stage 2 Works |
Occupied date – Year 2031 |
AM24 |
P1501 |
Port Back-up, Storage and Workshop at Site 3-8 |
Advance Works and Stage 2 Works |
Occupied date – Year 2031 |
AM25 |
P606 |
Port Back-up, Storage and Workshop at Site 3-14 |
Stage 3 Works |
Occupied date – Year 2035 |
Note: (1) The
monitoring period is subject to the construction programme
of the relevant contracts in the Construction Stage.
at the site boundary or such locations close to
the major dust emission source;
close to the air sensitive receivers as defined
in the EIAO-TM;
proper position/sitting and orientation of the
monitoring equipment; and
take into
account the prevailing meteorological conditions.
a horizontal platform with appropriate support
to secure the samplers against gusty wind shall be provided;
two samplers shall be placed less than 2 m
the distance between the sampler and an
obstacle, such as buildings, must be at least twice the height that the
obstacle protrudes above the sampler;
a minimum of 2 m of separation from walls, parapets
and penthouses is required for rooftop samplers;
a minimum of 2 m of separation from any
supporting structure, measured horizontally is required;
no furnace or incinerator flue is nearby;
airflow around the sampler is unrestricted;
the sampler is more than 20 m from the
any wire fence and gate, to protect the
sampler, shall not cause any obstruction during monitoring;
permission must be obtained to set up the
samplers and to obtain access to the monitoring stations; and
a secured
supply of electricity is needed to operate the samplers.
Table 4.2 Summary of Construction Dust Monitoring Programme
Period |
Duration |
Parameter |
Frequency |
Baseline Monitoring |
Consecutive days of at least 2 weeks before
commencement of major construction works |
1-hour TSP |
3 times per day |
Impact Monitoring |
Throughout the construction phase |
1-hour TSP |
3 times in every 6 days
when documented and valid complaint was received |
Table 4.3 Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Dust)
Parameter |
Action Level (1) |
Limit Level |
TSP (1 hour average) |
BL <= 384 µgm-3, AL = (BL * 1.3 + LL)/2 BL > 384 µgm-3, AL = LL |
500 µgm-3 |
Note: (1) BL = Baseline level, AL = Action level,
LL = Limit level.
Table 4.4 Event and Action Plan for Air Quality (Dust)
Event |
Action |
ET |
ER |
Contractor |
Action level being exceeded by one sampling |
1. Identify
source, investigate the causes of complaint and propose remedial measures; 2. Inform
Contractor, IEC and ER; 3. Repeat
measurement to confirm finding; and 4. Increase
monitoring frequency to daily. |
1. Check
monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check
Contractor’s working method; and 3. Review
and advise the ET and ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial
measures. |
1. Notify
Contractor. |
1. Identify
source(s), investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial
measures; 2. Implement
remedial measures; and 3. Amend
working methods agreed with the ER as appropriate. |
Action level being exceeded by two or more
consecutive sampling |
1. Identify
source; 2. Inform
Contractor, IEC and ER; 3. Advise
the Contractor and ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; 4. Repeat
measurements to confirm findings; 5. Increase
monitoring frequency to daily; 6. Discuss
with IEC and Contractor on remedial actions required; 7. If
exceedance continues, arrange meeting with Contractor, IEC and ER; and 8. If
exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. |
1. Check
monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check
Contractor’s working method; 3. Discuss
with ET, ER and Contractor on possible remedial measures; 4. Advise
the ET and ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; and 5. Supervise
Implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm
receipt of notification of exceedance in writing; 2. Notify
Contractor; 3. Ensure
remedial measures properly implemented by the Contractor; and 4. If
exceedance continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and
instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of work until the exceedance is
abated. |
1. Identify
source and investigate the causes of exceedance; 2. Submit
proposals for remedial measures to the ER with a copy to ET and IEC within
three working days of notification; 3. Implement
the agreed proposals; and 4. Amend
proposal as appropriate. |
Limit level being exceeded by one sampling |
1. Identify
source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures; 2. Inform
Contractor, IEC, ER, and EPD; 3. Repeat
measurement to confirm finding; 4. Increase
monitoring frequency to daily; and 5. Assess
effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER
informed of the results. |
1. Check
monitoring data submitted by ET; 2. Check
Contractor’s working method; 3. Discuss
with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures; 4. Advise
the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; and 5. Supervise
implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm
receipt of notification of exceedance in writing; 2. Notify
Contractor; 3. Ensure
remedial measures properly implemented. |
1. Identify
source(s) and investigate the causes of exceedance; 2. Take
immediate action to avoid further exceedance; 3. Submit
proposals for remedial measures to ER with a copy to ET and IEC within three
working days of notification; 4. Implement
the agreed proposals; and 5. Amend
proposal if appropriate. |
Limit level being exceeded by two or more
consecutive sampling |
1. Notify
IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD; 2. Identify
source; 3. Repeat
measurement to confirm findings; 4. Increase
monitoring frequency to daily; 5. Carry
out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures to determine possible
mitigation to be implemented; 6. Arrange
meeting with IEC and ER to discuss the remedial actions to be taken; 7. Assess
effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER
informed of the results; and 8. If
exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. |
1. Check
monitoring data submitted by the ET; 2. Discuss
amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial actions; 3. Review
Contractor’s remedial actions whenever necessary to assure their effectiveness
and advise the ER accordingly; and 4. Supervise
the implementation of remedial measures. |
1. Confirm
receipt of notification of exceedance in writing; 2. In
consultation with the ET and IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial
measures to be implemented; 3. Supervise
the implementation of remedial measures; and 4. If
exceedance continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and
instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of work until the exceedance is
abated. |
1. Identify
source(s) and investigate the causes of exceedance; 2. Take
immediate action to avoid further exceedance; 3. Submit
proposals for remedial measures to the ER with a copy to the IEC and ET
within three working days of notification; 4. Implement
the agreed proposals; 5. Revise
and resubmit proposals if problem still not under control; and 6. Stop
the relevant portion of works as determined by the ER until the exceedance is
abated. |
· Watering once time per hour on active works areas and exposed areas so as to achieve a dust removal efficiency of 91.7%.
· When there are open excavation and spoil handling works, hoarding of 3 m high should be provided along the construction site boundary adjacent to the non-construction areas such as residential, educational institutes or recreation area in use so as to minimise the dust impact.
· Use of frequent watering for particularly dusty construction areas and areas close to ASRs.
· Side enclosure and covering of any aggregate or dusty material storage piles to reduce emissions. Where this is not practicable owing to frequent usage, watering shall be applied to aggregate fines.
· Open stockpiles shall be avoided or covered. Where possible, prevent placing dusty material storage piles near ASRs.
· Tarpaulin covering of all dusty vehicle loads transported to, from and between site locations.
· Establishment and use of vehicle wheel and body washing facilities at the exit points of the site.
· Provision of wind shield and dust extraction units or similar dust mitigation measures at the loading area, and use of water sprinklers at the loading area where dust generation is likely during the loading process of loose material, particularly in dry seasons/ periods.
· Provision of not less than 2.4 m high hoarding from ground level along site boundary where adjoins roads, streets or other accessible to the public except for a site entrance or exit. Good site practice shall also be adopted by the Contractor to ensure the conditions of the hoardings are properly maintained throughout the construction period.
· Imposition of speed controls for vehicles on site haul roads.
· Where possible, routing of vehicles and positioning of construction plant should be at the maximum possible distance from ASRs.
· Every stock of more than 20 bags of cement or dry pulverised fuel ash (PFA) should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting or placed in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides.
Table 5.1 Proposed Noise Monitoring Stations during Construction Phase
Monitoring Station ID |
Location |
Impact Monitoring Period (1) |
CM1 |
ETCW02 |
No. 739, Oaklands Court |
Q2 2023 – Q3 2031 |
CM2 |
ESFW01 |
No. 332, Chung Uk Tsuen |
Q2 2024 – Q3 2031 |
CM3 |
ESFW02 |
Village house, Nai Wai |
Q2 2023 – Q3 2031 |
CM4 |
ECUT01 |
No. 16, Chung Uk Tsuen |
Q2 2024 – Q3 2031 |
CM5 |
ELFS02 |
No. 3H, San Hing Tsuen |
Q1 2031 – Q4 2035 |
CM6 |
ELFS03 |
No. 310, Sha Kong Wai |
Q1 2031 – Q2 2037 |
CM7 |
ELFS04 |
Wing Jan School/Wing Jan Lutheran Church |
Q1 2031 – Q2 2032 |
CM8 |
ETSW05 |
Shui Fung House, Tin Shui Estate |
Q1 2031 – Q4 2038 |
CM9 |
ETSW08 |
VTC Youth College (Tin Shui
Wai) |
Q1 2031 – Q4 3028 |
CM10 |
ETSW11 |
YLPMSAA Tang Siu Tong Secondary School |
Q4 2031 – Q3 2037 |
CM11 |
E53902 |
No. 125, Lee Fong Yuen |
Q2 2024 – Q3 2031 |
CM12 |
ETST05b |
No. 143, Tin Sum, (West Façade) |
Q1 2026 – Q3 2031 |
CM13 |
No. 46A, San Lee Uk
Tsuen |
Q1 2019 – Q3 2028 |
CM14 |
No. 62, San Lee Uk
Tsuen |
Q1 2019 – Q3 2035 |
CM15 |
No. 254, San Lee Uk
Tsuen |
Q1 2019 – Q3 2035 |
CM16 |
E52505 |
Hung Yan House, Hung Fuk
Estate |
Q1 2019 – Q4 2029 |
CM17 |
EHUT04 |
No. 85A, Kiu Tau Wai |
Q1 2032 – Q4 2033 |
CM18 |
ESPT06 |
No. 201, Shek Po Tsuen |
Q1 2032 – Q3 2035 |
CM19 |
ESST07 |
No, 60, San Sang Tsuen |
Q3 3027 – Q3 2035 |
CM20 |
ESCL03 |
No. 45, Sha Chau Lei Tsuen |
Q2 2031 – Q3 2035 |
CM21 |
EHTS01 |
No. 1B, San Uk Tsuen |
Q1 2031 – Q3 2035 |
CM22 |
ELUT01 |
Block 11, Yan Wu Garden |
Q1 2031 – Q1 2034 |
CM23 |
ESKT02 |
No. 151, Sik Kong Wai |
Q4 2031 – Q3 2033 |
CM24 |
ETKW01 |
No.108C, Tseung Kong Wai |
Q3 2028 – Q3 2035 |
CM25 |
ETTT01 |
Block A Luxor Garden, Tung Tau Tsuen |
Q1 2031 – Q4 2038 |
CM26 |
EFKT01 |
No.61, Fung Kong Tsuen |
Q3 2022 – Q2 2034 |
CM27 |
40305 |
Planned Residential Development in Site 4-3 |
Q2 2033 – Q3 2034 |
CM28 |
42001 |
Planned Residential Development in Site 4-20 |
Q1 2026 – Q3 2031 |
CM29 |
42251 |
Planned Residential Development in Site 4-22 |
Q2 2024 – Q3 2031 |
CM30 |
21801 |
Planned Residential Development in Site 2-18 |
Q1 2031 – Q4 2036 |
CM31 |
52408 |
Planned Residential Development in Site 5-24 |
Q2 2024 – Q3 2035 |
CM32 |
52151 |
Planned School in Site 5-21 |
Q1 2031 – Q4 2035 |
Note: (1) The
monitoring period is subject to the construction programme
of the relevant contracts in the Construction Stage.
at locations close to the major site activities
which are likely to have noise impacts;
close to the NSRs; and
for monitoring
locations located in the vicinity of the sensitive receivers, care shall be
taken to cause minimal disturbance to the occupants during monitoring.
Table 5.2 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise
Time Period |
Action Level |
Limit Level |
0700 – 1900 hours |
When one documented complaint is
received |
75 dB(A)* |
works are to be carried out during restricted hours, the conditions stipulated
in the Construction Noise Permit (CNP) issued by the Noise Control Authority
have to be followed.
* 70 dB(A) and 65 dB(A) for schools during normal teaching
periods and school examination periods, respectively.
Table 5.3 Event and Action Plan for Construction Noise
Event |
Action |
ET |
ER |
Contractor |
Action Level |
Notify IEC and Contractor; 2.
Carry out investigation; 3.
Report the results of investigation to the IEC,
ER and Contractor; 4.
Discuss with the Contractor and formulate
remedial measures; and 5.
Increase monitoring frequency to check mitigation
effectiveness. |
Review the analysed
results submitted by the ET; 2.
Review the proposed remedial measures by the
Contractor and advise the ER accordingly; and 3.
Supervise the implementation of remedial
measures. |
Confirm receipt of notification of failure in
writing; 2.
Notify Contractor; 3.
Require Contractor to propose remedial measures
for the analysed noise problem; and 4.
Ensure remedial measures are properly
implemented. |
Submit noise mitigation proposals to IEC; and 2.
Implement noise mitigation proposals. |
Level |
Identify source; 2.
Inform IEC, ER, EPD and Contractor; 3.
Repeat measurements to confirm findings; 4.
Increase monitoring frequency; 5.
Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working
procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented; 6.
Inform IEC, ER and EPD the causes and actions taken for the
exceedances; 7.
Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial
actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results; and 8.
If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. |
Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the
potential remedial actions; 2.
Review Contractors remedial actions whenever
necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly; and 3.
Supervise the implementation of remedial
measures. |
Confirm receipt of
notification of failure in writing; 2.
Notify Contractor; 3.
Require Contractor to
propose remedial measures for the analysed noise
problem; 4.
Ensure remedial
measures properly implemented; and 5.
If exceedance
continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and instruct the
Contractor to stop that portion of work until the exceedance is abated. |
Take immediate action to avoid further
exceedance; 2.
Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3
working days of notification; 3.
Implement the agreed proposals; 4.
Resubmit proposals if problem still not under
control; and 5.
Stop the relevant portion of works as determined
by the ER until the exceedance is abated. |
Table 5.4 Traffic Noise Monitoring Locations
Monitoring Station ID |
Location |
Noise Barrier Location |
OM1 |
E2-OC_R01 |
Sha Kong Wai |
VB2, Tin Wah Road / Lau Fau
Shan Road |
OM2 |
E2-IA_R01 |
Fung Kong Tsuen |
VB5, Proposed Road D1 |
OM3 |
E1-IA_R01 |
Tseung Kong Wai |
VB7, VB8 & VB9, Proposed Road D3 |
OM4 |
E1-IF_R02 |
Ha Tsuen Shi |
VB26, Proposed Road L1 |
OM5 |
E1-OB_21 |
Lions Clubs International Ho Tak
Sum Primary School |
VB21 & VB24, Proposed Road D2/ Ping Ha Road |
OM6 |
E4-OA_R01 |
Tsing Cheun Wai |
VB39 & VB40, Proposed Road P1 |
locations close to the major site activities which are likely to have noise
Close to
the NSRs; and
monitoring locations located in the vicinity of the sensitive receivers, care
should be taken to cause minimal disturbance to the occupants during
One set of
measurements at the morning traffic peak hour on normal weekdays;
One set of
measurements at the evening traffic peak hour on normal weekdays;
concurrent census of traffic flow and percentage heavy vehicle shall be
conducted for the Project roads and the existing road network in the vicinity
of each measuring point;
vehicle speed estimated for Project road and the existing road network in the
vicinity of each measuring points; and
The two
sets of monitoring data should be obtained within the first year of operation.